
dicionario analógico

satanSatanás - conversion, rebirth, spiritual rebirth (en) - krstiť, pokrstiťbaptizar, batizar - monge - fráterirmão - vyhlásenie za svätéhocanonização - šamanpagé, xamã - Kama (en) - mysticky, záhadne - die (en) - púťperegrinação - disembodied spirit, spirit (en) - Litany (en) - Book of Genesis, Genesis (en) - pecado original - smrteľný hriechpecado mortal - envy, invidia (en) - anger, ira, ire, wrath (en) - prejedanie - Indra (en) - Luther, Martin Luther (en) - John Wesley, Wesley (en) - vysvätiťconsagrar - ancestor worship (en) - obradrito - agrypnia (en) - Berit, Berith, Bris, Briss, Brith (en) - liturgia - Christian liturgy (en) - sviatosťsacramento - Eucaristia - Offertory (en) - baptism (en) - krstbaptismo, batismo - anointing of the sick, extreme unction, last rites (en) - holy orders (en) - obeť, oferaoblação, oferenda feita a deus, oferta - vyháňaťexorcizar - ortodoxnýortodoxo - iconoclastic (en) - zbožnýdevoto, piedoso, religioso - caducado - beato - Blessed (en) - offer, offer up (en) - arquiepiscopal - Eucharistic (en) - episcopal - veľkonočnýpascal, relativo à páscoa - cirkevnýeclesiástico - rímskokatolíkcatólico - rabínskyrabínico - expiatório - Episcopal, Episcopalian (en) - predmanželskýpré-matrimonial - mamona - ruženecrosário - stations of the Cross (en) - Babel, Tower of Babel (en) - zbožnosťdevoção, piedade - pobožnosťdevoção, religiosidade - nábožnosťbeatice, sentimento de piedade - zbožnosťsantidade - godlessness, irreligion, irreligiousness (en) - lotus position (en) - asana (en) - Four Horsemen (en) - nebocéu, Paraíso - Paradise (en) - Valhalla, Walhalla (en) - peklo, zatrateniecastigo eterno, inferno - forbidden fruit (en) - hadj, hajj - vierareligião - poverasuperstição - theosophy (en) - zariekanieexorcismo - čierna mágiamagia negra - teurgia - bosoráctvo, čarodejníctvo, čary, kúzla, mágiabruxaria, feitiçaria - diabolstvo, satanizmusdemonismo - Gnosticism (en) - teísmo - jednobožstvo, monoteizmusmonoteísmo - mnohobožstvo, panteizmus, polyteizmuspanteísmo, politeísmo - pohanstvopaganismo - obicinta de seda - Adventism, Second Adventism (en) - katolicizmus, rímskokatolícka cirkevCatolicismo - catolicismo - protestanstvoprotestantismo - anglicanismo - Anglo-Catholicism, High Anglicanism (en) - Arminianism (en) - calvinismo - Lutheranism (en) - Unitarianism (en) - evangelicalism, evangelism (en) - fundamentalismo - metodismo - Mormonism (en) - pentecostalism (en) - Presbyterianism (en) - Hinayana, Hinayana Buddhism (en) - Lamaism, Tibetan Buddhism (en) - Tantra, Tantrism (en) - ZoroastrizmusZoroastrismo - religious text, religious writing, sacred text, sacred writing (en) - Avesta, Zend-Avesta (en) - biblia, Písmo svätéBíblia, Sagrada Escritura - Book of Exodus, Exodus (en) - Book of Leviticus, Leviticus (en) - Book of Numbers, Numbers (en) - Book of Deuteronomy, Deuteronomy (en) - Book of Joshua, Joshua, Josue (en) - Book of Judges, Judges (en) - Book of Ruth, Ruth (en) - Book of Esther, Esther (en) - Book of Job, Job (en) - Book of Jeremiah, Jeremiah (en) - Book of Jonah, Jonah (en) - Gospel According to Luke, Gospel of Luke, Luke (en) - Acts, Acts of the Apostles (en) - Apocalypse, Book of Revelation, Revelation, Revelation of Saint John the Divine (en) - Vulgate (en) - Nový zákon, Starý zákonVelho/Novo Testamento - Testament (en) - Nový zákonNovo Testamento - evangel, Gospel, Gospels (en) - Book of Mormon (en) - ângelus - Ave Maria, Hail Mary (en) - Canticle of Simeon, Nunc dimittis (en) - Kol Nidre (en) - Book of Common Prayer (en) - Lord's Prayer (en) - apócrifo - Talmud (en) - Upanishad (en) - Psalm (en) - aleluia - článok viery, dogmadogma - encarnação - Nicene Creed (en) - lingam (en) - amuleto, farisaísmo, talismã - desatoroDez Mandamentos - modlitbaoração - modlitba pri jedle, modlitba vďaky za jedloacção de graças - kerugma, kerygma (en) - Sermon on the Mount (en) - homília, kázeň, litániehomilia, sermão - karma, osudcarma, destino - destino - ukrižovaniecrucificação - Fall of Man (en) - angelus, angelus bell (en) - pohreb, pohrebnýenterro, funeral - pohrebfuneral - sobáš, svadbacasamento, matrimônio, núpcias - Fall (en) - Trimurti (en) - náboženstvoreligião - cristandade - Church of Rome, Roman Catholic, Roman Catholic Church, Roman Church, Western Church (en) - Old Catholic Church (en) - Eastern Church, Eastern Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox Church, Orthodox Catholic Church, Orthodox Church (en) - Russian Orthodox Church (en) - Anglican Church, Anglican Communion, Church of England, C of E (en) - Church of Ireland (en) - High Anglican Church, High Church (en) - Congregational Church (en) - Testemunhas de Jeová - Hare Krishna, International Society for Krishna Consciousness, ISKCON (en) - Jesuit order, Society of Jesus (en) - rád, sektaordem - Quakers, Religious Society of Friends, Society of Friends (en) - Assemblies of God (en) - obeccomunidade - shudra, sudra (en) - foreign mission, mission, missionary post, missionary station (en) - chosen people (en) - Magi, Wise Men (en) - cintoríncemitério, necrópole - Sodom (en) - etikacostumes, ética, moralidade, princípios, usos - sense of duty, sense of shame (en) - Christ Within, Inner Light, Light, Light Within (en) - Mammon (en) - osuddestino - bohyňa, božstvo, -yňadeus, deusa, divindade - Amaethon (en) - Aengus, Angus, Angus Og, Oengus (en) - Arawn (en) - Arianrhod, Arianrod (en) - Boann (en) - Dana, Danu (en) - Epona (en) - Gwydion (en) - Ler, Lir (en) - Lug, Lugh (en) - Manawydan, Manawyddan (en) - Amen, Amon, Amun (en) - Anúbis - Bast (en) - Geb, Keb (en) - Hórus - Ísis - Nephthys (en) - Nut (en) - Osíris - Ptah (en) - Set, Seth (en) - Thoth (en) - Adad (en) - Anshar (en) - Anu (en) - Anunnaki, Enuki (en) - Astarte (en) - Ishtar, Mylitta (en) - Baal (en) - Bel (en) - Dagon (en) - Enki (en) - Enlil, En-lil (en) - Ereshkigal, Eresh-kigal, Ereshkigel (en) - Gula (en) - Ki (en) - Lilith (en) - Mama (en) - Baal Merodach, Bel-Merodach, Marduk, Merodach (en) - Nabu, Nebo (en) - Namtar, Namtaru (en) - Nergal (en) - Nina (en) - Ningal (en) - Ningishzida (en) - Ninhursag, Ninkharsag, Ninkhursag (en) - Ninib, Ninurta (en) - Nusku (en) - Shamash (en) - Sin (en) - Tiamat (en) - Aditi (en) - Aditya (en) - Agni (en) - Asura (en) - Devi (en) - Dharma (en) - Durga (en) - Ganesa - Garuda (en) - Hanuman (en) - Ka (en) - Kali - Mara (en) - Lakshmi (en) - Anapurna, Annapurna, Parvati (en) - Rahu (en) - Rudra (en) - Sakti, Shakti (en) - Shiva, Siva (en) - Surya (en) - Vajra (en) - Varuna (en) - Vayu (en) - Vishnu (en) - Yama (en) - Jagannath, Jagannatha, Jagganath, Juggernaut (en) - Kalki (en) - Krishna (en) - Rama (en) - Balarama (en) - Parashurama (en) - Mithra, Mithras (en) - Ahura Mazda, Ormazd, Ormuzd (en) - BudhaBuda - Boddhisatva, Bodhisattva (en) - Maitreya (en) - Amaterasu, Amaterasu Omikami (en) - Hachiman (en) - Izanagi (en) - Izanami (en) - Kami (en) - Deusa - bohdeus - Almighty, Creator, Divine, God Almighty, Godhead, Jehovah, Lord, Maker (en) - tríade, trindade - Father, Father-God, Fatherhood (en) - Logos, Son, Word (en) - Espírito Santo - JehovaJeová - Alah - demiurgo - serafínserafim - džin, géniusespírito, gênio - strašidloaparição, poltergeist - Vanir (en) - Balder, Baldr (en) - Brage, Bragi (en) - Forseti (en) - Frey, Freyr (en) - Freya, Freyja (en) - Frigg, Frigga (en) - Hel, Hela (en) - Hoder, Hodr, Hodur, Hoth, Hothr (en) - Loki (en) - Norn (en) - Verdandi, Verthandi (en) - Odin (en) - Sif (en) - Sigyn (en) - Ull, Ullr (en) - Vali (en) - Vidar, Vithar, Vitharr (en) - Hertha, Nerthus (en) - Weird, Wyrd (en) - Eve (en) - Cybele, Dindymene, Great Mother, Magna Mater, Mater Turrita (en) - Anabaptist (en) - Mennonite (en) - Amish (en) - gentile, goy, non-Jew (en) - quacre, quaqueiro - Hebrej, Hebrejka, žid, židovkahebraica, hebraico, hebreia, hebreu, judeu, judia - Jewess (en) - moslim, moslimskýmuçulmano - Moor (en) - predstavená kláštora - abatiša, opátabade, abadessa - družica, klerik s nizším svätením, miništrant, pomocník, prívrženec, sprievodca, začiatočníkacólito, ajudante, assistente, coroinha, cúmplice, ministrante - archdeacon (en) - arcibiskuparcebispo - prelátprelado - vojenský kňazcapelão - duchovnýclérigo - kňazeclesiástico - duchovný, farár, kňaz, otec, pastor, páter, páterko, vikárcapelão, clérigo, cura, padre, pároco, pastor, reitor, vigário - Dalai Lama, Grand Lama (en) - dervišdervis, dervixe - Doctor, Doctor of the Church (en) - druida - evanjelista, misionárevangelista - faquir - Father, Padre (en) - flamen (en) - mecenáška, ochrankyňa, patrónkamadrinha - krstná matka, krstný otec, krstný rodičpadrinho - -ka, pohanpagão - imam, imaum (en) - Kshatriya (en) - kňaz v tibetelama - Lot (en) - vojenský kňazcapelão - muezínalmoadem, almuadem, almuédão, muezim - Mollah, Mulla, Mullah (en) - numen (en) - Panchen Lama (en) - farníkparoquiano - Parsee, Parsi (en) - Pharisee (en) - najlepší žiak v triede - proselyte (en) - Quetzalcoatl (en) - rabínrabino - pustovníkanacoreta, eremita - Riff, Riffian (en) - saddhu, sadhu (en) - anjelanjo - Shudra, Sudra (en) - Simeon (en) - duch, duchovnýespírito - televangelista - teológteóloga, teólogo - Wandering Jew (en) - AbrahámAbraão - Andrew, Saint Andrew, Saint Andrew the Apostle, St. Andrew (en) - anticristo - Aquinas, Saint Thomas, Saint Thomas Aquinas, St. Thomas, St. Thomas Aquinas, Thomas Aquinas (en) - Augustine, Augustine of Hippo, Saint Augustine, St. Augustine (en) - Calvin, Jean Caulvin, Jean Cauvin, Jean Chauvin, John Calvin (en) - Eddy, Mary Baker Eddy, Mary Morse Baker Eddy (en) - Elijah (en) - Esaú - Fox, George Fox (en) - Francis of Assisi, Giovanni di Bernardone, Saint Francis, Saint Francis of Assisi, St. Francis, St. Francis of Assisi (en) - Isaac (en) - Cornelis Jansen, Cornelius Jansenius, Jansen (en) - Kristus, vykupiteľCristo, Jesus, Jesus Cristo, Messias, redemptor - John, John the Divine, John the Evangelist, Saint John, Saint John the Apostle, St. John, St. John the Apostle (en) - Ján Krstiteľ - Judas, Judas Iscariot (en) - Levi, Matthew, Saint Matthew, Saint Matthew the Apostle, St. Matthew, St. Matthew the Apostle (en) - Noé - Apostle of the Gentiles, Apostle Paul, Paul, Paul the Apostle, Saint Paul, Saul, Saul of Tarsus, St. Paul (en) - Peter, Saint Peter, Saint Peter the Apostle, Simon Peter, St. Peter, St. Peter the Apostle (en) - Bishop Ulfila, Bishop Ulfilas, Bishop Wulfila, Ulfila, Ulfilas, Wulfila (en) - Zarathustra, Zoroaster (en) - metempsicose - ofera, zbierkamontante de esmolas, ofertório - hearth money, Peter's pence (en) - nirvana - onisciência - všemohúcosťomnipotência - illumination, light (en) - Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana, Rosh Hashanah, Rosh Hashona, Rosh Hashonah (en) - Rosh Chodesh, Rosh Hodesh (en) - Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur (en) - Annunciation, Annunciation Day, Lady Day, March 25 (en) - Michaelmas, Michaelmas Day, September 29 (en) - Veľká nocpáscoa - August 1, Lammas, Lammas Day (en) - domingo de ramos - Veľký piatoksexta-feira santa - Holy Saturday (en) - Septuagesima, Septuagesima Sunday (en) - Trinity Sunday (en) - Zelený štvrtokquinta-feira santa - June 29, Saints Peter and Paul (en) - Assumption, Assumption of Mary, August 15 (en) - Epiphany, Epiphany of Our Lord, January 6, Three Kings' Day, Twelfth day (en) - March 19, Saint Joseph, St Joseph (en) - Twelfth night (en) - Allhallows, All Saints' Day, All Saints Day, Hallowmas, Hallowmass, November 1 (en) - December 8, Immaculate Conception (en) - All Souls' Day, November 2 (en) - Popolcová streda - Feast of the Unleavened Bread, Passover, Pesach, Pesah (en) - época de Natal, festas de fim de ano - druhý vianočný sviatokdia 26 de Dezembro, dia de Santo Estevão - Purim (en) - Feast of Weeks, Pentecost, Shabuoth, Shavous, Shavuot, Shavuoth (en) - Rejoicing in the Law, Rejoicing of the Law, Rejoicing over the Law, Shimchath Torah, Simchas Torah, Simchat Torah, Simhath Torah, Simhat Torah (en) - Fast of Ab, Fast of Av, Ninth of Ab, Ninth of Av, Tisha b'Ab, Tisha b'Av, Tishah b'Ab, Tishah b'Av (en) - ChanukaChanucá, Hanukkah - name day, Saint's day (en) - 24. jún, letný slnovrat - ranný spev vtákov - terce, tierce (en) - sext (en) - večiereňvésperas - complin, compline (en) - season (en) - fašiangový utorokterça-feira gorda - shibah, shiva, shivah (en)[Domaine]
