
dicionario analógico

грубоbluntly, boorishly, churlishly, coarsely, crudely, curtly, grossly, roughly - материяmatter - Henry, Joseph Henry - cataphoresis, dielectrolysis, electrophoresis, ionophoresis - oscillation, vibration - automatically, mechanically - физическиphysically - измождёный, изнурённый, истощённый, костлявый, тощий, худой, худощавыйangular, bony, cadaverous, emaciated, gaunt, haggard, pinched, scrawny, skeletal, skinny, wasted - яркостьbrightness, brightness level, light, luminance, luminosity, luminousness - birefringent - Albert Einstein, Einstein - абсолютный нульabsolute zero - заметноconsequentially, considerably, extensively, markedly, significantly - светящийся, яркийaglow, glowing, lambent, lucent, luminous - лучистыйbeaming, beamy, effulgent, radiant, refulgent - кипеть, кипятитьboil - размораживатьdefrost, deice, de-ice - burn, combust - imperceptibly, indiscernibly, unnoticeably - заметно, значительноnoticeably, observably, perceptibly - траекторияflight, trajectory - возмутительный, грубыйblatant, crying, egregious, flagrant, glaring, gross, rank - Geiger, Hans Geiger - Heinrich Hertz, Heinrich Rudolph Hertz, Hertz - Evangelista Torricelli, Torricelli - пружинистый, упругий, эластичныйbouncy, elastic, live, lively, resilient, springy - полный, пухлыйbuxom, chubby, plump, zaftig, zoftig - полный, по́лный, толстый, то́лстый, тучный, ту́чныйcorpulent, obese, rotund, stout, weighty - heavy - light - hot - замёрзшийcold - virion - anisotropic - электроположительныйelectropositive, positive - отрицательный, электроотрицательныйelectronegative, negative - эрогенный, эротический, эротогенныйerogenous - accelerator, atom smasher, particle accelerator - diamagnetic - armilla, armillary sphere - boiling water reactor, BWR - испаряющий, парообразующийevaporative - электромагнитныйelectromagnetic - breeder, breeder reactor, fast breeder, fast breeder reactor - бунзеновская горелкаbunsen, bunsen burner, etna - hydrodynamic - камера-люцидаcamera lucida - cloud chamber, Wilson cloud chamber - control rod - циклотронcyclotron - электронный микроскопelectron microscope - fast reactor - Foucault pendulum - gas burner, gas jet, gaslamp, gas ring, lamppost - hand glass, magnifying glass, simple microscope - heat pump - microscope - микротомmicrotome - атомный реакторnuclear plant, nuclear reactor, reactor - маятникbalance rail, pendulum, timed balance motor - solar telescope - strobe, strobe light, stroboscope - синхротронsynchrotron - temperature - теплосодержание, энтальпияenthalpy, H, heat content, total heat - Curie point, Curie temperature - dew point - точка замерзанияfreezing point, freezing-point, melting point, pyrometric cone equivalent - heat, high temperature, hotness - calefaction, incalescence - application, ardency, ardor, ardour, fieriness, fire, red heat - невидимостьinvisibility, invisibleness - illuminance, illumination - mass - гиряweight - throw-weight - лёгкость, невесомостьlightness, weightlessness, zero gravity - angular momentum - физикаnatural philosophy, physics - биофизикаbiophysics - физика низких температурcryogenics, cryogeny - кристаллографияcrystallography - ядерная физикаatomic physics, microphysics, nuclear physics, nucleonics - high energy physics, high-energy physics, particle physics - plasma physics - rheology - сохранение энергииconservation of energy, first law of thermodynamics, law of conservation of energy - conservation of mass, conservation of matter, law of conservation of mass, law of conservation of matter - conservation of parity, mirror symmetry, parity, space-reflection symmetry - kinetic theory, kinetic theory of gases - относительность, теория относительностиEinstein's theory of relativity, relativity, relativity theory, theory of relativity - общая теория относительностиEinstein's general theory of relativity, general relativity, general relativity theory, general theory of relativity - Einstein's special theory of relativity, special relativity, special relativity theory, special theory of relativity - supersymmetry - квантовая теорияquantum theory - Heisenberg indeterminacy principle, Heisenberg principle, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, indeterminacy principle, principle of indeterminacy, principle of uncertainty, uncertainty principle - classical mechanics, Newtonian mechanics - solid-state physics - statistical mechanics - quantum mechanics - гидравликаfluid mechanics, hydraulics, hydromechanics - пневматикаpneumatics - атмосферные помехи, статикаstatics - динамикаdynamics, kinematics, kinetics - kinematics - magnetohydrodynamics - аэродинамикаaerodynamics, aeromechanics - термодинамикаthermodynamics - frequency band, waveband - gravitation wave, gravity wave - sine wave - волнаundulation, wave - бурда, каракатица, сейш, ссакиseiche - standing wave, stationary wave - alpha particle - atmosphere - бета-частицаbeta particle - абсолютно черное тело, чёрное телоblackbody, black body, full radiator - бозонboson - экзосфераexosphere - фермионfermion - глюонgluon - magnetic monopole - мезосфераmesosphere - мицеллаmicelle - частицаparticle, subatomic particle - фотонphoton - стратосфераstratosphere - thermosphere - тропосфераtroposphere - физикphysicist - Georg Simon Ohm, Ohm - Oppenheimer, Robert Oppenheimer - диапазон, спектрspectrum - activation energy, energy of activation - атомная энергия, ядерная энергияatomic energy, nuclear energy, nuclear power - атомная энергияatomic power, nuclear power - beam, beam of light, irradiation, light beam, ray, ray of light, shaft, shaft of light - binding energy, separation energy - air pressure, atmospheric pressure, pressure - кровяное давлениеblood pressure - boundary layer - волосность, капиллярностьcapillarity, capillary action - центробежная силаcentrifugal force - центростремительная силаcentripetal force - counterglow, gegenschein - движущая силаdrift, impetus, impulsion - электромагнитное излучениеelectromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic wave, electro-magnetic wave, EM wave, nonparticulate radiation - energy, free energy - power - work - пастбище, полеfield, field of force, force field - флуоресценцияfluorescence - силаforce - gamma radiation, gamma ray - сила тяжестиgravitation, gravitational attraction, gravitational force, gravity - полутон, полутьма, сумеркиdusk, half-light, twilight - moment of inertia, second moment of area - кинетическая энергияK.E., kinetic energy - скрытая теплотаheat of transformation, latent heat - light, visible light, visible radiation - bioluminescence - chemiluminescence - magnetosphere - магнитное полеflux, magnetic field, magnetic flux - NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance, proton magnetic resonance - antiferromagnetism - diamagnetism - ferrimagnetism - ferromagnetism - paramagnetism - mechanical energy - moment - magnetic moment, moment of a magnet - свет звёздstarlight - свечение, фосфоресценцияphosphorescence, phosphor persistence - P.E., potential energy - force per unit area, pressure, pressure level - corpuscular-radiation pressure, radiation pressure - лучистая энергияradiant energy - излучениеradiation - carrier, carrier wave - reflection, reflexion - birefringence, double refraction - solar energy, solar power - flare, solar flare - Doppler effect, Doppler shift - tension - fundamental interaction, interaction - сильное взаимодействиеcolor force, strong force, strong interaction - weak force, weak interaction - surface tension - interfacial surface tension, interfacial tension - сизигияsyzygy - вращающий момент, крутящий моментtorque, torsion - turbulent flow - laminar flow - vapor pressure, vapour pressure - мнимое изображениеvirtual image - aeolian energy, eolian energy, wind energy, wind generation, wind power - зодиакальный светzodiacal light - веяние, дуновение, дутье, дыхание, просачивание, просачивание газа, утечка, хвастовство, цветениеblowing - decay, disintegration, radioactive decay - десорбцияdesorption - extinction - атомный распадfission, nuclear fission - слияние ядер, ядерный синтезfusion, merger, nuclear fusion, nuclear fusion reaction - ожижение, разжижение, сжижениеliquefaction - action, activity, natural action, natural process - nuclear reaction - pair creation, pair formation, pair production - phase change, phase transition, physical change, state change - испарениеevaporation, vapor, vaporisation, vaporization, vapour - модуль ЮнгаYoung's modulus - constant of gravitation, G, gravitational constant, universal gravitational constant - baryon number - альбедоalbedo, reflective power - Mach number - index of refraction, refractive index - угол паденияangle of incidence, grazing angle, incidence angle, incident angle - angle of attack - absorber - firedamp, fire damp - нашатырный спиртammonia - nitric oxide - цианcyanogen - чадexhaust, exhaust fumes, fumes - Галитоз, дурной запах изо ртаhalitosis - discharge, emission - испарение, миазмыeffluvium - бензин, эфирgas, gasoline - Идеальный газideal gas, perfect gas - fluid, liquid, liquor - blistering agent, dichloroethyl sulfide, mustard agent, mustard gas, sulfur mustard, yperite - nerve agent, nerve gas - озонozone - фосгенphosgene - propene, propylene - окалина, шлакdross, scoria, slag - ligand[Domaine]
