
dicionario analógico

mathematicallymathematisch - algebraicallyalgebraisch - second power, squareQuadrat, zweite Potenz - develop - serialise, serializein Fortsetzungen veröffentlichen - arithmeticallyarithmetisch, rechnerisch - exponentiallyexponentiell - presuppose, supposeerfordern, voraussetzen - calculate, cipher, compute, cypher, figure, reckon, reckon up, work outberechnen, rechnen, zusammenzählen - extract - deduct, deduct from, subtract, subtract from, take, take offabstreichen von, abziehen, abziehen von, aufrechnen gegen, nehmen, subtrahieren - multiplymultiplizieren, multipliziert - divide, fractiondividieren, teilen - approximate, assess, estimate, gauge, guess, judge, make, priceabschätzen, den Preis festsetzen, ermessen, rechnen, schätzen, urteilen, veranschlagen - give - Fermat, Pierre de Fermat - Bernhard Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann, Riemann - calculation, computation, computingBerechnung - mathematical operation, mathematical process, operationmathematische Operation - combination - division, long divisionDividieren, Division, Teilen, Teilung - addition, plus, summationAddieren - exponentiation, involutionPotenzierung - quadratureQuadratur - implyandeuten, besagen - intimate, suggestvorschlagen - define, determine, fix, limit, set, specifyfestlegen - Booleanboolsch - adding machine, adding-machine, totaliser, totalizerAddiermaschine - algebraic, algebraicalalgebraisch - parametricparametrisch - statisticalstatistisch - Napier's bones, Napier's rodsNapiersche Rechenstäbchen - quipu - accuracy - asymmetry, dissymmetry, imbalanceAmetrie, Asymmetrie - lopsidedness, skewnessSchiefe, Schiefheit - handedness, laterality - left-handedness, sinistralityLinkshändigkeit - dextrality, right-handedness - logic, logical system, system of logicFolgerichtigkeit, Logik - distribution, statistical distribution - deduction, deductive reasoning, synthesis - illation, inferenceInferenz, Inferieren, Schlußfolgerung - syllogismSyllogismus - analog, analogyAnalogie - factoring, factorisation, factorization - diagonalisation, diagonalization - digitalisation, digitisation, digitization - reductio, reductio ad absurdumReductio ad absurdum - counterexampleGegenbeispiel - formula, rule - algorithm, algorithmic program, algorithmic ruleAlgorithmus - sorting algorithm - recursion - quantityGröße - value - operandOperand - dependent variable - parameter, parametric quantity - lcm, least common multiple, lowest common multiple - amount, sum, totalGesamtsumme - series - power series - Fourier series - vector - cross product, vector product - dot product, inner product, scalar product - math, mathematics, mathsMathematik - pure mathematicsreine Mathematik - spherical trigonometry - origin - abscissa, line segment - trig, trigonometryTrigonometrie - algebraAlgebra - linear algebralineare Algebra - calculus, infinitesimal calculus - Fourier analysis, harmonic analysis - differential calculus, method of fluxionsDifferentialrechnung, Differenzialrechnung - derivative, derived function, differential, differential coefficient, first derivativeAbleitung - integral calculusIntegralrechnung - calculus of variationsVariationsrechnung - set theoryMengenlehre - interval - group, mathematical group - group theory - Galois theory - Abelian group, commutative group - applied math, applied mathematicsangewandte Mathematik - linear programming - statisticsStatistik - least squares, method of least squares - statistic - moment - arithmetic mean, expectation, expected value, first moment - geometric mean - harmonic mean - standard deviationStandardabweichung - covariance - Gaussian distribution, normal distribution - Poisson distribution - regression analysis - linear regression, rectilinear regression - time seriesZeitreihe - Bernoulli distribution, binomial distribution - binomial theorem - probability theory, theory of probabilityWahrscheinlichkeitstheorie - formal logic, mathematical logic, symbolic logic - Boolean algebra, Boolean logic - propositional calculus, propositional logic, sentential calculus - functional calculus, predicate calculusPrädikatenlogik - deontic logic - epistemic logic - fuzzy logic - proof - mathematical proof - chemical equation, equation - linear equation - quadratic, quadratic equationquadratische Gleichung - differential equationDifferentialgleichung - partial differential equationpartielle Differentialgleichung - wave equation - paradoxParadox, Paradoxon - expression, formulaFormel - condition, precondition, stipulationBedingung - provision, provisoVorkehrung - mathematical notation - number representation system, number system, numeration system, system of numeration - positional notation, positional representation system - signZeichen - equals sign - decimal point, percentage point, point - log, logarithmLogarithmus - common logarithm - Napierian logarithm, natural logarithm - Lukasiewicz notation, Polish notation, prefix notation - postfix notation, reverse Polish notation, suffix notation - contradiction, contradiction in terms - subsetTeilmenge, Untermenge - empty set, null setleere Menge, Nulllösung, Null-Lösung - mathematical space, topological space - metric space - Euclidean space, Euclidian space - Hilbert spaceHilbertraum, Hilbert-Raum - scalar field - row - columnsenkrechte Zahlenreihe - arithmetic progression - geometric progression - mathematicianMathematiker, Mathematikerin - Boole, George Boole - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Leibnitz, Leibniz - John Napier, Napier - Isaac Newton, Newton, Sir Isaac Newton - Blaise Pascal, Pascal - John von Neumann, Neumann, von Neumann - absolute value, numerical value - numberZahl - constant - coefficient - absorptance, absorption coefficient, coefficient of absorption - coefficient of drag, drag coefficient - transmission, transmittanceTransmissionsgrad - prime numberPrimzahl - no., ordinal, ordinal numberOrdinalzahl - cardinal, cardinal numberGrundzahl, Kardinalzahl - base, radixWurzel - absolute frequency, frequency - natural number, nonnegative integer - integer, set, total, whole, whole numberGanze, Ganzes, Menge - complex number, complex quantity, imaginary, imaginary numberKomplexe Zahl - real, real number - rational, rational number - irrational, irrational number - transcendental number - algebraic number - square rootQuadratwurzel, zweite Wurzel - cube rootKubikwurzel - fractionBruch - numeratorZähler - denominatorNenner - multiplier, multiplier factorMultiplexer, Multiplikator - multiplicandMultiplikand - circulating decimal, recurring decimal, repeating decimal - continued fraction - half, one-half - fourth, fourth part, one-fourth, one-quarter, quarter, quartern, twenty-five percent - e - function, map, mapping, mathematical function, single-valued function - inverse function - affine transformation - operator - identity, identity element, identity operator - circular function, trigonometric function - sin, sineSinus - cos, cosine - cosec, cosecantKosekans - exponential, exponential function - difference - conditional relation, implication, logical implicationAndeutung - plane, sheet[Domaine]
