
dicionario analógico

imensamenteamply, capaciously, commodiously, comprehensively, hugely, immensely, roomily, spaciously, sweepingly, vastly, widely - good, well - medida, quantidadeamount, measure, quantity - extraordinariamenteextraordinarily, inordinately - demasiado, em demasia, excessivamenteexceptionally, excessively, extravagantly, extremely, inordinately, lavishly, outrageously, overly, to a fault, too, uncommonly - muitogreatly, much - quilo, quilogramakg, kilo, kilogram, kilogramme - apto, bem, certofull, good - meager, meagerly, meagre, scrimpy, stingy - miserávelmeasly, miserable, paltry - metro quadradocentare, square meter, square metre - astronomically - altímetroaltimeter - esfigmógrafosphygmomanometer, tonometer - ohmmeter - relógio de solsundial - hora de GreenwichGMT, Greenwich Mean Time, Greenwich Time, universal time, UT, UT1 - intensivamenteextensively, industriously, intensively, labor-intensive, labour-intensive, sedulously - suficientementesufficiently - insuficientementeinadequately, insufficiently - imensamente, profundamentedeeply, profoundly - adoção do sistema métricometrication, metrification - excelentementeexcellently - magnificamente, maravilhosamente, optimamente, tremendamentegorgeously, lavishly, magnificently, magnificiently, marvellously, marvelously, sumptuously, superbly, terrifically, toppingly, wonderfully, wondrous, wondrously - intensamenteintensely - enormemente, extraordinariamenteenormously, hugely, immensely, staggeringly, tremendously - abundantemente, abundosamente, com abundância, excessivamenteabundantly, amply, copiously, extravagantly, lavishly, liberally, plentifully, profusely, richly - generosamentebig-heartedly, bounteously, bountifully, generously, lavishly, plenteously, plentifully, prodigally, profusely, unsparingly - mostradorclock face, dial - exorbitantemente/excessivamenteexorbitantly, extortionately, usuriously - altíssima frequência, VHFvery high frequency, VHF - minuciosamentecircumstantially, minutely - termómetrothermometer - shallowly - superlatively - ardorosamentevehemently - mediçãomeasure, measurement, measuring, mensuration - actinometry - antropometriaanthropometry - batimetriabathometry, bathymetry, plumbing - calorimetriacalorimetry - gravimetry, hydrometry - observaçãoobservation - surveying - mental test, mental testing, psychometric test, test - superiorupper - baixa, baixolow, low-lying - uniformizadostandard - mensalmonthly - diáriodaily - anthropometric, anthropometrical - acceleration indicator, accelerometer, counting accelerometer, indicating accelerometer, recording accelerometer - actinometer - despertadoralarm, alarm clock - amperímetroammeter - anemômetroanemometer, wind gage, wind gauge - astrolábioastrolabe - atmometer, evaporometer - atomic clock - audiômetroaudiometer, sonometer - balance, weighing-machine - barómetrobarometer, glass - bolômetrobolometer - bubble chamber - calorímetrocalorimeter - cronómetrochronograph, chronometer, stopwatch - chronometer - relógio cucocuckoo clock - dosímetrodosemeter, dosimeter - dinamômetrodynamometer, ergometer - eletrômetroelectrometer - eudiômetroeudiometer - galvanômetrogalvanometer - contador geigerG.M. tube, Geiger counter, Geiger-Muller counter, Geiger-Müller counter, Geiger-Müller counter tube, Geiger-Müller tube - gnomon - relógio de pêndulograndfather clock, longcase clock - densímetro, hidrômetro, salinômetrogravimeter, hydrometer - higrômetrohygrometer - integrator, planimeter - ionization chamber, ionization tube - Kundt's tube - magnetômetrogaussmeter, magnetometer - manômetrogauge, manometer, pressure gauge - medidameasure, measuring device, measuring instrument, measuring system - mercurial thermometer, mercury-in-glass thermometer, mercury thermometer - marcador de quilometragem, odômetroclock, hodometer, mileometer, milometer, odometer - conta-passos, pedômetro, podômetropedometer - pênduloclock, pendulum clock - piezômetropiezometer - postage meter - proportional counter, proportional counter tube - florespunnet - pirômetropyrometer - radarmicrowave radar, radar, radio detection and ranging, radiolocation - radiômetroradiometer - pluviômetropluviometer, rain gage, rain gauge, udometer - telêmetrorangefinder, range finder - platinum thermometer, resistance thermometer - scintillation counter - sismógrafoseismograph - velocímetrospeed gage, speed gauge, speed indicator, speedometer - spirograph - spring balance, spring scale - cronómetrostopwatch, stop watch - strain gage, strain gauge - fita métricameasuring tape, measuring-tape, tape, tapeline, tape line, tape measure, tape-measure - taxímetrotaximeter - par termoelétricothermal convertor, thermocouple, thermocouple junction, thermoelectric couple, thermo-junction - viscometer, viscosimeter - voltímetrotensiometer, voltmeter - clepsidra, relógio de águaclepsydra, water clock, water glass - water meter - waveguide, wave guide - weather radar - produçãofruit, yield - rádio-frequênciaradio frequency - ELF, extremely low frequency - very low frequency, VLF - LF, low frequency - medium frequency, MF - HF, high frequency - EHF, extremely high frequency, millimeter wave, millimetric wave - number - sequence - grãograin - sistema métricometric system, the metric system - International System, International System of Units, SI, SI system, SI unit, Systeme International, Systeme International d'Unites - bandwidth - unidade de contascale unit, unit, unit of account, unit of measure, unit of measurement - quilatecarat, kt - quota - pesoweight, weight unit - langley - point - match point, ponto decisivomatch point - arcsecond, second - minutoarcminute, minute, minute of arc - radianorad, radian - sr, steradian - milha quadradasquare mile - section - acreacre - arear, are, one hundred square metres - hectarehectare - arpent - b, barn - homer, kor - board foot - cúbicocc, cubic centimeter, cubic centimetre, mil, milliliter, millilitre, ml - decilitrodeciliter, decilitre, dl - litrocubic decimeter, cubic decimetre, l, liter, litre - hectoliter, hectolitre, hl - metro cúbicocubic meter, cubic metre, kiloliter, kilolitre - farad, unidade de capacidadeF, farad - coulombampere-second, C, coulomb - ampere-hour - siemensmho, reciprocal ohm, S, siemens - ampere, ampérioA, amp, ampere, ampere-turns - mãezinha, mamãemA, milliampere - abamp, abampere - oerstedoersted - maxwell, Mx - weberWb, weber - gauss - teslatesla - HenriqueH, henry - L, lambert - lux, lx - phot - cdcandela, candle, cd, standard candle - soldado rasoGb, Gi, gilbert - volt, volteV, volt - quilovoltkilovolt, kV - rydberg, rydberg constant, rydberg unit - wattW, watt - quilovatekilowatt, kW - cavalo-vaporH.P., horsepower, horse power, HP - var, volt-ampere - Ci, curie - rutherford - ohmohm - dinadyne - newtonN, newton - pdl, poundal - foot, ft - furlong, um oitavo de milhafurlong - milhainternational mile, land mile, mi, mile, stat mi, statute mile - ligne - coss, kos - verst - cable, cable's length, cable length - chain - cotovelo, cúbitocubit, elbow - digit, finger, finger's breadth, fingerbreadth - head - nanômetromicromillimeter, micromillimetre, millimicron, nanometer, nanometre, nm - ''Bras.'' micrômetro, ''Port.'' micrómetro, micrometro, mícronmicrometer, micrometre, micron - milímetromillimeter, millimetre, mm - centímetrocentimeter, centimetre, cm - decímetrodecimeter, decimetre, dm - metrom, m., meter, metre - decâmetrodam, decameter, decametre, dekameter, dekametre, dkm - hectômetrohectometer, hectometre, hm - quilómetro, quilômetrokilometer, kilometre, klick, km - francofranc - balboa - cruzeirocruzeiro - Algerian dinar, dinar - dinar, Iraqi dinar - dinar, Jordanian dinar - dinar, Kuwaiti dinar - dinar, Libyan dinar - dinar, Tunisian dinar - dirham, Moroccan dirham - Australian dollar - sen - Canadian dollar, loonie - Hong Kong dollar - Jamaican dollar - Liberian dollar - New Zealand dollar - Singapore dollar - United States dollar - eurodólarEurodollar, euro-dollar - Zimbabwean dollar - hao - dracmadrachma, Greek drachma - dobra - escudo, Portuguese escudo - forint - Belgian franc - French franc - Swiss franc - inti - at - krona, Swedish krona - Danish krone, krone - krone, Norwegian krone - kwacha, Zambian kwacha - lek - lev - liraItalian lira, lira - libraBritish pound, British pound sterling, pound, pound sterling, quid, sterling - marcoDeutsche Mark, Deutschmark, DM, D-mark, German mark, mark - pfennig - pesetapeseta, Spanish peseta - Chilean peso, peso - Colombian peso, peso - Cuban peso, peso - Dominican peso, peso - peso mexicanoMexican peso, peso - peso, Philippine peso - peso, Uruguayan peso - Cypriot pound, pound - Egyptian pound, pound - Irish pound, Irish punt, pound, punt - lira, Maltese lira - pound, Syrian pound - pula - thebe - randrand - Iranian rial, rial - riel - Qatari riyal, riyal - Indian rupee, rupee - Pakistani rupee, rupee - Ana, aná, moeda indianaAnn, anna - Mauritian rupee, rupee - Nepalese rupee, rupee - Austrian schilling, schilling - groschen - sicloshekel, sheqel - Kenyan shilling, shilling - shilling, Tanzanian shilling - shilling, Ugandan shilling - sucre - Guinean franc - mongo - yuankwai, yuan - zairezaire - zloty - dol - atm, atmosphere, standard atmosphere, standard pressure - pascalPa, pascal - millimeter of mercury, mm Hg, torr - pounds per square inch, psi - bar, compassobar - bar absolute, barye, microbar - en, nut - em, em quad, mutton quad - cicero - agate line, line - Erlang - degree - centígradoC, centigrade, degree Celsius, degree centigrade - K, kelvin - atomic mass unit - mass number, nucleon number - troy, troy weight - obolus - tael - lb, pound - mcg, microgram - mg, miligramamg, mg., milligram, milligramme - decigramadecigram, dg - gramag, gm, gram, gramme - molgram molecule, mol, mole - hectogramahectogram, hg - toneladametric ton, MT, t, ton, tonne - ergerg - electron volt, eV - jouleJ, joule, watt second - caloriacalorie, gram calorie, heat unit, small calorie, termic unit, thermal unit - caloria, unidade de calorCalorie, kilocalorie, kilogram calorie, large calorie, nutritionist's calorie - B.Th.U., British thermal unit, British Thermal Unit, BTU - watt-hour - correction, fudge factor - volumevolume - capacidadecapacity, content - scale - proporcionalidadeproportion - content - proporção, razãorate, ratio - frequency, relative frequency - sincronismosynchroneity, synchronicity, synchronic level, synchronisation, synchronism, synchronization, synchronizing, synchrony - coordinated universal time, UTC - night - embolia, intercalaçãoembolism, insertion, intercalation, interlineation, interpolation, putting in - calendar - Roman calendar - Gregorian calendar, New Style calendar - Julian calendar, Old Style calendar - Revolutionary calendar - Brumaire - Frimaire - Germinal - Prairial - Messidor - Thermidor - Fructidor - Hebrew calendar, Jewish calendar - lunar calendar - lunisolar calendar - Islamic calendar, Mohammedan calendar, Moslem calendar, Muhammadan calendar, Muslim calendar - Hindu calendar - Holy Week, Passion Week - mêsmonth - lunaçãolunar month, lunation, moon, synodic month - JaneiroJan, January - FevereiroFeb, February - MarçoMar, March - AbrilApr, April - MaioMay - JunhoJune - JulhoJuly - AgostoAug, August - SetembroSep, Sept, September - OutubroOct, October - NovembroNov, November - DezembroDec, December - Chislev, Kislev - Tebet, Tevet - Shebat, Shevat - Adar - Nisan, Nissan - Iyar, Iyyar - Sivan, Siwan - Ab, Av - Ellul, Elul - Moharram, Muharram, Muharrum - Safar, Saphar - Rajab - Shawwal - Pansa, Pus - leap second - Lent, Lententide - índice de natalidade, natalidadebirthrate, birth rate, fertility, fertility rate, natality - mortalidadedeathrate, death rate, fatality rate, mortality, mortality coefficient, mortality rate - dose rate - current velocity, flow, flow rate, rate of flow, stream velocity, velocity of flow - frequence, frequency, oftenness - Gc, GHz, gigacycle, gigacycle per second, gigahertz - hertz, Hgcps, cycle, cycle per second, cycles/second, hertz, Hz - h, kmkilometers per hour, kilometres per hour, km/h, kph - speed, velocity - pace, tempo - velocidade aéreaairspeed - escape speed, escape velocity - velocidade da luzc, lightspeed, light speed, speed of light, velocity of light - mortalidade infantilinfant deathrate, infant mortality, infant mortality rate - luminous flux[Domaine]
