
dicionario analógico

alleviate, assuage, mitigate, palliate, relieve, soothe - aid, help - regenerate, revitalize - enrich, fortify - build up, develop - turn around - help - upgrade - condition - correct, emend, grade, look over, look through, mark - iron out, put right, straighten out - enhance - bushel, doctor, fix, furbish up, mend, repair, restore, touch on - reform - reform - adorn, beautify, decorate, embellish, fancify, prettify - build - bring to perfection, hone, make perfect, perfect, put the finishing touches to, touch up - down, fine-tune, polish, refine - distill, make pure, purify, sublimate - fructify - lift, raise - advance - upgrade - educate, instruct, school[Spéc.]

amelioration, betterment, melioration[Nominalisation]


améliorant, bonifiant, méliorant (fr) - améliorateur (fr)[Qui~]

improvement - addition, add-on, improver - better - do-gooder, humanitarian, improver - improvement, melioration[Dérivé]

ameliorate, better, improve, look up, meliorate[Domaine]

aggravate, exacerbate, exasperate, make worse, worsen[Ant.]

ameliorate (v. trans.) • amend (v. trans.) • better (v. trans.) • improve (v.) • improve on  • meliorate (v.)
