
dicionario analógico

political (en) - Exército Republicano Irlandês, IRA - Ku Klux Klan - Tammany, Tammany Hall, Tammany Society (en) - British Commonwealth, Commonwealth of Nations (en) - national party, party, political party (en) - Anti-Masonic Party (en) - Communist Party (en) - Conservative Party (en) - Democratic Party (en) - Democratic-Republican Party (en) - British Labour Party, Labor, Labour, Labour Party (en) - partido liberal - Militant Tendency (en) - National Socialist German Workers' Party, Nazi Party (en) - People's Party, Populist Party (en) - Bull Moose Party, Progressive Party (en) - GOP, Republican Party (en) - Social Democratic Party (en) - Socialist Party (en) - machine, political machine (en) - народный фронт - СНГ, Содружество Независимых ГосударствCEI - United Nations Secretariat (en) - TC, Trusteeship Council (en) - Economic and Social Council, ECOSOC (en) - Commission on Human Rights (en) - Tribunal de Justiça Internacional - UNICEF - FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (en) - GATT, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (en) - МАГАТЭ - IBRD, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, World Bank (en) - ICAO, International Civil Aviation Organization (en) - IDA, International Development Association, Investment Dealers Association of Canada (en) - IFC, International Finance Corporation (en) - ILO, International Labor Organization, International Labour Organization (en) - IMO, International Maritime Organization (en) - I.M.F., IMF, International Monetary Fund (en) - UNESCO - WHO, World Health Organization (en) - WMO, World Meteorological Organization (en) - конфедерацияconfederação - union (en) - таможенный союз - Benelux - синдикализмsindicalismo - Star Chamber (en) - House of Lords, Supreme Court, Supreme Court of the United States, United States Supreme Court (en) - бюро, ведомство, министерство, управлениеagência, escritório - resistance, underground (en) - International (en) - United States Cabinet, US Cabinet (en) - missão diplomática - движениеmovimento - Jacobite (en) - правыйdireitista[Domaine]
