
dicionario analógico

dépendance médicale[Classe]

drogue (stupéfiant)(horse; heroin; diacetylmorphine; narcotic; stupefacient; dope), (addict; drug addict; hype; junkie), (hooked; addicted), (drug dependence; drug addiction; white plague), (psychedelic state)[termes liés]

alcoolisme(dipsomania; alcoholism; potomania)[termes liés]



condition physique, état physiologiquephysical condition, physiological condition, physiological state[Hyper.]

accoutumer, avoir l'habitude, contracter l'habitude, prendre l'habitudeaccustom, be in the habit of, be wont to, get into the habit of, get the feel of, habituate, make a habit of, make a practice of, make sth. a habit - rendre addict, rendre dépendantaddict, hook - drogué, drogué addict, drogué dépendantdependant, dependent, drug-addicted, hooked, strung-out, subject[Dérivé]

came, chnouf, daube, dope, drogue, merde, narcotique, schnouf, schnouff, stup, stupéfiantdope, narcotic, stupefacient[Domaine]