
dicionario analógico

básicamente, en el fondo, en esencia, esencialmente, fundamentalmentebasically, essentially, fundamentally - con sencillez, meramente, simplemente, únicamentebut, exclusively, just, merely, none but, only, simply, solely - a máquina, automáticamente, maquinalmenteas a matter of course, automatically - alarmante, alarmantemente, de forma alarmante, horriblemente, horrorosamentealarmingly, hideously, horribly, horrifically, horrifyingly - ampliamente, espaciosamente, extensamente, inmensamente, prolijamenteamply, capaciously, commodiously, comprehensively, hugely, immensely, roomily, spaciously, sweepingly, vastly, widely - burdamente, chabacanamente, groseramente, indecentemente, rudamente, toscamente, vulgarmentebluntly, boorishly, churlishly, coarsely, crudely, curtly, grossly, roughly - considerablementeappreciably - completo, puropure, saturated - algo, algo así como, alrededor de, aproximadamente, casi, cerca de, digamos, globalmente, grosso modo, más o menos, sobre, unos, un pocoabout, almost, approx, approximately, around, broadly, close on, close to, in the region of, just about, more or less, or so, or thereabouts, roughly, roundabout, some, something like, somewhere in the region of, sort of - comparative, relative - absolutely - absolutamente, aún, completamente, completamente, totalmente, del todo, de remate, de todo, eliminado, enteramente, enteramente, completamente, perfectamente, plenamente, por completo, tanto, totalmenteabsolutely, all, altogether, clean, completely, dead, downright, entirely, fully, perfectly, quite, right, thoroughly, to one's fingertips, totally, to the fingertips, utterly, very, whole, wholly - exclusivamentealone, entirely, exclusively, only, solely - absolutely, dead, perfectly, utterly - perfectly - de forma imperfecta, imperfectamenteamiss, imperfectly - a fondo, al máximo, completamente, completamente, hasta el máximo, completo, de cuerpo entero, de largo metraje, de largo metraje, de cuerpo entero, completo, extenso, extenso, hasta el máximo, plenamente, por completofull, fully, to the full - only - comilón, tragón, voraz, zampóngluttonous, voracious - only - good, well - well - well - well - well - comfortably, well - con ventajaadvantageously, well - abundanteabundant - considerably, substantially, well - well - well - intimately, well - well - abundante, eufórico, pródigo, profusoexuberant, lush, luxuriant, profuse, riotous - con urgencia, en serio, gravemente, muchísimo, muy, seriamente, severamentebadly, gravely, seriously, severely - con malicia, mal, maliciosamentebadly, mischievously, naughtily - even, still, yet - even - aceptableacceptable - constantemente, continuamente, siemprealways, e'er, ever, for ever / forever - always, forever - a intervalos, aquí y allí, a ratos, a veces, de cuando en cuando, de tiempo en tiempo, de vez en cuando, ocasionalmente, otra vez alguna que, y allí aquíat intervals, at times, every now and then, every now and then / every now and again / every so often, every once in a while, every so often, from time to time, now and again, now and then, occasionally, off and on / on and off, once in a while, on occasion - convencionalmenteconventionally - a pesar de todo, aun así, aún así, aunque, de todas formas, igualmente, no obstante, peroall/just the same, all the same, at the same time, even so, gee up, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, none the less, notwithstanding, still, though, withal, yet - antes, en ese entonces, hasta ahora, hasta aquí, hasta hoy, hasta la fechaas yet, heretofore, hitherto, so far, thus far, til now, until now, up to now, yet - hazaña, logro, proeza, realizaciónachievement, effort, exploit, feat, performance - muy, realmenterattling, real, really, very - activoactive - acrobáticoacrobatic, athletic, gymnastic - ahora mismo, en este momento, hace un momento, un momento hacejust, just now - en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, en una escapada, instantáneamentein a flash, in a jiffy, in a second, in a trice, in no time, instantaneously, instantly, in two shakes, outright - ágilagile, nimble, quick, spry - pronto, tempranobefore long, in a little while, presently, shortly, soon - con frecuenciafrequently, oft, often, oftentimes, ofttimes - pocas veces, raramente, raras veces, rara vezrarely, seldom - activo, en vigor, vigenteactive, in/into force, in effect - per se, tal comoas such, in and of itself, intrinsically, per se - enérgicamente, en tono enfáticoby all odds, decidedly, definitely, emphatically, in spades, unquestionably - genuinely, really, truly - homogeneización, igualación, nivelaciónequalisation, equalization, leveling - claro, desde luego, naturalmente, por supuestocourse, naturally, of course - clearly - active - claramente, francamente, manifiestamente, sencillamente, simplementeapparently, evidently, just, manifestly, obviously, patently, plain, plainly, simply - aparentemente, a primera vista, en apariencia, ostensiblemente, por fuera, por lo visto, según pareceapparently, at first glance, by all appearances, by the look of it, on the face of it, ostensibly, seemingly, to all appearances - inactive, passive - específicamentespecifically - afortunadamente, casualmente, fortuitamente, por casualidadas luck would have it, by luck, fortuitously, fortunately, happily, luckily, through luck - record, track record - desafortunadamente, desgraciadamente, infortunadamente, lamentablemente, por desgraciaalas, regrettably, unfortunately, unhappily, unluckily - chronic - extraordinariamenteextraordinarily, inordinately - copiosamente, demasiado, en exceso, excesivamente, extraordinariamenteexceptionally, excessively, extravagantly, extremely, inordinately, lavishly, outrageously, overly, to a fault, too, uncommonly - tarde o tempranoin time, sooner or later, yet - al cabo, al fin, al final, con el tiempo, finalmente, por fin, resultó queat last, at length, at long last, at the end of the day, eventually, finally, in the end, in the event, in the long run, ultimately - ahora, ahora mismmo, ahora mismo, ahorita, con prontitud, en el acto, en el mismo momento, enseguida, en seguida, inmediatamente, instantáneamente, sin dudar, sin pensarlo, sin pensárseloat once, at the double, directly, forthwith, immediately, instantly, like a shot, now, on the double, outright, promptly, right, right away, right now, right off, straightaway, straight away, straight off, this instant - now - at present, now - now - now - now - directamenteaimed, direct, directly, pointed, straight - inagotablemente, incansablemente, infatigablementeindefatigably, inexhaustibly, tirelessly, unflaggingly, untiringly, unweariedly - adequate, equal - fleetly, swiftly - hasta ahora, por ahora, por el momento, provisionalmentefor the moment, for the present, for the time being, provisionally - intolerablementeinadmissibly, intolerably, unacceptably, unendurably - abusively - con habilidad, diestramente, hábilmenteadroitly, deftly, skilfully - awfully, dreadfully, horribly - muchogreatly, much - drásticamentedrastically - en absolutoat all, in the least, the least bit - de ninguna manera, de ningún modoby no means, not by a blame sight, not by a long sight - éxitosuccess - exhaustivoexhaustively, thoroughly - directamente, horizontalmentedirectly, flat, straight, straightly - indirectamentein a roundabout way, indirectly, on the grapevine, secondhand, through the grapevine - bastantea good deal, a good deal / a great deal, a great deal, a lot, lots, much, very much - corte, fallo, fracaso, suspensofailure - bruscamente, de pronto, de repente, precipitadamente, repentinamenteabruptly, dead, precipitously, short, suddenly - desacierto, equivocación, error, fallo, falta, gazapo, yerroerror, fallacy, fault, misconception, misconstruction, mistake, oversight - hábildeft, dexterous, dextrous - al final, al fin y al cabo, finalmente, para terminar, por fin, por remate, por últimoafter all, all in all, at last, finally, in conclusion, in the final analysis, last, lastly, to close - duraderamente, establemente, perdurablemente, sólidamentedurably, enduringly, firmly, lastingly, staunchly, steadily, strongly, tightly - advantageous - descuido, omisiónomission, skip - buñuelo, cagada, cantada, cante, chapucería, chapuza, error garrafal, gazapatón, gazapo, metedura de pata, patinazo, patochada, pifiabloomer, blooper, blunder, boner, boob, boo-boo, botch, botched job, botch-up, bungle, bungled work, eyewash, flub, foul-up, fuckup, gaffe, pratfall, shoddy work, sloppy work - desliz, mal paso, metedura de pata, paso en falso, patinazo, plancha, solecismofaux pas, gaffe, gaucherie, lapse, slip, solecism - débilmentefaintly - a la buena de Dios, al albur, a la ventura, al azararbitrarily, at a venture, at random, every which way, haphazardly, indiscriminately, on the off chance, randomly, willy-nilly - casi, poco menos que, por poco, prácticamenteabout, almost, most, near, nearly, next to, nigh, pretty well, virtually, well-nigh - en su mayoría, más que nada, principalmente, sobretodo, sobre todoabove all, chiefly, especially, in the main, mainly, mostly, primarily, principally - brazenly - afectuosamente, amorosamente, cariñosamente, con cariño, ingenuamente, tiernamenteaffectionately, dear, dearly, fondly, lovingly, softly, tenderheartedly, tenderly - abiertamente, manifiestamente, públicamenteovertly - con toda seguridad, indudablemente, seguramente, sin duda, sin duda algunabeyond all doubt, beyond doubt, confessedly, doubtless, doubtlessly, for sure, no doubt, undoubtedly, unquestionably, without a doubt - con pasividad, pasivamentepassively - con desdén, con desprecio, desdeñosamente, despreciativamente, lleno de desdén, lleno de desprecio, lleno de menospreciocontemptuously, contumeliously, derogatorily, disdainfully, disparagingly, scornfully - comically - de manera engañosa, engañosamentedeceitfully, deceivingly, deceptively, falsely, misleadingly, untruthfully - especialmente, particularmenteespecially, particularly, peculiarly, rarely, specially - aprisa, rápidamenteapace, chop-chop, quickly, rapidly, speedily, swiftly - categóricamente, incondicionalmentecategorically, dogmatically, flatly, unconditionally - al infinito, eternamente, inmortalmente, para siempre, perpetuamentead infinitum, eternally, everlastingly, evermore, forever, for ever / forever, timelessly - para siempre, permanentemente, por siempre jamásforever, for ever, for good, permanently - provisionalmente, temporalmenteprovisionally, temporarily - de improviso, desesperadamente, de súbito, improvisadamente, inesperadamente, súbitamentead lib, ad libitum, adventitiously, by surprise, impromptu, offhand, off the cuff, off-the-cuff, spontaneously, unawares, unexpectedly - continuamente, incesantemente, persistentemente, sin cesarceaselessly, constantly, continually, continuously, persistently - marginalmentemarginally - peligrosamentedangerously, hazardously, perilously - enérgicamente, valientemente, vigorosamenteenergetically - definitivamente, de una vez, de una vez para siempre, de una vez por todasconclusively, once and for all - de manera afligida, deplorablemente, lamentablemente, lastimeramente, lastimosamente, tristementedeplorably, disgracefully, forlornly, lamentably, pitiably, pitifully, sadly, woefully - afar - con delicadeza, delicadamente, exquisitamente, tenuementedelicately, exquisitely, fine, finely, sophisticatedly, subtly - sin demora, sin dilaciónpromptly, pronto, readily, without delay - con velocidad, de prisa, inmediatamente, rapidamente, rápidamente, rápidopromptly, quick, quickly, speedily - comúnmente, con asiduidad, generalmente, habitualmente, normalmente, por lo común, por lo general, por norma, por norma/regla generalas a general rule, as a rule, commonly, generally, habitually, normally, ordinarily, unremarkably, usually - hace poco, recientemente, últimamentelate, lately, latterly, of late, recently - irregularmenteerratically, unpredictably - gradualmente, paulatinamente, poco a pocobit by bit, by degrees, gradually, step by step - acá, a casa, ahí, hacia acáhere, hither, round - adecuado, apto, bueno, cualificadofull, good - peacefully - meager, meagerly, meagre, scrimpy, stingy - how, however - ínfimameasly, miserable, paltry - adentro, dentro, en el interiorinside, internally, within - internacionalmenteinternationally - reciénfresh, freshly, neo-, new, new-, newly - de nuevo, más, otra vezafresh, again, anew, more - inalterablemente, invariablementechangelessly, invariably, unchangingly, unvaryingly - mechanically - preferentemente, preferiblementepreferably, rather, sooner - and so, and then, so, then - though - but then, on the other hand, then again - consistentemente, sistemáticamenteconsistently, systematically - so, thus, thusly - enormementeastronomically - sin vidalifeless - característicamente, típicamentecharacteristically, typically - globalmente, omnímodamente, universalmentecomprehensively, globally, universally - sin precedenteunprecedented - místicamentemysteriously, mystically - análogamente, del mismo modo, igualmente, parecido, semejantemente, semejanzalikewise, similarly - secundariamentesecondarily, subordinately, subsidiarily - adecuado, correcto, justoproper, right - especialmente, notablementeappreciably, conspicuously, notably, noteworthily, noticeably, singularly, substantially - con intensidad, con mucha atención, de alto coeficiente laboral, intensivamente, intensivo en mano de obraextensively, industriously, intensively, labor-intensive, labour-intensive, sedulously - adecuadamente, apropiadamente, aptamente, aseadamente, bien, como corresponde, como es debido, convenientemente, debidamente, decentemente, decorosamente, indicado, sin inconvenienteadequately, appositely, appropriately, aptly, becomingly, befittingly, fitly, fittingly, passably, suitably - inappropriately, unsuitably - artificialmenteartificially, by artificial means, factitiously, unnaturally - episodically - fabulosamente, fantásticamente, fantástico, imaginariamenteeerily, fabulously, fantastically, incredibly - feverishly - acomodable, adecuado, apañado, apropiado, apto, bueno, conveniente, cualificado, indicado, oportuno, propioapposite, appropriate, apt, fit, fitting, good, pertinent, proper, right, suitable - incomprehensiblemente, incomprensiblementeincomprehensibly, inconceivably - encarecidamente, expresamenteearnestly, emphatically, expressly, insistently, with great emphasis - superficialmentecursorily, facilely, shallowly, superficially - con maldad, cruelmente, malvadamenteevilly, wickedly - ¿verdad?, a buen recaudo, a salvo, claro, con certeza, con seguridad, con toda seguridad, de confianza, definitivamente, seguramente, seguro, sin dudacertain, certainly, definitely, for certain, for sure, indeed, reliably, safely, securely, sure, sure as shooting, sure enough, surely - sufficiently - bastante, suficienteenough, plenty, sufficient - insuficientementeinadequately, insufficiently - so - so - so - manejo, manipulaciónmanipulation, use - fácilmenteeasily, easy, readily - actually, really - artero, astuto, malicioso, mañoso, pícaro, poco fiable, sospechoso, tramposo, traviesocrafty, cunning, deceitful, dodgy, foxy, guileful, knavish, slick, sly, tricksy, tricky, wily - a fin de cuentas, considerándolo todo, en conjunto, en general, teniéndolo todo en cuenta, tomando todo en consideraciónall in all, altogether, on balance, on the whole, tout ensemble - diserto, elocuentearticulate, eloquent, facile, fluent, silver, silver-tongued, smooth-spoken, voluble, well-spoken - con emoción, febrilmenteexcitedly, feverishly - apropos, by the bye, by the way, incidentally - completely - incompletamenteincompletely, unfinished - certeramente, con exactitud, con precisión, detalladamente, detenidamente, exactamente, justamente, precisamenteexactly, just, precisely - descarado, desvergonzadoaudacious, bald-faced, barefaced, bodacious, brassy, brazen, brazen-faced, insolent - from scratch - closely, intimately, nearly - relativamenteby comparison, comparatively, relatively - fácilmenteeasily, readily - considerablemente, de forma notableconsequentially, considerably, extensively, markedly, significantly - con seriedad, en serio, gravemente, seriamenteearnestly, gravely, in all earnestness, in earnest, seriously, solemnly - a buena hora, a su debido tiempo, a su tiempo, a tiempo, con tiempo, con tiempo de sobra, en buen momento, en el momento oportuno, en su día, en su tiempo, en tiempo, tempranoat a convenient moment, at a convenient time, at a good time, in due course, in due season, in due time, in good time, in time, on time, when the time comes - a tiempo justo, en el momento crítico, en el último momento, justo a tiempoin the nick of time, just in time - atractivo, atrayente, encantador, interesanteappealing, attractive - off the cuff - cautivador, encantador, encantadora, fascinante, hechicerobewitching, captivating, enchanting, enthralling, entrancing, fascinating, spellbinding - a la inversa, al contrario, al revés, por el contrario, todo lo contrarioa contrario, au contraire, contrarily, contrariwise, on the contrary, quite the contrary, the other way around, the other way round, to the contrary - atractivo, atrayenteappealing, attractive, comely, dishy, engaging, fetching, lovely, piquant - encantadorcomely, winsome - a la letra, al pie de la letrajust right, to a T, to perfection, to the letter - con valentía, imponentemente, valientementebravely, courageously, gallantly, pluckily - profundamentedeeply, profoundly - ansiosamente, ganosamente, impacientementeimpatiently, longingly, yearningly - pacientementepatiently - estúpidamente, inconsideradamente, irreflexivamente, sin pensar, tontamentedoltishly, mindlessly, rashly, stupidly, thoughtlessly - con creatividad, creativamentecreatively - radicalmentedrastically, radically - concienzudamente, escrupulosamente, meticulosamenteconscientiously, dutifully, painstakingly, religiously, scrupulously - excepcionalmenteexceptionally - puramentepurely, strictly - con esmero, hábilmente, limpiamentecleanly, neatly, tidily - vigorosamentesmartly, vigorously - clearly, distinctly - excelentementeexcellently - espléndidamente, estupendamente, magníficamente, maravillosamente, muchísimogorgeously, lavishly, magnificently, magnificiently, marvellously, marvelously, sumptuously, superbly, terrifically, toppingly, wonderfully, wondrous, wondrously - impeccably - desabridamente, inexpresivamente, suavementeblandly - sobriamentegravely, soberly, staidly - audazmente, con valentíaboldly - agradablementenicely - acogedoramente, agradablemente, cómodamente, íntimamentecosily, cozily, snugly - agotado, inasequibleinaccessible, out of stock, sold out, unobtainable, unprocurable, untouchable - correspondientementecorrespondingly - con inteligenciacleverly, smartly - públicamentepopularly - intelectualmenteintellectually - reacciónreaction - exageradamenteexaggeratedly, excessively, hyperbolically - orgullosamente, ufanamenteproudly - solemnementesolemnly - torpementeclumsily - de manera ordinariacoarsely - intensamenteintensely - espontáneamentespontaneously - atroz, feo, horrible, horroroso, poco hermosoatrocious, frightful, heinous, homely, horrible, horrifying, inelegant, plain, terrible, ugly, unlovely, unsightly - alarmante, horroroso, temeroso, temible, temido, terrible, terríficoawful, dire, direful, dread, dreaded, dreadful, fearful, fearsome, formidable, frightening, horrendous, horrific, terrible - cominero, meticulosamentefussily, meticulously, nigglingly - amenazador, amenazante, imponente, severobaleful, forbidding, menacing, minacious, minatory, ominous, sinister, threatening - desgarbadamente, embarazosamenteawkwardly - triunfalmentetriumphantly - de pesadilla, de punta que pone los pelos, escalofriante, espeluznante, estremecedor, horripilantebloodcurdling, eerie, gruesome, hair-raising, lurid, nightmarish, uncanny - on a regular basis, regularly - alarmante, asustadizo, horripilantechilling, creepy, ghastly, grim, grisly, scarey, scary, shivery, shuddery - temibleformidable, redoubtable, unnerving - en el mejor de los casos, idealmente, perfectamenteideally - aniñadamente, como una niña, como un niño, puerilmentechildishly, puerilely - de muy mal gusto, macabro, morboso, negroghastly, grim, grisly, gruesome, macabre, sick - incorrectamenteimproperly - atentamente, cuidadosamente, escrupulosamente, minuciosamente, puntualmenteattentively, carefully, observantly - enormemente, tremendamenteenormously, hugely, immensely, staggeringly, tremendously - generosamente, liberalmentegenerously, liberally, munificently - con facilidad, fácilmente, sin dificultad, sin esfuerzoeffortlessly, no problem at all, no trouble at all, without any trouble, without effort - en detallein detail - cierre, conclusión, finalizaciónclosing, completion, culmination, mop up, take up, windup - adecuadamente, cómodamente, convenientementeconveniently, handily - inoportunamenteinconveniently - abstractamente, abstractivamente, en abstractoabstractly - obstinadamentecussedly, mulishly, obdurately, obstinately, pig-headedly, stubbornly - victoriosamentevictoriously - cuerdamente, prudentamente, prudentemente, sabiamente, sensatamentesagely, wisely - imprudentemente, neciamente, tontamentefoolishly, unwisely - despiertamente, inteligentemente, vivamenteintelligently, sharply, shrewdly, smartly - de manera intelegible, inteligiblementeclearly, comprehensibly, intelligibly, understandably - aristocráticamentearistocratically - con diplomacia, diplomáticamentediplomatically - debacle, desastre, fiasco, fracasodisaster, fiasco - indefinidamenteindefinitely - bien, con razón, correctamente, justoaright, correctly, properly, right, rightly - caritativamente, humanamentebeneficently, benevolently, charitably, kindly - perezosamentesluggishly - presuntuosoassuming, assumptive, presumptuous - a la carrera, apresuradamente, con prisa, deprisa, precipitadamente, rápidamentehastily, hurriedly, in a hurry, in haste - satíricamentesatirically - librementefreefall, freely - espiritualmentespiritually, wittily - borrosamente, confusamente, débilmente, indefinidamente, indeterminadamente, indistintamente, nebulosamente, sin precisión, vagamentedimly, faintly, foggily, fuzzily, hazily, indefinitely, indeterminately, indistinctly, mistily, shadowily, unclearly, vaguely - duraderamente, inquebrantablementedeterminedly, unfalteringly, unshakably, unshakeably - esporádicamenteperiodically, sporadically - asombrosamente, pasmosamente, sorprendentementeamazingly, astonishingly, astoundingly, surprisingly - abundantemente, abundosamente, copiosamente, en abundancia, pródigamente, profusamenteabundantly, amply, copiously, extravagantly, lavishly, liberally, plentifully, profusely, richly - aburrido, tediosamenteboringly, monotonously, tediously, tiresomely - supremamentesupremely - espléndido, guapísimo, hermoso, magnífico, maravilloso, precioso, vistosogorgeous - pulchritudinous - amablemente, cortésmente, educadamente, urbanamentecourteously, courtly, politely - encantadorravishing - desatentamente, descortésmente, groseramente, maleducadamente, sin modalesdiscourteously, impolitely, rudely - admirablemente, loablementeadmirably, commendable, laudably, praiseworthily, wonderfully - agradablemente, amablemente, gratamente, íntimamente, placenteramente, simpáticamenteagreeably, comfortably, congenially, enjoyably, pleasantly, pleasingly, pleasurably, snugly - unpleasantly - amistosamente, cordialmente, efusivamentecordially, heartily, warmly - afablemente, amablemente, amistosamene, bondadosamente, con buen humor, con misericordia, genialmente, graciosamente, simpáticamenteaffably, amiably, chummily, friendlily, genially, good-humouredly, graciously, lovably, loveably - explícitamente, inequívocamente, unívocamenteexplicitly, unambiguously, unequivocally, univocally - al último momento, apenas, por los pelos, por muy poco, por poco, por un peloat the last moment, by the skin of one's teeth, hardly, just, narrowly, no sooner, only just - agradable, amable, bondadoso, simpáticokind - fielmentedependably, faithfully, reliably - óptimooptimal, optimum - anormalmente, diferentementeaberrantly, abnormally, atypically - perennementeperennially - agradablementedeliciously, pleasurably - fondly, lovingly - interiormente, internamenteat/in the back of one's mind, innerly, inside, inwardly - favorablamente, favorablementefavorably, favourably, positively - adversamente, desfavorablementedisadvantageously, unfavorably, unfavourably - mejoradorameliorating, ameliorative, amelioratory, meliorative - irónicamente, lacónicamente, secamenteconcisely, drily, dryly, laconically, tersely - reduce - accommodatingly, obligingly - gloomily - vagamentemistily, vaguely - ampulosamente, con pompa, pomposamentepompously - mejora, mejoramientoimprovement - adelanto, fomento, progreso, promociónadvancement, furtherance, progress, promotion - acérrimamente, constantemente, firmemente, obstinadamente, persistentemente, tenazmentedoggedly, firmly, persistently, steadfastly, stubbornly, tenaciously, unwaveringly - eficazmente, eficientemente, expeditivamenteeffectively, effectually, efficaciously, efficiently, energetically, expeditiously, suitably - tragically - siniestramenteominously - con motivo, con razónjustifiably, with good reason - creídamente, engreídamente, impúdicamente, indecentemente, inmodestamenteimmodestly - irresistiblementeirresistibly, overpoweringly, overwhelmingly, unstoppably - duramente, estrictamente, rígidamente, rigurosamente, severamenteausterely, dourly, rigorously, severely, sternly, strictly, stringently - autoritariamente, con autoridadauthoritatively, magisterially - corrección, enmienda, rectificacióncorrection, emendation, rectification - stainless, unstained, unsullied, untainted, untarnished - con ferocidad, ferozmenteferociously, fiercely - sangriento, sanguinariobloodthirsty, bloody-minded, sanguinary - reformareform, reformation - embellecimientobeautification - clásicamenteclassically - obscuramente, oscuramenteabstrusely, darkly, murkily, obscurely - audaz, impávido, impertérrito, intrépido, osadoaudacious, brave, dauntless, fearless, hardy, intrepid, undaunted, unfearing, unflinching - horrifyingly - artísticamenteartistically - en especial, en particular, especialmente, particularmenteespecially, in particular, particularly, specially - actualización, modernización, remozamientomodernisation, modernization - análogamente, semejantemente, uniformementeevenly, monomorphically, regularly, steadily, unchangingly, uniformly, unvaryingly - enduringly - descaradamenteblatantly - degradacióndebasement, degradation - por antonomasia, por excelenciapar excellence - alentado, animoso, ardido, arrestado, bizarro, resuelto, valientebrave, courageous, gallant, plucky, stout-hearted, valiant - estéticamenteaesthetically, esthetically - horriblementeappallingly - valientevaliant, valorous - cowardly, fearful - contaminación, polucióncontamination, pollution - asombradizo, asustadizo, huraño, medroso, miedoso, temerosoanxious, chicken, chickenhearted, chicken-hearted, chicken-livered, chinless, coward, craven, fearful, gutless, lily-livered, nervous, spineless, timorous, white-livered, yellow, yellow-bellied - faint, fainthearted, faint-hearted, pusillanimous, timid - pusilánimepoor-spirited, pusillanimous, unmanly - abyectamente, abyectoabjectly, objectionably, resignedly - altivamente, arrogantemente, desdeñosamente, despectivamentearrogantly, condescendingly, presumptuously - arrojadamente, atrevidamente, audazmente, bravamente, denodadamente, esforzadamente, valerosamente, valientementeaudaciously, boldly, bravely, daringly, doughtily, hazardously, stoutheartedly - ávidamenteavidly - enamoradamenteamorously, lovingly - asiduamente, constantemente, diligentemente, sin disminuirassiduously, dedicatedly - con astucia, con perspicacia, sagazmenteacutely, astutely, sagaciously, sapiently, shrewdly - en broma, pícaramentearchly, mischievously, roguishly, wickedly - austeramente, duramenteausterely, hard - acuciadamente, acusiosamente, ansiadamente, ansiosamente, avaramente, avariciosamente, avarientamente, ávidamente, codiciosamente, con avaricia/codicia, con avidez, con muchas ganas, glotonamente, rapazmenteacquisitively, avariciously, avidly, covetously, desirously, eagerly, graspingly, greedily, hungrily, keenly, rapaciously, thirstily - benignamentebenignantly, benignly - abruptamente, bruscamentebluffly, bluntly, brusquely, curtly, flat out, roundly - boorishly - bizarramente, dadivosamentre, generosamente, liberalmente, pródigamentebig-heartedly, bounteously, bountifully, generously, lavishly, plenteously, plentifully, prodigally, profusely, unsparingly - activamente, ágilmente, gallardamente, rápidamente, rápidoalertly, briskly, spryly - continuamente, incesantemente, sin cesar, sin interrupción, sin pararall the time, ceaselessly, continuously, endlessly, incessantly, the whole time, unceasingly, unendingly - interminablementeendlessly, interminably - testarudoopinionated, opinionative, self-opinionated - alocadamente, arrebatadamente, atronadamente, desaliñadamente, descaradamente, descuidadamente, despreocupadamente, desvergonzadamente, imprudentemente, indiferentemente, irreflexivamente, negligentemente, no concienzudamente, no cuidadosamente, no meticulosamente, sin pensarbarefacedly, boldly, brashly, brazenly, carelessly, cheekily, heedlessly, impudently, mindlessly, negligently, nervily, rashly, shamelessly, sloppily, thoughtlessly, unthinkingly, untidily - churlishly, surlily - coloquialmente, informalmentecolloquially, conversationally, informally - sosegadamentecalmly, collectedly, composedly, leisurely - adaptaraccommodate, adapt, suit - con suficienciacomplacently - exhaustivamentecomprehensively - brevemente, con concisión, cortamente, en definitiva, en pocas palabras, en resumen, en resumidas cuentas, en total, en una palabra, para abreviar, resumidamente, totalbriefly, concisely, in a word, in brief, in short, in sum, shortly, the long and the short of it, to cut a long story short - cínicamentecynically - altivamente, con condescendencia, de forma paternalista, desdeñosamentecondescendingly, patronisingly, patronizingly - con confusión, confusamenteconfusedly - consequentially - constructivamente, constructivoconstructively, positively - a sangre fría, con calma, despreocupadamente, fríamente, tranquilamenteclinically, cold-bloodedly, coldly, coolly, cooly, detachedly, nervelessly, nonchalantly, standoffishly, stonily - de manera improbable, improbablemente, increíblemente, inverosímilmentebeyond belief, implausibly, improbably, incredibly, unbelievably - creíblemente, de manera creíble, de manera plausible, plausiblemente, verosímilmentebelievably, convincingly, credibly, plausibly, probably, prolly - enigmáticamente, misteriosamentecryptically, enigmatically, mysteriously, puzzlingly - incontable, innumerable, montones de, muchísimos, sin número, un sinfín decountless, infinite, innumerable, innumerous, legion, multitudinous, myriad, numberless, uncountable, uncounted, unnumberable, unnumbered, unnumerable, without number - deliciosamentedelightfully - a lo mejor, es posible, posiblemente, quizás, tal vez, a lo mejor, es posiblemaybe, mayhap, might have, peradventure, perchance, perhaps, possibly - absurdamente, disparatadamente, insensatamenteabsurdly, ludicrously, nonsensically, preposterously, ridiculously, senselessly - coqueteando, coqueto, flirteandocoquettishly, flirtatiously - infamemente, innoblemente, vilmentecurrishly, ignobly - circunstanciado, detallado, extenso, minucioso, pormenorizado, prolijoblow-by-blow, circumstantial, detailed, elaborate, elaborated - odiosamenteobjectionably, obnoxiously, offensively - apresurado, poco profundo, poco serio, rápido, superficialcasual, cursory, facile, passing, perfunctory, shallow, superficial - diabólicamente, terriblementedevilishly, diabolically, fiendishly - bajamente, de manera despreciable, de manera infame, infamemente, mal, malamente, mezquinamente, ruinmente, vilmentebasely, despicably, meanly - diametralmentediametrically - afanadamente, afanosamente, asiduamente, con diligencia, diligentemente, estudiosamente, laboriosamentediligently - desabridamente, desagradablemente, secamentecheerlessly, disagreeably, distastefully, grimly, nastily, uncomfortably, unkindly, unpleasantly - deshonrosamente, deshonroso, ignominiosamente, infamemente, sin fama, sin gloria, vergonzosamentediscreditably, disgracefully, dishonorable, dishonorably, dishonourable, dishonourably, ignominiously, inglorious, ingloriously, shamefully - abiertamente, cándidamente, francamente, sinceramente, susceptibleaccessibly, candidly, frankly, honestly, openly, overtly - disinterestedly - fielmente, lealmenteconstantly, fairly, faithfully, loyally, staunchly - deslealmente, infielmentedisloyally, faithlessly, unfaithfully - proporcionalmenteproportionally, proportionately - respetuosamente, reverentementedeferentially, respectfully, reverentially, reverently, with respect - irrespetuosamente, irreverentementedisrespectfully, impiously, irreverently - dogmáticamentedoctrinally, dogmatically - central - distraídamente, soñadordreamfully, dreamily, meditatively, moonily - con éxtasis, con mucho entusiasmo, exaltadamenteecstatically, rapturously, rhapsodically - espeluznantemente, horripilantemente, misteriosamenteeerily, spookily - effectually - effectively, efficaciously - wave - de forma egoísta, egoístamente, interesadamenteegoistically, egotistically, selfishly - eminently, pre-eminently - equably - eruditamenteeruditely, learnedly - de manera evasiva, evasivocagey, elusively, evasively - con regularidad, regularmenteregularly - desigualmenteunequally, unevenly - excesivamente, exorbitantementeexorbitantly, extortionately, usuriously - expediently, inadvisably - expensively - exponentially - ablandamiento, alivio, atenuación, mitigaciónextenuation, mitigation, palliation - descanso, distensióndetente, détente - apertura, expansión, liberalizaciónliberalisation, liberalization, relaxation - familiarmentefamiliarly - fanáticamentefanatically - impecablementefaultlessly - flabbily - de manera inflexible, inflexiblementeinflexibly, unbendingly, uncompromisingly - enérgicamenteforcefully - desarrollarseburgeon - formidableformidably - característica, característico, distintivocharacteristic, distinctive, typical - gluttonously - resplandecientementegorgeously, magnificently, resplendently, splendidly - gratuitously - crasamentegrievously - grotescamentegrotesquely, ludicrously, monstrously - a regañadientesgrudgingly - claroeasy, light, loose, promiscuous, sluttish, wanton - armoniosamenteharmoniously - imprudentementeheadlong, rashly - atrevidamente, audazmente, temerariamenteaudaciously, bravely, daringly, foolhardily, rashly, recklessly - cruelmente, despiadadamente, insensiblementeheartlessly - heroicamenteheroically - horriblemente, horrorosamentehideously, horridly, monstrously - higiénicamentehygienically, sanitarily - unificación, uniónconjugation, jointure, unification, union, uniting - reunificación, reuniónreunification, reunion - inútilmente, ociosamente, perezosamente, vanamenteidly, lazily - alteración, brecha, claro, interrupción, intervalo, laguna, paréntesis, pausa, trastornobreak, disruption, disturbance, gap, interruption - imperativamente, imperiosamenteauthoritatively, commandingly, imperatively, imperiously, peremptorily - con descaro, descaradamente, impertinentemente, insolentementebarefacedly, freshly, impertinently, impudently, insolently, pertly, saucily - alborotadamente, impetuosamente, impulsivamenteimpetuously, impulsively, on the spur of the moment, passionately, tempestuously, wildly - absolutamente, en todo casoabsolutely, definitely, exactly, on the button, on the dot, on the nose, positively, precisely - imprudentementecarelessly, imprudently, incautiously, unwisely - incomparablementebeyond compare, incomparably, uncomparably - discretamentediscreetly - descontaminacióndecontamination - indolentementeflabbily, indolently, laxly, slothfully - industriously - ingeniosamentecleverly, ingeniously, inventively - inherentementeinherently - inoportunamenteinopportunely, malapropos - acertadamente, apropiadamente, oportunamenteconveniently, expediently, opportunely - insidiosamenteinsidiously, perniciously - esquematizar, simplificarsimplify, streamline - con entusiasmokeenly - con gran dificultad, laboriosamentelaboriously - lánguidamentelanguidly - languishingly, languorously - indecentemente, obscenamentelasciviously, obscenely, salaciously - absurdamente, caricaturescamente, grotescamente, irrisoriamente, ridículamente, ridículametelaughably, ludicrously, preposterously, ridiculously - con clemencia, con complacencia, indulgentementeaccommodatingly, complacently, compliantly, indulgently, kindly, laxly, leniently, obligingly, smugly - facilitar, suministrarcoordinate, organise, organize - bien definido, limpio, neto, precisoclean - impecable, inmaculado, sin manchaimmaculate, speckless, spic, spic-and-span, spick, spick-and-span, spotless - lúgubremente, siniestramentedismally, gloomily, lugubriously, sinisterly - augustamente, majestuosamenteexaltedly, in a stately way, majestically - explotaciónexploitation, using, victimisation, victimization - drippily, mawkishly - insultos, malos tratos, maltratamiento, maltrato, molestiaabuse, ill-treatment, ill-usage, maltreatment, mistreatment - persecuciónpersecution, pursuit - caza de brujaswitch-hunt - desapiadadamente, despiadadamente, implacablemente, inexorablemente, inflexiblemente, sin amor, sin compasión, sin corazón, sin piedad, sin remordimientoscallously, cold-bloodedly, cold-heartedly, heartlessly, inexorably, lovelessly, mercilessly, pitilessly, relentlessly, remorselessly, ruthlessly, unmercifully, unyieldingly - macartismoMcCarthyism - abracadabrante, desconcertador, desconcertante, pasmosobewildering - minuciosamentecircumstantially, minutely - milagrosamente, prodigiosamenteby a miracle, miraculously - translúcido, transluciente, traslúcido, traslucientesemitransparent, translucent - miserablemente, tristementemiserably, pitifully, wretchedly - escapismo, evasión, evasionismoescape, escapism - monótonamentemonotonously - túrbidocloudy, mirky, muddy, murky, turbid - lechosomilklike, milky, whitish - narrow-mindedly, small-mindedly - agudo, agudo, perspicaz, astuto, inteligente, perspicazastute, sharp, shrewd, subtle - close, near, nigh - objetivamentedispassionately, objectively - servilmente, sumisamenteobsequiously, servilely, slavishly, submissively, subserviently - opulentamenteopulently, sumptuously - ostentosamenteostentatiously, showily - enveloping - íntimo, próximobosom, close, intimate, near - pertinently - cachazudamentephlegmatically - pithily, sententiously - deplorablemente, lamentablementepitiably, pitifully - inútilmentepointlessly - pretenciosococksurely, pretentiously - unpretentiously - lindamenteprettily - prosaicamenteprosaically, unimaginatively - débilmente, escaso, flojamente, pobre, pobrementepunily, puny, scantily, scanty, tight, tightly - de manera extraña, excéntricamente, extrañamentefunnily, funny, oddly, queerly, strangely - con calma, plácidamente, relajadamente, reposadamente, serenamente, silenciosamente, sosegadamente, tranquilamentecalmly, peacefully, placidly, quietly, restfully, serenely, tranquilly - complete - relevantly - decentemente, de manera digna de alabanza, honorablemente, honoríficamente, honrosamente, meritoriamentecreditably, honorably, honourably, respectably - reverentially, reverently - robustly - amplio, espaciosocommodious, convenient - apretado, estrecho, menudocramped - cómodo, confortable, relajado, tranquilocomfortable, comfy, convenient, easy - inquietantedisquieting - sensualmente, voluptuosamentesensually, sensuously, sultrily - sensualmentesensually, sultrily - serenamenteserenely - proportional, relative - shallowly - democratic, popular - frequent - general - básico, de base, definitivobasal, base, basic, elementary, standard - skilfully, skillfully - excepcional, extraordinario, particularespecial, exceptional, particular, special - poco común, rarorare - unusual - acostumbrado, común, habitual, usualusual - acostumbrado, costumbre, de costumbre, hábito, habitualaccustomed, customary, habitual, regular, wont, wonted - corrientecommon - asquerosamente, sórdidamente, suciamentebasely, dingily, dirtily, sordidly, squalidly - especial, específico, particularparticular - respectivorespective, several, various - separate - elocuente, expresivo, reveladorexpressive, revealing, telling - sin expresióndeadpan, expressionless, impassive, poker-faced, unexpressive - strictly, stringently - superlatively - sneakily, surreptitiously - agradablemente, agradablemente, gentilmente, con encanto/gracia, dulcemente, gentilmentesweet, sweetly - tácitamentetacitly - por telégrafo, telegráficamentetelegraphically, tersely - tiernamentetenderly - según la tradición, tradicionalmenteby tradition, traditionally - competente, eficienteeffective, efficient - quejumbrosofretful, querulous, whiney, whiny - protestador, protestanteprotestant - unbearably - estimularexcite, stimulate - completocomplete - abiertamente, completamente, francamente, incondicionalmente, totalmenteabsolutely, unconditionally, unquestioningly, unreservedly, wholeheartedly - exhaustivoexhaustive, thorough, thoroughgoing - totalfull, overall, total - indignamenteshamefully, unworthily - incomplete, uncomplete - útilmenteusefully - valientementevaliantly, valorously - vehementementevehemently - asquerosamente, despreciablemente, infamemente, vilmentevilely - con voracidad, vorazmentegluttonously, voraciously - enciclopédicoencyclopaedic, encyclopedic - plenarioplenary - wholeheartedly - graciosamente, ingeniosamentewittily - accessible, approachable - aflojar, aflojarse, aligerar, aliviar, laxar, mitigaralleviate, ease, facilitate - si, síaye, yea, yeah, yes - conyugalmenteconjugally, connubial, connubially - dingily, grubbily, grungily - especialmenteespecially, specially - al instante, de inmediato, inmediatamente, instantáneamente, yaimmediately - derechamente, derecho, directamente, en línea recta, todo derechodirect, directly, right, straight, straightly - conciso, resumidoconcise - aforístico, epigramáticoaphoristic, apothegmatic, epigrammatic - compacto, en resumen, sucintoclose packed, compact, compendious, succinct, summary, terse - brusco, conciso, corto, lacónico, lapidario, seco, sucintoconcise, crisp, curt, laconic, terse - interminable, prolijo, verbosolong-winded, tedious, verbose, windy, wordy - eróticamenteerotically - desmadre, destrucción, estrago, estragos, marabunta, tala, zafarranchohavoc, mayhem, ravages - agitación, algarabía, barbulla, batahola, follón, greguería, griterío, jaleo, protesta, tormenta, trastorno, tumulto, vocería, zalagarda, zambeque, zaragataagitation, excitement, hullabaloo, turmoil, upheaval - agitación, aglomeración, ajetreo, animación, apiñadura, apiñamiento, apretujón, apreturas, atropello, barullo, bulla, bullicio, conmoción, movimiento, ruido, tejemaneje, tráfago, trajínado, bustle, bustling, flurry, fuss, hustle, jostling, pushing, stir - abarrotado, atestado, atestado, lleno hasta los topes, abarrotado, concurrido, hasta los topes lleno, superpobladocrowded, overcrowded - incongruenteincongruous - boludez, gangabreeze, child's play, cinch, duck soup, picnic, piece of cake, pushover, snap, walkover - profaned, violated - service - big, large, prominent - chillón, evidente, flagrante, llamativoblatant, crying, egregious, flagrant, glaring, gross, rank - asunto inconclusoloose end, unfinished business - constant - recurrente, renovado, repetido, repetitivoperennial, recurrent, renewed, repeated, repetitive - esporádicooccasional, sporadic - know - argumentador, discutidorargumentative - know - convencionalconventional - conventional - estrafalario, estrambótico, extraña, extraño, extravagante, rarobizarre, eccentric, flakey, flaky, freakish, freaky, gonzo, off-the-wall, outlandish, outre - dificultad, disgusto, problemadifficulty, trouble - considerableconsiderable - considerableappreciable - insignificant, undistinguished - confundir, hacer tropezarconfound, confuse - caballeresco, caballeroso, galantechivalrous, gallant, knightly - brusco, duro, mordazabrupt, brusk, brusque, curt, short, snappy - descortés, incivil, malcriado, maleducado, mal educadoill-mannered, impolite, mannerless, rude, uncivil - creíblebelievable, credible - increíbleincredible, unbelievable - duro, hirviendo, incisivo, mordazboiling, boiling hot, broiling, broiling hot, scathing, vituperative - apurado, críticocritical - grave, seriodangerous, grave, grievous, life-threatening, serious, severe - crucial, important - anticuadooutdated, out-of-date, superannuated - obsolescenteobsolescent, obsolete - malditoaccursed, accurst, cursed, maledict - cojo, destartalado, desvencijado, inestable, inseguro, ruinoso, tambaleantebedraggled, broken-down, crumbling, derelict, dilapidated, ramshackle, rickety, shaky, tatterdemalion, tumbledown, tumble-down - chabacano, craso, flagrante, grande, grosero, ordinario, vulgarcheap, common, crude, earthy, gross, rascal, vulgar - formal, sereno, serio, sosegado, tranquilosedate, staid - undefined, vague - primary - indudabledecided, distinct - exigentedemanding, exacting, fastidious - riguroso, severorigorous, stringent, tight - apremiantepressing, urgent - arbitrario, seleccionado al azararbitrary, indiscriminate, random - calcular, estimar, prever, pronosticarcalculate, count on, estimate, figure, forecast, reckon - de confianza digno, digno de confianza, fiabledependable, reliable - desviacióndeviance, deviation - dependent - peccata minutaindiscretion, peccadillo - independienteindependent - derroche, prodigalidadextravagance, highlife, high life, lavishness, prodigality - desirable - jugada suciafoul play - apetecedor, apetecible, apeticible, codiciable, deseable, envidiabledesirable, enviable, tempting - cualidad de sacrílego, profanación, profanamiento, sacrilegioblasphemy, desecration, profanation, sacrilege, sacrilegiousness - preferente, preferiblepreferable, preferred - porno, pornografía, sicalipsisblue movie, erotica, obscene literature, porn, porno, pornographic literature, pornography, smut - pay - envy, invidia - arduo, denso, difícil, dificultoso, duro, fastidioso, pesado, problemáticoawkward, difficult, hard, heavy, stiff, tough, uphill - cólera, enfado, enojo, iraanger, ira, ire, wrath - gluttony, gula, overeating - delicadodelicate, ticklish, touchy - serious - difícil, inoportuno, molesto, problemáticotroublesome, unfavorable, unfavourable, unsuitable, unwelcome - cómodo, fácileasy - básico, elemental, mero, puroelementary, simple, uncomplicated, unproblematic - meloso, zalamerohoney-like, smooth - aplicado, asiduo, constante, diligente, hacendoso, trabajadorassiduous, sedulous, zealous - incansable, infatigablehardworking, industrious, tireless, untiring - negligentedelinquent, derelict, neglectful, remiss - directodirect - marcajebraving, confronting, coping with, grappling, tackling - good - selectivoselective - indistintoindistinct - general - aventura, contingencia, despeñadero, en peligro, peligro, riesgodanger, hazard, jeopardy, peril, risk - dominante, predominantedominant, predominant - muy finoacute, intense - defensa, guardiadefence, defense - changing, ever-changing - incipienteinchoate, incipient - confront, face, face up - de buen rendimiento, eficaz, eficiente, llamativo, logrado, vistosobusinesslike, effective, effectual, efficacious, efficient, suitable - agotador, delicado, deslomador, difícil, dificultoso, duro, duro, penoso, embarazoso, laborioso, penoso, pesado, tirantearduous, backbreaking, difficult, exhausting, grueling, gruelling, hard, heavy, laborious, operose, painful, punishing, shattering, tiring, toilsome - fatigosoheavy, labored, laboured - facile - alterne, promiscuidad, promiscuidad sexualpromiscuity, promiscuousness, sleeping around - economic, economical - expeditivo, que ahorra tiempoenergetic, expeditious, quick - drástico, radicaldrastic, extreme, sweeping - exclamatorioemphatic, exclamatory - firm, strong - desmañado, torpe, torpe del nacimientogauche, graceless, left-handed, unpolished - exportableexportable - entusiasmado, entusiasta, entusiásticoenthusiastic - ávido, entusiasmado, entusiasta, ilusionado, impacienteavid, eager, keen, zealous - adular, dar coba a, favorecer, halagar, lisonjearblandish, butter up, fawn on, fawn upon, flatter, sweet-talk, toady to - explícito, inequívoco, unívocoexplicit, unambiguous, unequivocal, univocal - esotéricoesoteric - abstrusoabstruse, deep, recondite - aecanoarcane - exotéricoexoteric - básico, elementalbasal, basic, primary - eufemísticoeuphemistic, inoffensive - aproximado, aproximativo, esbozado, globalapproximate, approximative, broad, rough - free, liberal, loose - pasmosobreathless, breathtaking - abuso, desaprovechamiento, mal uso, uso incorrectoabuse, misuse - cara, caroexpensive - caro, costosocostly, dear, expensive, high-priced, precious, pricey, pricy - overpriced - asequible, baratísimo, barato, económicoaffordable, cheap, dirt-cheap, inexpensive, reasonable - capitalizacióncapitalisation, capitalization - crédulo, inexperto, novato, verde, verde, novatogreen, inexperienced, new, raw - aclarar, dilucidar, elucidar, esclarecer, poner en claroclarify, clear up, elucidate - interior, íntimo, profundoinner, interior, internal - equitativo, justoequitable, just - unfamiliar - anticuado, antiguo, desfasado, pasado de modaantique, demode, démodé, ex, old-fashioned, old-hat, outmoded, out of date, out of fashion, out of style, passe, passee, unmodish - pasado de moda, pobredowdy, frumpish, frumpy - de clase alta, gente bienclassy, posh, swish - inmediata, inmediato, instantáneoimmediate, instant, instantaneous - melindrosofinical, finicky, fussy, particular, picky - delicado, exigentechoosey, choosy, meticulous, particular - rechoncho, regordete, rellenobuxom, chubby, plump, zaftig, zoftig - corpulento, metido en carnes, obesa, obesocorpulent, obese, rotund, stout, weighty - anguloso, chupado, demacrado, descarnado, escuálido, esquelético, flaco, huesudoangular, bony, cadaverous, emaciated, gaunt, haggard, pinched, scrawny, skeletal, skinny, wasted - clasificación, disposición, orden, ordenamiento, organización, tramitaciónarrangement, handling, ordering, organisation, organization - reduplicaciónbacking up, perfecting, printing the verse, reduplication, reiteration, second printing, verso printing - copiado, mimetización, traslacióncopying - reproducciónreplication, reproduction - ahínco, constancia, insistencia, perseverancia, persistencia, tenacidadperseverance, perseveration, persistence - básico, fundamentalbasic, introductory - rito, ritualrite, ritual - en forma, salubre, sanofit, healthful, healthy, sound - sanoable, able-bodied - acentuar, destacar, enfatizar, realzar, subrayaraccent, accentuate, emphasise, emphasize, lay/put stress on, punctuate, stress, underline, underscore - fosilizado, petrificadofossilised, fossilized, ossified, petrified - acentuar, destacar, enfatizar, poner el énfasis en, realzar, recalcar, subrayaraccent, accentuate, emphasise, emphasize, stress, underline, underscore - intransigenteinflexible, intransigent, sturdy, uncompromising - extranjero, extrañoextraneous, foreign, strange - ceremoniosoceremonious, conventional - desahogo, descanso, en reposo, holganza, huelga, relajo, relax, reposo, solaz, tranquilidadease, relaxation, repose, rest - good, well - abstinenciaabstinence - fatalblack, calamitous, disastrous, fatal, fateful - libreclear, empty, free, off, unrestricted - occasional - fresh - recientehot - afable, amable, amistoso, bueno, cordial, formidable, genial, simpáticoaffable, amiable, cordial, genial - cejijunto, ceñudobeetle-browed, scowling - fértil, productivofat, fertile, productive, rich - colapsado, congestionadocongested, engorged - mere - such, such that - específicospecific - local - technical - obediencia, respetoobedience, respect - considerable, dadivoso, desprendido, generoso, liberal, pródigobig, bighearted, bounteous, bountiful, free, freehanded, generous, giving, handsome, lavish, liberal, openhanded - munificente, pródigolavish, munificent, overgenerous, too-generous, unsparing, unstinted, unstinting - desgobierno, mala administración, mala dirección, mala gestiónmaladministration, misdirection, misgovernment, mismanagement, misrule - humilde, malhumorado, malo, pobremean, mingy, miserly, tight - pobrísimoparsimonious, penurious - big, large, magnanimous - good, honest - sintéticosynthetic - agradable, beneficioso, bueno, en buenas condiciones, en forma, sano, satisfecho, contento, útilbeneficial, good - gratoacceptable, satisfactory - adecuado, cómodo, conveniente, conveniente, cómodoconvenient, suitable - apaciguamiento, satisfacciónappeasement, calming - horriblecrappy, icky, lousy, rotten, shitty, stinking, stinky - aplacamiento, conciliación, propiciaciónconciliation, placation, propitiation - negative - amable, buena, buenogood - white - black, dark, sinister - demoniaco, diabólico, impío, indebido, irreverente, ofensivo, profano, satánica, satánico, ultrajantedemoniac, demoniacal, demonic, demonical, devilish, diabolic, diabolical, fiendish, hellish, infernal, satanic, unholy - diabólicodevilish, diabolic, diabolical, mephistophelean, mephistophelian - bristly, prickly, splenetic, waspish - atrabiliario, cabreado, de mal humor, enfadado, enojadizo, enojado, gruñón, irritado, malhumorado, mal humor debad-tempered, cantankerous, crabbed, crabby, cross, fussy, grouchy, grumpy, ill-tempered, moody - malhumoradocranky, fractious, irritable, nettlesome, peckish, peevish, pettish, petulant, scratchy, techy, testy, tetchy - amargado, amenazador, áspero, gruñón, hosco, huraño, malhumorado, melancólico, misterioso, oscuro, secreto, sombrío, taciturnodark, dour, glowering, glum, grouchy, moody, morose, saturnine, sour, sullen, testy - de carácter agrio, de carácter agrio, hosco, hosco, malhumoradosurly, ugly - gradual - de la noche a la mañana, súbitosudden - follonesaggro - aciago, catastrófico, desastroso, infausto, nefastocalamitous, catastrophic, disastrous, ruinous - desegregación, integracióndesegregation, integrating, integration - palabrafaith - heavy - light - heavy - agotador, pesadoburdensome, onerous, taxing - crítico, inquietante, precariodistressful, distressing, disturbing, perturbing, startling, troubling, worrisome, worrying - support - heavy - light - homogéneohomogeneous, homogenous - beneficio, favorfavor, favour, patronage - beau geste - atenciónattention - alto, elevado, grandehigh - movilizaciónmobilisation, mobilization - baja, bajolow, low-lying - despique, desquite, represalia, represalias, revancha, venganza, vindicaciónact of revenge, reprisal, retaliation, retaliatory action, revenge, vengeance - altohigh - low - high, high-pitched - intercesión, intervenciónintercession, intervention - renovaciónrenewal - abierto, francoopen - engañosodeceptive, misleading, shoddy - difundirse por, empapar, impregnardiffuse, imbue, interpenetrate, penetrate, permeate, pervade, riddle - válvula de escape, válvula expansivaoutlet, release, vent - welcoming - acalorado, caliente, caluroso, muy calientehot - cold - desolado, inhóspitobleak, cutting, raw - fríocold - sobrehumanosuperhuman - humanohumane - asnal, bestial, brutal, bruto, durobeastly, bestial, brutal, brute, brutish, harsh, heavy-handed - arlequinesco, bufonesco, clownescobuffoonish, clownish, clownlike, zany - irrisible, rídiculoamusing, comic, comical, funny, laughable, mirthful, risible - chistoso, cómico, divertido, graciosodroll, funny - divertidísimo, hilarantehilarious, screaming, uproarious - acertado, agudo, brillante, divertido, gracioso, ingenioso, perspicaz, salado, vivoalert, quick, quick-witted, sharp, sharp-witted, smart, telling, witty - apresurado, hecho deprisahurried - considerable, de peso, esencial, fundamental, gran, importante, mayor, significativoappreciable, big, consequential, considerable, important, marked, material, of import, significant, weighty - big - cardinal, clave, fundamental, principalcardinal, central, fundamental, key, primal - alto, mayor, principal, supremochief, high, main, master, primary, principal - históricohistoric - serious - estratégicostrategic, strategical - valiosovaluable - fútilfiddling, footling, futile, lilliputian, little, niggling, petty, picayune, piddling, piffling, trifling, trivial - estremecedor, imponente, impresionante, piel de gallina que pone la, que infunde temor/respetoamazing, awe-inspiring, awesome, awful, awing, commanding, imposing, impressive, stately - estupendo, magnífico, maravillosobrilliant, glorious, magnificent, splendid - decadentedecadent, effete - informadoinformed - de densa población, densamente poblado, populosopopulous, thickly settled - inocente, intachable, intachable, irreprochable, irreprochableblameless, inculpable, irreproachable, unimpeachable - edificanteedifying, enlightening - intelectualintellectual - inteligenteclever, intelligent, shrewd - interesanteinteresting - absorbente, cautivador, intrigante, que enganchaabsorbing, captivating, engrossing, fascinating, gripping, intriguing, riveting - aburrido, atediante, embotador, embrutecedor, insípido, insulso, molesto, monótono, pesado, repetitivo, soso, tediosoboring, dead-and-alive, deadening, drab, draggy, dreary, dull, ho-hum, irksome, jejune, monotonous, slow, soul-destroying, stodgy, stultifying, tedious, tiresome, wearisome - extrínsecoextrinsic - adventitious - deprimidodepressed, depressing, depressive, gloomy, saddening - bitter - lúgubre, tristelugubrious - afamado, célebre, de cartel, de renombre, destacado, famoso, ilustre, importante, insigne, notablecelebrated, distinguished, famed, famous, far-famed, illustrious, notable, noted, prominent, renowned - gran, grande, mayorlarge - de largo, grandebroad, spacious, wide - abultado, voluminosobulky - amplio, espacioso, extenso, vastoample, capacious, commodious, comprehensive, roomy, spacious, sweeping - altísimo, colosal, estupendo, fantástico, maravilloso, muy altocolossal, lofty, prodigious, stupendous, towering - agigantado, altísimo, descomunal, enorme, fenomenal, grandísimo, grandote, inmenso, tremendoenormous, huge, towering, tremendous, vast - descomunal, enorme, gigante, gigantescoelephantine, gargantuan, giant, gigantic, jumbo - descomunal, gigantesco, inmensogiant, gigantic, huge, leviathan, mammoth, mountainous - inmenso, vastoBrobdingnagian, huge, immense, vast - enorme, gigantebanging, humongous, thumping, walloping, whopping - pequeñolittle, small - chiquita, diminuto, menuda, micro-, minúsculo, pequeñísimo, pequeñitobantam, diminutive, flyspeck, lilliputian, micro-, midget, petite, tiny - ínfimo, minúsculo, muy pequeño, simbólicofractional, miniscule, minuscule, minute, nominal, teensy, teensy weensy, teeny, teeny weeny, tiny, wee - diferentedifferent, dissimilar, unlike - menor, moderado, pequeñolittle, minor, modest, pocket-size, pocket-sized, small, small-scale - local - ¡trabajadores del mundo, de mucha duración, extenso, interminable, largo, prolongado, uní­os!drawn-out, extended, lengthy, long, long-drawn-out, prolonged, protracted - duradero, estable, longevo, perdurable, sólidoclose, close-knit, closely-knit, durable, firm, hardwearing, hard-wearing, lasting, long-lasting, long-lived, longwearing, staunch, strong, tight, tightly-knit - interminableendless, eternal, interminable - breve, cortobrief, short - breve, momentáneofleeting, fugitive, momentaneous, momentary, non-fast, not fast to light, short-lived - sonoroheavy, sonorous - adorable, encantador, simpáticoadorable, endearing, lovely - cariñoso, cuco, de peluche, encantador, mono, preciosocharming, cuddlesome, cuddly, cute, lovely, sweet - abominable, asqueroso, detestable, odioso, repugnanteabominable, detestable, execrable, loathsome, odious - niño de sus ojosblue-eyed, fair-haired, white-haired - amoroso, cariñoso, tiernoaffectionate, loving - afectuoso, cariñoso, tiernoaffectionate, fond, lovesome, tender, warm - aficionado, amartelado, amelonado, chalado, chiflado, colado, derretido, enamorado, encantado, muerto por los pedazosamorous, besotted, enamored, enamoured, head over heels in love, infatuated, in love, madly in love, potty, smitten, soft on, sweet, taken with - major - minor - insignificant, peanut - afeminado, mujerilwomanish - infantilchildish, infantile - demasiado maduro, pasadooverripe - máximomaximal, maximum - mínimominimal, minimum - significativomeaningful - deslucido, intranscendente, intrascendenteinane, meaningless, nonmeaningful - despiadadomerciless, unmerciful - de corazón duro como una piedra, desapiadadamente, desapiadado, despiadadamente, despiadado, encarnizado, feroz, implacable, inexorable, insensible, sin compasión, sin piedad, sin remordimientoscold-blooded, cutthroat, cut-throat, hard-hearted, heartless, merciless, pitiless, relentless, remorseless, ruthless, showing no mercy, unpitying - leve, ligeromild - intensivointensive - grave, seriosevere, terrible, wicked - strong - attract, draw, draw in, pull, pull in - excesivoexcessive, inordinate, steep, undue, unreasonable - abusivo, de, excesivo, exorbitanteexorbitant, extortionate, outrageous, steep, unconscionable, usurious - extremista, radical, ultraextremist, radical, ultra, ultra- - sin pretensionesretiring, unassuming - degenerado, desenfrenado, desvergonzado, disipado, disoluto, fornicador, libertino, licencioso, viciosodebauched, degenerate, degraded, dissipated, dissolute, fast, libertine, profligate, riotous, wanton - many - numerosolegion, manifold, numerous - pocas, poco, pocosfew, little - mundial, mundialmente, universal, universalmenteglobal, planetary, world, worldwide, world-wide - natural - espectral, fantasmagórico, fantasmalapparitional, ghostlike, ghostly, phantasmal, spectral, spiritual - finaleventual - final, last, net - aberrante, anómalo, anormal, diferenteaberrant, abnormal, deviant, unnatural - bienmandado, obedienteobedient - clear, open - librefree, spare - aborrecible, detestable, odioso, repelente, repugnante, repulsivoabhorrent, detestable, disgusting, obscene, off-putting, repellant, repellent, repelling, repugnant, repulsive - asqueroso, desagradable, horrible, repugnantedisgustful, disgusting, distasteful, foul, loathly, loathsome, repellant, repellent, repelling, revolting, skanky, wicked, yucky - renovarregenerate, renew - ex-old - nuevo, recientefresh, new, newest, novel - recent - anciano, de edad, de edad avanzada, mayor, viejoaged, elderly, older, senior - completar, ejecutar, llevar a cabo, llevar a termino, lograr, realizaraccomplish, action, carry out, carry through, execute, fulfil, fulfill - oportunoseasonable, timely, well timed, well-timed - mediocre, ordinario, vulgarordinary - mediano, mediocre, regularaverage, fair, mediocre, middling, moderate - common - habitualeveryday, mundane, quotidian, routine, unremarkable, workaday - enorme, estupendo, fabuloso, fantástico, magnífico, maravilloso, tremendofabulous, fantastic, grand, howling, marvellous, marvelous, out of sight, rattling, terrific, thundering, tremendous, wonderful, wondrous - holistic - originaloriginal - fresh, new, novel - innovadorgroundbreaking, innovational, innovative - banal, cliché, estereotipado, gastado, lugar común, manido, manoseado, ramplón, tópico, trilladobanal, clichéd, commonplace, corny, hackneyed, old-hat, shopworn, stale, stock, threadbare, timeworn, tired, trite, well-worn - ortodoxoorthodox - iconoclastaiconoclastic - abierto, manifiesto, públicoopen, overt - fanáticofanatic, fanatical, overzealous, rabid - presenteattendant, present - irenic - agudo, fuerte, penetrante, perspicaz, sagazacute, astute, clever, discerning, discriminating, incisive, keen, knifelike, penetrating, penetrative, piercing, sagacious, sharp, shrewd - permanentelasting, permanent - transitorioimpermanent, temporary - breve, efímera, efímero, fugaz, fugitivo, instantáneo, momentáneo, pasajero, perecedero, transitorioephemeral, fleeting, fugacious, passing, short-lived, transient, transitory - evanescenteevanescent - confuso, perplejobaffled, confused, perplexed, puzzled - perplejoat a loss, nonplused, nonplussed, puzzled - íntimo, personalintimate, personal - assure, reassure - fácil, liso, mero, sencillo, sin ornamentosbare, mere, nude, plain, simple - fácil, sencillo, simplesimple - acepto, agradable, grato, placenteroagreeable, congenial, enjoyable, gratifying, pleasant, pleasurable - delicioso, encantadordelicious, delightful - abatir, rebajarreduce - divertido, entretenidoentertaining - divertidoamusing, amusive, diverting - afirmativo, concluyente, definitivo, positivopositive - asustar, chocar, escandalizar, horrorizar, ofender, sobresaltar, ultrajarappal, appall, offend, outrage, scandalise, scandalize, shock - negative - neutral - satisfacergratify, satisfy - impracticableimpracticable, infeasible, unfeasible, unworkable - fuerte, potentepotent, stiff, strong - desalentar, descorazonar, disuadirdiscourage - potent, strong - puissant - impotente, sin autoridadpowerless - authoritative, important - exacto, precisoprecise - bombástico, grandilocuente, grandílocuo, pomposobombastic, grandiloquent, overblown, pompous, pontifical, portentous - secundariosecondary - auxiliary, subsidiary, supplemental, supplementary - basic - private - confidencialconfidential - public - open - productivoproductive, prolific - infructífero, infructuoso, vanoabortive, bootless, fruitless, futile, sleeveless, unfruitful, vain - lucrativo, remunerador, remunerativolucrative, moneymaking, paying, profitable, remunerative - amable, atractivo, decentebecoming, comely, comme il faut, decent, decorous, seemly - formal, gazmoñero, gazmoño, mojigato, puritano, remilgadopriggish, prim, prissy, prudish, puritanical, square-toed, straightlaced, straight-laced, straitlaced, strait-laced, tight-laced, victorian - protective - arrogante, prepotentearrogant, chesty, self-important - altanero, altivo, arrogante, de altivez, desdeñoso, despreciativo, de superioridad, engreído, menospreciativo, noble, presuntuosodisdainful, haughty, imperious, lofty, lordly, overbearing, prideful, sniffy, supercilious, superior, swaggering - creído, engreído, presumido, vanidosoconceited, egotistic, egotistical, self-conceited, swollen, swollen-headed, vain - puro, soloneat, pure - clean, clear, light, unclouded - alleged, so-called, supposed - poco probableapocryphal, implausible - a la sombra, dudoso, sospechosodoubtful, dubious, fishy, funny, shady, suspect, suspicious - escandaloso, ruidosonoisy - apacible, calmado, descansado, pacífico, relajado, relajante, reposado, sangre fría, sereno, tranquilocool, cool-headed, peaceable, peaceful, relaxing, reposeful, restful - perturbador, tumultuosodisruptive, riotous, troubled, tumultuous, turbulent - orderly, systematic - hardheaded, hard-nosed, practical, pragmatic - kafkaesque - surrealistaphantasmagoric, phantasmagorical, surreal, surrealist, surrealistic - firme, sano, sólidohealthy, intelligent, levelheaded, level-headed, sound - animal, bruto, grosero, torpe, tosco, zafioboorish, loutish, neandertal, neanderthal, oafish, swinish - áspero, grosero, gruesocoarse, common, rough, rough-cut, uncouth, vulgar - craso, enorme, estúpido, garrafal, grosero, inhumano, insensible, zafiocoarse, crass - regular - irrelevant - consideradoesteemed, honored, prestigious - de mala fama, infame, notorio, ruindisreputable, ill-famed, infamous, notorious - conciliable, reconciliablereconcilable - resueltoresolved, single-minded - presentablepresentable - responsableresponsible - gratificanterewarding - oratorio, retóricooratorical - beating, pulsating, pulsing - bien/de dinero mal, prósperoaffluent, badly, flush, loaded, moneyed, wealthy, well off - acomodado, desahogadocomfortable, easy, prosperous, well-fixed, well-heeled, well-off, well-situated, well-to-do - arrastrado, pobrebadly-off, poor - abollado, arrancado, arruinado, con el bolsillo en seco, estar sin blanca, limpio, ni sin cinco céntimos, sin una perra, sin una pesetabroke, bust, flat broke, skint, stone-broke, stony-broke - desvalido, indigente, menesteroso, necesitado, necesitado de ayudadestitute, impecunious, impoverished, indigent, necessitous, needy, poverty-stricken - en números rojos, estar casi sin algo, estar sin blanca/sin un duro, pelado, sin un durohard up, impecunious, in straitened circumstances, penniless, penurious, pinched - lujoso, opulento, suntuosodeluxe, gilded, grand, lush, luxurious, opulent, princely, sumptuous - robustorobust - corpulento, cuadrado, fornido, musculoso, robustobeefy, brawny, buirdly, burly, husky, strapping, sturdy - árcadearcadian, bucolic, pastoral - arriesgado, peligrosohazardous, risky, wild - arriesgado, malsano, peligrosa, peligrosodangerous, hazardous, parlous, perilous, precarious, touch-and-go, unhealthy - autodestructivo, suicidaself-destructive, suicidal - diverso, varioassorted, various - parecido, semejante, similar similar - chalado, chiflado, en desorden, loco, que sabe a nuez, taradoaround the bend, balmy, barmy, bats, batty, bonkers, buggy, cracked, crackers, daft, dotty, fruity, haywire, kookie, kooky, loco, loony, loopy, nut, nuts, nutty, round the bend, wacky, whacky - maníaco, maniáticomaniac, maniacal, manic - incisivo, mordaz, sarcásticoacid, sarcastic - irónico, sardónicosardonic, wry - satíricosatiric, satirical - insatisfactoriounsatisfactory - decepcionante, defraudadordisappointing, dissatisfactory, unsatisfying - cursi, erudito, maniático, pedante, pedantesco, puntillosoacademic, donnish, pedantic - eruditoerudite, learned - atractivo, atrayentealluring, appealing, attractive, beguiling, charming, enticing, fascinating, tempting - egoístaselfish - self-seeking, self-serving - erógenoerogenous - higiénicohygienic, hygienical, sanitary - extraneous, foreign - serious - frívolofrivolous - endiablado, juguetón, traviesoarch, impish, implike, mischievous, pixilated, prankish, puckish, wicked - formal, sobrioserious, sober, unplayful - open, undecided, undetermined, unresolved - coqueto, coquetóncoquettish, flirtatious - eróticoerotic, erotical, titillating, titillatingly - blue, gamey, gamy, juicy, naughty, racy, risque, spicy - lascivoconcupiscent, lascivious, lewd, libidinous, lustful - salazlubricious, lustful, prurient, salacious - aparecer, comparecer, parece ser queappear, look, seem - parecerappear, seem - enseñar, enseñar rápidamenteflash, show - alardear, baladronear, bravatear, bravear, bravuconear, darse tono, darse tono/humos, fanfarronear, fardar, hacer alarde de, hacer gala de, hacer ostentación de, jactarse, ostentar, pavonearseact big, boast, brag, flash, flaunt, make a flourish of, make a show of, ostentate, parade, show off, show off with, swagger, swank - con ojos de lince, de vista aguda, ojos de linceargus-eyed, hawk-eyed, keen-sighted, lynx-eyed, quick-sighted, sharp-eyed, sharp-sighted - elocuente, expresivoimportant, significant - anodino, baladí, deslucido, fútil, indiferente, insignificante, nimio, tenuefrivolous, immaterial, inconsequential, inconsiderable, indifferent, insignificant, trifling, unimportant - simple - elemental, esencial, fundamental, primordialelemental, elementary, essential, fundamental, material, ultimate, vital - complejo, intrincadoByzantine, convoluted, involved, knotty, tangled, tortuous - complejo, complicado, intrincadocomplex, complicated, convoluted, intricate, involved - adulatoriobootlicking, fawning, obsequious, sycophantic, toadyish - únicolone, lonesome, only, sole, solitary - bien hecho, bueno, capaz, competente, diestro, ducho, entendido, experto, hábil, peritoadept, adroit, capable, clever, competent, efficient, expert, good, neat, practiced, proficient, skilful, skilled, skillful - parejo, sin grumossmooth - accidentado, desigual, lleno de baches, rugosobumpy - recuperarrecoup, recover, recuperate - cortés, urbanopolished, refined, svelte, urbane - stable - fijo, seguro, sólidofirm, fixed, solid, steady, strong, substantial - ágil, con viveza, gallardo, rápidoalert, brisk, hale and hearty, sprightly, spry - animado, lleno de vida, vivazvibrant, vivacious - stable - desvencijado, inestable, que se mueve, tambaleante, vacilanteramshackle, rickety, shaky, wobbly, wonky - perder, salir perdiendocome off second best, lose - fluctuating - lisostraight - fuerte, poderoso, potentehigh, mighty, powerful, strong - weak - aferrado, cerrado de mollera, duro de mollera, obstinado, tenaz, terco, testarudo, torpe, tozudocussed, dogged, dour, mulish, persistent, pertinacious, pigheaded, stubborn, tenacious, unyielding, wayward, wilful, willful - terco, testarudo, tozudohardheaded, mulish - contumazcontumacious - afortunado, exitoso, feliz, fructuoso, logrado, que tiene éxito, triunfadorsuccessful - decepcionado, defraudado, desencantado, desengañado, frustrado, puso cara largachagrined, defeated, disappointed, discomfited, foiled, frustrated, her ZZZetcZZZ face fell, his, thwarted - adecuado, bastanteadequate, enough, sufficient - inadecuado, inadecuado, inapropiado, inapropiado, insuficiente, insuficientementedeficient, inadequate, insufficient, insufficiently, unsufficient - escasolean, skimpy - altivo, condescendiente, desdeñoso, paternalistaarch, condescending, patronising, patronizing - alta, altoeminent, high, tall - superior - de primera, elegido, excelenteexcellent, fantabulous, first-class, splendid - correcto, excelente, positivofine, good - maluchobum, cheap, cheesy, chintzy, crummy, punk, sleazy, tinny - rentablecommercial, commercial-grade - mediocremediocre, second-rate - accesorio, adicional, auxiliar, filial, suplementarioaccessary, accessory, adjunct, adjuvant, ancillary, appurtenant, auxiliary, extraneous, subsidiary, supplementary - dar, sacrificarsegive, sacrifice - sorprendenteodd, peculiar, surprising - susceptiblesusceptible - empathetic, empathic - anacrónicoanachronic, anachronistic, anachronous - sistemáticoconsistent, systematic, systematical - suculentodelectable, delicious, luscious, pleasant-tasting, scrumptious, toothsome, yummy - empedernidohard, heavy - uncontrolled, unrestrained, untempered - bajar a un rango inferior, bajar de categoría, degradarbreak, bump, degrade, demote, kick downstairs, lower in rank, move down, relegate - ahorrador, económico, frugal, sobrioeconomical, frugal, meager, meagre, scotch, sparing, stinting, thrifty - suciomessy, mussy - censurar, entretener, prohibir, retenerhold back, keep, keep back, restrain, suppress - cartilaginosocartilaginous, gristly, rubbery - crujiente, quebradizocrisp, crispy - organizarorganise, organize, stage - cínica, cínicocynic, cynical, misanthropic, misanthropical - de buena fe, de confianza, de fiar, digno de confianza, fiel, honrado, lealbona fide, dependable, reliable, trustworthy, trusty - representante, representativorepresentative - condecorar, enaltecer, estimar, honrar, laurear, respetarabide by, honor, honour, observe, respect - liberalise, liberalize - servicial, útiladvantageous, helpful, profitable, serviceable, usable, useable, useful, utile - fútil, inútil, vanofutile, ineffectual, otiose, unavailing, unsuccessful, vain - valuable - sin valorworthless - proteicoprotean - variablevariable, varying - iterativoiterative, reiterative, repetitive - bochornoso, cargado, mal ventiladoairless, close, stuffy, unaired - brutal, colérico, cruel, feroz, fiero, frenético, furioso, salvaje, violentoferocious, fierce, furious, rough, savage, wild - inicuo, malvadoiniquitous, sinful, ungodly - controlar, limitarcheck, contain, control, curb, hold, hold in, moderate - poco entusiasta/caluroso, templado, tibiolukewarm, tepid, warmish - adoptar una postura teatralattitudinise, attitudinize - expiar, pagar, pagar por, purgaraby, abye, atone, expiate - alcanzar, conseguir, lograraccomplish, achieve, attain, reach - begin - agenciarse, amañar, conseguir, procurarsefinagle, manage, wangle - acibarar, aguar, amargar, arruinar, cagarla, chafallar, chapucear, echar a perder, embarullar, emponzoñar, estropear, frangollar, joder, joderla, jorobar, mullir, pifiarballs up, ball up, bedevil, blight, blow, bobble, bodge, bollix, bollix up, bollocks, bollocks up, botch, botch up, bumble, bungle, fiddle around, flub, fluff, foozle, foul up, fuck up, fumble, louse up, mar, mess about, mess around, mess up, mishandle, muck up, muff, potter, putter, ruin, screw up, spoil - betray, sell - saludablegood for you, healthy, salubrious - nauseabundoloathsome, nauseating, nauseous, noisome, offensive, queasy, sickening, vile - reconocerrecognise, recognize - estrecha, estrecho, reducidonarrow - fomentar, promoveradvance, boost, encourage, further, promote - help - apoyar, respaldar, sostenerback up, support - absurdo, caricaturesco, grotesco, irrisorio, ridículoabsurd, cockeyed, derisory, idiotic, laughable, ludicrous, nonsensical, preposterous, ridiculous - estúpidoasinine, fatuous, inane, mindless, obtuse, stupid, vacuous - ideológicoideologic, ideological - defraudar, estafar, timarbunco, con, defraud, diddle, gip, goldbrick, gyp, hornswoggle, mulct, nobble, rook, scam, short-change, swindle, victimize - acosar, atormentar, hostigar, molestar, perseguiroppress, persecute - arreglarse, arreglárselas, arreglárselas con, dar abasto, defenderse, enfrentar, enredarse en, enzarzarse en, lidiar, luchar, poder con, salir adelantecontend, cope, deal, get along, get by, grapple, make do, make out, make shift, manage - condescender, dignarsecondescend, deign, descend - serve - alfeñicarse, darse aires de grandeza, darse tono, hacer el indio, hacer el tonto, hacer la comedia, hacer una comedia, mandonear a alguien, ponerse tontoact a part, act superior, lord it over, play-act, pose, pretend, put on airs, put on airs / give oneself airs, put on an act, queen it over - live - make - correr por, dar vueltas, deambular, demorarse, entretenerse, haraganear, holgazanear, perder el tiempo, pulular, quedarse, rezagarsefootle, hang about/around, hang around, lallygag, linger, loaf, loiter, lollygag, lounge, lurk, mess about, mill about, mill around, mooch, tarry - contar, importar, tener importanciacount, matter, weigh - concordar, corresponder, cuadrar, ir bien con, ligar, ser igual aagree, check, correspond, fit, gibe, jibe, match, tally, tie in/up - check, check out - dependerdepend - asemejar, asemejarse a, parecerse a, salir a, semejar a, semejarse a, tener parecido conlook like, resemble, take after - chimeral, chimeric, chimerical - exceder, rebasar, sobrepasar, superarexceed, go past, overstep, pass, top, transcend - alcanzar, bastar, estar suficiente, satisfacer, ser suficiente, ser suficiente, bastaranswer, do, serve, suffice - serve, serve well - cumplir, cumplir con, satisfacerfulfil, fulfill, honour, live up to, meet, satisfy - compensate, correct, counterbalance, even off, even out, even up, make up - aventajar, descollar, destacar, destacarse, exceder, sobresalir, superarexcel, stand out, surpass - aplicarseapply, go for, hold - afectar, comprometer, implicar, influir, involucraraffect, involve, regard - hold - armonizar, combinar, concordar, encajar, hacer juego, ir bien juntosaccord, agree, concord, consort, fit in, harmonise, harmonize, tone - oponersedefy, refuse, resist - compensarcancel, make up for, offset, set off - de la zona, del barrio, locallocal - belong - ir conbelong, go - add - sell - technical - base, peana, pedestal, piebase, pedestal, stand - vulpinovulpecular, vulpine - mesiánicomessianic - culturalcultural - refugio antiaéreoair-raid shelter, bombproof, bomb shelter - expiatorioexpiative, expiatory, propitiatory - draconianoDraconian, draconic - Hegelian - change - joya, tesorogem, treasure - golden calf - recordatorio, recuerdoChristmas gift book, giftbook, gift book, keepsake, memento, relic, souvenir, token - magnum opus - acogida, asilo, refugio, sagradoasylum, refuge, sanctuary - cordoncillorib - bagatela, cero a la izquierda, chirinola, friolera, fruslería, futilidad, insignificancia, monería, nimiedad, niñería, nulidad, pamema, pequeñez, quisquilla, tontería, trivialidadesnonentity, small beer, small fry, trifle, trivia, triviality - pesoweight - ánimospirit - índolenature - animaciónanimation, brio, invigoration, spiritedness, vivification - actividad, alacridad, energía, ligereza, presteza, vigoralacrity, briskness, smartness - energía, fuerza, marcha, ñeque, nervio, puñetazo, remangue, vigorenergy, muscularity, vigor, vigour, vim - agudeza, aparecido, chispa, espíritu, gracia, ingenio, mente, prontitud a la réplica, vivezaesprit, ghost, mind, quip, ready wit, spirit, sprite, wit - camaradería, compañerismocamaraderie, chumminess, companionship, comradeliness, comradery, comradeship, good-companionship, good-fellowship - adaptabilidadadaptability, conformability - efecto, impresióneffect, impression - figure - belleza, galanura, guapeza, guapura, lindezacuteness, prettiness - atracción, atractividad, atractivoattractiveness - animal magnetism, beguilement, bewitchery - ángel, carisma, marchacharisma, personal appeal, personal magnetism - atractivo sexual, deseabilidad, salero, sex-appeal, sexi, sexydesirability, desirableness, oomph, sex appeal - fealdadhomeliness, plainness, ugliness - imperfección, maca, mácula, mancha, tacha, tarablemish, defect, mar - facilidadfacility, readiness - dificultaddifficultness, difficulty - fly in the ointment - compatibilidadcombinability, compatibility - coincidencia, concordancia, conformidad, congruenciaaccordance, coincidence, congruence, congruency, congruity, congruousness, correspondence - incompatibilidadincompatibility - conflictoconflict - acomodamiento, adecuación, aptitud, competencia, congruencia, conveniencia, cualidad de adecuado/apropiado, eligibilidad, idoneidad, propiedad, suficienciaadequacy, applicability, appositeness, appropriateness, aptness, eligibility, suitability, suitableness - accesibilidad, destreza, disponibilidad, manejabilidadaccessibility, availability, availableness, handiness, usability - actitud vital, carácter distintivo, espíritu, ethos, ética, moralethic, ethics, ethos - ambiente, atmósfera, auraair, atmosphere, aura, flavour - note - calibre, cualidadcaliber, calibre, quality - excelenciaexcellence - majestad, majestuosidadloftiness, majesty, stateliness - absolutidad, absolutividadabsoluteness, absolute superlative - afinidad, analogía, conciliación, conformidad, identidad, paralelismo, parecido, paridad, semejanza, símil, similitudsimilarity - homologíahomology - correspondencia, paralelismocorrespondence, parallelism - uniformidaduniformity, uniformness - homogeneidadhomogeneity, homogeneousness - aire, correspondencia, parecido, semejanza, símil, similitudcorrespondence, likeness, resemblance, similarity - discordancia, discrepancia, divergenciadisagreement, discrepancy, divergence, variance - atraso, margenallowance, leeway, margin, tolerance - desemejanza, disimilituddissimilarity, dissimilitude, unsimilarity - diversidaddiverseness, diversity, multifariousness, variety - cambio, variedadchange, variety - smoke - compañerismo, complicidad, projimidad, simpatía, solidaridadinterdependance, solidarity, togetherness - complejidad, complexidad, complicación, intrincación, intrincamiento, lo intrincadocomplexity, complexness, complicatedness, intricacy - regularidadregularity - organisation, organization, system - irregularidadirregularity, unregularity - espasmospasticity - inestabilidaderraticness, fickleness, instability, unstableness - estabilidadimmutability, stability, stableness, steadiness - amenidad, beneficio, comodidad, fruto, más, utilidad, ventajaadvantage, agreeableness, amenity, benefit, plus, plus point, vantage - admisibilidad, credibilidad, plausibilidadadmissibility, likeliness, plausibility, plausibleness - exotismoexoticism, exoticness, exotism - autochthony, endemism, indigenousness - originalidadoriginality - novedadfreshness, novelty - academicismo, escolástica, escolasticismo, escolásticoacademicism, academism, formalism, scholastic, scholasticism - exactitud, puntualidadcarefulness, exactitude, exactness, meticulousness - exactitud, fidelidad, limpieza, precisión, puntualidad, rigoraccuracy, exactness, preciseness, precision - falta de claridad, imprecisión, incorrección, inexactitudimpreciseness, imprecision, inaccuracy, indistinctness, inexactness, obscurity, opacity - imprecisiónimpreciseness, imprecision - chic, eleganciaelegance, elegancy - boato, esplendidez, fasto, fastuosidad, pompa, rumboeclat, pomp - claseclass - sordidezcheapness, second-hand clothing shop, second-hand clothing store, sleaze, tackiness, tat, used clothing shop, used clothing store - claridad, lucidez, nitidez, transparenciaclarity, clearness, limpidity, lucidity, lucidness, pellucidity - claridadexplicitness - imprecisión, inconcreción, indefinición, indistinción, nebulosidad, vaguedadvagueness - honestidad, honradez, justicia, rectitud, virtudintegrity, probity, righteousness - cualidad de rectilíneo, firmeza de comportamiento, rectitudrectitude, straightforwardness, straightness, uprightness - devoción, piedadpiety, piousness - devoción, religiosidaddedication, devotion, devoutness, religiousness - beatería, piedad, pietismopietism, religionism, religiosity, religiousism - devoción, piedadgodliness - impiedad, irreligión, irreligiosidadgodlessness, irreligion, irreligiousness - asquerosidad, atrocidad, barbaridad, barbarie, brutalidad, enormidad, salvajadaatrociousness, atrocity, barbarity, barbarousness, brutality, disgustedness, enormity, heinousness, loathsomeness, repulsiveness, terribleness - barbarie, braveza, bravío, canibalismo, crueldad, ferocidad, fiereza, maldad, malicia, malignidad, perversidad, ruindad, salvajez, salvajismo, saña, venenosidad, vicio, viciosidad, vilezabrutality, ferociousness, ferocity, meanness, nastiness, savageness, savagery, venomousness, viciousness, wickedness, wildness - implacabilidad, inexorabilidadinexorability, inexorableness, relentlessness - altruismo, altruísmo, entregaaltruism, selflessness - iniciativaenterprise, enterprisingness, go-ahead, initiative - competencia, competitividad, espíritu competitivocompetitiveness, fight - delicadeza, diplomacia, discreción, finura, sutilezadelicacy, diplomacy, discreetness, finesse - concienciaconscience - gallardía, generosidad, heroicidad, heroísmo, valentía, valor, valor heroicogallantry, heroism, valiance, valiancy, valor, valorousness, valour, value, worth - aplicación, concentración, dedicación, perseverancia, tesónassiduity, assiduousness, concentration, drive, perseverance, persistence - incorruptibilidadincorruptibility - especiosidadmeretriciousness, speciousness - nacionalismo, patriotería, patriotismonationalism, patriotism - candor, ingenuidad, necedad, sencillez, simplezaacre, gullibility, ingenuousness, innocence, innocency, naiveness, naivete, naïveté, naivety, naïvety - amor propio, dignidad, honra, honrilla, pique, propia estimación, pundonordignity, self-regard, self-respect, self-worth - bravuconada, desgarro, jactancia, parada, triunfalismo, ufanía, valentía, vanagloria, ventoleraboastfulness, vainglory - hibris, hybrishubris - dicharachería, husmo, picante, salero, vivacidadgaminess, raciness, ribaldry, spiciness - calma, calmosidad, compostura, paz, serenidad, tranquilidadcalm, calmness, composure, equanimity - acatamiento, consideración, deferencia, distinción, respecto, respeto, respetuosidaddeference, respect, respectfulness - descomedimiento, desconsideración, falta de educación, grosería, impertinencia, informalidad, insolencia, mala educación, rudezabad manners, bluntness, crudeness, crudity, curtness, ill-breeding, ill manners, lack of manners, rudeness, unmannerliness - novedadnewness, novelty - frescurafreshness - rancidezmoldiness, must, mustiness - vanity fair - airosidad, encanto, garbo, graciagrace, gracefulness, gracility - brazo, energía, fuerza, lozanía, poder, poderío, pujanzaforce, might, mightiness, power, strength - fortaleza, lozanía, resistencia, robustez, verdor, vigorhardiness, lustiness, robustness, validity - agalla, agallas, agarre, arena, arresto, bandullo, barriga, bemol, buche, cipote, cojón, coraje, hígado, hombradía, lacha, mondongo, perendengue, redaño, tripa, valor, vientre, víscerasbackbone, courage, daring, grit, gumption, guts, moxie, nerve, sand, spunk - aguante, fondo, nervio, resistencia, vigorstamina, staying power, toughness - fuerzaforce, forcefulness, strength - intensidad, intensividadintensity, intensiveness - acometividad, ardor, arrebatamiento, braveza, bravío, bravura, canibalismo, cólera, coraje, encarnizamiento, ferocidad, fiereza, fuerza, furia, furor, ímpetu, impetuosidad, intensidad, ira, rabia, saña, vehemencia, vesania, violencia, vivezaferocity, fierceness, furiosity, furiousness, fury, madness, rage, vehemence, violence, wildness - Talón de AquilesAchilles' heel, Achilles heel - contemporaneidad, modernez, modernidad, modernismocontemporaneity, contemporaneousness, modernism, modernity, modernness - continuity, persistence - celeridad, prontitud, rapidez, velocidadcelerity, fastness, promptitude, promptness, quickness, rapidity, rapidness, speed, speediness, suddenness, swiftness - inmediatezimmediacy, immediateness, instancy, instantaneousness - prontitud, puntualidadpromptitude, promptness - balance, proportion, proportionality - exterioridadexternality, outwardness - desparpajo, labia, marrulleríaglibness, slickness - balumba, cuerpo, grueso, masa, mole, valumen, volumenbulk, mass, volume - enormidad, grandeza, inmensidad, vastedadenormity, enormousness, grandness, greatness, hugeness, immenseness, immensity, sizeableness, vastness, wideness - quantity - escasez, exigüidad, insuficiencia, mezquindad, poquedadexiguity, leanness, meagerness, meagreness, poorness, scantiness, scantness, skimpiness - abundancia, cornucopia, cuerno de la abundancia, derroche, lujo, profusión, riquezacornucopia, horn of plenty, profuseness, profusion, richness - apretura, escasez, exigüidad, parvedadscarceness, scarcity - exuberancia, profusión, sobreabundancia, superabundanciaoverabundance, overmuch, overmuchness, profusion, superabundance - demasía, desmán, excedente, exceso, plétora, remanente, sobra, sobrante, superávitexcess, nimiety, surplus, surplusage - demasía, excedente, exceso, sobra, sobrante, superabundancia, superávit, superfluencia, superfluidadembarrassment, excess, glut, overage, overflow, overplus, plethora, superfluity, superfluousness, surfeit, surplus - aledaño, ámbito, colmo, confín, frontera, frontero, límite, raya, términobound, boundary, limit - alcance, ámbitoambit, compass, orbit, range, reach, scope - confines, límitesconfines - horizonteenacting terms, horizon, purview, view - importancia, valorvalue, worth - price - biengood, goodness - bienestarbenefit, welfare - lujo, suntuosidadlavishness, luxury, sumptuosity, sumptuousness - conveniencia, provecho, utilidadserviceability, use, usefulness, utility - futilidadfutility - factibilidad, viabilidadfeasibility, feasibleness - competencia, preparacióncompetence, competency - bien, factor positivo, pro, ventajaasset, plus - delantera, superioridad, ventaja, virtudadvantage, vantage, virtue - a favor de, favorfavor, favour - lucro, provechogain, profit - economicidad, rentabilidadcost-effectiveness, gainfulness, lucrativeness, pay off, profitability, profitableness - preferenciapreference - privilegioprivilege - manitas, manitas en jardineríagreen fingers, green thumb - bien común, bienestar general, bienestar público, interés general, interés públicocommon good, commonweal, general good, public interest - desventajadisadvantage - limitación, restriccióncircumscription, constraint, curtailment, limitation, restraint, restriction, trammels - defecto, deficiencia, desperfecto, falta, imperfección, lacra, pero, tacha, viciodefect, flaw, shortcoming - pérdida, privacióndeprivation, loss - costa, coste, costo, importe, preciocost, price, toll - desventaja, entorpecimiento, impedimento, inconveniente, obstáculo, rémoradrawback - importance - significadosignificance - pesoweight, weightiness - alienación, alienación mental, apatía, demencia, enajenación mental, estupidez, fatuidad, inanidad, insania, insensatez, locura, necedad, ñoñería, ñoñez, tontería, vanidad, vulgaridadinanity, insanity, mental derangement, mindlessness, pointlessness, senselessness, vacancy, vacuity - potenciapower, powerfulness - poderpuissance - energía, intensidad, vivacidad, vivezacolor, colour, vividness - influencia, influjoinfluence - presiónpressure - mecanismowagon wheels, wheels - efectividadeffectiveness, effectivity, effectuality, effectualness - eficacia, eficienciaefficaciousness, efficacy, efficiency - form - falta de autoridad, impotenciahelplessness, impotence, impotency, inability, powerlessness - polvo de estrellasstardust - insolubilidadinsolubility, insolvability - muslothigh, upper leg - lugarplace - astucia, hondura, profundidadastuteness, deepness, depth, profoundness, profundity - asiento, buen sentido, caletre, chapa, cholla, compostura, conocimiento, cordura, discreción, juicio, lastre, pesquis, pulso, pupila, realismo, sensatez, sentido común, sentido de la realidad, sentido práctico, seso, testa, tinocommon sense, down-to-earthness, good sense, gumption, horse sense, matter-of-factness, mother wit, realism, sense, sense of reality - aviso, circunspección, discreción, juicio, prudenciacircumspection, discreetness, discretion, prudence - circunspección, cuidado, miramiento, ojo, precaución, premeditación, prevención, previsión, primor, providencia, prudencia, recaudo, tientocaginess, care, caution, cautiousness, forethought, precaution, prudence, steadiness - intelligence - capacidad intelectual, inteligenciabrain, brainpower, learning ability, mental capacity, mentality, wit - agudeza, astucia, habilidad, malicia, maña, maña para engañar, picardía, socarronería, taima, taimería, zorreríaartfulness, astuteness, brains, brightness, craft, craftiness, cunning, foxiness, guile, sharpness, slickness, slyness, wiliness, wit - magiagenius, wizardry - cielo, paraísoHeaven - innovacióninnovativeness - coordinacióncoordination - adaptabilidad, carácter polifacético, polifacetismo, versatilidadversatility - apañadura, apaño, artificio, baquía, destreza, habilidad, maña, mano, presteza, técnica, tinoagility, deftness, dexterity, expertise, manual dexterity, skill, sleight, virtuosity - proficiency, technique - efficiency - costumbrecustom, tradition - convención, norma, normal, pauta, reglaconvention, formula, normal, pattern, rule - acertijo, adivinanza, enigma, misterioclosed book, enigma, inscrutability, mysteriousness, mystery, riddle, secret - dilema, Entre la espada y la pareddilemma, predicament, quandary, trade-off - dificultad, obstáculodifficulty - cuestión, disgustoproblem, trouble - corroboraciónsupport - ancla, sosténanchor, backbone, keystone, linchpin, lynchpin, mainstay - forbidden fruit - añagaza, anzuelo, cebo, gancho, señuelobait, come-on, hook, lure, sweetener - substituto, suplente, sustitutoreplacement, substitute - advertence, advertency - underevaluation - punto en el que uno no puede volverse atráspoint of no return, Rubicon - apreciaciónappreciation, discernment, perceptiveness, taste - alta costurahaute couture, high fashion, high style - capricho, chifladura, culto, furor, manía, moda, moda pasajera, novedadcraze, cult, fad, furor, furore, rage - contraculturacounterculture - identificación, reconocimientoidentification, recognition - pseudocienciapseudoscience - alternativa, disyuntiva, elección, opción, selecciónalternative, alternative arrangement, choice, fall-back arrangement, option - key - light - tradicióntradition - mundo, realidadreality, world - vida realreal life, real world - déjà vudeja vu, déjà vu - materia de reflexiónfood, food for thought, intellectual nourishment - issue - condición, consideracióncircumstance, condition, consideration - acicate, estimulante, estímulo, incentivo, instigaciónbonus, fillip, goad, incentive, inducement, pep pill, spur, stimulant, stimulation, stimulus, upper - joroba, macanazo, molestia, molienda, puñetaannoyance, arse, arsehole, arse-licker, ass, bastard, bother, botheration, brownnose, coarse, cock, cock up, crap, cunt, darkie, dick, fanny, fart, flashy wog, fuck, fuck up, hawk, infliction, Negro girl, pain, pain in the arse, pain in the ass, pain in the neck, piccaninny, piss, prick, puke, screw, shit, shitty, sod, wog - espina, irritaciónirritant, thorn - ajobo, carga, carga enorme, cargo, deber, gravamen, obligación, peso, responsabilidadburden, duty, encumbrance, incumbrance, load, millstone, onus, tax, weight - germengerm, seed, source - texturatexture - surface - todowhole - unidadunit - corazónbosom, heart - sentido, tenormeaning, substance - implication, import, significance - base, cogollo, corazón, enjundia, entraña, fondo, hondo, hondón, jugo, medula, médula, meollo, miga, punto esencial, riñón, seno, ser, substancia, suma, sustancia, tuétanobase, bottom, center, centre, core, essence, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness, kernel, marrow, meat, nitty-gritty, nub, pith, substance, sum, wick - value - criterion, standard - archivo, caso, dechado, ejemplar, ejemplo, muestra, pautaexample, exemplar, good example, instance, model - fantasmagoríaphantasmagoria - paradigma, prototipoarchetype, epitome, image, paradigm, prototype - anticipación, anticipio, anticipo, muestra, pruebaforetaste - satanismodemonism, diabolism, Satanism - aculturaciónacculturation, culture - ciencia, conocimiento, conocimientos, erudición, ilustración, sabiduríaencyclopaedism, encyclopedism, eruditeness, erudition, knowledge, learnedness, learning, scholarship - direccióndirection - corrientedrift, movement, trend - Call - dogmatismo, fanatismo, intoleranciabigotry, dogmatism - fanatismobigotry, fanaticism, fanatism, zealotry - conservadurismo, conservatismoconservatism, conservativism - reacciónreaction - literature - delicadeza, finura, matiznicety, nuance, refinement, shade, subtlety - lo esencial, nudocrux, crux of the matter - cliché, palabra pegadizabuzzword, cant - abracadabraabracadabra - disparate, mierda, pamplina, tonteríabuncombe, bunk, bunkum, guff, hogwash, rot - señal, vestigioshadow, tincture, trace, vestige - política exteriorforeign policy - resolución, resultadoanswer, resolution, result, solution, solvent - atenuación, eufemismo, lítote, subestimaciónunderstatement - bufonada, ironía, libelo, pasquín, sarcasmo, sátira, sornacaustic remark, irony, lampoon, sarcasm, satire - gaggag line, laugh line, punch line, tag line - chiste breve, observación sucintaone-liner - case - acertijo, adivinanza, enigma, problema, quisicosa, rompecabezasbrain-teaser, conundrum, enigma, riddle - pedanteríapedantry - afluencia, elocuencia, facundiaeloquence, fluency, smoothness, volubility - jerga burocráticagobbledygook - arcaísmoarchaicism, archaism - elocución, retóricaelocution, oratory - bla-bla-bla, disparates, tonteríasblah, bombast, claptrap, fustian, rant - technobabble - carácter sucinto, concisión, concreciónconciseness, concision, pithiness, succinctness, terseness - circunlocución, perífrasisambage, circumlocution, periphrase, periphrasis - pleonasmopleonasm - lenguaje metafórico, metáforaimagery, metaphor, metaphore - ajo, garabato, grosería, juramento, lisura, mala palabra, palabrota, puteada, reniego, taco, terno, votocurse, curse word, cuss, cussword, expletive, oath, swearing, swearword, swear word, swear-word - grosería, vulgaridadprofanity - accesión, anuencia, aprobación, asenso, asentimiento, beneplácito, conformidad, consenso, consentimiento, fíat, otorgamiento, sí, veniaacquiescence, assent, consent - descubrimiento, divulgación, propalación, publicación, revelacióndisclosure, exposure, eye-opener, revealing, revelation - indirecta, insinuación, reticencia, varetainnuendo, insinuation - voice - auspicioauspice - trato equitativofair deal, square deal - merecidojust deserts, poetic justice - pago, recompensapayoff, reward, wages - aldabonazo, conmoción, disgusto, golpe, shockblow, jolt, shock - accidente, contratiempo, desgracia, percanceaccident, misadventure, mishap - calvario, martirio, torturacalvary, martyrdom, torture - brecha, rompimiento, rotura, rupturabreach, break, falling out, rift, rupture, severance - desventura, percancemisadventure, mischance, mishap - azote, calamidad, cataclismo, catástrofe, desastre, desgracia, desventura, hecatombe, siniestro, tajo, tragediaaffliction, calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe, disaster, misery, tragedy, woe - epifaníaepiphany - hado, sinodestiny, fate - adelanto, bonificación, mejora, mejoríaadvance, betterment, improvement - debacle, fiasco, fracasodebacle, fiasco - ajuste, atemperación, encajeaccommodation, adjustment, fitting - acontecimiento, coyuntura, ocasiónjuncture, occasion - emergenciaemergency, exigency, pinch - crisiscrisis - Fall of Man - fire - daño, daños, deteriorodamage, harm, impairment - revoluciónrevolution - adversidad, atraso, contratiempo, descalabro, percance, revés, tiro, tropiezoblack eye, blow, reversal, reverse, reverse shot, setback - Fall - conflict - alejamiento, distanciamientoaloofness, distance - sensibilidad, susceptibilidadsensitiveness, sensitivity - arreglo, disposición, orden, ordenación, sistemaarrangement, set-up - alta sociedadsociety - excedente de población, sobrepoblación, superpoblaciónovercrowding, overpopulation - gente, masa, multitudhoi polloi, mass, masses, multitude, people, the great unwashed - burguesía, clase mediabourgeoisie, citizenry, middle class - comunidadcommunity - civilización, culturacivilisation, civilization, culture - generacióncoevals, contemporaries, generation - antología, botarga, miscelánea, misceláneo, silva, surtido, variosassortment, miscellanea, miscellany, mixed bag, mixture, motley, potpourri, range, range of products, salmagundi, selection, smorgasbord, variety - corriente, curso, flujo, torrentecurrent, flow, stream - cubismocubism - distance - edén, gloria, nirvana, paraísoEden, heaven, nirvana, paradise, promised land, Shangri-la - caché, escondedero, escondite, escondrijo, huroneracache, hiding place, safe house - refugio, seguridadrefuge, safety - destino, hado, sinodestiny, fate - HijoLogos, Son, Word - cagado, miedicacoward - experta, experto, tasador, tasadoraexpert - negrocoon, jigaboo, nigga, nigger, nigra, spade - Tío TomTom, Uncle Tom - poor white trash, white trash - culí, trabajadorcoolie, cooly - piel rojaInjun, red man, Redskin - John Bull, limey - ingléspom, pommy - Mick, Mickey, Paddy - angloamericanoAnglo-American - Boche, Hun, Jerry, Kraut, Krauthead - asesor, consejero, consultoradviser, advisor, consultant, counsellor, counselor - bastardo, cojonudo, cojudo, gilipollas, hijo de puta, hijoputa, huevón, pendejoasshole, bastard, cocksucker, dickhead, motherfucker, mother fucker, prick, shit, SOB, son of a bitch, son of a whore, whoreson - autoridadauthority - amante, chorbo, fulano, noviobeau, boyfriend, fellow, lover, paramour, swain, young man - bestia, bruto, bullanguero, buscarruidos, camorrista, chulángano, gallito, gamberra, gamberro, gorila, goriloide, hampón, hastial, jaque, jaquetón, matachín, matasiete, matón, matonista, patotero, pendenciero, perdonavidas, rufián, terne, valentón, vándala, vándalobrute, bully, hooligan, rough, roughneck, rowdy, ruffian, tough, yahoo, yob, yobbo, yobo - bebe, bebé, guagua, nene, niña, niñobaby, child - coleccionistaaggregator, collector - objetor de conciencia, objetor de conscienciaCO, conscientious objector, draft dodger - aprendiz, fichaje, novato, novicio, pipiolocub, greenhorn, rookie - bujarra, bujarrón, loca, marica, maricón, mariposa, mariposón, moña, pluma, puto, sarasafag, faggot, fagot, fairy, nance, pansy, poof, poove, pouf, queen, queer - cateto, paleto, palurdobushwhacker, hillbilly, lout - caffer, caffre, kaffir, kafir - light - máquinamachine - maestromaestro, master - amiguito, camarada, compañera de juego, compañero de juego, compañero de juegosplayfellow, playmate - fuerza, poderforce, power - renacuajo, tirillashalf-pint, peewee, runt, shrimp - shiksa, shikse - pecadorevildoer, sinner - estadista, hombre de estadonational leader, solon, statesman - costes de explotación, gastos de explotación, gastos generalesbudget items, business expenses, cost of operation, operating cost, operating costs, operating expense, operating expenses, operational costs, overhead, running costs, working expenses - breva, bufanda, extra, gaje, gollería, obvención, percance, prebenda, regalía, tentebonetefringe benefit, perk, perquisite - pérdidaloss - recaudoprotection, security - metralla, moneda suelta, pucho, sueltachickenfeed, chump change, small change - conspicuous consumption - agravación, agravamiento, agudización, agudizamiento, bajón, degradación, deterioro, empeoramiento, peoría, recrudecimiento, retrocesodeclension, decline in quality, deterioration, worsening - desarrollo, evolucióndevelopment, evolution - malabsorption - despliegue, florecimientoflowering, unfolding - extremum, peak - cero, cosa, ridiculezaught, cipher, cypher, goose egg, nada, naught, nil, nix, nothing, nought, null, zero, zilch, zip - bugger all, Fanny Adams, fuck all, sweet Fanny Adams - mínimolower limit, minimum - puñado, puñofistful, handful - asomo, atisbo, indicación, indicio, indicio, asomo, nota, insinuación, nota, pizca, sombra, sugerencia, sugestión, trazahint, suggestion, suspicion, trace - avalancha, cantidad, cúmulo, facha, fajo, hornada, lote, mogollón, montón, pila, taco, tanda, tapón, tenderetebatch, deal, flock, good deal, great deal, hatful, heap, lot, mass, mess, mickle, mint, mountain, muckle, passel, peck, pile, plenty, pot, quite a little, raft, sight, slew, spate, stack, tidy sum, wad - billion, gazillion, jillion, million, trillion, zillion - sitioelbow room, room, way - basebasis, footing, ground - bridge - detalle, particularidad, pormenordetail, item, particular - scale - equilibriobalance, counterbalance, equilibrium, equipoise, footing - amistadamity, friendly relationship, friendship - crisiscrisis - element - ambiente, entorno, medio, medio ambienteenvironment - equilibrioequilibrium - inclusióninclusion - rechazorejection - statu, statu quostatus quo - estado salvaje, naturaleza, tierra virgennatural state, state of nature, wild - apogeo, auge, cima, clímax, colmo, culminación, cumbre, cúspide, picacho, pico, picota, punto culminante, súmmum, superlativoacme, climax, culmination, elevation, height, meridian, peak, pinnacle, summit, superlative, tiptop, top - casocase, event - estatus, lugar, posición, rango, realce, situación, statusposition, status - puesto, sitioplace, station - campeonato, título, título de campeónchampionship, title - antelación, anterioridad, precedenciaprecedence, precedency, priority - subordinateness, subsidiarity - vidalife - ordenorder - peace - acracia, anarquíaanarchy, lawlessness - caos, estruendo infernal, jaleo, pandemonio, patas arribabedlam, chaos, pandemonium, topsy-turvydom, topsy-turvyness - incidenteincident - solevantamiento, turbulenciaSturm und Drang, turbulence, upheaval - guerra fríacold war - desacuerdo, disconformidad, disensióndisagreement, dissension, dissonance - libertadfreedom, liberty - independencia, libertadautonomy, liberty - polarizaciónpolarisation, polarization - estancamiento, impasse, punto, punto muerto, tablabreak-even point, dead end, deadlock, impasse, stalemate, standstill - emergency - critical point, crossroads, juncture - desperate straits, dire straits - vitalidadenergy, vim, vitality - dificultaddifficulty - aprieto, apuro, breteplight, predicament, quandary - estrés, tensiónstrain, stress - hueso, problema, problemasjob, problem - admisión, contestación, muestra de agradecimiento, reconocimientoacknowledgement, acknowledgment, recognition - aislamientoinsulation, isolation - mejoraimprovement, melioration - development - desusodisuse, neglect - renovación, restauraciónrefurbishment, renovation, restoration - importanciagrandness, importance - acento, énfasis, importanciaaccent, emphasis - prestigioface, kudos, prestige, prestigiousness - anonimato, anonimidad, anónimoanonymity, anonymousness, namelessness, online anonymity - buen nombre, celebridad, cualidad de ilustre, eminencia, fama, gloria, nombradía, nombre, notoriedad, relieve, renombre, reputacióncelebrity, fame, good name, illustriousness, name, renown - fama, nombradía, notoriedad, reputaciónfame, reputation, repute - reputacióncharacter, reputation - name - abyección, degradaciónabasement, abjection, abjectness, degradation - atrofia, decadencia, declinación, degeneración, perdicióndecadence, decadency, decline, degeneracy, degeneration, loss - ascendencia, ascendiente, control, soberanía, superioridadascendance, ascendancy, ascendancy/ascendency, ascendence, ascendency, control, dominance, superior power, superior strength, supremacy - control, dominación, dominio, preponderancia, supremacíadominance, domination, mastery, supremacy - paramountcy - azote, castigo, lacra, perdición, plaga, ruina, venenobane, curse, nemesis, scourge - abyección, desdicha, desgracia, indecencia, laceria, mezquindad, miseria, sufrimiento, tristezamiserableness, misery, wretchedness - apremiourgency - apretón, presiónimperativeness, insistence, insistency, press, pressure - infestación, plaga, raidinfestation - integridad, totalidad, unidadintegrity, unity, wholeness - completez, entereza, integridad, plenitudcompleteness - entereza, totalidadentireness, entirety, integrality, totality - imperfecciónimperfection, imperfectness - hamartia, tragic flaw - andanza, azar, destino, fatalidad, fortuna, hado, lote, parte, sino, suerte, venturacircumstances, destiny, doom, fate, fortune, lot, luck, portion - prosperidadprosperity, successfulness - éxitosuccess - catástrofe, desastre, hecatombe, siniestra, siniestrocatastrophe, disaster - fracaso, quiebrafailure - panorama, perspectivaschance, outlook, prospect - chance, coyuntura, lugar, margen, motivo, ocasión, opción, oportunidad, perspectiva, posibilidades, probabilidad, proporción, resquiciobreak, chance, occasion, opportunity, scope - day - clean slate, fresh start, tabula rasa - impurezaimpureness, impurity - credit crunch, liquidity crisis, squeeze, tightening of money, tight money policy - pleno empleofull employment - prosperity - opulencia, prosperidad, riquezaaffluence, opulence, richness - mamón, riquezamammon - desabrigo, empobrecimiento, inopia, pobreteríaimpoverishment, poorness, poverty - indigencia, miseria, necesidad, penuria, pobreza extremadestitution, indigence, need, neediness, pauperism, pauperization, penury - higienehygiene - aseo, nitidezimmaculateness, spotlessness - arreglo, ordenorder, orderliness - bahorrina, bascosidad, caca, churre, cochinería, horrura, inmundicia, mugre, porquería, porquerías, pringue, roña, saín, sebo, suciedad, tizna, tiznedirt, filth, grease, grime, grunge, soil, stain - asquerosidad, carácter sórdido, cutrería, escualidez, miseria, mugre, sordidez, suciedadsordidness, squalidness, squalor - circumstance, context, setting - ámbito, campo, esfera, órbita, reino, terrenoarea, arena, domain, field, orbit, sphere - competenciaprovince, responsibility - aridez, inclemencia, intemperie, mal tiempo, rigorbad weather, inclemency, inclementness, rigour, rigours, severity - ambiance, ambience, atmosphere - feel, feeling, flavor, flavour, look, smell, spirit, tone - safety - seguridadsafeness, safety, security - peace, public security - protecciónprotection, shelter - peligrodanger - peligro, riesgodanger - clear and present danger - apuro, borrasca, contingencia, peligro, riesgo, venturadanger, distress, endangerment, hazard, jeopardy, peril, risk - amenaza, peligromenace, threat - formafitness, physical fitness - illumination, light - piedra filosofalelixir, philosopher's stone, philosophers' stone - escoriadross, impurity - ápice, gota, partícula, pizcaatom, corpuscle, molecule, mote, particle, speck - polvodust - residuoswaste, waste material, waste matter, waste product - contemporary world, modern times, modern world, present times - night - día del juicio finalcrack of doom, Day of Judgement, Day of Judgment, day of reckoning, Doomsday, end of the world, eschaton, Judgement Day, Judgment Day, Last Day, Last Judgement, Last Judgment - horahour - añosage, long time, years - momentotime - fracción de sgundo, instante, parpadeo, periquete, santiaménblink of an eye, flash, heartbeat, instant, jiffy, New York minute, split second, trice, twinkling, wink - generacióngeneration[Domaine]
