
dicionario analógico

sposoben, spretenable - v bistvubasically, essentially, fundamentally - obilenabundant - obilen, prekipevajoč, živahenexuberant, lush, luxuriant, profuse, riotous - accessible - come-at-able, getatable, get-at-able - as, equally, every bit - conventionally - clearly - posebejspecifically - aimed, direct, directly, pointed, straight - analogically, analogously - predvsem, v glavnemabove all, chiefly, especially, in the main, mainly, mostly, primarily, principally - affected, artificial, contrived, high-flown, hokey, inflated, stilted, turgid - čudnoespecially, particularly, peculiarly, rarely, specially - enkrat za vselej, prepričljivoconclusively, once and for all - žalostno, zgubljenodeplorably, disgracefully, forlornly, lamentably, pitiably, pitifully, sadly, woefully - navadno, normalno, običajno, pravilomaas a general rule, as a rule, commonly, generally, habitually, normally, ordinarily, unremarkably, usually - neurejenoerratically, unpredictably - abstractly - materialencorporeal, material - grotesknogrotesquely, ludicrously, monstrously - dvoličen, hinavskihypocritical, two-faced - alternately - prava, pravi, pravoproper, right - opazno, zlastiappreciably, conspicuously, notably, noteworthily, noticeably, singularly, substantially - primernoadequately, appositely, appropriately, aptly, becomingly, befittingly, fitly, fittingly, passably, suitably - inappropriately, unsuitably - primeren, umesten, ustrezenapposite, appropriate, apt, fit, fitting, good, pertinent, proper, right, suitable - hudobno, zlobnoevilly, wickedly - precej, skrbnoclosely - privlačenappealing, attractive - očarljivbewitching, captivating, enchanting, enthralling, entrancing, fascinating, spellbinding - nasprotnoa contrario, au contraire, contrarily, contrariwise, on the contrary, quite the contrary, the other way around, the other way round, to the contrary - privlačenappealing, attractive, comely, dishy, engaging, fetching, lovely, piquant - comely, winsome - korenitodrastically, radically - izjemnoexceptionally - dosegljivavailable, getable, gettable, obtainable, on sale, procurable - naprodajfor sale, purchasable, up for sale - dobronicely - inaccessible, out of stock, sold out, unobtainable, unprocurable, untouchable - on a regular basis, regularly - zmotnoerroneously, mistakenly - liberalno, velikodušnogenerously, liberally, munificently - inconveniently - razumljivoclearly, comprehensibly, intelligibly, understandably - unintelligibly, ununderstandably - unjustly - običajnocustomarily - duhovnospiritually, wittily - dolgočasnoboringly, monotonously, tediously, tiresomely - izvrsten, krasengorgeous - pulchritudinous - očarljivravishing - hvalevrednoadmirably, commendable, laudably, praiseworthily, wonderfully - prijetnoagreeably, comfortably, congenially, enjoyably, pleasantly, pleasingly, pleasurably, snugly - unpleasantly - tesno, za lasat the last moment, by the skin of one's teeth, hardly, just, narrowly, no sooner, only just - prijazenkind - zvestodependably, faithfully, reliably - deliciously, pleasurably - nejasnomistily, vaguely - vijugastocrookedly, lopsidedly, sinuously, tortuously - posebno, še posebejespecially, in particular, particularly, specially - notranjeinternally - phosphorescent - dobrohotnobenignantly, benignly - krivičnobelow the belt, unfairly - consequentially - neverjetnobeyond belief, implausibly, improbably, incredibly, unbelievably - absurdnoabsurdly, ludicrously, nonsensically, preposterously, ridiculously, senselessly - podlocurrishly, ignobly - ostudnoobjectionably, obnoxiously, offensively - prezira vrednobasely, despicably, meanly - diametrically - neprijetnocheerlessly, disagreeably, distastefully, grimly, nastily, uncomfortably, unkindly, unpleasantly - nečastno, sramotnodiscreditably, disgracefully, dishonorable, dishonorably, dishonourable, dishonourably, ignominiously, inglorious, ingloriously, shamefully - nepoštenocorruptibly, deceitfully, dishonestly, venally - hinavskoaffectedly, hypocritically - zvestoconstantly, fairly, faithfully, loyally, staunchly - nepoštenodisloyally, faithlessly, unfaithfully - grozljivoeerily, spookily - effectually - effectively, efficaciously - neenakounequally, unevenly - izdajalskofaithlessly, false, traitorously, treacherously, treasonably - faultily - sijajnogorgeously, magnificently, resplendently, splendidly - ostudnohideously, horridly, monstrously - navpičnoperpendicularly, vertically - identičnoidentically - belopoltbride, white - pisan, slikovitcolorful, colourful - brezbarvencolorless, colourless - bewildering - prosojensemitransparent, translucent - moč, silaforce, might, mightiness, power, strength - cloudy, mirky, muddy, murky, turbid - glaucous - mlečnatmilklike, milky, whitish - klečeplaznoobsequiously, servilely, slavishly, submissively, subserviently - perfidiously - pertinently - ljubkoprettily - spoštovanja vrednocreditably, honorably, honourably, respectably - democratic, popular - frequent - general - basal, base, basic, elementary, standard - izjemen, posebenespecial, exceptional, particular, special - rare - unusual - običajenusual - običajenaccustomed, customary, habitual, regular, wont, wonted - poprečencommon - posamezen, posamezna, posameznoindividual, single - posebenparticular - respective, several, various - separate - tacitly - definitely, definitively, finally, immutably, irreversibly, unalterably, unassailably, unchangeably - nevrednoshamefully, unworthily - koristnousefully - ostudnovilely - wholeheartedly - posebejespecially, specially - immediately - takojimmediately - naravnostdirect, directly, right, straight, straightly - običajen, standardenconventional - nenavadenbizarre, eccentric, flakey, flaky, freakish, freaky, gonzo, off-the-wall, outlandish, outre - snovencorporeal, material, physical - zmotenerroneous - verjetenbelievable, credible - neverjetenincredible, unbelievable - hud, težak, težaven, težek, zapletenawkward, difficult, hard, heavy, stiff, tough, uphill - kočljivdelicate, ticklish, touchy - serious - težaventroublesome, unfavorable, unfavourable, unsuitable, unwelcome - easy - čist, osnovenelementary, simple, uncomplicated, unproblematic - medenhoney-like, smooth - direct - sharp - učinkovit, zmogljivbusinesslike, effective, effectual, efficacious, efficient, suitable - tesenclose, tight - equidistant - enakostraničenequilateral - osnovenbasal, basic, primary - crinkled, crinkly, rippled, wavelike, wavy - implicit, silent, tacit, understood, unspoken - notranjiinner, interior, internal, inward - notranjiinner, inside, interior - zunanjiexterior, outward - unfamiliar - funkcionalenfunctional - splošengeneral - posebenspecific - čeden, potraten, precejšen, radodaren, velikodušenbig, bighearted, bounteous, bountiful, free, freehanded, generous, giving, handsome, lavish, liberal, openhanded - lavish, munificent, overgenerous, too-generous, unsparing, unstinted, unstinting - popadljiv, revenmean, mingy, miserly, tight - parsimonious, penurious - blagodejen, dober, dobra, dobro, koristen, ugodenbeneficial, good - zadovoljivacceptable, satisfactory - primerenconvenient, suitable - grozencrappy, icky, lousy, rotten, shitty, stinking, stinky - negative - dober, dobra, dobrogood - black, dark, sinister - grozljiv, hudoben, nespoštljiv, vražjidemoniac, demoniacal, demonic, demonical, devilish, diabolic, diabolical, fiendish, hellish, infernal, satanic, unholy - devilish, diabolic, diabolical, mephistophelean, mephistophelian - blaženbeatific, blessed, blissful, fortunate, happy, lucky - low - human - humanhumane - poživinjen, surovbeastly, bestial, brutal, brute, brutish, harsh, heavy-handed - majhenlittle, small - bistven, tehten, velikappreciable, big, consequential, considerable, important, marked, material, of import, significant, weighty - big - glaven, ključen, temeljnega pomenacardinal, central, fundamental, key, primal - glaven, glavni, visokchief, high, main, master, primary, principal - zgodovinskihistoric - serious - strategic, strategical - dragocen, vrednovaluable - fiddling, footling, futile, lilliputian, little, niggling, petty, picayune, piddling, piffling, trifling, trivial - zanimivinteresting - mikaven, zanimivabsorbing, captivating, engrossing, fascinating, gripping, intriguing, riveting - duhamoren, nadležen, utrudljivboring, dead-and-alive, deadening, drab, draggy, dreary, dull, ho-hum, irksome, jejune, monotonous, slow, soul-destroying, stodgy, stultifying, tedious, tiresome, wearisome - obilenlarge - širokbroad, spacious, wide - zajetenbulky - prostorenample, capacious, commodious, comprehensive, roomy, spacious, sweeping - čudovit, ogromencolossal, lofty, prodigious, stupendous, towering - dvojendouble - obilen, ogromenenormous, huge, towering, tremendous, vast - gromozanska, gromozanski, gromozansko, ogromen, ogromna, ogromno, orjaška, orjaški, orjaško, velikanska, velikanski, velikanskoelephantine, gargantuan, giant, gigantic, jumbo - orjaški, velikanskigiant, gigantic, huge, leviathan, mammoth, mountainous - ogromenBrobdingnagian, huge, immense, vast - velikanskibanging, humongous, thumping, walloping, whopping - drobcen, drobna, mikrobantam, diminutive, flyspeck, lilliputian, micro-, midget, petite, tiny - majcen, neznatenfractional, miniscule, minuscule, minute, nominal, teensy, teensy weensy, teeny, teeny weeny, tiny, wee - blagmild - intenzivenintensive - težeksevere, terrible, wicked - strong - prekomeren, pretiranexcessive, inordinate, steep, undue, unreasonable - pretiranexorbitant, extortionate, outrageous, steep, unconscionable, usurious - korenit, ultra-extremist, radical, ultra, ultra- - moralenmoral - izprijen, razuzdandebauched, degenerate, degraded, dissipated, dissolute, fast, libertine, profligate, riotous, wanton - natural - mrzek, odvraten, zoprnabhorrent, detestable, disgusting, obscene, off-putting, repellant, repellent, repelling, repugnant, repulsive - gnusen, grd, odvratendisgustful, disgusting, distasteful, foul, loathly, loathsome, repellant, repellent, repelling, revolting, skanky, wicked, yucky - star, stara, staroold - svežfresh, new, newest, novel - recent - unused - virgin - precej star, prileten, staraged, elderly, older, senior - aged, of age - emeritus - mladostenimmature, young, youthful - mladoletnica, mladoletnik, mladosten, mladostniški, najstniškiadolescent, teen, teenage, teenaged, teenager - dekliškigirlish, schoolgirlish - little, small - povprečenordinary - povprečen, srednji, zadovoljivaverage, fair, mediocre, middling, moderate - common - vsakdanjieveryday, mundane, quotidian, routine, unremarkable, workaday - čudovit, velikanskifabulous, fantastic, grand, howling, marvellous, marvelous, out of sight, rattling, terrific, thundering, tremendous, wonderful, wondrous - izvirenoriginal - fresh, new, novel - groundbreaking, innovational, innovative - oguljenbanal, clichéd, commonplace, corny, hackneyed, old-hat, shopworn, stale, stock, threadbare, timeworn, tired, trite, well-worn - sprejemljivadmissible, permissible, permitted - prijetenagreeable, congenial, enjoyable, gratifying, pleasant, pleasurable - nedvoumen, pozitivenpositive - negative - neutral - močan, močenpotent, stiff, strong - coercive - potent, strong - puissant - nemočenpowerless - čeden, ljubek, ljubezniv, primerenbecoming, comely, comme il faut, decent, decorous, seemly - poškrobljen, prisiljen, strogpriggish, prim, prissy, prudish, puritanical, square-toed, straightlaced, straight-laced, straitlaced, strait-laced, tight-laced, victorian - čistneat, pure - zdravhealthy, intelligent, levelheaded, level-headed, sound - undue, unjustified, unwarranted - regular - vsakdanjia day, daily, day-after-day, day-by-day, day-to-day, each day, everyday, per day, quotidian, workaday - official, prescribed - enak, ista, isti, istoalike, lifelike, like, resembling, same - different - pesterassorted, various - podobensimilar - nezadovoljivunsatisfactory - pomenljivimportant, significant - nepomembenfrivolous, immaterial, inconsequential, inconsiderable, indifferent, insignificant, trifling, unimportant - elemental, elementary, essential, fundamental, material, ultimate, vital - zapletenByzantine, convoluted, involved, knotty, tangled, tortuous - zapletencomplex, complicated, convoluted, intricate, involved - composite - bootlicking, fawning, obsequious, sycophantic, toadyish - poravnan, ravenstraight - grčavgnarled, gnarly, knobbed, knotted, knotty - tortuous, twisting, twisty, voluminous, winding - močan, močenhigh, mighty, powerful, strong - weak - dovolj, zadostenadequate, enough, sufficient - neustrezen, nezadosten, nezadostnodeficient, inadequate, insufficient, insufficiently, unsufficient - premajhenlean, skimpy - superior - izvrsten, odličen, odlična, odličnoexcellent, fantabulous, first-class, splendid - krasen, odličen, v redufine, good - zaničbum, cheap, cheesy, chintzy, crummy, punk, sleazy, tinny - donosencommercial, commercial-grade - povprečenmediocre, second-rate - tenekcobwebby, diaphanous, filmy, gauze-like, gauzy, gossamer, pellucid, see-through, sheer, transparent, vaporous, vapourous - koristen, usluženadvantageous, helpful, profitable, serviceable, usable, useable, useful, utile - jalovfutile, ineffectual, otiose, unavailing, unsuccessful, vain - pisanvaricolored, varicoloured, variegated - spremenljivvariable, varying - iterative, reiterative, repetitive - mlačenlukewarm, tepid, warmish - omejen, ozek, ozka, ozkonarrow - cylindric, cylindrical - sustainable - altruism, selflessness - zamišljenostconsiderateness, consideration, thoughtfulness - takt, taktnostconcealment, discretion, keeping back, modesty, privacy, secrecy, tact, tactfulness - finost, spretnostdelicacy, diplomacy, discreetness, finesse - poštenostmoral excellence, virtue, virtuousness - virtue - pravica, pravičnostequity, justice, justness - pravright, rightfulness - krepkost, odpornost, živahnosthardiness, lustiness, robustness, validity - pogumbackbone, courage, daring, grit, gumption, guts, moxie, nerve, sand, spunk - vzdržljivoststamina, staying power, toughness - Achilles' heel, Achilles heel - naglicacelerity, fastness, rate, speed, swiftness, velocity - pospešekacceleration[Domaine]
