
dicionario analógico

mynt, peningurcoin, piece - peningaseðillbank bill, banker's bill, banknote, bank note, bill, Federal Reserve note, government note, greenback, note - afreiðslukassicash account, cashbox, cash register, moneybox, register, store safe - coin collecting, coin collection, numismatics, numismatology - money laundering - gjaldeyrisviðskiptiexchange, interchange - conversion - fjármálavísindi/stjórnfinance - gross - leggja á/innheimta skatta, skrá í herimpose, levy - peninga-monetary, pecuniary - penny bank, piggy bank - kostnaður, verðcash value, cost, monetary value, money value, price - average cost - differential cost, incremental cost, marginal cost - lúxus, munaðurlavishness, luxury, sumptuosity, sumptuousness - pricing - einkunngrade, mark, score - nánös, nirfillmiser - gróði, hagnaður, hagurgain - tekjurincome - gross, receipts, revenue - hagnaðurearnings, lucre, net, net income, net profit, profit, profits - ágóðiissue, payoff, proceeds, receipts, return, take, takings, yield - gross profit, gross profit margin, margin - debit, gross revenue, gross sales, sales - per capita income - budget items, business expenses, cost of operation, operating cost, operating costs, operating expense, operating expenses, operational costs, overhead, running costs, working expenses - hluti, hlutur, partur, skerfurpart, percentage, portion, share, slice - appropriation - economic rent, rent - rate of taxation, revenue tariff, tax rate - capital gain - loss, red, red ink - upphæðamount, amount of money, sum, sum of money, total amount - figure - money supply - M1 - M2 - M3 - sjóðurfund, monetary fund - sparifénest egg, savings - bÿsnfund, stock, store - backlog, reserve, stockpile - food bank - gjaldmiðilskerficoinage, medium of exchange, monetary system - legal tender, stamp, tender - fyrirframgreiðslaadvance, cash advance - fé, peningarmoney - gjaldmiðillcurrency, currency unit, monetary unit, unit of currency - reiðufécash, hard cash, hard currency - folding money, paper currency, paper money - chickenfeed, chump change, small change - bezant, bezzant, byzant, solidus - ducat - fourpence, groat - doubloon - louis d'or - arðurdividend - budget - disinflation - inflation, rising prices - reflation - stagflation[Domaine]
