
dicionario analógico

Direito Canónico, Direito Canônico (pt) - Direito internacional (pt) - Law of Moses, Mosaic law (en) - charia, Chariá (pt) - fıkıh (tr)[Spéc.]

legislativo (pt)[Rel.Pr.]

juridisks, tieslietu- - medicolegal (en) - miertiesnesis, tiesnesis[Dérivé]

adjectivo , adjetivo, processual (pt) - essencial (pt) - atsavināms, nododams citam, pārvietojams - nevajadzīgs, pārāk liels - alterable (en) - unalterable (en) - incompetent, unqualified (en) - consensual (pt) - revertible (en) - fungível (pt) - iedzimts, pārmantots, patrimoniāls - intra vires (en) - ultra vires (en) - major (en) - menor (pt) - covert (en) - moot (en) - testate (en) - intestate (en) - mazsvarīgs, nenozīmīgs - probatório (pt) - apelācijas, kasācijas - residual (pt) - relativo à reversão, reversível (pt) - therefor (en) - scienter (en) - impounding, impoundment, internment, poundage (en) - award, awarding (en) - appointment (en) - remission, remit, remitment (en) - jaunievedums, jauninājums - subrogation (en) - disbarment (en) - derogation (en) - anulēšana, atcelšana - abatement of a nuisance, nuisance abatement (en) - production (en) - law, practice of law (en) - law practice (en) - dano (pt) - Delinquência juvenil, Delinqüência juvenil (pt) - comparative negligence (en) - concurrent negligence (en) - contributory negligence (en) - criminal negligence, culpable negligence (en) - neglect of duty (en) - krāpšana, viltus - resisting arrest (en) - dumpis, musināšana - seksuāla izmantošana - rapto, sequestro, seqüestro, Sequestros (pt) - actual possession (en) - constructive possession (en) - criminal possession (en) - intervention (en) - objection (en) - recusation (en) - recusal, recusation (en) - alienation (en) - likumdošana, likumi, likumkrājums - trust busting (en) - tēlojums - execução da lei (pt) - legal duty, legal obligation (en) - false imprisonment (en) - ieslodzījums cietumā - commutation, re-sentencing (en) - necienīga izturēšanās - contempt of Congress (en) - contempt of court (pt) - civil contempt (en) - contumacy (en) - criminal contempt (en) - obstruction of justice (en) - devido processo legal (pt) - prāva - lieta, prāva, tiesas prāva - causa civil, processo civil (pt) - ação popular (pt) - countersuit (en) - criminal suit (en) - moot (en) - bastardy proceeding, paternity suit (en) - antitrust case (en) - alegação em contrário (pt) - custody case (en) - lis pendens (en) - procedimento legal (pt) - adoptēšana, pārņemšana - aicinājums, apelācija, lūgums - revogação (pt) - apgalvojums, apstiprinājums - bankruptcy (en) - receivership (en) - prāva, tiesāšanās, tiesas prāva - custody battle (en) - vexatious litigation (en) - notification, presentment (en) - naturalisation, naturalization (en) - lēmums, spriedums - cognovit judgement, cognovit judgment, confession of judgement, confession of judgment (en) - julgamento à revelia (pt) - non pros, non prosequitur (en) - decisão final (pt) - judgement in personam, judgment in personam, personal judgement, personal judgment (en) - judgement in rem, judgment in rem (en) - aizraidīšana - judgement on the merits, judgment on the merits (en) - Tutela Antecipada (pt) - lēmums, spriedums - Bakke decision (en) - finding (en) - veredicto, veredito (pt) - conclusion of law, finding of law (en) - compromise verdict (en) - directed verdict (en) - false verdict (en) - general verdict (en) - quotient verdict (en) - special verdict (en) - attaisnošana - murder conviction (en) - rape conviction (en) - robbery conviction (en) - izlikšana - ouster (en) - actual eviction (en) - izlikšana, padzīšana - retaliatory eviction (en) - legalização (pt) - legitimação (pt) - julgamento, Processo (pt) - Scopes trial (en) - review (en) - judicial review (en) - plea (en) - double jeopardy (en) - apsūdzētājs, apsūdzība, lietas ierosināšana - test case, test suit (en) - atsaukums, noliegums - entrapment, in-cloud scavenging, rainout, rain-out (en) - mistrial (en) - lietas otrreizēja izskatīšana - audiência (pt) - administrative hearing (en) - competence hearing (en) - fair hearing (en) - quo warranto (en) - laulības šķiršana - šķiršanās - nosodīšana, notiesāšana - drug war (en) - anulēšana, atcelšana - dissolution of marriage (en) - amnestija, apžēlošana - spoliation (en) - permissive waste, waste (en) - parole (en) - liberdade condicional (pt) - folga, perdão (pt) - banco dos réus (pt) - sala de tribunal (pt) - tiesas ēka - apsūdzēto sols - viensēta - color of law, colour of law (en) - effect, force (en) - infection (en) - advowson (en) - direito humano, direitos humanos (pt) - servidão (legal) (pt) - privilégio (pt) - tas, uz ko ir tiesības - pilsoņtiesības - Liberdades civis (pt) - Habeas Corpus, Habeas-corpus, Hábeas Corpus (pt) - liberdade de culto, liberdade religiosa, Situação da liberdade religiosa por país (pt) - vārda brīvība - liberdade de imprensa (pt) - Liberdade de reunião (pt) - freedom to bear arms (en) - freedom from search and seizure (en) - right to due process (en) - freedom from self-incrimination, privilege against self incrimination (en) - freedom from double jeopardy (en) - right to speedy and public trial by jury (en) - right to an attorney (en) - right to confront accusors (en) - freedom from cruel and unusual punishment (en) - freedom from involuntary servitude (en) - equal protection of the laws (en) - balsošana, balss, balsstiesības, vēlēšanu tiesības - freedom from discrimination (en) - equal opportunity (en) - desapropriação (pt) - enfranchisement, franchise (en) - patent right (en) - right of election (en) - right of entry (en) - right of re-entry (en) - right of offset (en) - right of privacy (en) - enjoyment, use (en) - usufruto (pt) - visitation right (en) - jurisdikcija, tiesība tiesāt - venter (en) - presumption (en) - loģisks pamats - dolo (pt) - premeditação (pt) - mitigating circumstance (en) - probable cause, reasonable and probable cause, reasonable and probable ground, reasonable ground (en) - chateação, contrariedade, distúrbios, incômodo, moléstia, pertubação (pt) - sistema jurídico, sistema legal (pt) - drošības nauda, galvojums - jury system (en) - patent system (en) - sistema fiscal, sistemas de impostos (pt) - sistema de votação, sistema eleitoral, Sistemas de votação (pt) - judicial doctrine, judicial principle, legal principle (en) - jus sanguinis (pt) - jus soli (pt) - preempção (pt) - relation, relation back (en) - rundown, summation, summing up (en) - acto, certificado, negócio jurídico (pt) - derivativo, Derivativos (pt) - letra de câmbio (pt) - docket (en) - pase - ship's documents, ship's papers, ships papers (en) - deklarācija, kravas saraksts, manifests - atšifrējums, dublikāts, pieraksts - resolução conjunta (pt) - debênture (pt) - mandato, procuração (pt) - letters of administration (en) - letters testamentary (en) - likums - likums - anti-drug law (en) - anti-racketeering law, Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, RICO, RICO Act (en) - antitrust law, antitrust legislation (en) - prescrição (pt) - konstitūcija - Constituição dos Estados Unidos, Constituição dos Estados Unidos da América (pt) - direito público (pt) - estatutos da lei, legislação (pt) - enabling legislation (en) - federal job safety law, occupational safety and health act (en) - advice and consent (en) - statute book (en) - projecto de lei (pt) - appropriation bill, bill of supply (en) - Bill of attainder (pt) - bottle bill (en) - farm bill (en) - trade bill (en) - blue law (en) - blue sky law (en) - gag law (en) - game act, game law (en) - homestead law (en) - poor law (en) - Riot Act (en) - direito criminal, direito penal (pt) - adjudicação, ordem judicial (pt) - dekrēts, edikts, lēmums, likums - consent decree (en) - komandanta stunda - decree nisi (en) - divestiture (en) - judicial separation, legal separation (en) - prohibition (en) - stay (en) - límite de tempo, prazo (pt) - injunção, Processo Cautelar (pt) - mandatory injunction, obligation to do a particular thing (en) - final injunction, permanent injunction, standing injunction (en) - interim injunction, interlocutory injunction, temporary injunction (en) - brief, legal brief (en) - amicus curiae brief (en) - novēlējums, testaments - probate, probate will (en) - alteração, cláusula adicional, Codicilo (pt) - living will (en) - ato, ato heróico, escritura pública, feito notável (pt) - assignment (en) - bill of sale (en) - deed poll (en) - enfeoffment (en) - deed of mortgage, mortgage deed, mortgage document (en) - īpašumtiesību dokuments - deed of trust, trust agreement, trust deed, trust indenture, trust instrument (en) - conveyance (en) - quitclaim, quitclaim deed (en) - muniments (en) - orderis, pilnvara - kratīšanas orderis - apcietināšanas orderis - death warrant (en) - cachet, lettre de cachet (en) - reprieve (en) - commutation (en) - atļauja, franšīze, komercpilnvarojums, licence, nomuitojums, pārskaitījums, patents - carta-patente (pt) - judgement, judgment, legal opinion, opinion (en) - concurring opinion (en) - dissenting opinion (en) - majority opinion (en) - amnestija - atbrīvošana, dzēšana, kvīts, nomaksa - priekšraksts - assize (en) - certiorari, writ of certiorari (en) - charging order, execution, garnishee order, garnishes order, process bearing the executive formula, warrant for attachment, writ of execution (en) - execution, execution of instrument (en) - habeas corpus, writ of habeas corpus (en) - venire facias (en) - despacho (pt) - attachment (en) - fieri facias (en) - scire facias (en) - sequestration (en) - writ of detinue (en) - election brief, writ of election (en) - writ of error (en) - writ of prohibition (en) - writ of right (en) - mandato, mandatos (pt) - Intimação (pt) - pavēste - subpoena duces tecum (en) - gag, gag order, non-publication order, publication ban (en) - attachment of wages, garnishment, garnishment of wages, impounding of wages, seizure by garnishment, seizure of salary, seizure of wages, wage garnishment (en) - interdição (pt) - citação (pt) - monition, process of monition (en) - kvīts, talons - bill of Particulars (en) - aizlūgšana, aizstāvēšana, tiesas gaita - affirmative pleading (en) - alternative pleading, pleading in the alternative (en) - answer (en) - evasive answer (en) - plea (en) - counterplea (en) - dilatory plea (en) - libelo (pt) - defective pleading (en) - demurrer (en) - objection, rebuttal, rebutter, refutation (en) - replication (en) - rejoinder (en) - special pleading (en) - surrebuttal, surrebutter (en) - plaintiff's surrejoinder, reply to the duplique, surrejoinder (en) - plea bargain, plea bargaining (en) - statūti, valsts likums - enabling act, enabling clause (en) - ordinance (en) - emergency act, emergency legislation, special act, special statute (en) - rule of evidence (en) - legal code (en) - código penal (pt) - Código dos Estados Unidos da América (pt) - building code, building regulation (en) - fire code (en) - health code, sanitary code (en) - specification (en) - conspiração, cumplicidade (pt) - libel (en) - Bill of Rights (en) - First Amendment (en) - Fifth Amendment (en) - Fourteenth Amendment (en) - Eighteenth Amendment (en) - submission (en) - pierādījums - depoimento, testemunha (pt) - corpus delicti (en) - direct evidence (en) - res gestae (en) - prova circunstancial (pt) - corroborating evidence (en) - hearsay evidence (en) - state's evidence (en) - declaração (pt) - depoimento juramentado (pt) - apstiprinājums, pārbaude, pierādījums - subornation (en) - álibi (pt) - caveat (en) - jactitation (en) - obiter dictum (pt) - written agreement (en) - issue of law, legal matter, matter of law, question of law (en) - barra lateral (pt) - pretrial, pretrial conference (en) - arbitragem (pt) - citation (en) - deposição (pt) - interrogatório, repergunta (pt) - direct examination (en) - redirect, redirect examination, reexamination (en) - aviso legal (pt) - iebildums - domstarpības, nevienprātība - discovery (en) - nosacījums, noteikums - alegação (pt) - subornation of perjury (en) - combination in restraint of trade (en) - empresa de advocacia, escritório de advocacia (pt) - Conservative Judaism (en) - profissões ligadas à justiça (pt) - Justiça (pt) - BJA, Bureau of Justice Assistance (en) - FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, polícia judiciária (pt) - circuit court of appeals (en) - circuit (en) - military court (en) - moot court (en) - night court (en) - provost court (en) - police court (en) - probate court (en) - quarter sessions (en) - corte superior (pt) - Suprema Corte dos Estados Unidos da América (pt) - Augstākā tiesa - traffic court (en) - trial court (en) - judicial branch (en) - panel, venire (en) - pirmstiesas izmeklēšanas zvērinātie - hung jury (en) - júri ordinário (pt) - blue ribbon jury, special jury (en) - direito administrativo (pt) - civil law, Direito civil, direito romano-germânico (pt) - paražu tiesības - law of the land (en) - código marítimo, Direito do mar, Direito Marítimo (pt) - kara stāvoklis - Direito comercial, Direito empresarial (pt) - military law (en) - lei, lei ordinária, Leis (pt) - securities law (en) - direito fiscal, legislação fiscal (pt) - casa, domicílio (pt) - apsūdzētais, apsūdzētie - advokāts - jurisperito (pt) - juridiskais mantinieks, pārstāvis, pilnvarotais - assignor (en) - procurador-geral, Procurador Geral da República, procurador-geral da República (pt) - advokāts - chief justice (en) - contratador (pt) - conveyancer (en) - klients - defense attorney, defense lawyer (en) - divorce lawyer (en) - filer (en) - intervenor (en) - Jane Doe (en) - John Doe (en) - judge advocate general (en) - jurisconsulto, jurista, Juristas (pt) - juiz de paz, magistrado (pt) - legislador (pt) - advokāts, aizstāvis, juriskonsults, jurists, pilnvarotais - legal representative (en) - likumdevējs - likvidators, tiesu izpildītājs - prāvnieks - next friend (en) - notārs - ordinary (en) - īpašnieks - Técnico jurídico (pt) - party (en) - prasītājs - prevailing party, successful party (en) - promulgator (en) - prasītājs, sūdzētājs - advogado da justiça gratuita, Defensoria Publica, Defensoria Pública, defensor público (pt) - referee (en) - reversioner (en) - Richard Roe (en) - advokāts, juriskonsults - transferee (en) - transferor (en) - trial attorney, trial lawyer (en) - trial judge (en) - trier (en) - Curador (pt) - ux., uxor (en) - vouchee (en) - attestant, attestator, attestor, witness (en) - liecinieks - estate for life, life estate (en) - assignment, grant (en) - herança, legado, patrimônio (pt) - accretion (en) - mantojums, novēlējums - devise (en) - jointure, legal jointure (en) - herança (pt) - līdzdalība, procentu likme - vested interest (en) - relief (en) - actual damages, compensatory damages, damages at large, general damages (en) - nominal damages (en) - exemplary damages, punitive damages, smart money (en) - legal fee (en) - reversion (en) - escheat (en) - apsolījums, drošības nauda - dokuments, pieraksts, protokols - legal relation (en) - fiduciary relation (en) - bank-depositor relation (en) - confidential adviser-advisee relation (en) - conservator-ward relation (en) - director-stockholder relation (en) - executor-heir relation (en) - attorney-client relation, lawyer-client relation (en) - partner relation (en) - receiver-creditor relation (en) - trustee-beneficiary relation (en) - legal status (en) - civil death (en) - pilsonība - ģimenes stāvoklis - laulība, laulības dzīve - bigāmija, divlaulība - civil union (en) - common-law marriage (en) - legal rule, rule of law (en) - legal representation (en) - imunidade diplomática (pt) - limitação (pt) - republish (en) - alugar, arrendar (pt) - prove (en) - recuse (en) - filiate (en) - charge (en) - []atzīt savu vainu - plea-bargain (en) - reexaminar (pt) - challenge, take exception (en) - get off (en) - apžēlot - amnestēt, apžēlot - mazināt - atzīt par vainīgu, notiesāt - reconvict (en) - lemts neveiksmei, notiesāt, piespriest sodu - capacitate (en) - recuse (en) - iesniegt - docket (en) - docket (en) - verify (en) - ieņemt liecinieka vietu tiesā - apliecināt, atalgojums, dot liecību, liecināt - advogar, apelar (pt) - demur (en) - counterclaim (en) - sair de cena, transferir, transmitir (pt) - apresentar, dar, entregar (pt) - prefer (en) - probate (en) - atbrīvot pret galvojumu/drošības naudu - ieslodzīt cietumā - bind over (en) - aggrieve (en) - appearance, appearing, coming into court (en) - give (en) - stultify (en) - assassinato involuntário (pt) - barratry (en) - champerty (en) - criminal maintenance, maintenance (en) - filibuster (en) - debarment (en) - bench (en) - nome fantasia (pt) - Nineteenth Amendment (en) - cause of action (en) - attestation (en) - settlor, trustor (en) - satisfaction (en)[Domaine]

likumā paredzētā kārtība (n.)
