
dicionario analógico

unité de longueur anglo-saxonne (fr)[Classe]

unité de capacité anglo-saxonne (fr)[Classe]

arme d'origine britannique (fr)[Classe]

Britisher; Briton; Brit[Classe]

histoire de la Grande-Bretagne (fr)[Thème]

vie politique et institution de Grande-Bretagne (fr)[Thème]

empire colonial britannique et Commonwealth (fr)[Thème]

Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nor (fr)[termes liés]

archipel et île possession de la Grande-Bretagne (fr)[Appar.Pol]

royaume constitutif du Royaume-Uni de G.B. (fr)[Situé]

parts; area; region; part of the country; district[Situé]

ville de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord (fr)[Situé]


River Tyne, Tyne, Tyne River - Canal de Bristol (fr) - North Channel - 北海North Sea - Canal St-Georges (fr) - Mer Celtique (fr) - 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国, 英国 ; 大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國, 英國U.K., UK, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland[Situé]

Faraday (fr) - Fossil Bluff (fr) - 直布罗陀Calpe, Gibraltar, Rock of Gibraltar - Halley Bay (fr) - Hong Kong - Northern Ireland, Ulster - Rothera (fr) - Signy (fr)[Appar.Pol]

大不列顛的,英國的, 英国+的, 英国人+的British[Rel.]


英国, 英格兰England - 苏格兰, 蘇格蘭Scotland - 威尔士Cambria, Cymru, Wales[Desc]

摘录的,简短的, 概括, 浓缩+的, 盆栽的potted - fly - pawky - dinky - dishy - non-U - u - starkers - boss-eyed - canty - common or garden - groovy, swagger - gammy - 万能供电的, 适合于一切电压+的all-mains - niffy - swingeing - 发怒的, 發怒的shirty, snorty - po-faced - 飢餓的, 饥饿的peckish - dickey, dicky - 发疯似的;傻的, 發瘋似的;傻的potty - whacking - long-dated - short-dated - take-away, takeout - redbrick, red-brick - grotty - 免付邮资的post-free - buckshee - chuffed, cock-a-hoop, happy - jumped-up - toffee-nosed - 主修,专业, 兄弟中较大+的, 较为年长+的major - 两兄弟中较小+的minor - 10亿, 一万亿, 万亿billion - 百万的立方trillion - 独自+的tod - 不愿合作+的, 故意阻扰+的, 难相处+的bloody-minded, cantankerous - 刁蛮+的, 反叛+的, 蛮横+的bolshy, stroppy - 上流+的, 第一流+的, 頂好的, 顶好+的, 顶好的capital - 一流+的, 出色+的, 极好+的spiffing - 一流+的, 第一流+的top-flight, top-hole, topping - 糟糕+的, 质量差+的, 非常差+的ropey, ropy - 大吃一惊+的, 目瞪口呆+的gobsmacked - 该死+的jiggered - 沉默寡言+的buttoned-up - 便宜货+的Brummagem - 可估价+的, 可评价+的ratable, rateable - 使极度疲乏, 没精打采的, 疲乏的, 筋疲力尽+的, 精疲力尽, 精疲力盡, 精疲力竭的, 累极了的, 非常疲倦, (俚)极度疲劳all in, beat, bushed, clapped-out, dead-beat, dead tired, dog-tired, done in, drained, fagged, fagged out, flaked out, knackered, rundown, shagged out, shattered, spent, tired, tired out, washed-out, wearied, weary, worn out - 疲惫+的, 疲惫不堪+的, 精疲力竭+的whacked - 有缺陷+的, 次+的manky - 无能+的, 窝囊+的, 缺乏魄力+的tinpot - 闷气+的, 闷热+的fuggy - 毁环了+的clapped out - 混乱, 混亂balls-up, ballup, cockup, mess-up, muddle - clanger - clawback - lucky dip - rustication - perambulation - fare-stage - 乘小馬車在鄉村娛樂, (乘)小马车(在乡村娱乐)pony-trekking - 橄榄球, 橄欖球, 英式橄榄球rugby, rugby football, rugger - fives - bagatelle, bar billiards - 抽彩售貨法, 抽彩售货法tombola - 儿童骰子游戏, 兒童骰子遊戲ludo - shove-ha'penny, shove-halfpenny, shovel board - 摸彩袋lucky dip - piss-up - 愚弄, 戏弄, 戲弄hoax, rag - panto - doddle - 部長, 部长minister, Secretary, Secretary of State - headship - costing - 车检Ministry of Transportation test, MOT, MOT test - fire watching - snogging - zizz - square-bashing - rub up - shufti - lie-in - point duty - national assistance, social assistance, supplementary benefit - boot sale, car boot sale - 监考invigilation - 侵犯性aggro - 打群架punch-up - go-slow, slowdown, token strike - Battle of Britain - 一级公路arterial road, state highway, trunk road - 后座议员席backbench - bar - 彩票经营部, 彩票销售店, 投注店betting shop - 垃圾袋bin liner - 后备箱, 行李箱boot - 玻璃瓶回收站bottle bank - 小餐馆caff - 汽车道, 车行道, (英)車道, (英)车道carriageway - 禁止停车的道路, 超速道路, 高速公路clearway - 攀缘架climbing frame, jungle gym - 休息室, 公共休息室common room, common-room - 会计室, 存帐室countinghouse - 小农场croft - 中立议员席crossbench - 挖掘成的洞delf - 后座dickey, dickey-seat, dickie, dickie-seat, dicky, dicky-seat - 露营用大锅dixie - 門上的球形捏手, 门上的球形捏手, 门把doorhandle, door handle, doorknob, handle - 弹性绷带Elastoplast - 彩色小灯fairy light - 煎鱼锅铲fish slice - 跳蚤窝fleapit - 踏板footplate - free house - 议会的正面席front bench - 吃角子老虎, 吃角子老虎赌博机, 老虎机fruit machine - brolly, gamp - 牧师公馆glebe house - 蔬菜水果店fruiterer's, fruiterer's shop, fruit store, greengrocer's, greengrocery - 蔬菜类greengrocery - 军械室, 军械库gun room - Guy - 无袖制服gymslip - 发夹bobby pin, hair slide, kirby grip - 大学公寓, 大学宿舍, 大寝室, 学生宿舍, 學生宿舍, (美)学生宿舍hall, hall of residence, student hostel - 隔离墩berm, hard shoulder - 公路, 干道, 高速公路highroad, trunk road - 家庭农场, 自营农场home-farm - 针织品,特指袜hose, hosiery - 大型超級市場, 大型超级市场, 巨型超级市场hypermarket, superstore - 职业介绍所jobcentre - 屋外游泳池, 露天游泳池lido - life office - 传达室, 傳達室lodge - L字牌, L车牌, 学习者驾车牌照, 学员车牌L-plate - 储藏室lumber room - 橡皮布防水衣, 马金托什雨衣mac, macintosh, mack, mackintosh - 食品橱meat safe - 小巷, 小街, 街道mews - 送奶车milk float - 小型计程车, 微型出租汽车minicab - 小型汽车, 微型轿车minicar - 大教堂convent church, minster, monastry church - 最新设备mod con - left, left-hand side, left side, nearside - 工装裤, 工裝褲, 粗蓝斜纹工作裤, 粗藍斜紋工作褲, 罩衫boilers suit, boilersuit, boiler suit, coverall, coveralls, dungarees, overall, overalls, tracksuit - Oxbridge - panda car - pannikin - pantechnicon - anorak, parka, windbreaker, windcheater - paternoster - pelican crossing - 邮筒pillar box - playbox, play-box - plimsoll - plughole - 插座, 电源插座, 電源插座point, power point, socket - 小酒店,客栈, 小酒店,客棧, 小酒馆, 酒吧間, 酒吧间, 酒店, 酒馆gin mill, pothouse, pub, public house, saloon, taphouse - pull-in, pull-up - punnet - push-bike - quarterlight - circuit, racing circuit - redbrick university - rowing boat - 洗碗間, 洗碗间scullery - pruning shears, secateurs, shears - sheeprun, sheepwalk - shooting brake - skid lid - skidpan - slip carriage, slip coach - slop basin, slop bowl - castle, stately home - Sten gun - 保险库, 保險庫, 地下室safe deposit vault, strongroom, strong room, vault - 外科手术室consulting room, doctor's practise, family doctor's practise, medical practise, surgery - tannoy - 泪水沾湿的, 茶室teahouse, tea parlor, tea parlour, tearoom, tea room, tear-stained, teashop - duplex, pair of semidetached houses, row house, semi, semidetached houses, terraced house, town house, two-family house - titfer - spongebag, sponge bag, toilet bag - tuck box - tuck shop - underfelt - 边缘, 邊緣verge - 别墅villa - 视频显示装置VDU, visual display unit - 水盆, 盥洗池basin, handbasin, lavabo, washbasin, wash-basin, washbowl, wash-hand basin - Norfolk wherry, wherry - wincey, winsey - winceyette - wooden spoon - workhouse - cert - beastliness - cobblers - conk - countenance, face, gob, head, kisser, mug, phiz, physiognomy, smiler, trap, visage - noddle - nous - facer - snorter - niff, pong - wheeze - Thatcherism - Fabianism - Rediffusion - royal charter - Higher National Diploma, HND - class list, honours list - 值勤人员表,值班表, 值勤人員表,值班表call board, rota - whip-round - book coupon, book token - indent - colour supplement - 乱语, 废话, 廢話, 胡說, 胡說八道,廢話, 胡说, 胡说八道,废话, 莫名其妙的話, 莫名其妙的话bull, cobblers, crap, double-Dutch, gibberish, rot, rubbish - double Dutch - gen - 公路法规Highway Code, Rules of the Road, traffic regulation, traffic regulations, traffic rule, traffic rules - Bachelor of Medicine, MB - 优等学位, 優等學位honours, honours degree - first, first-class honours degree - double first - storm cone - ticktack - shoulder flash - trad - skiffle - 争吵argle-bargle, argy-bargy - green paper - prang - bunfight, bun-fight - jolly - Maundy - burnup - race meeting - zizz - 糖果,糕点, 糖果,糕點tuck - plain flour - graham, graham flour, whole meal flour, whole wheat flour - Fanny Adams - high tea - 用茶时间, 用茶時間afternoon tea, tea, teatime, tea-time - nosh-up - ploughman's lunch - hotpot, hot pot - 細白砂糖, 细白砂糖caster, caster sugar, castor sugar, powdered sugar - pud, pudding - tipsy cake - pease pudding - roly-poly, roly-poly pudding - suet pudding - spotted dick - tart - Eccles cake - Christmas cake - simnel - tea biscuit, teacake - 小点心, 小甜点, 美国)饼干, 餅幹, 饼干biscuit, cookie, cooky - Victoria sandwich, Victoria sponge - lemon cheese, lemon curd - chipolata - polony - banger - saveloy - butty - hasty pudding - Victoria plum - whitefish - rock salmon - cattle cake - 加味品(如色拉调料), 蛋黃醬, 蛋黄酱salad cream - clotted cream, Devonshire cream - golden syrup, treacle - bubble and squeak - cottage pie - 烩饭kedgeree - bitter - pale ale - plonk - hock, Rhenish, Rhine wine - sundowner - scrumpy - cup of tea, cuppa, cupper - gob - al-Muhajiroun - National Trust, NT - Special Branch - Inland Revenue, IR - Ordnance Survey - 易受大众传播影响的群众admass - Commons, third estate - (组成)公司的Inc., incorporated, Ld., limited company, Ltd. - slate club - skiffle group - gaudy - beanfeast - whist drive - direct-grant school - training college - Open University - 英国枢密院, 英國樞密院privy, privy council - works council - 国会, 議會, 议会parliament - conservancy - ad hoc committee, select committee, special committee - Central Intelligence Machinery, CIM - SAS, Special Air Service - MI, Military Intelligence Section 6, Secret Intelligence Service - MI, Military Intelligence Section 5, Security Service - 海军部admiralty - county council - British Cabinet - shadow cabinet - Lords Temporal, second estate - High Commission, Legation, Mission - gossip papers, gutter press, yellow press - public school - 排房terrace - spinney - rave-up - local authority - heath, heathland - subtopia - county town, shire town - housing estate - stockbroker belt - shire - no-go area - 商販擺攤場地, 商贩摆摊场地pitch - new town - outport - weald - 大不列颠, 大不列颠和众国, 英国Britain, GB, Great Britain - Home Counties - 山谷dale, dell, glen, vale, valley - 水坑, 池塘mere, pond, pool, waterhole - 盎格鲁撒克逊人Anglo-Saxon - valuer - backbencher - berk - boffin - 大学校长, 大學校長chancellor - Chief Constable - clever clogs, clever Dick - coiner - Blimp, Colonel Blimp - 穿制服的看門人commissionaire, doorkeeper, gatekeeper, janitor, porter, usher - 治安官, 警察constable, police constable - 会议召集人convener, convenor - crossbencher - rioter, tearaway - Esq, Esquire - fire watcher - frontbencher - fruiterer - 蔬菜水果商greengrocer - guvnor - home help, home-maker, mother's help - Hooray Henry - inquiry agent - 住在医院的实习医生, 住在醫院的實習醫生, 實習醫生, 見習醫生, 见习医生houseman, intern, interne, medical intern, registrar, resident - 监考人invigilator, keeper, overseer, proctor, superintendent, supervisor - justiciar, justiciary - kerb crawler - 夫人, 女贵族, 贵妇Lady, noblewoman, peer, peeress - land agent - linendraper - lollipop lady, lollipop woman - Lord Chancellor, Lord High Chancellor - buddy, chum, dude, mate, pal - mercer - mod - muffin man - nan - copper's nark, nark - newsreader, news reader, news reader program, newsreading program, Usenet news reader - 官员, 官員office-bearer, official - outfitter - parliamentary agent - patrial - 同等地位的人, 貴族, 贵族peer - peer of the realm - placeman, placeseeker - pointsman, switchman - pork butcher - aluminium-cell tender, potboy, potman - don, preceptor - 酒店老板, 酒店老闆publican, tavern keeper - 問答節目主持人, 知識競賽節目中的提問者(或主持人), 知识竞赛节目中的提问者(或主持人), 问答节目主持人compere, emcee, question master, question-master, quizmaster, quiz-master - ranker - ranker - ratepayer - recorder - redcap - remover - returning officer - rocker - sandboy - scrimshanker - candidate's representative, canvasser, election agent, poll agent, poll representative, representative of the candidate, scrutineer, teller - settler - Sir - senior, sixth-former - skivvy, slavey - slopseller, slop-seller - smallholder - sod - spiv - sprog - sprog - squire - stipendiary, stipendiary magistrate - stockjobber - stone breaker - sublieutenant - 为女权运动鼓吹的妇女, 為女權運動鼓吹的婦女suffragette - grass, supergrass - supremo - tallyman - Ted, Teddy boy - Thatcherite - ticket tout, tout - townee - victualer, victualler - wally - wog - Wykehamist - chain reaction, knock-on effect - hectometric wave, medium wave - pot plant - 可征物ratables, rateables - 小农地 小农场smallholding - 王室领地Crown land - 房租补贴rent-rebate - 低廉的租金, 极低的租金, 象征性租金nominal rent, peppercorn rent - 分期付款制, 分期付款購買, 分期付款购买hire-purchase, never-never - 患病津贴, 疾病补助费, 病假补助津贴sick benefit, sickness benefit - 圣诞节礼物Christmas box - 住宅费, 家庭税, 市政税, 议会税council tax - (英国)地方税, (英國)地方稅local rates, local tax, municipal tax, rate, rates - 济贫税, 贫民救济税poor rates - 基本利率, 基础利率base rate - 增加报酬, 持续使用费, 额外诉讼费refresher - 自来水费water-rate - 银行帐户Check account, direct deposit account, giro account, giro bank account - check, cheque, giro, giro cheque - 十便士tenpence - 三便士threepence - 六便士sixpence, tanner - Maundy money - 红利, 股利, 股息divvy - 收益, 结转金额carry-forward, carry-over - 升水债券, 政府有奖债券, 溢价债券Premium Bond - 皇室费, 皇室费用Civil List - last - quarter - 英寸in, in., inch - perch, pole, rod - 托德tod - (英国重量单位)stone - bugger all, Fanny Adams, fuck all, sweet Fanny Adams - 十亿1000000000, milliard - 兆, 十亿1000000000000, billion, one million million - 万亿one million million million, trillion - 百万之四次方1000000000000000000, quadrillion, septillion - top-up, top-up deduction - poverty trap - 肌肉抽筋crick, kink, rick, wrick - dog's breakfast, dog's dinner - 同意, 认可appro - 不幸, 倒霉, 厄运, 坏运气, 坏運气, 更不幸地, 运气不佳, 運氣不佳bad luck!, hard cheese, hard lines/luck, tough luck, worse luck! - 闷浊空气fug - 纳税义务ratability, rateability - bumf, bumph, papers - 煤气town gas - 柴油derv - 硬化粘土, 硬质粘土clunch - surgical spirit - 半学期, 半學期half-term - vac - November 5 - Guy Fawkes Day - sell-by date - quarter day - guest night - rag, rag week - 狂欢日rag day - 節禮日, 节礼日Boxing Day - 国殇纪念日, 纪念日, 荣军纪念日, 阵亡将士纪念日Poppy Day, Remembrance Day, Remembrance Sunday - speech day - 很久以前year dot - 睡觉kip - 质询时间question time - judder, shake - 偷懒, 怠惰scrimshank - hornpipe - 11-plus, eleven-plus - swiz - dekko - action replay, instant replay, replay - 环城高速公路, 环形公路, 环形路, 环路beltway, bypass, ring road, ringway - 烤盘, 焙烤浅盘baking sheet, baking tray, cookie sheet - 仪表板(小汽车), 仪表盘, 汽车仪表dashboard, fascia - ironmongery - nick - 斑馬線, 斑马线pedestrian crossing, zebra crossing - sandbox, sandpile, sandpit - Kotex, sanitary napkin, sanitary towel - signal box, signal tower - stall - 內有軌電車, 内有轨电车, 市内有轨电车, 有軌電車, 有轨电车, 有轨电车线路, 电车streetcar, tram, tramcar, tramway, trolley, trolley car - 毛衣, 运动衫, 针织套衫jumper, sweater - van - remit - Magna Carta, Magna Charta, The Great Charter - plaint - groundnut oil, peanut oil - 蔬菜, 青菜veg, vegetable, veggie - green onion, scallion, spring onion - estate, estate of the realm, the three estates - first estate, Lords Spiritual - Liberal Democrat Party - 县, 縣county, shire - beadle, verger - 移居国外的(人)exile, expat, expatriate - 外婆, 外祖母, 奶奶, 奶奶;外婆, 祖母gran, grandma, grandmother, grandparent, grannie, granny, maternal grandmother, nan, nanna, paternal grandmother - ponce - 员, 售货员, 商店里的店员, 店員, 营业员clerk, salesclerk, salesgirl, saleslady, salesman, saleswoman, seller, shop assistant, shop clerk, vendor - 人寿保险, 保险, 保險assurance, insurance - 活期存款帐户account current, checking account, chequing account, current account, running account - 一会儿, 刹那, 片刻, 瞬间bit, little while, minute, mo, moment, second, while - chilly, parky - made-up - 不应交税+的unratable[Domaine]

U.K. (n.) • UK (n.) • United Kingdom (n.) • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (n.) • 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 (n.) • 英国 ; 大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國 (n.) • 英國 (n.)
