
dicionario analógico

crepitation rale - hypermenorrhea, hypermenorrhoea, menorrhagiahyperménorrhée, ménorragie - alkalinuria, alkaluria - eosinopenia - haemoglobinemia, hemoglobinemiahémoglobinémie - haemoptysis, hemoptysis, long haemorrhage, long hemorrhage, pulmonary haemorrhage, pulmonary hemorrhage, spitting of bloodcrachement de sang, hémoptysie - hyperlipaemia, hyperlipemia, hyperlipidaemia, hyperlipidemia, hyperlipoidaemia, hyperlipoidemiahyperlipémie, hyperlipidémie - albuminuria, proteinuriaalbuminurie - aminoaciduria - ammoniuria - Jacquemier's sign - Kayser-Fleischer ring - keratomalacia - Kernig's sign - acetonemia, ketonemia, ketosiscétose - Koplik's spotssigne de Koplik, taches de Koplik - glycosuriaglycosurie - lymphuria - monocytosis - thrombocytosishyperplaquettose, thrombocytose, thrombocytose réactionnelle - ochronosisalcaptonurie, ochronose - hypercalcaemia, hypercalcemiacalcémie - hypocalcaemia, hypocalcemiahypocalcémie - hypercalcinuria, hypercalciuriahypercalciurie - hypercholesteremia, hypercholesterolemiahypercholestérolémie - hyperkalemiahyperkaliémie - hypokalemiahypokaliémie - kaliuresis, kaluresis - natriuresisnatriurèse - hypoproteinemia - hypernatraemia, hypernatremiahypernatrémie - hyponatremiahyponatrémie - hypersplenismhypersplénisme - acetonuria, ketoaciduria, ketonuria - amenia, amenorrhea, amenorrhoeaaménorrhée - aura - chloasma, mask of pregnancy, melasmachleuasme, chloasma, masque de grossesse, melasma - clubbinghippocratisme digital, hypocratisme digital - cyanosiscyanose - diuresisdiurèse - prodroma, prodromephase prodromique, prodrome - syndromesyndrome - effecteffet - abscessabcès - purulence, purulencypurulence - exophthalmosexophtalmie - festination - furring - haematuria, hematuriahématurie - haemoglobinuria, hemoglobinuriahémoglobinurie - haemosiderosis, hemosiderosishémochromatose secondaire, hémosidérose - nebula - sneeze, sneezing, sternutationatchoum, éternuement, sternutation - bump, lump, puffiness, swellingbosse, enflure, gonflement - bubobubon - palsy - pyuriapyurie - hyperglycaemia, hyperglycemiahyperglycémie - hypoglycaemia, hypoglycemiahypoglycémie - icterus, jaundiceictère, jaunisse - congestioncongestion, encombrement - eruptionéruption - numbnessengourdissement - ache, distress, hurting, misery, pain, sufferingdouleur, souffrance - paraesthesia, paresthesiaparesthésie - postnasal dripécoulement rhino-pharyngé - cardiomegaly, enlarged heart, megacardia, megalocardiacardiomégalie - cardiac murmur, heart murmur, murmursouffle au cœur - heartbeat, palpitation, palpitation of the heart, tachycardiapalpitation - heartburn, pyrosisbrûlures d'estomac, pyrosis - flush, hot flash - dyspepsia, indigestion, stomach upset, upset stomachdyspepsie, indigestion - inflammation, redness, ruborinflammation - chill, crazing, shivering, strainlininggrelottement, tressaillure - ague, chill, chills and feverfrisson - cough, coughingtoux - hiccough, hiccup, hiccups, singultushoquet - meningismméningisme - nausea, sicknesshaut-le-cœur, nausée - cramp, muscle spasm, spasmcrampe, spasme, spasme musculaire - cicatrice, cicatrix, scarcicatrice - hardeningdurcissement - floater, muscae volitantes, musca volitans, spotspoivrage - febricity, febrility, fever, feverishness, pyrexia, temperaturefébrilité, fièvre, température - atrophy, wasting, wasting awayatrophie - apnea, apnoea, free-divingapnée - dyspnea, dyspnoeadyspnée - constipation, irregularityconstipation - diarrhea, diarrhoea, looseness, looseness of the bowelschiasse, colique, courante, dévoiement, diarrhée, épreintes, foire - dizziness, dizzy spell, giddiness, lightheadedness, vertigovertige - anaemia, anemia, inanimateness, inanimation, lifelessnessanémie - breathlessness, difficulty in breathing, laboured breathing, lack of breath, shortness of breath, short-windedness, wheezinesscaractère asthmatique, essoufflement, gêne respiratoire, souffle court - withdrawal symptomsymptôme de privation - hydrophobiahydrophobie - areflexia - myoglobinuriamyoglobinurie - oliguriaoligurie - eosinophiliaéosinophilie - rhinorrhearhinorrhée - steatorrheastéatorrhée - inspiratory stridor, stridorstridor - tinnitusacouphène - uratemiauratémie - uraturia - uricaciduria[Spéc.]


symptom (n.) • symptôme (n.m.)
