
dicionario analógico

使弯曲, 弯成钩形, 弯曲, 弯起手指, 彎起手指bend, bend back, bend double, bend down, bow, crook, curve - 弯成弧形, 弯成拱形, 弯成曲线, 成弓形, 拱起arc, arch, curve - 向内弯曲incurvate - 反折, 弯回, 翻转replicate, retroflex - 使倾斜, 倾向, 倾斜, 傾斜, 屈身, 点头, 點頭angle, incline, lean, slant, tilt, tip - 俯下, 屈背, 弯腰, 彎腰, 鞠躬bend, bow, crouch, make a bow, stoop - 弯着身子, 弯腰, (因大笑或剧痛而)弯着身子, (因大笑或劇痛而)彎著身子double, double back, double over, double up, fold in half, fold in two - 卑躬屈膝, 奉承, 抖缩, 畏缩, 退缩, 阿谀bow and scrape to, cower, crawl, crawl before, crawl to, creep, cringe, cringe before, cringe to, fawn, fawn on, fawn upon, grovel, grovel before, grovel to, kowtow to - 卷起, 卷起來, 卷起来, 把身子卷縮成一團, 把身子卷缩成一团, 蜷缩curl, curl up, draw in, huddle up, nestle, snuggle, snuggle up[Spéc.]

屈曲, 弯曲flexion, flexure - 使弯曲的工具bender - 弯, 弯曲部分, 彎曲物bend, crook, turn, twist - 折叠, 折疊, 折痕, 折褶, 皱, 皱痕, 皱褶, 褶痕bend, crease, crimp, flexure, fold, plication[Dérivé]

弓起背, 弓起背部hump, hunch, hunch forward, hunch over[Domaine]

使挺直, 弄直straighten, unbend[Ant.]

bend (v.) • flex (v.) • 使弯曲 (v.) • 使彎曲 (v.) • 彎曲 (v.) • 折曲 (v.)
