
dicionario analógico

lieu proche, autour d'un autre (fr)[Classe]

proximity; neighborhood; neighbourhood; nearness[Classe]



emp : plur (fr)[Syntagme]

geographical area, geographical region, geographic area, geographic regiongeografsko območje, geografsko področje[Hyper.]

fence, fence in, palisade, surround, wallobdajati, obdati, obkoliti, ograditi, ograditi z zidom - border, environ, ring, skirt, surroundobdajati, obdati, obkoliti, obkrožiti[Dérivé]

about, almost, approx, approximately, around, broadly, close on, close to, in the neighborhood of, in the neighbourhood of, in the region of, -ish, just about, more or less, near, near to, or so, or thereabouts, roughly, round, roundabout, some, something like, somewhere in the region of, sort ofbolj ali manj, do neke mere, okoli, okrog, približno, recimo, skoraj - [ aux environs de ] (fr)[Syntagme]