
dicionario analógico

détester (fr)[Classe]

detest, hate仇恨, 厌恨, 厌恶, 嫌, 恨, 恨恶, 恨死, 憎, 憎恨, 憎恶, 討厭, 讨厌[Hyper.]

abomination厌恶, 可憎的事物, 憎恨 - execration - abhorrence, abomination, aversion, detestation, dislike, disrelish, distaste, execration, hatred, horror, loathing, odium仇恨, 厌恶, 厌恶;可憎的事物, 厭惡, 嫌恶, 憎恶, 痛恨 - abominator, loather厌恶者 - abhorrer厌恶者 - abomination可憎的人 - abominable, accursed, detestable, execrable, loathsome, odious可厌+的, 可厌恶+的, 可恨的,討厭的, 可恨的,讨厌的, 可恶的, 可惡的, 可憎+的, 可憎恨+的, 极坏的,讨厌的, 極壞的,討厭的, 討厭的, 讨厌+的, 讨厌的 - abhorrent, detestable, disgusting, obscene, off-putting, repellant, repellent, repelling, repugnant, repulsive厌恶+的, 可恶+的, 可恶的, 可惡的, 淫穢的, 討厭的, 讨厌的[Dérivé]

abominable, detestable, hateful, odious丢脸的, 声名狼藉的[QuiPeutEtre]

hate, hatred憎恨, 憎恶, 憎惡[Nominalisation]

abomination厌恶, 可憎的事物, 憎恨 - execration - abhorrence, abomination, aversion, detestation, dislike, disrelish, distaste, execration, hatred, horror, loathing, odium仇恨, 厌恶, 厌恶;可憎的事物, 厭惡, 嫌恶, 憎恶, 痛恨 - abominator, loather厌恶者 - abhorrer厌恶者 - abomination可憎的人[Dérivé]

abhor (v. trans.) • abominate (v.) • detest (v. trans.) • execrate (v. trans.) • have one's fill of (v.) • loathe (v. trans.) • 厌恨  • 厌恶 (v.) • 厭恨  • 厭惡 (v.) • (v.) • 憎恨 (v.) • 憎恶;痛恨 (v.) • 憎惡;痛恨 (v.) • 痛恨 (v.)
