
dicionario analógico

Beelzebub, Devil, fallen angel, Fiend, Lucifer, Old Nick, Prince of Darkness, Satan, the Devil, the TempterSatanás - conversion, rebirth, spiritual rebirth - baptise, baptize, christenbaptizar, batizar - monastic, monkmonge - brother, friar, mendicantirmão - canonisation, canonizationcanonização - priest-doctor, shamanpagé, xamã - Kama - mysteriously, mystically - die - pilgrim's journey, pilgrimageperegrinação - disembodied spirit, spirit - Litany - Book of Genesis, Genesis - original sinpecado original - deadly sin, mortal sinpecado mortal - envy, invidia - anger, ira, ire, wrath - gluttony, gula, overeating - Indra - Luther, Martin Luther - John Wesley, Wesley - bless, consecrate, hallow, sanctifyconsagrar - ancestor worship - religious rite, riterito - agrypnia - Berit, Berith, Bris, Briss, Brith - liturgyliturgia - Christian liturgy - sacramentsacramento - celebration of the Eucharist, Eucharist, Eucharistic liturgy, Holy Eucharist, Holy Sacrament, Liturgy, Lord's Supper, sacrament of the EucharistEucaristia - Offertory - baptism - baptism, christening, christening ceremonybaptismo, batismo - anointing of the sick, extreme unction, last rites - holy orders - Oblation, religious offeringoblação, oferenda feita a deus, oferta - drive out, exorcise, exorcizeexorcizar - orthodoxortodoxo - iconoclastic - devotionaldevoto, piedoso, religioso - defunct, expired, lapsed, mature, nonchurchgoing, out-of-date, prescribedcaducado - beatified, blessedbeato - Blessed - offer, offer up - archepiscopal, archiepiscopalarquiepiscopal - Eucharistic - episcopal, pontificalepiscopal - paschalpascal, relativo à páscoa - ecclesiastic, ecclesiasticaleclesiástico - papist, papistic, papistical, popish, R.C., Roman, Roman Catholic, Romanist, romishcatólico - rabbinic, rabbinicalrabínico - expiative, expiatory, propitiatoryexpiatório - Episcopal, Episcopalian - antenuptial, premarital, prenuptialpré-matrimonial - golden calf - prayer beads, rosaryrosário - stations of the Cross - Babel, Tower of Babel - piety, piousnessdevoção, piedade - dedication, devotion, devoutness, religiousnessdevoção, religiosidade - pietism, religionism, religiosity, religiousismbeatice, sentimento de piedade - godlinesssantidade - godlessness, irreligion, irreligiousness - lotus position - asana - Four Horsemen - Heavencéu, Paraíso - Paradise - Valhalla, Walhalla - damnation, Hell, infernal region, Inferno, Jahannam, nether region, perdition, pitcastigo eterno, inferno - forbidden fruit - hadj, haj, hajjhadj, hajj - faith, religion, religious beliefreligião - superstition, superstitiousness, superstitious notionsuperstição - theosophy - dispossession, driving out, exorcismexorcismo - black art, black art/magic, black magic, necromancy, sorcerymagia negra - theurgyteurgia - sorcery, witchcraft, witcherybruxaria, feitiçaria - demonism, diabolism, Satanismdemonismo - Gnosticism - theismteísmo - monotheismmonoteísmo - pantheism, polytheismpanteísmo, politeísmo - heathenism, Heathenry, paganism, pagan religionpaganismo - obeah, obicinta de seda - Adventism, Second Adventism - Catholicism, Catholicity, Roman CatholicismCatolicismo - catholicism, papism, Roman Catholicism, Romanismcatolicismo - Protestantismprotestantismo - Anglicanismanglicanismo - Anglo-Catholicism, High Anglicanism - Arminianism - Calvinismcalvinismo - Lutheranism - Unitarianism - evangelicalism, evangelism - fundamentalismfundamentalismo - Methodismmetodismo - Mormonism - pentecostalism - Presbyterianism - Hinayana, Hinayana Buddhism - Lamaism, Tibetan Buddhism - Tantra, Tantrism - Mazdaism, ZoroastrianismZoroastrismo - religious text, religious writing, sacred text, sacred writing - Avesta, Zend-Avesta - Bible, Book, Christian Bible, Evangel, Good Book, Gospel, Holy Scripture, Holy Writ, Scripture, Scriptures, vulgate, Word, Word of GodBíblia, Sagrada Escritura - Book of Exodus, Exodus - Book of Leviticus, Leviticus - Book of Numbers, Numbers - Book of Deuteronomy, Deuteronomy - Book of Joshua, Joshua, Josue - Book of Judges, Judges - Book of Ruth, Ruth - Book of Esther, Esther - Book of Job, Job - Book of Jeremiah, Jeremiah - Book of Jonah, Jonah - Gospel According to Luke, Gospel of Luke, Luke - Acts, Acts of the Apostles - Apocalypse, Book of Revelation, Revelation, Revelation of Saint John the Divine - Vulgate - New Testament, Old TestamentVelho/Novo Testamento - Testament - New TestamentNovo Testamento - evangel, Gospel, Gospels - Book of Mormon - Angelusângelus - Ave Maria, Hail Mary - Canticle of Simeon, Nunc dimittis - Kol Nidre - Book of Common Prayer - Lord's Prayer - Apocryphaapócrifo - Talmud - Upanishad - Psalm - alleluia, hallelujahaleluia - dogma, tenetdogma - avatar, embodiment, epitome, Incarnationencarnação - Nicene Creed - lingam - phylactery, tefillinamuleto, farisaísmo, talismã - Decalogue, Ten CommandmentsDez Mandamentos - orison, petition, prayeroração - blessing, grace, thanksgivingacção de graças - kerugma, kerygma - Sermon on the Mount - homily, preachmenthomilia, sermão - karmacarma, destino - kismat, kismetdestino - Crucifixioncrucificação - Fall of Man - angelus, angelus bell - burial, funeral, intermententerro, funeral - burial, entombment, funeral, humation, inhumation, interment, sepulturefuneral - celebration of marriage, consecration of marriage, hymeneals, nuptials, solemnisation of marriage, solemnization of marriage, wedding, wedding ceremonycasamento, matrimônio, núpcias - Fall - Trimurti - faith, organized religion, religionreligião - Christendom, Christianitycristandade - Church of Rome, Roman Catholic, Roman Catholic Church, Roman Church, Western Church - Old Catholic Church - Eastern Church, Eastern Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox Church, Orthodox Catholic Church, Orthodox Church - Russian Orthodox Church - Anglican Church, Anglican Communion, Church of England, C of E - Church of Ireland - High Anglican Church, High Church - Congregational Church - Jehovah's WitnessesTestemunhas de Jeová - Hare Krishna, International Society for Krishna Consciousness, ISKCON - Jesuit order, Society of Jesus - order, religious order, religious sect, sectordem - Quakers, Religious Society of Friends, Society of Friends - Assemblies of God - communitycomunidade - shudra, sudra - foreign mission, mission, missionary post, missionary station - chosen people - Magi, Wise Men - burial ground, burial site, burying ground, cemetery, churchyard, graveyard, memorial park, necropoliscemitério, necrópole - Sodom - custom, ethical motive, ethics, morality, morals, traditioncostumes, ética, moralidade, princípios, usos - sense of duty, sense of shame - Christ Within, Inner Light, Light, Light Within - Mammon - destiny, fatedestino - deity, divinity, god, goddess, immortaldeus, deusa, divindade - Amaethon - Aengus, Angus, Angus Og, Oengus - Arawn - Arianrhod, Arianrod - Boann - Dana, Danu - Epona - Gwydion - Ler, Lir - Lug, Lugh - Manawydan, Manawyddan - Amen, Amon, Amun - Anpu, AnubisAnúbis - Bast - Geb, Keb - HorusHórus - IsisÍsis - Nephthys - Nut - OsirisOsíris - Ptah - Set, Seth - Thoth - Adad - Anshar - Anu - Anunnaki, Enuki - Astarte - Ishtar, Mylitta - Baal - Bel - Dagon - Enki - Enlil, En-lil - Ereshkigal, Eresh-kigal, Ereshkigel - Gula - Ki - Lilith - Mama - Baal Merodach, Bel-Merodach, Marduk, Merodach - Nabu, Nebo - Namtar, Namtaru - Nergal - Nina - Ningal - Ningishzida - Ninhursag, Ninkharsag, Ninkhursag - Ninib, Ninurta - Nusku - Shamash - Sin - Tiamat - Aditi - Aditya - Agni - Asura - Devi - Dharma - Durga - Ganapati, Ganesa, Ganesh, GaneshaGanesa - Garuda - Hanuman - Ka - KaliKali - Mara - Lakshmi - Anapurna, Annapurna, Parvati - Rahu - Rudra - Sakti, Shakti - Shiva, Siva - Surya - Vajra - Varuna - Vayu - Vishnu - Yama - Jagannath, Jagannatha, Jagganath, Juggernaut - Kalki - Krishna - Rama - Balarama - Parashurama - Mithra, Mithras - Ahura Mazda, Ormazd, Ormuzd - Buddha, Gautama, Gautama Buddha, Gautama Siddhartha, SiddharthaBuda - Boddhisatva, Bodhisattva - Maitreya - Amaterasu, Amaterasu Omikami - Hachiman - Izanagi - Izanami - Kami - goddessDeusa - almighty, Father, God, good god, Lord, Supreme Beingdeus - Almighty, Creator, Divine, God Almighty, Godhead, Jehovah, Lord, Maker - Blessed Trinity, Holy Trinity, Sacred Trinity, Trinitytríade, trindade - Father, Father-God, Fatherhood - Logos, Son, Word - Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, ParacleteEspírito Santo - Almighty, God Almighty, Jahvey, Jahweh, Jehovah, JHVH, Wahvey, Yahve, Yahveh, Yahwe, Yahweh, YHVH, YHWHJeová - Allah - demiurgedemiurgo - seraphserafim - djinn, djinni, djinny, genie, jinnee, jinniespírito, gênio - poltergeist, spirit-rapperaparição, poltergeist - Vanir - Balder, Baldr - Brage, Bragi - Forseti - Frey, Freyr - Freya, Freyja - Frigg, Frigga - Hel, Hela - Hoder, Hodr, Hodur, Hoth, Hothr - Loki - Norn - Verdandi, Verthandi - Odin - Sif - Sigyn - Ull, Ullr - Vali - Vidar, Vithar, Vitharr - Hertha, Nerthus - Weird, Wyrd - Eve - Cybele, Dindymene, Great Mother, Magna Mater, Mater Turrita - Anabaptist - Mennonite - Amish - gentile, goy, non-Jew - Friend, Quaker, Quakeressquacre, quaqueiro - Hebrew, Israelite, Jew, Jewesshebraica, hebraico, hebreia, hebreu, judeu, judia - Jewess - Islamite, Moslem, Muslimmuçulmano - Moor - abbess, mother superior, prioress - abbess, abbot, archimandriteabade, abadessa - acolyteacólito, ajudante, assistente, coroinha, cúmplice, ministrante - archdeacon - archbishoparcebispo - archpriest, hierarch, high priest, prelate, primateprelado - chaplaincapelão - clergyman, man of the cloth, reverendclérigo - churchman, clergyman, cleric, divine, ecclesiastic, ministereclesiástico - chaplain, curate, minister, minister of religion, parson, pastor, priest, rector, vicarcapelão, clérigo, cura, padre, pároco, pastor, reitor, vigário - Dalai Lama, Grand Lama - dervishdervis, dervixe - Doctor, Doctor of the Church - Druiddruida - evangelist, gospeler, gospeller, revivalistevangelista - fakeer, fakir, faqir, faquirfaquir - Father, Padre - flamen - godmothermadrinha - godfather, godmother, godparentpadrinho - gentile, heathen, infidel, paganpagão - imam, imaum - Kshatriya - lamalama - Lot - chaplain, Holy Joe, military chaplain, padre, sky pilotcapelão - muadhdhin, muazzin, muezzinalmoadem, almuadem, almuédão, muezim - Mollah, Mulla, Mullah - numen - Panchen Lama - parishionerparoquiano - Parsee, Parsi - Pharisee - primus - proselyte - Quetzalcoatl - rabbirabino - anchoress, anchoret, anchorite, ancress, hermitanacoreta, eremita - Riff, Riffian - saddhu, sadhu - angel, holy man, holy person, saintanjo - Shudra, Sudra - Simeon - spiritespírito - televangelisttelevangelista - theologian, theologiser, theologist, theologizerteóloga, teólogo - Wandering Jew - Abraham, IbrahimAbraão - Andrew, Saint Andrew, Saint Andrew the Apostle, St. Andrew - antichristanticristo - Aquinas, Saint Thomas, Saint Thomas Aquinas, St. Thomas, St. Thomas Aquinas, Thomas Aquinas - Augustine, Augustine of Hippo, Saint Augustine, St. Augustine - Calvin, Jean Caulvin, Jean Cauvin, Jean Chauvin, John Calvin - Eddy, Mary Baker Eddy, Mary Morse Baker Eddy - Elijah - EsauEsaú - Fox, George Fox - Francis of Assisi, Giovanni di Bernardone, Saint Francis, Saint Francis of Assisi, St. Francis, St. Francis of Assisi - Isaac - Cornelis Jansen, Cornelius Jansenius, Jansen - Christ, Deliverer, Good Shepherd, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, Messiah, Redeemer, Savior, Saviour, the NazareneCristo, Jesus, Jesus Cristo, Messias, redemptor - John, John the Divine, John the Evangelist, Saint John, Saint John the Apostle, St. John, St. John the Apostle - John the Baptist, St. John the Baptist - Judas, Judas Iscariot - Levi, Matthew, Saint Matthew, Saint Matthew the Apostle, St. Matthew, St. Matthew the Apostle - NoahNoé - Apostle of the Gentiles, Apostle Paul, Paul, Paul the Apostle, Saint Paul, Saul, Saul of Tarsus, St. Paul - Peter, Saint Peter, Saint Peter the Apostle, Simon Peter, St. Peter, St. Peter the Apostle - Bishop Ulfila, Bishop Ulfilas, Bishop Wulfila, Ulfila, Ulfilas, Wulfila - Zarathustra, Zoroaster - metempsychosis, rebirthmetempsicose - offertorymontante de esmolas, ofertório - hearth money, Peter's pence - enlightenment, nirvananirvana - omniscienceonisciência - omnipotenceomnipotência - illumination, light - Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana, Rosh Hashanah, Rosh Hashona, Rosh Hashonah - Rosh Chodesh, Rosh Hodesh - Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur - Annunciation, Annunciation Day, Lady Day, March 25 - Michaelmas, Michaelmas Day, September 29 - Easterpáscoa - August 1, Lammas, Lammas Day - Palm Sundaydomingo de ramos - Good Fridaysexta-feira santa - Holy Saturday - Septuagesima, Septuagesima Sunday - Trinity Sunday - Holy Thursday, Maundy Thursdayquinta-feira santa - June 29, Saints Peter and Paul - Assumption, Assumption of Mary, August 15 - Epiphany, Epiphany of Our Lord, January 6, Three Kings' Day, Twelfth day - March 19, Saint Joseph, St Joseph - Twelfth night - Allhallows, All Saints' Day, All Saints Day, Hallowmas, Hallowmass, November 1 - December 8, Immaculate Conception - All Souls' Day, November 2 - Ash Wednesday - Feast of the Unleavened Bread, Passover, Pesach, Pesah - Christmas, Christmastide, Christmastime, Noel, Yule, Yuletideépoca de Natal, festas de fim de ano - Boxing Daydia 26 de Dezembro, dia de Santo Estevão - Purim - Feast of Weeks, Pentecost, Shabuoth, Shavous, Shavuot, Shavuoth - Rejoicing in the Law, Rejoicing of the Law, Rejoicing over the Law, Shimchath Torah, Simchas Torah, Simchat Torah, Simhath Torah, Simhat Torah - Fast of Ab, Fast of Av, Ninth of Ab, Ninth of Av, Tisha b'Ab, Tisha b'Av, Tishah b'Ab, Tishah b'Av - Channukah, Channukkah, Chanukah, Chanukkah, Feast of Dedication, Feast of Lights, Feast of the Dedication, Festival of Lights, Hannukah, Hanukah, HanukkahChanucá, Hanukkah - name day, Saint's day - June 24, Midsummer's Day, Midsummer Day, St John's Day - matins, morning prayer - terce, tierce - sext - evensong, vespersvésperas - complin, compline - season - Mardi Gras, pancake day, Shrove Tuesdayterça-feira gorda - shibah, shiva, shivah[Domaine]
