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mechanics, mechanism - cambota — crankshaft - barreira de som, barreira do som — sonic barrier, sound barrier - delete, erase - pump - attest - marcar, mostrar, registar — read, record, register, show - show - gravar — record, tape, tape-record - funcionar, trabalhar — run - play - actuator - afterburner - ar-condicionado, ar condicionado aparelho de, condicionador de ar — air conditioner, air-conditioner, air conditioning - bomba a vácuo — air pump, inflater, inflator, vacuum pump - andróide — android, humanoid, mechanical man - transmissão automática — automatic drive, automatic transmission - eixo — axis, axis of rotation - esfera, rolamento de esfera — ball bearing, ball-bearings, needle bearing, roller bearing - fole — bellows, blower - pá — blade, vane - bobina, carretel, carro de linhas, rolo — bobbin, inductor, reel, roll, spindle, spool - foguete impulsionador — booster, booster rocket, booster unit, takeoff booster, takeoff rocket - bumper - eixo de cames — camshaft - carburador — carbureter, carburetor, carburettor, FBC, feed back carburetor - rodada — circle, round - mecanismo — clockwork - controlador — comptroller, control, controller - cooling tower - cruise control - britador, esmagadeira, esmagador, polícia, policial, triturador — crusher, kibbler - cryostat - cylinder head - mostrador — dial - motor a diesel, motor a gasóleo — diesel, diesel engine, diesel motor - dildo - driveshaft - bloco de motor — block, cylinder block, engine block - escapo — escapement - exaustor/descarga — exhaust, exhaust pipe, exhaust system - torneira — faucet, spigot, tap - roda-gigante — big wheel, Ferris wheel - firing pin - ave ou animal que voa, aviador, cambalhota, comboio expresso, pêndulo — flywheel - Francis turbine - turbina a gás — gas turbine - caixa de mudança, caixa de velocidades — gearbox, gear box, gear case - embreagem, engate, engrenagem, transmissão — gear, gearing, gear pair, gears, geartrain, gear-wheels, power train, train - gerador — generator - giroscópio — gyro, gyroscope - heat engine - bomba hidráulica — hydraulic pump, hydraulic ram - ignição — ignition, ignition system - inclined plane - gelado, gelo, sorvete — ICE, internal-combustion engine - motor a jato — jet engine - kick start, kick starter - driven axle, driving axle, live axle, motorized axle, powered axle - máquina — machine, simple machine - magneto — magneto, magnetoelectric machine - mola, mola principal — box spring, coil, mainspring - motor — engine, motor - noria - bomba de óleo — oil pump - de popa, motor de popa — outboard, outboard motor - pantógrafo — current collector, pantograph, pantographic aid, pantographic apparatus, pantographic arm, pantoscopic arm - pistão — piston, plunger - anel de segmento — piston ring - boneca, pessoa baixa, pessoa pequena — poppet, poppet valve - hélice — helix, propeller, propellor, screw, screw propeller - rack and pinion, U rail - radial engine, rotary engine - atherodyde, athodyd, flying drainpipe, ramjet, ramjet engine - incline, ramp - reciprocating engine - regulador — regulator - à distância controle, controle remoto — remote, remote control - retrofoguete — retrorocket - foguetão, foguete — rocket, rocket engine - eixo rotativo — rotating shaft, shaft - válvula de segurança — escape, escape cock, escape valve, relief valve, safety valve - screw, screw propeller - selector, selector switch - closed-loop control system, feedback control system, servo, servo control system, servomechanism, servo mechanism, servo-mechanism, servosystem, slave system - amortecedor — cushion, shock, shock absorber - vela, vela de ignição — plug, sparking plug, spark plug - raio — radius, spoke, wheel spoke - stator, stator coil - máquina a vapor — steam engine - torneira, torneira de passagem, válvula — cock, faucet, stopcock, turncock - antitorque rotor, anti-torque rotor, auxiliary rotor, tail rotor, vertical tail rotor - botão liga-desliga — on/off switch, on-off switch, toggle, toggle switch - transmission, transmission system - turbina — turbine - turbojato — fanjet, fan-jet, fanjet engine, turbofan, turbofan engine, turbojet, turbojet engine - valve - epitrochoidal engine, Wankel engine, Wankel rotary engine - bomba de água — water pump - ventoinha — vane, weathervane, weather vane, weather-vane, wind vane - wedge - roda — wheel - wheel - key, winder - limpador, limpa pára-brisas — windscreen wiper, windshield wiper, wiper, wiper blade - mechanical engineering - fricção — friction, rubbing - resistência — resistance, resistor - ignition - defeito, deficiência, falha, limitação — defect, fault, flaw, shortcoming - rotação — rev, revolutions per minute, rpm[Domaine]