
dicionario analógico

MESH root[Thème]

Aaron's sign - ab- - Abadie's sign - tongue depressor - abarognosis - abarthrosis - abarticular - abasia - prostration - abaxial - Abbe's operation - AbbéEstlander's operation - Abbott-Rawson tube - abscessed - abdominal - abdominogenital - abdominothoracic - abdominovesical - abducens, abducent - abduction - bee - Abernethy's operation - aberrant - aberration - abiogenesis - abiosis - abiotrophy - abiuretic - ablactation - ablation - ablephary - ablutomania - ablution - aboral - abortive - connexion - abulia - abrachia - abrachiocephalus - abrachiocephalia - Abraham needle - Abrams' reflex - Abrashanow's amputation - abrasive - Abrikosov's tumor, Abrikossoff's tumor - abscissa - absence - absinthin - absinthism - absolute - absorbent - bone absorptiometry - abstergent - abstinence - abstraction - abuse - acalculia - acampsia - acanthion - acanthocephaliasis - acanthocyte - acanthocytosis - acanthoid - acanthokeratodermia - acanthopelvis - acanthosis - acapnia - acardiac - acardia - acaricide - acaroid - acarophobia - acarotoxic - acaryote - acatalepsia - acataphasia - acaudal, acaudate - Acaulium - accelerator - accelerin - acceptor - accessory - accidentalism - accidental - accident - acclimatation - accommodation - accommodometer - puerpera - labor - obstetrician - accrementition - accretion - fit - acellular - acenesthesia - acephalus - acephalia - acephalus - acephalobrachia - acephalocardia - acephalochiria - acephalocyst - acephalogastria - acephalopodia - acephalostomia - acephalus - acercus - acidophobia - acervulus - acetabular - acetabuloplasty - acetal - acetate - acetous - acetification - acetimeter - acetic - acetolysis - acetonemia - acetonuria - acetylcoenzyme A - acetylphosphatase - acetyltransferase - achalasia - Achard-Thiers syndrome - acheilia - achillous - achillobursitis - achillodynia - achillorrhaphy - achillotenotomy - acheiria - achloroblepsia - acholia - acholuria - achondrogenesis - Achor-Smith syndrome - achromasia - achromate - achromatic - achromatism - achromatocyte - achromatophil - achromaturia - achromia - achromotrichia - achylia - acicular - acidaminuria - aminoacid - fatty acid - acidemia - acid - acidifiable - acidification - acidimetry - acidimeter - acidity - acidoresistant - acidulated - aciduria - aciduric - akinesia - akinetic - aciniform - acinitis - acinotubular - acinus - Ackermann's angle - acladiosis - acleistocardia - aclinic - acme - acnemia - acnitis - acorea - acoria - acormia - acoumeter - acoumetry - acouphonia - acousmatagnosis - acou- - acquired - acrasia - acrid - acremoniosis - acribometer - acridine - acrimony - acrinia - acrisia - acritical - acro- - acroasphyxia - acrobrachycephaly - acrobystiolith - acrocentric - acrocephalia - acrocinesia, acrocinesis - acrocontracture - acrocyanosis - acrodolichomelia - acroerythrosis - acroesthesia - acrogeria - acrohyperhidrosis - acrohysterosalpingectomy - acrokeratosis verruciformis - acromacria - acromania - acromastitis - acromegaloidism - acromelalgia - acromelic - acromial - acromicria - acromioclavicular - acromiocoracoid - acromiohumeral - acromiothoracic - acroparesthesia - acropathy - acrophobia - acroscleroderma - acrosclerosis - acrosyndrome - acroteriosis - acrotic - acrotism - acrylic - parapraxis - medical treatment - active - actiniform - actinic - actinism - actinocutitis - actinocongestin - actinodermatitis - actinograph - actinology - actinometer - actinoscopy - action - activator - activation - activity - acu- - acuity - acuminate - acupression - acyanopsia - acyclic - acylcoenzyme A - acyl - acystia - ad, ad- - adactylia - Adam's apple - adamantine - Adamkiewicz reaction - Adams operation for uterin retroversion - adaptometer - addiction - Addis count - Addison's point - addisonian - addisonism - additive - adductor - adduction - Adelmann's method - adelphia - adenase - adendric, adendritic - adenectomy - adenectopia - adeniform - adenoacanthoma - adenoblast - adenochondroma - adenocellulitis - adenochondrosarcoma - adenocyte - adenofibrosis - adenogenous - adenoidism - adenoiditis - adenoleiomyofibroma - symmetrical lipomatosis - adenolipoma - adenology - adenolymphocele - mononucleosis - adenomalacia - adenomatous - adenomatosis - adenomectomy - adenomegaly - adenomycosis - adenomyomatosis - adenomyosarcoma - adenomyxoma - adenomyxosarcoma - adenopathy - adenopharyngitis - adenophlegmon - adenophtalmia - adenosarcorhabdomyoma - adenosclerosis - adenotome - adenotomy - adenoid - adenylic - adermogenesis - adherence, adhesion - adhesive - adhesin - platelet adhesion - ADH - adiabatic - adiadochokinesia - adiaphoresis - adiaphoria - adiastolia - adiathermic - adip-, adipo- - adipectomy - adipic - adipocele - adipocellular - adipocyte - adipofibroma - lipogenous - adipoid - adipolysis - adipomastia - adipometer - adiponecrosis - adipopexia - adiposalgia - adiposis - adiposis tuberosa simplex - adipositas cordis - adipsia - aditus - Adler's theory - adoral - adren-, adreno- - adrenalin - adrenalinemia - adrenalinuria - adrenalitis, adrenitis - adrenalopathy - adrenergic - adrenocorticotrophic - adrenoprival - adrenosterone - adrenotrophin - adrenotropic - Adson's operation for hypertension - adsorbent - adulteration - adynamia - Aeby's plane - aer-, aero- - aeroasthenia - aeration - aerendocardia - aerenterectasia - aeriform - aeriferous - aeroanareobic - aerobic - aerobiology - aerobioscope - aerocolia - aerocolpos - aerocystography - aerocystoscopy - aerocele - aerodermectasia - aerodontalgia - aeroembolism - aerogastria - aerogel - aerogenous - aerogram - aerometer - aeropathy - aerophil - aerophobia - compressed air illness - aeroplethysmograph - aerosialophagy - aerosol therapy - aerosol - aerotaxis - aerotherapy - aerothermotherapy - aerotonometer - aerotropism - aero-urethroscopy - afebrile - affectivity - afferent - affinity - afflux - affusion - agalactia - agamogenesis - agamobium - agar-agar - agastria - agastroneuria - agenitalism - agenosomia - agent - agger - agglomerate - conglomerate - agglutinable - agglutinant - agglutinating - agglutinin - agglutinogen - agglutinoscope - agitation - agitographia - aglossia - aglossostomia - aglycone - agmitated - agnathus - agnathia - Agnew's incision - -agogue - agomphiasis - agony - agonist - agraffe, clip - agranulocyte - aggregation - aggregate - aggressiveness - agromania - agrypnia - agripnotic - Ahlfeld's sign - sour - acor - needle - lateral wing of sacrum - anatomic wings of patella - wings of nose - ailurophilia - ailurophobia - ailuropsis - magnet - area - akaryocyte - akeratosis - Akerlund's diaphragm - Akerlund deformity - akidopeirastic - akinesia - Akureyri disease - Al - alacrimia - alar - alalia - alembic - subcervical glands of Albarran - Albee's hip operation - Albee-Delbet operation - Albert's operation - Albert's position - albidus - Albini's nodules - Albinus muscle - Albl's ring - Albright syndrome - Albright-Mc Cune-Sternberg syndrome - albunigea - albugineotomy - albugineous - albuginitis - albugo - albumen - albuminemia - albuminous - albumin - albuminiferous - albuminimetry - albuminimeter - albuminoreaction - albuminoid - albumose - albumosemia - albumosuria - alkalescence - alkaligenous - alkalimeter - alkalimetry - alkaline - alkalinization - alkalitherapy - alkaloid - alkaloid - alkalometry - alkane - alkapton - Alcock's canal - alcoholature - alcoholate - alcoholate - alcoholemia - alcoholization - alcoholomania - alcoholometer - alcoholuria - alkylating agent - aldehyde - Alder's anomaly, Alder's constitutionnal granulation anomaly, Alder-Reilly anomaly - aldohexose - aldolasemia - aldopentose - aldose - alecithal - aleukemia - aleukia - aleuron - Alexander incision - Alexander's prostatectomy - Alexander-Adams uterine suspension - alexandrism - drawsheet - Alezzandrini's syndrome - algedonic - algesimeter - algesiogenic - algesthesia - algicide - algid - algor - alg- - psychalgia - algin - algogenesis - algolagnia - algomenorrhea - algomuscular - algospasm - painful coitus - algophily - algor - alienation - insane, mad - alienist - aliform - alimentation - aliment - aliphatic - alisphenoid - confinement - alkyl - allachestesia - allantochorion - allantogenesis - allantoic - Allarton operation - allele - allelocatalysis - allelomorphism - allergid - allergization - allergology - allergist - allergometry - allergen - alliaceous - alloy - Allingham rectal excision - Allis' sign - allo- - allobiosis - allocentric - allochroic - allochromasia - allocinesia - allocortex - allodiploid - allodynia - alloerotism - alloesthesia - allogamy - isoimmunisation - allomorphism - allonomous - allopath - allopathy - alloplasty - allopolyploid - allorhythmia - allotransplantation - allotriodontia - allotriophagy - allotriosmia - allotrophic - allotropy - allotropic - allotypy - allyl - Almeida's disease - alpha-blocker, alpha-blocking agent - alphachymotrypsin - alpha-fetoprotein - alphaglobulins - alpha-stimulant - alpha-stimulant - alpharadiotherapy - alphitomorphous - alphodermia - Alsberg's triangle - alteration - otherness - aluminium - aluminosis pulmonum - alum - alveolar - alveolus - alveolitis - alveolobronchiolitis - alveoloclasia - alveololabial - alveolomerotomy - alveolonasal - alveolotomy - alveolysis - alvinolith - alvine - alymphocytosis - Alzheimer's neurofibrillary change - amalgam - bitter almond oil - sweet almond oil - amanitohemolysin - amanitine - amantadin - amarillic - amarine - amastia - amatophobia - amaxophobia - Ambard's constant - Ambard's equations - ambenonium - ambi- - ambidexter - ambivalence - ambly- - amblyacousia - amblychromasia - Amblyomma - amblyoscope - amboceptor - ambulance - ameiosis - amelus - ameloblast - amenorrhea-galactorrhea syndrome - ameristic - bitter - ametria - ametrometer - amianthus - amianthosis - amebocyte - ameboid - ameboidism - amebula - amicrobic - amicrone - amidase - amide - amidogen - amidogen - amilorid - amimia - amine - aminoacidemia - aminoacidoxidase - aminoaciduria - aminolysis - aminopeptidase - aminophiline - aminopurine - aminuria - amino - amitosis - Ammon's operation - ammoniemia - ammoniuria - amnesic - amniogenesis - amniography - amniorrhea - amnioscope - amniote - amniotic - amniotome - amebicidal - amoeboma - amok - amoral - amorphous - amorphism - amorphosis - amorphus - Amoss' sign - genital love - AMPc - ampelotherapy - amperage - amperemeter - amphi-, ampho- - amphiarthrosis - amphiaster - amphibious - amphiblastula - amphicarcinogenic - amphicaryon - amphicyte - amphigastrula - amphigony - amphimixis - amphinucleus - Amphistomum - amphistomiasis - amphithymia - amphitrichous - amphocyte - amphogenic - amphophil, amphophilic, amphophilous - amphorophony - amphoric - amphoteric - amphotony - amplexation - brillancy amplifier - amplitude - ampulla - ampullar - ampullitis - AMP - ampere - amusia - Amussat's valvula - valvula spiralis - amyelus - amyelencephalia - amyelia - amyelinic - amyelotrophy - amygdalectomy - amygdaline - amygdalitis - amygdaloid - amygdalolith - amygdalotome - amygdalotomy - amylaceous - amylasemia - amylasuria - amyl - amylic - amylism - amylodextrin - amylodyspepsia - amylogenesis - amylogenic - amylolysis - starchy feeding - amylorrhea - amylosinthesis - amyluria - amyoplasia - amyotonia - amyotrophy - progressive spinal amyotrophies - amyotrophic - amyxorrhea - ana- - anabasis - anabiosis - anabiotic - anabolic - anabolic steroids - anacamptometer - anacatadidymus - anacidity - anaclasis - anaclitism - anacousia, anacusis - anacrotism - anaculture - anadenia - anacrotic, anadicrotic - anadidymus - anadipsia - anaerobic - anaerophyte - anagenesis - Anagnostakis' operation - anagocytic - anagotoxic - anagen - analepsia - analeptic - analgesic - analgia - analogy - analogue - analysis - anal - anamnestic - anamnotia - anamorphosis - anancastia - anandria - anangioplasia - anapeiratic - anaphoria - anaphoresis - anaphrodisia - anaphylactogen - anaphylactoid - anaplasty - anapnograph - anapnoic - anaraxia - anarrhexis - anarthria - anasarca - anaspadias - anastalsis - anastigmatic - anastomosis - anastrophy - anataxia - anatomist - pathologist - anatopism - anatoxine - anatoxic - anatoxireaction - anatoxine therapy - anatricrotic - anaxone - anazoturia - ancipital - anconitis - anchorage - ancistroid - Andersch's ganglion - Andes disease - Andral's decubitus - andranatomy - Andrews operation - Andrews disease - androgen - androgenesis - androgenous therapy - androgynous - androgynism, androgyny - androgynoid - andromerogony - andromimetic - andromorphous - andropathy - ý male menopause ý - androphobia - androphonomania - androstanediol - androstanedione - androstane - androstene - andro- - anechogenic - Anel lacrymal dilatation - Anel's syringe - Anel's probe - anelectrotonus - anemopathy - anemophobia - anemotropism - inexperience - anencephalotrophy - anenterous - anenteroneuria - anepiploic - anepithymia - anergy - anergic - orgastic impotence - anerythroplasia - anerythropoiesis - anesthesimeter - anesthesiologist - anesthesimeter - anesthetic - anesthesist - anethole - anetodermia - aneurysmal - aneurysmectomy - aneurysmoplasty - aneurysmorrhaphy - aneurysmotomy - anfractuosity - Angelucci's syndrome - Anghelescu's sign - angialgia - angiectasis - angiectomy - angiectopia - anginal - anginiform - anginophobia - angioblast - angioblastoma - angiocardiokinetic - angiocardiopathy - angiocardioneumography - angiocarditis - angiocavernous - angiocheiloscope - angiocholecystitis - angiochondroma - angiocrinosis - angiodermatitis - angiodiascopy - angiodystrophy - angiofibroma contagiosum tropicum - fluorescein angiography of retina - angiofluoroscopy - angiogenesis - angioglioma - angiogliosis - angiohyalinosis - angiohypotonia - angiokeratoma corporis diffusum - angiokeratosis - angiolith - angiologie - angiolupoid - angiolysis - angiomalacia - angiomatous - angiomegaly - angiometer - angiomyosarcoma - angionecrosis - angioneurosis - angioneurectomy - angioneuralgia of the breast - angioparesis, vasoparesis - angiopathy - angioneumography - angiopoiesis - angiopsathyrosis - angioreticuloma - angorrhaphy - angiorrhexis - angioscan - angiosclerosis - angioscotometry - angioscotoma - angiospasm - angiospastic - angiostaxis - angiostenosis - angiostomy - angiostrophe - angiotenic - angiotitis - angiotomy - angiotonia - angiotribe - angiotripsy - angiotrophic - angio- - angioid - angle - angor - Angström unit - Anguillula - anhydremia - anhydrous - anhydride - anhydromyelia - anianthinopsy - anicteric - anideus - aniline - anilinophile - analism - animalcule - animalculism - animality - anima - animism - animus - Anisakidae - anischuria - aniso- - anisochromasia - anisochromia - anisocytosis - anisodon - anisogamy - anisognathic - anisoleukocytosis - anisomastia - anisomelia - anisometry - anisophoria - anisopia - anisorrhythmia - anisosphygmia - anisoasthenia - anisotonia - anisotropic - anisuria - anusitis - intestinal adhesion - ankyloblepharon - ankylocolpos - ankylodactyly, syndactily - ankylodonty - ankyloglossia - ankilomele - ankylomerism - ankylopoietic - ankyloproctia - ankylorrhinia - ancylostome - ankylotome - Annandale operation - ring - adnexectomy - adnexa - adnexal - annular - undoing - annular erythrocyte - annuloplasty - anociassociation - analderma - anodyne - anodal - anoestrus - abnormality, anomaly - anomalopia - anomaloscope - anonychia - anonymous - anophelicide - anophelism - anophthalmus - anoplasty - anopsia - anorchus - anorchism - anorectal - anorexiant - anorectic - anorganic - anorgasmy - abnormal - abnormality - anorthography - anorthopia - anorthoscope - anosodiaphoria - anosognosia - anostosia - anotus - anotia - anotropia - anovaria - anovular, anovulatory - ansa, loop - ansiform - anti- - antagonism - antagonist - associated antagonists - direct antagonists - antalgic - ante- - antecubital - medical history - antefebrile - anteflexion - adenohypophyseal - antenatal - anteposition - anteprandium - anteprostatitis - anterior - anterograde - antero- - anteversion - anthelix - anthomyia canicularis - anthracemia - anthracene - anthracoid - anthraconecrosis - anthracosis - anthracosis linguae - anthracotherapy - anthraquinone - anthropobiology - anthropocentric - anthropogeny - anthropogeography - anthropography - anthropomorphic - anthropomorphism - anthropomorphology - anthroponomy - anthropopathy - anthropophagy - anthropophilia - anthroposcopy - anthropozoonosis - anthropo- - antiagglutinin - antisludge - antialkaline - antiallergic - antiamarillic - antianaphylaxis - antianemic - antianginal - antiantibody - antiantitoxin - antiarrhythmic - antiasthmatic - antibacterial - antibacteriolytic - antibiotherapy - antibiotic - antiblastic - antibromic - anticancer, antineoplastic - anticardiolipin - anticarious - anticataphylaxis - anticatarrhal - anticathode - anticaustic - anticephalalgic - antiketogenic - anticholearic - anticholinergic - anticholinesterase - anticipation - antihemoclasia - anticoagulant - anticomplementary - contraceptive - anticonvulsant - antibody - anticritical - antidepressant - oral antidiabetic - antidiarrheal - antivertiginous - antidiuretic - antidote - antidromic - antienergy - antiemetic - antienzyme - antiepileptic - antifibrinolytic - antifolate - antifungal - antigalactic - antigenicity - antigenic - antigenotherapy - antiglobulin - anthelmintic - antihemolytic - antihemorrhagic - antihistamine - antihormone - antihypertensive - antihypnotic - anti-infective - anti-inflammatory - antikinase - antilethargogenic - antilymphocytic - antimetabolite - antimicrobial - antimigrainous - antimitotic - antioxidase - antimalarial - antiparkinsonian - antipathogenic - antipedicular - antipellagre - antipepsin - antiperiodic - antiperistalsis - antiplague - antiphagin - antiphagocytic - anti-inflammatory - antiphospholipid - antiprecipitin - antiprothrombin - antipruritic - antipurine - antiputrefactive - antipyogenic - antipyresis - antipyretic - antipyrimidine - antirabic - antirachitic - antirheumatic - antiscabietic - antiscorbutic - antiseptic - antiserum - antisialic - antisocial - antispasmodic - antispirochetic - antistreptokinase - antisudorific - antisulfonamide - antisyphilitic - antitetanic - antithermic - antithrombin - antithromboplastinogen - antithrombotic - antithyroid - antitonic - antitoxin - antitoxic - antitragus - antitrypsin - antitrypsic - antituberculous - antitussive - antityphoid - antiulcerous - antiuratic - antivenereal - antivenom - antiviral - antivirus - antivitamin - antivivisectionist - antixenic - antixerophtalmic - antizymotic - Anton-Babinski's syndrome - antral - antrum - antrectomy - antritis - antroatticotomy - antrocele - antrodynia - antropyloritis - antroscope - antrostomy - antrotomy - antrotympanitis - non-nucleated - anoscope - anxiety state - anxiogenous - anxiolytic - aortalgia - aortectasis - aortectomy - rupture of aorta - aortic calcification - aortomalacia - aortopathy - aortoptosis - aortorrhaphy - aortosclerosis - aortotomy - apellesthesia - apancreatic - misandria - misanthropia - aparathyreosis - apareunia - aparthrosis - apastia - apathy - apeidosis - apepsia - apeptic - apperception - aperiodic - aperistalsis - aperitive - membranous skull - apertometer - apertura lateralis ventriculi quarti - apertura mediana ventriculi quarti - apertura pelvis inferior, superior - apex - apical - apicitis - Apgar test - aphagia - aphalangia - aphakic - aphasic - aphemia - aphephobia - aphilantropy - aphonogelia - aphorism - aphoresis - aphrodisia - aphthous - aphtha - aphthoid - aphthongia - aphthosis - aphylaxis - apical - apicectomy - apicolysis - apicostomy - apiotherapy - apisination - aplacental - aplanatic - aplanatism - aplasia - aplasmic - apleuria - apneumatoic - apneumatosis - apneumia - apneusis - ap-, apo- - apobiosis - apochromatic - apocrine - apodactylic - apodal - apodia - apogamia - apogee - apolar - aponeurectomy - aponeurology - aponeurorrhaphy - aponeurosis - aponeurositis - aponeurotic - aponeurotomy - aponia - spina mentalis - apophysis - apophysitis - aposthia - apothanasia - apotheme - apotrophic - appendicectasias - epiploic appendices - vesicular appendices - appendicocele - appendicolithiasis - appendicular - appetency - apposition - apprehension - aproctia - aprosexia - aprosody - aprosopia - apsychia - aptyalia - apyknomorphous - apyogenous - apyrexia - apyrogenic - aquapuncture - fish-tank granuloma - aqueduct - aqueous - aquiparous - aquula - arabinosuria - arabitol - arachnophobia - Arachnidia - arachnolysine - spider - Aran's law - Aran-Duchenne disease - ductus venosus - ventricle of Arantius - arborescent - arborization - arbovirus - tree - arch - arcade - archencephalon - archicerebellum - archeocinetic - archetype - archikaryon - archicenter - archicentric - archicortex - archicyte - archigaster - archigastrula - archigonocyte - archimorula - archinephron - archineuron - archiplasm - archoptosis - archostenosis - arciform - palatal arches - arctation - arcuation - area - areflexia - areolar - areola - areolitis - argamblyopia - argyrophil - argentation - argentic - clay - argininuria - arginosuccinicaciduria - Argonz-Del Castillo syndrome - Argyll Robertson pupil - argyremia - argyrism - arrhinencephaly - arrhinia - Arias-Stella cells - ariboflavinosis - aridity - arithmomania - Arlt's operation - Arlt's recess - Arlt's trachoma - Arlt-Jaesche operation - Armanni-Ebstein lesion - Armanni-Ebstein cell - Armanni-Ehrlich degeneration - Armigeres - Armstrong's disease - Arndt's law, Arndt Schulz law - Arneth index - Arneth's formula - Arnold's nerve - Arnold's innominate canal - Arnott's dilator - aromatic - arcuate - arrest - Arrhenius theory - arrhenogenic - arrhenomimetic - arrhenoplasm - arrhenotocia - omental sac - pars oralis pharyngis - pars nasalis pharyngis - arrow root - arsenical - arseniasis - arsenical - arsenious - arsenization - arsine - arsonvalization - artefact - superior cerebellar artery syndrome - sinuses of pulmonary trunk - artery - arterialization - arteria lusoria - arteriectasis - arteriectomy - arteriectopia - arterial - arteriofibrosis - arteriogenesis - arteriogram - arteridae rectae renis - arteriola - arteriolith - arteriology - arteriomalacia - arteriomyomatosis - arterionecrosis - arteriopathy - arterio-phlebotomy - arteriorrhaphy - arteriorrhexis - arteriospasm - arteriotomy - arteriotrepsis - arteriovenous - arthr-, arthro- - arthrectomy - arthrifluent - arthritic - arthritism - arthrocele - arthrocentesis - arthrochondritis - arthroclisis - arthrodia - arthrodynia - arthrogenous - arthrolith - arthrolithiasis - arthrology - arthrolysis - arthrometer - arthropathy - arthrophyte - arthropneumography - Arthropoda - arthrorisis - articular hemorrhage - arthrosclerosis - arthroscope - arthrosis - arthrosic - arthrospore - arthrosteitis - arthrostomy - arthrosynovitis - arthrotomy - arthrotropic - arthrotyphoid - arthroxesis - article - articular - articulator - articulated - dental articulation - artificial - arylsulfatase - arytenoid - arytenoidectomy - arytenoidopexy - arytenoiditis - Ar - asacria - ASAT - ascaricide - ascarid - Asch operation - aschematia - Ascher syndrome - Ascheim-Zondek test - Aschner's reflex - Aschoff's cell - Aschoff's node - node of Aschoff and Tawara - ascitic - ascitogenous - ascorbemia - ascorbic acide - ascorburia - ascospore - -ase - asemia - aseptic - asexualization - asexual - asiderosis - somatognosia - asoma - aspecific - aspergilloma - aspermatism - asphygmia - aspirator - aspiration - asplenia - asporogenous - ascus - Assezat's triangle - assimilable - assimilation - circulatory assistance - social worker - Assmann's focus - associated - addiction - florid - astasia - asteatosis - aster - astereognosis - asterion - asternia - asteroid - asthenobiosis - asthenocoria - asthenope - asthenospermia - asthmatic - astigmatic - astigmatoscope - Cooper's hernia - astomia - astragalus - astragalectomy - talocalcaneal - talofibular - talonavicular - talocrural - astringency - astro- - astroblast - astrokinetic - astrocyte - astrophobia - astrosphere - astrostatic - asyllabia - asymbolia - asymmetry - asymptomatic - asynchronism - asynclitic - asynclitism - asynechia - asynergia - asyntaxia - ataraxia - ataractic, ataraxic - atavism - ataxic - ataxoadynamia - ataxophobia - atel-, atelo- - ateliosis - ateloencephalia - atelia - atelocardia - atelocephalous - atelocheilia - atelocheiria - ateloglossia - ateloglossia - atelomyelia - atelopodia - ateloprosopia - atelorachidia - atelostomia - athelia - athermal - athermancy - athermanous - atheromatous - atheromatosis - athetoid - athrepsia - athrocytosis - athymia - athyroidemia - athyria - atloido-occipital - atlantodidymus, atlodidymus - atlantal, atloid - atmograph - atmolysis - atmometer - atmotherapy - atom - atomizer - atonic - atony - atonic - atopy - atopognosia - atoxic - atrachelis - atransferrinemia - atremia - atresia - atretocephalus - atretocormus - atretocystia - atretogastria - atretolemia - atretometria - atretorrhinia - atretostomia - atreturethria - atrichia - nodus sinuatrialis - atrioseptopexy - atriotome - atriotomy - atriplicism - atrophodermatosis - atrophoderma - atropinization - atropinism - attack - splint - attenuation - atticitis - atticotomy - attic - attraction - attrition - atypia - atypical - Au - Aubert's phenomen - Auchmeromya luteola - audibility - audimutitas - audiofrequency - audiogram - audiometer - audiphone - hearing-aid specialist - auditory - audition - Auenbrugger's sign - Auer bodies - Auerbach's node - Aufrecht's sign - augnathus - aural - aurantiasis - atrium - auricular - auricle - auriculopalpebral - auriculotemporal - auriculotherapy - auriculoventricular - auride - auriform - auriphone - auric - auriscalpium - aurochromoderma - aurometer - autacoid - autarcesis - autistic - auto- - self-accusation - autoagglutination - autoagglutinin - autoallergy - autoanafilaxis - autoantibody - autoantigen - autoantisepsis - autocatalysis - autocinesis - autoclasia, autoclasis - autoclave - autocystoplasty - autocytotoxin - autodigestion - autodrainage - autoecholalia - autoerotism - autoerythrophagocytosis - autogamy - autogenous - autogenesis - autognosia - autohemagglutination - autohemolysis - autohemotherapy - autohistoradiography - autohypnosis - autoimmunization - autoinfection - autoinoculation - autointoxication - autoleukocytotherapy - autolysate - autolysin - self-treatment - autolesion - autonarcosis - autonomic, autonomous - autonomy - autonomotropic - autoxidation - autopathy - autophagia - autophilia - autophobia - autophyte - autoplasmotherapy - autoplasty - autoploid, autopolyploid - autoprotection - autopsychosis - self-punishment - autorrhaphy - autoscopy - autosensitization - autosite - autosome - autosomal - autosterilization - autotherapy - autotomy - autotopagnosia - autotoxin - autotrophic - autovaccine - autovaccination - Auvray incision - auxanogram - auxanography - auxanology - auxocyte - auxology - auxometer - auxotherapy - auxotrophic - auxo- - avalvular - advancement - avascular - Avellis paralysis - blind - avian - avirulent - Avogadro's law - Avogadro's number - abortion - avulsion - AV - axanthopsia - Axenfeld's syndrome - axenic - axial - axillary - axion - axi-, axio- - axipetal - axodendrite - axoid - axilemma - axolysis - axometer - axonal - axone - axoneure - axonometer - axonotmesis - axoplasm - axopodium - axostyle - Ayerza's disease - azoic - nitrogenous - azothermia - azotometer - azoturia - AZT - Aztec ear - azurophilic - azymic - azymia - Baastrup's disease - Babbit metal - Babcock's needle - Babcock's operation - Babcock-Bacon operation - Babinski-Fröhlich syndrome - Babinski-Nageotte syndrome - Babinski-Weil test - Babès sign - Babès tubercle - Babès-Ernst bodies - Baccelli's sign - bacciform - bacillary - bacillemia - bacilliform - bacillogenic - bacillophobia - bacilloscopy - bacillosis - bacilluria - bactericidal - bacterid - bacterium - bacterial - bacteriform - bacterioagglutinin - bactericholia - bacteriocin - bacteriologist - bacteriolysin - bacteriolytic - bacteriopexy - bacteriophage - bacteriophagia - bacterioscopy - bacteriosis - bacteriostasis - bacteriostatic - bacteriotoxemia - bacteriotoxin - bacteriotropic - bacteriotropin - Bacterium - bacteroid - Badal operation - painting - Baelz disease - Baer's plane - Baer's vesicle - Baermann's method - band - Baillarger's sign - Baillarger's line - Baillarger's line - Bainbridge reflex - bath - balan-, balano- - balanic - balanitis xerotica obliteraus - balanoblennorrhea - balanocele - balanoplasty - balanoposthitis - balanopreputial - balanorrhea - scanning - Balbiani's body - Baldwin operation - Baldy operation - spermaceti - Balfour's disease - Balfour's gastrectomy - Balint's syndrome - ballistophobia - Ball operation - facial-hypoglossal nerve anastomosis - Ballet's sign - ballism - balloon - floppy valve syndrom - ballooning - ballottement - Balme's cough - balneotherapeutics - balsamic - BAL - Bamberger's area - Bamberger's sign - Bamberger-Marie disease - bandage - band - band - Bandl's ring - Bannister's disease - Banti's disease - Bar's incision - Barach's index - baranesthesia - barbaloin - barbeiro - calamus scriptomis - barbiturate - barbiturism - barbotage - barbula hirci - Barcoo's disease - Barcroft's apparatus - Bard's sign - Bardenheuer incision - Bardenheuer's operation - Bard-Pic syndrome - baresthesia - baresthesiometer - Barkan operation - Barker operation - Barkman's reflex - Barlow's disease - Barnes dilator - barognosis - barograph - barometer - baronarcosis - baroreceptor - baroscope - barotaxis - pressure-therapy - barotropism - baro- - Barr's body - blocking - Barraquer's operation - bar - barrier - Bart's hemoglobine - Barth's hernia - Barthelemy's disease - Bartholin's gland - bartholinitis - Barton's facture - Bartter's syndrome - barye - barylalia - baryphonia - baryta - barytosis - bar - basal - low-output syndrome - base - basedowian - basi-, basio-, baso- - basichromatin - alkalinity, basicity - basicranial - basidigital - basifacial - basihyal - basilar - basilemma - basinasial - basialveolar - basioccipital - basion - basiotic - basiotribe - basiotripsy - basic - basitemporal - basicellular - basocyte - basophil - basophilia - basophobia - Basset's operation - Bassini's herniorrhaphy - Bastian's syndrome - Bastian-Bruns sign - purpura senilis - Bates operation for urethral stricture - bathmotropic - bathmotropism - bathyesthesia - rods - batophobia - batrachophobia - beat - Battle-Jalaguier-Kammerer incision - Baudelocque's diameter - Baudelocque's operation for ectopic megnancy - ileocaecal valve inflammation - Baum operation - Baumés sign - balsam - Bayle's granulations - Beau's line - acromegalic lipping - Bunsen burner - hare lip - beak-shaped osteophyte - beak of sphenoid bone - bechic - lateral vestibular nucleus - Bekhterev's layer - Bekhterev's reflex - Beck's triad - Beck I operation - Doléris operation - Beckmann's thermometer - Béclard's amputation - Béclard's hernia - Béclard's nucleus - becquerel - Bednar's aphtae - Beer's knife - Beer operation - Behr's disease - Beigel's disease - Belascaris mystax - Bell's muscle - Bell's phenomenon - deadly nightshade - Bell-Magendie law - Bellocq's canula - belemnoid - Bence Jones proteinuria - Bence-Jones reaction - Bender's test - Benedikt's syndrome - primary gain from illness - secondary gain from illness - benignity - benign - Béniqué's sound - Bennett's corpuscles - Bennett's disease - Bennett's operation - Benson's disease - benthos - benzaldehyde - benzalkonium - benzidine - benzine - benzolism - benzoyl - benzyl - bephenium - crutch paralysis - crutch - Bérard's aneurysm - Berardinelli's syndrome - Béraud's valve - bergamot - Berger's sign - Berger's operation - Bergmann's incision - Bergmann operation - Bergmann's cell - Bergonié-Tribondeau law - Berkefeld's filter - Berlin's edema - Bernard's puncture - Bernard-Horner syndrome - Bernheim's syndrome - Bernheimer's fibers - anthropometric identification - Bertin's column - Bertin's bone, Bertin's ossicles - Besnier's disease - Besnier's prurigo - need - Best's disease - Best's operation - bestiality - beta - betaglobulins - ý-lactamines - betalipoproteins - betalisine - betamimetic - betatherapy - betel - Betz's cell - Bevan's operation - Bevan's incision - Beyea operation - bezoar - Bezold's mastoiditis - Bezold's triad - Bi - barticular - biauricular - bibasic - Biber-Haab-Dimmer dystrophy - bibliokleptomania - bibliomania - bibliophobia - bifascicular block, bilateral bundle branch block - bicameral - bicapsular - bicarbonate - bicaudal - bicellular - bicephalus - biceps - Bichat's fissure - Bichat's fat pad - Bichat's membrane - bicipital - biconcave - biconvex - bicornous, bicornuate - bidentate - b.i.d. - Bier's amputation - Bier's anesthesia - biermerian - Biett's collar - bifid - bifocal - biforate - bifurcation - Bigelow lithotripsy - bigeminal - biguanide - balance - bilateral - bilharzial - biliary - bilicyanin - bilious - bilifuscin - bilifaction, bilification - bilirubinic - bilirubinuria - biliuria - bili- - Billroth I gastrectomy - Billroth's cords - bilobate - bilobular - bilocular - bimalleolar - bimanual - bimastoid - bimaxillary - binauricular - Binet-Simon test - binocular - binophthalmoscope - Binswanger's dementia - binuclear, binucleate - binucleolate - bio- - biocatalizer - biocenosis - biochemical - biokineties - bioclimatology - biocolloid - biodegradable - biodynamics - bioelement - bioenergy - biogenetic, biogenous - biological - biologist - bioluminescence - biolysis - biomaterial - biomathematics - biometrics - biomicroscope - biomicroscopy - biomutation - biophagy - biophotometer - biophylaxy - bioplasm - bioplastic - bioprothesis - excisional biopsy - biorbital - bios - biosmosis - biospectroscopy - biostatics - biosynthesis - biotaxis - Biot's breathing - biotherapy - biotic - biotope - biotropism - biotype - biotypology - binovular - biparous - biparietal - bipartite - bipolar - biped - Bircher operation - birefringent - birbinia - Birkett's hernia - bisalbuminemia - Bischoff's crown - Bischoff operation - bisexual - bisexual - Bismarck's brown - bismuthosis - Bissel operation - scapel - bisulfate - bis- - bitemporal - two-toned - Bitot's spots - bitrochanteric - bituminosis - biuret test - bivalent - bivalve - bixin - bi- - Bjerrum's scotoma - Björk's syndrome - Björnstad's syndrome - Bk - Blackfan-Diamond syndrome - Blair-Brown graft - far and near suture - Blake's disk - Blakemore's tube - Blalock-Taussig operation - white - Blaskovics operation - blast - blasto- - blastocoele - blastocyte - biastocytoma - blastodisk - blastomatous - blastomatosis - blastoma - blastomere - Blastomycete - blastoneuropore - blastospore - blastema - Blatta - blenn-, blenno- - blennoid - blennorrheal conjonctivitis - blennorrhea - blephar-, blepharo- - blepharadenitis - blepharochalasis - blepharostenosis - blepharoclonus - blepharoconjunctivitis - blepharodiastasis - blepharoplast - blepharoplegia - blepharorrhaphy - blepharosphincterectomy - blepharostat - blepharosynechia - blepharon tics - blepharotomy - Blessig cysts - congenital cyanosis - blue - block - blocking - blockpnea - Bloom's syndrome - Blot's perforator - Blount's disease - Blumberg's sign - Blumenthal's disease - Boari operation - Bobb operation - induction coil - Bobroff operation - Bochdalek's duct - Bochdalek's valve - Bockhart's impetigo - Bodansky unit - Bodonidae - Bodo - Böttcher's cells - Bogomoletz serum - Bogue operation - boldine - Boletus - Bollinger's granules - bolometer - bolus - Bonain's solution - Bonfils' disease - bungarotoxin - Bonnet's sign - second stomach - Bonnier's syndrome - Bonwill triangle - Bonzel iridodialysis - Boophilus - borate - borax - borborygmus - Bordet-Gengou agar - complement fixation - gingival margin - pupillar edge - one-eyed - boric acid - borism - borneol - borreliosis - Borsieri's sign - Bose's tracheotomy - frontal bossing - colic relief - Bossi's dilatator - Bosworth operation - Botallo's foramen - bothridium - bothriocephaliasis - botryomycoma - botryomycosis - botryoid - boot - botuliform - Bouchard's index - Bouchard's nodes - mouth-to-nose resuscitation - Bouchet's disease - mouth-to-mouth resuscitation - plug - Bouchut's tube - loop - flush - acute delirium - puffiness - bougie - bougienage - broth - Bouin's fluid - hysteric tightness - boulimia - core of boil - black alder - bud - Bourneville's tuberous sclerosis - pad - serous bursa - tetrelle - buttonhole - pimple - Bouveret's disease - Bouveret's sign - Bouveret-Duguet ulcer - bovarism - Bowman's tube - Bennett's fracture - Boyden's meal - Boyer's cyst - Boyer's bursa - Bozeman's catheter - Bozeman's speculum - Bozzolo's sign - Brachet's mesolateral fold - brachi-, brachio- - brachial - brachialgia - brachiocephalic - brachiotomy - brachium - Bracht-Wächter's bodies - brachybasia - brachicephalous - brachydactyly - brachyfacial - brachyglossal - brachygnathia - brachymetropia - brachymorphic - brachyesophagus - brachyphalangia - brachyskelous - brachystaphyline - brachy- - Brackett's probe - brady- - bradyacousia - bradyesthesia - bradylalia - bradylexia - bradylogia - bradypepsia - bradyphagia - bradyphasia - bradyphemia - bradypnea - bradypragia - bradypsychia - bradyrhythmia - bradisphygmia - bradytocia - bradytrophia - bradyuria - Braid's strabismus - braidism - Brailey operation - Brain's reflex - stretcher - branchia - branchiogenous - branchiomere - Branhamella - cuff - Brauer operation - Braun's anastomosis - Braun operation - Braune's canal - Bravais-Jacksonian epilepsy - Braxton Hicks version - Braxton Hicks sign - muthering - bregmatodymia - bregma - Breisky's disease - Brenneman's syndrom - Brenner operation - Brenner's tumor - brephoplasty - brephotrophic - Breschet's veins - Bretonneau's angina - bretylium - Breus' mole - brevilineal - Brewer's point - Brewer's infarct - band, bridle - amniotic frenum - Bright's disease - Brinkerhoff's speculumt - Brinton's disease - Briquet's syndrome - Brissaud's reflex - Broadbent's sign - Broadbent's syndrome - Broca's aphasia - Broca's motor speech area - Broca's region - Broca's angle - pin - Brock dilator - Brock's operation - Brocq's sycosis - Brocq-Pautrier syndrome - Brodie's abscess - Brodie's disease - Brodie's sign - bromate - bromatology - brominated - bromhidrosis - bromoderma - bromidosiphobia - bromic - bromism - bromoderma - bromoform - bromomania - bromomenorrhea - bromopnea - bromization - bromide - bronchodilator - bronchiectatic - bronchus - bronchoalveolitis - bronchiole - bronchiolectasis - broncholysis - bronchial - bronchitic - bronchoadenitis - bronchoaspergillosis - bronchoscopic aspiration - bronchocele - bronchodilatation - bronchoegophony - fiberoptic bronchoscopy - bronchogenic - bronchogram - broncholith - broncholithiasis - bronchomycosis - bronchopathy - bronchiloquy, bronchophony - bronchoplasty - bronchoplegia - bronchopleuropneumonia - bronchopneumopathy - bronchorrhagia - bronchorrhaphy - bronchorrhea - bronchoscope - bronchospirochetosis - bronchostenosis - bronchostomy - bronchotome - bronchotomy - brontophobia - Brooke's tumor - Brophy's operation - milling - brucine - Brücke's muscle - Brudzinski's sign - Brugsch index - burn - Brunschwig's operation - Brushfield's spots - Brushfield's spots - Bruton's agammaglobulinemia - Bryant's sign - Bryant's triangle - Bryant's operation - Br - BSP - bubonic - bubonocele - bubonulus - bubo - bucardia - buccal - musculus buccinator - buccodental - buccogingival - buccolabial - buccolingual - bucconasal - buccopharyngeal - buccula - Buck's traction - Buck's operation - Bucky's rays - buckytherapy - Budin's rule - bulbar - bulbous - bulb - bulbiform - bulbitis - bulbocavernosus - bulbonuclear - bulbopontine - bulbourethral - bulboid - bullate - Bullis fever - Bumke's pupil - Büngner's bands - Bunnell operation - Bunsen coefficient - buphthalmia - Burdach's fibers - burette - Bürger-Grütz syndrome - Burnett's syndrome - Burow's operation - Burow's vein - bursectomy - bursotomy - Burton's lead line - Buschke's disease - Buschke-Löwenstein tumor - Buschke-Ollendorf syndrome - Busquet's disease - butane - butanol - joint stop - butyl - butylene - butyraceous - butyrous - butyrin - butyric - butyrometer - butyrophenone - butyroscope - Bywaters' syndrome - ý2-microglobulin - betaadrenergic blocking agent - ý-hydroxybutyric acid - ý-lactamase - betatron - Börjeson-Forssman-Lehmann syndrome - C - carbon 13 - carbon 14 - Cabot's rings - Cacchi-Ricci disease - cachectic - cachet - catechu - cacodemonomania - cacogenesis - cacogeusia - cacomelia - cacostomia - caco- - Juniper tar - caducous - caduca - caffeinism - Caffey syndrome - knock'kneed - fourth stomach - clot - Cain's syndrome - pyramid of tympanum - hyperbarie chamber - Cajal's cell - interstitial nucleus of Cajal - Calabar edema - calciphile - calcareous - calcaneal - calcaneitis - calcaneoapophysitis - calcaneo-astragaloid - calcaneodynia - calcaneonavicular - calcaneum - calcar avis - calcemia - calcibilia - calcification - calcimeter - calcination - calciorrhachia - calcipenia - calcipexy - calciphilia - calciprivic - calcified - calcitherapy - calciuria - calcospherite - calculous - calculocancer - calculus - Caldwell-Luc operation - Caldwell-Moloy classification - calenture - calicectasis - calyx - caliciform - Callander amputation - callous - Call-Exnerbody - Calliphora - Callisen operation - callomania - calmative, sedative - calomel - calorie - calorific - calorigenic - calorimeter - caloriscope - Calot's treatment - Calot's triangle - Calot's operation - Calve's disease - calx - Camerer's law - straitjacket - camomille - chiasma tendinum digotorum, flexor tendon decussation - Camper's fascia - Camper's angle - camphoric acid - camphorated - campimeter - camptocormia - camptodactyly - canalicular - canaliculate - canaliculus - canaliculitis - canalization - ductus reuneus - ductus epididyimus - canales diploicé - Canavan's disease - cancericidal - canceriform - cancerization - cancerogenic - cancerology - cancerologist - cancerophobia - candela - candiru - canine - canities - cannabism - Cannon's ring - canon - canthariasis - cantharidism - canthectomy - canthitis - canthoplasty - canthorraphy - canthotomy - canthus - Cantor tube - capacity - Capdepont's disease - capeline - capillarectasia - capillaritis - hair care - capilliform - capitonnage - carbonemia - capnophilic - capreolate - caprizant - caprin - capric acid - caproic acid - capsicin - capsomer - capsulation - capsulectomy - capsule - capsulitis - capsulolenticular - capsulorraphy - capsulotome - capsulotomy - captation - Capuron's point - Carabelli's tubercle - emotionally disturbed - characterology - caramel - carapace - carbamate - carbamoyl acid - carbondioxide therapy - carbohemia - carbohydrate - carbonometer - carbonated - carbonate - carbonated - carbonization - carbonometry - carbonyl - carboxylase - carboxyl - carbide - carcinogenesis - carcinolysis - carcinomatous - carcinophilia - Cardarelli's sign - Cardarelli's disease - cardialgia - cardial - cardiac - cardiectomy - cardinal - cardioaccelerating - cardioangiography - cardiocairograph - cardiocentesis - cardiokinetic - cardioclasis - cardiodilator - cardiodynamics - cardiodynia - cardiogenesis - cardiogenic - cardiogram - cardiograph - cardiography - cardiogenic - cardiohepatomegaly - cardioinhibitory - cardiologist - cardiolysis - cardiomyopexy - cardionecrosis - cardionector - cardiopathy - cardiophobia - cardiophone - cardioplasty - cardiopneumatic - cardiopulmonary - cardiopyloric - cardiorenal - cardiorespiratory - cardiorrhaphy - cardiorrhexis - cardiosphygmograph - cardiothyrotoxicosis - cardiotomy - cardiotonic - cardiotoxic - cardiovalvulitis - cardiovascular - deficiency - careened - deficient - caries - Carleton's spots - carminative - carminic acid - carminophil - carnauba - Carnett's sign - carnification - fleshy appearance - carnification - carnivorous - Carnochan operation - carnivorophobia - caruncle - carotenase - carotenemia - carotenodermia - caroticotympanic - carotid - carotid - xanthoderma - carpectomy - Carpenter's disease - carpus - carphology - carpal - carpocarpal - Madelung's deformity - carpometacarpal - carragheenan - Carré's disease - Carrel's method - Carrel's tubes - Carr-Price test - Carter operation - cartilaginous - cartilaginoid - karioklastic - karyocyte - karyogamy - karyogenesis - kariolobic - karyology - karyolysis - karyolytic - karyomere - karyomicrosome - karyophage - karyoplasm - karyoplast - karyorrhexis - karyosome - karyostasis - karyotype - karyozoic - karyo- - cascara bark - caseous - caseification - caseinogen - caseum - Casoni's test - Casselberry position - coracobrachial - Castellani's bronchitis - del Castillo disease - Castroviejo operation - casuistics - cata- - catabiosis - catabolergy - catabolic - catabolite - catacausis - catacrotism - catadicrotism - catadidymus - catadioptric - catagen - catagenesis - purring - catalyzer - catalytic - catamenial - catamenogenic - catamnesis - cataphasia - cataphoresis - cataphoria - cataphylaxis - cataplasia - cataplasm - catarrhal - catarrh - catastaltic - catastaltism - catatricrotism - catelectrotonus - chain reaction - catenoid - cathartic - Cathelin's method - cathisophobia - cathodic - cation - catoptric - catoptrophobia - catoptroscope - CAT - caudal - caudatolenticular - cauda - caudate - caumesthesia - caustic - cauterization - cavern - cavernous - caverniloquy - cavernitis - cavernoma - cavernostomy - cavernula - cavernulous - cavitary - cavitation - cavity - antrum mastoideum - cavitas nasi - cavography - cavum - Ca - MCHC - Cd - cebocephalia - cedar - sesquiterpene - idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis - girdle - cellicolous - cellular - cell - cellulicidal - cellulifugal - celulipetal - cellulocutaneous - cellulofibrous - cellulitoxic - celosomus - Celsus' kerion - quadrilateral of Celsus - Celsius degree - Celsius scale - cement - cementicle, cemento-exostosis - cementoclasia - cemento-periostitis - ash - cenesthesia - cenesthesiopathy - cenesthopathia - cenogenesis - censorship - -centesis - centesimal - centigram - centimorgan - centinormal - centipoise - center - centrifugal - centrifuge - centriole - centripetal - centrodesmose - centrolecithal - centrophose - centrosclerosis - centrotaxis - cenurus - cenurosis - cephaelin - cephalhematoma - cephalohydrocele - cephalin - cephalic - cephalization - cephalochord - cephalocyst - cephalocele - cephalogaster - cephalogenesis - cephalography - cephalogyric - study of cranial topography - cephalomelus - cephalopelvic - cephalorachidian - cephaloscopy - cephalosporiosis - cephalostat - cephalothoracopagus - cephalotomy - cephalotribe - cephalotripsy - cephal-, cephalo- - ceramide - dental ceramics - cerasin - cerate - ceratoglossus - ceratopharyngeus - Ceratophyllus - cercaria - cradle - cerclage, tiring - circle - cerebellar - cerebellifugal - cerebellipetal - cerebellitis - rubrocerebellar - spastic-ataxic gait - cerebral - cerebration - cerebroid - cerebrifugal - cerebrin - cerebripetal - cerebrigalactoside - cerebroglucoside - cerebroid - cerebropathy - cerebrosclerosis - cerebroside - cerebrosidosis - cerebrospinal - cerebrostomy - Cerenvok radiation - cerevesin - ceroplasty - cerotic acid - coeruleus - ceruse - cervical - cervical arthrosis - cervicectomy - cervitis - cervicoaxillary - cervicobrachial - cervicocapital - cervicodiaphysal - cervicodorsal - cervicofacial - cervicolabial - cervicolingual - cervico-occipital - cervicopexy - cervicoscapular - cervicothoracic - cervicotomy - cervicovaginal - cervicovaginitis - cervicovesical - cervicovestibular - cesium 137 - cestoid - spermaceti - ketoacidosis - ketogenesis - ketogenic - ketolysis - ketolytic - ketonemia - ketone - ketonic - ketonuria - ketosteroid - ketosuria - Cf - CF lead - MCHC - Chaddock reflex - flesh - Chalara - chalcosis - chalicosis - chalone - Chamberland's filter - Chamberlen's forceps - chamber - area - fungus - chancroidal - chancrous - chancriform - Chaoul's tube - rachitic rosary - chappa - Chaput operation - Charcot's foot - Charcot's sign - Charcot's zone - Charcot's triad - Charcot-Leyden cristals - Charcot-Marie sign - Charcot-Marie-Tooth atrophy - Charcot-Neumann cristals - carotid sinus syndrome - Charlin's syndrome - fleshy - Charriere scale - Charrin's disease - Chauffard's syndrome - chaulmoogra - Chaussier's areola - Chaussier's sign - lime - chain - Cheadle's disease - Chediak-Higashi anomaly - Cheever operation - head of a muscle - cheil-, cheilo- - cheilectropion - cheiloangioscopy - cheiloalveoloschisis - cheilognathopalatoschisis - cheilognathoschisis - cheiloncus - cheilognathopalatoschisis - cheilophagia - cheiloplasty - cheilorrhaphy - cheilostomatoplasty - cheilotomy - cheimaphobia - cheiromegaly - cheiroscope - cheirospasm - chelate, chelator - chelation - keloidosis - keloplasty - chemoreceptor - chemoreflex - chemosis - cherophobia - weak - weakliness - quavering - Cheyne operation - Cheyne-Stokes breathing - chiasma syndrome - chiasma - chiastometer - coiled position, curling up pose - Chiene operation - Chilaiditi's syndrome - Chilodon - Chilomastix mesnili - chemoluminescence - chemolysis - chemoresistance - chemosensitivity - chemosynthesis - chemotropism - chemo- - cheiro- - chiralgia - Foix syndrome - cheirognomony - chiropractor - surgical - surgeon - chitinous - chlamydiosis - Chlamydophrys - chlamydospore - chloral - chloralism - chloralism - chloramine - chlorated - chlorate - chlorbutol - chlorinated - chloremia - hydrochlorate - chlorhydria - chlorinated - chloroformization - chloroformism - chloroleukemia - chlorometry - chloropenia - chloropercha - chloropexia - chlorophenol - chloroprivic - chloropsia - chloroprocaine - chlorinated - chloruremia - chloride - chloruria - choana - object choice - chol-, chole-, cholo- - cholagogue - cholemia - choluria - cholangiectasis - cholangioenterostomy - cholangiole - cholangiolity - cholangiopathy - cholangiostomy - cholangiotomy - cholanic acid - cholanopoiesis - cholene salt - cholechromopoiesis - cholecystalgia - cholecystatony - cholecystectasia - cholecystokinetic - cholecystocolostomy - cholecystoduodenostomy - cholecystoenterorraphy - cholecystoenterostomy - cholecystogastrostomy - cholecystoileostomy - cholecystojejunostomy - cholecystolithotripsy - cholecystopathy - cholecystopexy - cholecystorrhaphy - cholecystotomy - choledochoenterostomy - choledochography - choledochohepatostomy - choledocholithotomy - choledocholithotripsy - choledochoplasty - choledochorrhaphy - choledochotomy - choledochal - choledochitis - cholelith - cholelithotomy - cholelithotripsy - cholemesis - cholemia - cholemimetry - cholemothorax - cholepathia - choleperitoneum - cholepoiesis - choleresis - choleretic - choleriform - choleric - cholerrhagia - cholestatic - cholesteatosis - cholesterolemia - cholesterosis - choletherapy - cholothorax - choline acetyltransferase - cholinergia - cholinergic - cholerrhagia - choluria - chondro- - chondral - chondralgia - chondrectomy - chondrification - chondriome - chondritis - chondroadenoma - chondroangioma - chondroblast - articular chondrocalcinosis - chondrocarcinoma - chondrocostal - chondrocranium - chondrocyte - chronic nodular chondrodermatitis - chondrodystrophy - chondroepiphyseal - chondroepiphysitis - chondrofibroma - chondrogen - chondroglossus - chondroid - chondroitin sulphate - chondrology - chondromalacia - chondromucin - chondromyxoma - chondromyxosarcoma - chondropathy - chondrophyte - cartilage lacuna - chondroporosis - chondroprotein - chondrosarcomatosis - chondrosternal - chondrotome - chondrotomy - Chopart's joint - Chopart's amputation - choreiform - choreoathetosis - chorioepithelioma - chorioma - choriomeningitis - chorionic - chorioplacental - chorista - choroidal - choroidocyclitis - choroidea - chromo- - chromaffin - chromaffinoma - chromatid - chromatic, chromatinic - chromatism - chromatocyte - chromatodermatosis - chromatology - chromatolysis - chromatometer - chromatopathy - chromatophobia - chromatophore - chromatopsia - chromatoscopy - chromatosis - chromatoskiameter - chromaturia - chromic - chromhidrosis - chromioles - chromium intoxication - hemoglobinometer - chromodiagnosis - chromogenesis - chromogenic - chromolysis - chromomere - chromopexy - pigmentophage - chromophilic - tigrolysis - chromophobe - chromophore - chromoprotein - chromatoptometry - chromatoptometer - chromoradiometer - chromoretinography - chromoscope - chromoscopy - chromosome - chromosomal - chromotaxis - chromotropism - chronaximeter - chronic - chronognosis - chronograph - chronometry - chronophobia - chronophotograph - chronoscope - chronotropism - chrysoderma - Chrysomia - chryasis - chrysophanic acid - Chrypsos - chrysotherapy - chryso- - hissing - allergic angiitis and granulomatosis - Chvostek sign - chylangioma - chylemia - chylous - chylifaction - chyliform - chyliferous - chylocele - chylomediastinum - chylopoiesis - chylorrhea - chyluria - chyme - chymification - Ci - scar - cicatricial - cicatricula - cicatrizant - cicatrization - medicinal cigarette - ciliary - ciliaroscope - ciliectomy - Ciliatae - ciliated - ciliotomy - cillosis - helmet crest image - cinnabar - cinchonamine - cinchonidine - cinchonine - cincophen - cinecardioangiography - cinedensigraphy - kinetosis - cineplasty - kinesiology - kinetosis - cingulum - circadian - circinate - circum- - circumcision - circumference - circumflex - circumscribed, circumscriptus - circumstantiality - gyrus - circular - coiling of ombilical cord - circulation - circumduction - wax - waxy - caput medusae - cirsotomy - cirsoid - scissors - cysternography - cisternotomy - cistern - citrated - citremia - citruria - citrin - lemon - poikiloderma of Civatte - DIV - Civiale operation - stretcher - Cl - Clado's point - cladosporiosis - clearance - to clamp - clamp - gastric lapping - Clapton's line - pulling - crackling - clarifier - clarification - Clark operation - Clarke's cell - Clarke's column of spinal cord - Clarke-Hadfield syndrome - clasmatosis - class - clastotrix - Claude's syndrome - claudication - Claudius cell - claustrophilia - clava - ovinia - clavelization - clavicepsine - clavicular - clearance - Cleeman's sign - cleido- - cleidectomy - cleidocranial - cleidorrhexis - cleidotomy - kleptolagny - cleptophobia - click - climacophobia - climatic - climatology - climatopathology - climax - clinician - clinocephalism - clinodactyly - clinoid - clinology - clinomania - clinometer - clinostatic - clinostatism - clinotherapy - clip - clitoral, clitoridean - clitorism - cleavage - septum - clonage - clone - clonus - clonic - clonism - Clonorchis - clonus - Cloquet canal - Cloquet hernia - Cloquet fascia - Clough and Richter syndrome - furuncle, nail - clownism - Clute incision - clyster - CMV - Cm - cm - cnemialgia - Co - coacervate - coagglutination - group agglutinine - coagulability - coagulable - coagulant - coagulation - coagulometer - coagulopathy - coagulum - coalescence - coaptation - coarctation - coarctotomy - Coats retinitis - cobalamin - cobaltotherapy - guinea pig - cobraism - cocainization - cocainism - cocaine addict - Coccaceae - cocci - coccidium - coccobacillus - coccoid - coccus - coccygectomy - coccygeal - coccygodynia - coccigotomy - cochineal - cochlear - cochleitis - cochleovestibular - Cochliomyia - Cock urethrotomy - Cockayne's syndrome - Cockett's syndrome - lytic cocktail - coconsciousness - coction - code - codehydrogenase - codex - Codivilla's extension - Codman's sign - coelenteron - celio- - celiadelphus - celialgia - celiac - laparosurgery - celiohysterotomy - celioma - celiomyositis - celioschisis - coelom - koilonychia - cenobium - cohesion - Cohnheim's fields - cohobation - cohort - caul - colature - meadow saffran - cold cream - Cole's sign - colectasia - colestyramine - colibacillar - collapsed - collapsotherapy - collateral - collection - collectionism - collar of iris - Colles fascia - neck of tooth - Collet-Sicard syndrome - colliculus - Venus' collar - collimator - collimation - colliquation - colloid - colloid millium - colloidopexy - collopexia - colloidal - colloidoclasia - collutory - collyrium - colocolic - colocolostomy - colohepatopexy - cololysis - colonalgia - colony - Colonna operation - column - colonopathy, colopathy - colopexy - coloptosis - colorant, dye - coloration, staining - colorectostomy - colorimeter - colorrhaphy - colosigmoidostomy - colostomised - colostrorrhea - colotyphoid - colotomy - cecocolitis - colp-, colpo- - colpectasia - colpectomy - colpeurynter - colpocleisis - colpoceliotomy - colpocystitis - colpocystocele - colpocystopexy - colpocystoplasty - colpocystotomy - colpocytology - colpohysterotomy - colpopathy - colpoperineoplasty - colpoperineorrhaphy - colpopexy - colpoplasty - colporectectomy - colpoptosis - colporrhagia - colporrhaphy - colporrhea - colporrhexis - colpostat - colpostenosis - colpostenotomy - surgical colpostenosis - columella - vaginal columnization - combustion - Comby's sign - comedo - epileptic - commensalism - comminuted - comminution - commissura - commissura of cerebral hemispheres - commissurorrhaphy - commissurotomy - concussed - commotio, concussion - coronaroventricular defect - Comolli's sign - compartment - compas - compatibility - compatible, suitable - complementary - complex - complexion - complication - behavioral - component - compound - compressor - compress - compressive - compression - tablet - قطّارةdropper, eye dropper - counter - Compton's effect - compulsion - corpus pineale - concave - concavoconvex - concentrated - concentric - concept - concha - conchiform - conchotomy - conclination - concomitant - concrescence - concretion - concretism - condensating - condenser - condensation - condenser - conductance - conductor - conductivity - conduction - conduplicato corporis - anatomoclinical confrontation - congelation - congenital - congenerous - congestive - congestin - congestion - conglutinin - congress - Conheim's area - conidiospore - conidiophore - coniometer - coniosis - coniosporiosis - connective - conjunctivoplasty - conjugation - diameter conjugata - conjugate - Conn's syndrome - connective - Connell sutures - conniventes - conoid - concha - conscious - consecutive - consensual - conserve - consistency - consolidation - constant - constellation - constipated - constrictor - constrictive - consultant - contactology - contactologist - contact - contagium - contagion - contaminator - contamination - fixation, setting - latent manifest content - continence - continuity - blunt, contussive - contraceptive - contractile - contractility - contraction - contrast - contrecoup - contraextension - contraincision - contraindication - anticathexis - contraopening - counter suggestion - counter traction - contra- - contralateral - contusion - contused - convergence - convergent - conversion - convertin - convex - convexobasia - convexoconcave - convolute, convoluted - convulsive - convulsion - convulsivant - sysmotherapy - Cooke speculum - cooley's disease - Coolidge's tube - Cooper's disease - Cooper's hernia - Cooper's irritable testis - Coopernail's sign - coordination - Cope's sign - surgery of anacousia - surgery of anacousia - anacousia - copr- - copragogue - coproculture - coprolagnia - coprolalia - coprology - stercoroma - coprophagy - coprophilia - coproporphyrin - coprostasis - pertussoid - coccus - coracobrachial - coracoclavicular - coracoiditis - caput breve musculi bicipitis brachii - coracoid - coralliform, staghorn - string sign - colic cord - cordectomy - medulla spinalis - tonic, warm - cordiform - corditis - lemniscal - columna posterior medullar spinalis syndrome - columna medullar spinalis - cord - cordopexy - Cordylobia anthropophaga - corectopia - corelysis - coreometer - coreoplasty - corepexy - corestenoma congenitum - Cori's cycle - cornage - anterior horn of spinal cord syndrome - cornea plana - concha - cornu, horn - horny - Corning's anesthesia - retort - corona ciliaris - coronary - corona radiata - coronary - coronaritis - coronarography - coronaropathy - coronoid - coronoradicular - cor pendulum - corporic - corpus albicans - corpuscular - corpuscle - corrective - correlation - Corrigan's disease - Corrigan's sign - Corrigan's cautery - Corrigan's pulse - tonic - corrosive - corrugation - corset - cortectomy - cell of Corti - pillars of Corti's organ - tunnel of Corti - corticodependent - corticopleuritis - corticospinal - corticosteroid - corticosuprarenaloma - corticotherapy - corticotrophic - natural cortin - plasma cortisol rate - urinary free cortisol rate - cor villosum - cosmetic - cosmetology - costal - costalgia - costectomy - costiform - costo- - costoclavicular - costodiaphragmatic - costopleural - costosternal - costotome - costotomy - costotranverse - costotransversectomy - costovertebral - Cotard syndrome - cotarnine - rib - Cotte neurectomy - Cotting operation - cotyloid - cotyloid - layer - groove - coulomb - coumarine derivatives - Councilman's bodies - abdominal stab - coupling - lameness - chart, curve, graph - curvatura gastrica major, greater curvature - curvatura gastrica minor, lesser curvature - bypass - Courvoisier's law - Courvoisier-Terrier syndrome - adipous cushion of orbit - Coutard's method - cover-slip - Cowper's cyst - cowperitis - coxal - coxalgia - coxitis - coxodynia - coxofemoral - coxometry - coxotomy - Coxsackie virus - CO - coitophobia - ACP - CCP - CPK, creatinekinase - CR lead - Cr - crack - Cramer's splint - craniectomy - cranial - craniocele - cranioclasis - cranioclast - craniocleidodysostosis - craniograph - craniography - cranial hydrorrhea - craniomalacia - craniometer - craniopagus - metabolic encephalopathy - craniophore - cranioplasty - cranioscopy - cranial spongiosis - craniostenosis - craniotabes - craniotome - craniotopography - crasis - crateriform - craw-craw - medical pencil - creatinemia - creatinin - creatininemia - creatininuria - creatinuria - creatorrhea - Crédé's method - musculus cremaster - crenocytosis - crenology - crenotherapy - Crenothrix - creophagism - crepitant - crepitation, crepitus - pit - crevice - CRF - CRH - cribriform - cricoarytenoid - cricoid - cricopharyngeal - cricothyreotomy - cricothyroid - cricotomy - cricotomy - cricoidectomy - cat's cry syndrome - Crigler-Najjar disease - Crile clamp - de Quervain's thyroiditis - Crile-Matas operation - Cripps obturator - Cripps operation - crisis - crispation - cristalline lens - lenticular - crystallophobia - crystalloid - crystalluria - crystal - Critchett's operation - hook - unciform - chronic acroasphyxia - crossing - Crookes tube - crossectomy - musculus temporalis - crotonism - croupous - crust - Crowe's sign - crusty - CRP - cruciform - cruentous - cruoric - cruralgia - crural, femoral - cruropedal - cruropelvimeter - crush injury - crusta - Cruveilhier's atrophy - Cruveilhier's plexus - Cruveilhier-Baumgarten cirrhosis - Cruveilhier-Baumgarten syndrome - cryalgesia - cryanesthesia - cryesthesia - cold agglutinine - cryobiology - cryocautery - cryogen - cryoglobulin - cryometer - cryopathy - cryophilia - cryophilic - cryoprecipitate - cryoscope - cryoscopy - cryostat - cryothalamotomy - crypt-, crypto- - tonsillar crypts - synovial crypts - crypt - cryptic - cryptitis - cryptocephalus - cryptodidymus - cryptogam - cryptogenic - cryptolith - cryptomenorrhea - cryptomnesia - cryptophthalmia - cryptopodia - cryptoradiometer - cryptorchid - cryptosporidiose - cryptotoxic - cryptotuberculosis - cryptozoite - cryptozygous - day nursery - cream - Csillag's disease - Cs - Ctenocephalus - ulnar - ulnoradial - cuboides - musculus trapezuis - spoonfull - cul-de-sac - culdotomy - Cullen' sign - culmen - globular sediment - urinary sediment - cuneat, cuneiform - cuneihysterectomy - cuneus - cunnilingus - cupremia - cuproprotein - cuprorachia - cupruria - cupula of radius - curable - curage - curarine - curarizing - curarization - guardianship - curative - cure - curette - curie - Curschmann spirals - Cusco's speculum - Cushing's disease - Cushing's suture - Cushing's operation - cushingoid - cuspidate - Custer cell - cutaneous - cuticular - cuticle - cutin - cutinization - cutireaction - cutization - cutis - canal of Cuvier - cyanopsia - cyanosed - cyanotic - cyanide - cyanuria - cyan - cyathiform - cybernin - cyclectomy - cycle - cyclic - cyclitis - cyclo- - cyclocephaly - cyclochoroiditis - cyclodialysis - cyclodiathermy - cycloduction - cyclogram - cycloid - cyclokeratitis - cyclomastopathy - cyclophorometer - cyclopia - cycloplegia - cyclopropane - kinetic radiotherapy - Cycloraphes - cyclosis - cyclospasm - cyclostat - cyclothymia - cyclotia - cyclotome - cyclotomy - cyclotron - cyclotropia - cyemology - urinary casts - cylindriform - cylindruria - cyllosoma, cyllosomus - cymba conchae auriculae - cymbiform - cymbocephalia - cynanthropy - kynocephalus - kynophobia - Cyon's nerve - scoliokyphosis - kyphotic - cypridophobia - Cyriax syndrome - cysto- - cystalgia - cystectasia - cysticercoid - cysticotomy - cystin - cystinemia - cystic - cystocolostomy - cystoelytroplasty - cystoenterocele - cystogram - cystography - cystopexy - cystolith - cystolithiasis - cystolithectomy - cystometrography - colloid ovarian cystoma - cystometry - cystometer - cystopexy - Daae-Finsen disease - Da Costa's disease - dacry-, dacryo- - dacryagogic - dacryocystectasia - dacryocystectomy - dacryocystoblennorrhea - dacryocele - isotopic dacryocystography - dacryocystoptosis - dacryocystorhinotomy - dacryocystotomy - dacryogenic - dacryohemorrhea - dacryoid - dacryolith - dacryoma - dacryops - dacryopyorrhea - dacryopyosis - dacryorrhea - dacryosinusitis - dacryosolenitis - dacryostenosis - dactylate - dactylitis - dactylo- - dactylogram - dactylogryposis - dactylology - dactylolysis - dactylomegaly - dactylophasia - dactiloscopy - Dakin solution - Dalibour's water - Dallas operation - Dalrymphe's sign - Dalton's law - color-blind - dalton - D'Amato sign - dammar - Damoiseau's curve - Dana rhizotomy - Danbolt-Closs syndrome - Dandy rhizotomy - Dane's particle - Danielsson-Boeck disease - dance of the arteries - hilar dance - nucleus of Darkschewitch - Darling's disease - dartoic - dartos - dartoid - dartre - darwinian tubercle - Darwin's ear - darwinism - Dastre-Morat law - daturine - Daubenton's angle - Daubenton's plane - Davainea - Davat operation for varicocele - Davenport's diagram - Davidsohn's sign - Davidson's syringe - Daviel cataract excision - dental forceps - Davis graft - Dawbarn's sign - INN - Deaver's incision - debilitant - debility - output - dislocation - Debove tube - Looser-Milkman syndrome - Debré-Semelaigne syndrome - decalcifying - decalcification - decalvant - decamethonium - decanoic acid - decantation - decannulation - decapsulation - decarboxyprothrombine - decentered - decentration - decerebration - decease - discharge - receding gums - receding gums - dechloruration - low-chloride diet - decibel - decidual - deciduosarcoma - decigram, deciliter, decimeter - decimolar - decinormal - infectious disease notification - decline - declive, inclined, lowest - decoction - decollation - decollement - bleaching - decoloration - decompensation - decomposition - decongestive - relaxing agent - نزع اللحاءdecortication - decrepitation - decrepitude - decubitus - decussation - decussated - dedifferation - split personnality - failure - defect - radiography of defecation - defense - deferent - deferential - deferentitis - deferentography - defervescence - defibrillation - defibrination - deficiency - cervicoaxillary syndrome, scaleneus muscle syndrome - deflection - defloration - deflorescence - defluvium capillorum - defluxion - deformability - deformity - release - cardiac denervation - defibrillator - disengagement - degeneration - degenerate - degeneration - vesicular ovarian follicle - degradation - degranulation - degree, grade - dehiscence - dehydroandrosterone - dehydrocorticosterone - Deiters nucleus - Deiters phalanges - Deiters' cell - orbital floor syndrome - dejection - Déjerine's anterior bulbar syndrome - Déjerine-Klumpke syndrome - Déjerine-Sottas's disease - Del Castillo syndrome - delirious - delitescence - delivery - delivery - delomorphous - Delorme operation - deltoid, musculus deltoideus - deltoiditis - Del Toro operation - deltoid - delusion - quest - demarcation - De Martel clamp - dement - demineralization - Demodex - cacodemonomania - demonomania - demonophobia - Demons-Meigs' syndrome - demophobia - De Morgan spot - De Mussy's sign - demyelination - dendrite - dendritic - dendrophagocytosis - negation - denitrification - Denny-Brown sensory neuropathy - Denonvilliers operation - densography - densimeter - density - dental - dental - dentalgia - dentate - denti- - denticulate - dentigerous - dentimeter - dentinal - dentinification - dentinoid - dentiparous - dentist - dento-alveolar - dento-alveolar - dentolingual - dentolingual - denudation - denutrition - Denver nomenclature - deontology - deorsumduction - deorsum vergens - Depage's position - dependence - depigmentation - depilatory - depletive - depletion - salt loosing syndrom - deposition - deposit - depravation - depressive, depressor - depressed - depurative - depuration - De Quervain's fracture - deradelphus - derancephale - deratization - derangement - dereism - derencephalus - derencephalocele - derivation, shunt - derivative - dermato- - dermalgia - dermatophyte - dermatitis dysmernorrheica - acral pustulosis - Dermatobia - dermatoconiosis - dermatodynia - dermatoglyphia - dermatograph - dermatography - dermatoheteroplasty - dermatologist - dermatomalacia - dermatoma - dermatomyoma - dermatoneurosis - Dermatophilus - dermatosiophobia - dermatophyte - dermatophytid - dermatorrhagia - dermatorrhexis - flesh creeps - dermatosyphiligraphy - dermatotherapy - dermatotomy - dermatozoon - dermatozoonosus - dermatotrophy - -dermia - dermic - dermitis - dermocymus - dermographism - dermolysis - dermomycosis - dermatopathy - dermoplasty - dermosyphilopathy - dermotactile - dermotropic - dermotropism - derodidymus - detorsion - aortic enlargment - breaking the habit of taking drugs - neutralization of an acid - cleaning up - deafferentated pain - disaggregation - dealcoholization - desensitization - desaminase - De Sanctis-Cacchione syndrome - dissimilation - Desault's sign - Descartes laws - descemetitis - descemetocele - Deschamps' needle - desensibilization - unbalanced person - weed-killer - dehydrogenation - disinfectant - disinfestation - disinhibition - disinsectization - disinsertion - disintegration - disintoxication - evagination - fulfillment of wish - desmo- - desmectasis - desmepithelium - desmiognathus - desmodynia - desmography - desmogenous - desmolase - desmology - desmolysis - desmopathy - desmoplasia - desmoplastic - desmosome - desmotomy - desmotropism - disobliteration - clearing of an obstruction - disobliteration - sodium deprived - deodorant - disorganization - deoxygenation - deoxyribonuclease - despumation - desquamation - dessicator - dessiccation - scaling - to detect - detergent - determinant - determination - determinism - cleaning - detoxication - distress - detritus - strait - detrusor urinae - deutero- - deuteranopia - autoscopic hallucination - deutoneuron - deuton - deutoplasm - development - Deventer's pelvis - Devergie's disease - deviation - Devic's neuromyelitis optica - deviometer - demasculinization - devitalization - De Vries theory - dextrality - dextrin - dextrinosis - dextrinuria - dexiocardia - dextrocardiogram - dextroduction - dextrogyral - dextro-ocular - dextroposition of the aorta - dextrose - dextrosuria - dextrotropic - dextroversion - dextr-, dextro- - dg - II and III, lead I - dia- - diabetes - diabetid - diabetic - diabetogenic - diabetology - diabetophobia - diacaustic - diacetemia - diacetic acid - diaceturia - diaclasis - diaclast - diactinic - diadermic - bivalent chromosome - diadochokinesia - diagnostic - diagraph - dialectic - dialyzable - dialysate - dialysed - dialyzer - diamine - Diamond-Blackfan disease - diamorphosis - diameter - Diana complex - dianoetic - diapason - diapedesis - diaphanous - diaphanométry - diaphanoscope - diaphoresis - diaphragmalgia - diaphragmatic - diaphragmatitis - diaphragmatocele - diaphragm crus - prophylactic - diaphysectomy - diaphysitis - diaplacental - diapnoic - diapophysis - diarrheal, diarrheic - diarthro-amphiarthrosis - diarthrosis - diaschisis - diascope - diascopy - diastaltic - diastalsis - diastase - diastasigenous - diastasimetry - diastasic - amphiaster - diastereoisomer - diastolic - Diatoma - diatomic - diazo- - diazoreaction - diblastula - dicephalus - dicephaly - dicephalus diauchenos, dicephalus monauchenos - dichlorate - dichogeny - dichotomy - dichroism - dichromatism - dichromophil - dichromophilism - dichroic - Dick's reaction - diclony - dicumarol agents - dicrocoeliosis - dicrocoelium dentriticum - dicrotic - dicrotism - dictyoma - dictyosome - didactylous - didaoxyinosin - didymalgia - -pagus - didymitis - Dieffenbach operation - dielectrolysis - diencephalohypophysial - Dientameba - dieresis - dietitian - diethylamine - dietotoxic - Dieulafoy's triad - differentiation - difficulty - diffluent - diffluent - diffraction - diffuse - digastric - digenesis - Di George's syndrome - digestibility - digestible - digestive - digestive - digitalin - digitalic - digitalization - digital - digitation - digitate - digitiform - dubbing of the fingers - diglycerid - dignathus - disacccharide - dihybrid - diiodothyronine - dilaceration - dilator - diluent - dimerous - homolateral - homolateral - dimorphobiotic - dinitrobenzene - dinitrophenol - dinomania - dinophobia - dinucleotide - diode - diogenism - dioptometry - diopter - biauricular - dioxide - dip - dipeptidase - dipeptide - diphallia - diphasic - diphenylchlorarsine - diphonia - diphtheroid - diphyodont - diplacusis - diplegia - diplegic - diplobacillus - diplocardia - diplocephalus - diplococcemia - diplococcoid - Diplococcus - diplococcus - diplocoria - Diplodia - diploë - diplogenesis - diplomyelia - diplopagus - diplopiometer - diploscope - diplosomia - diplotene - diploteratology - diplo- - diprosopus - dipsomania - dipsotherapy - Dipylidium caninum - discal - diskarthrosis - discission - disclination - diskography - discoid - Discomycetes - discrete - discopathy - discord - discrete - dislocation - disome - dispensary - dispermy - dispersion - disk - dissector - dissemination - dissolution - distal - focal distance - infinite distance - distention - distichiasis - distillation - distoclusion - distomatosis - distomiasis - distortion - distraction - distractibility - distribution - districhiasis - disulfirame - Dittel operation - Dittrich's plugs - diuretic - divalent - divergence - diverticular - diverticulectomy - division - divulsor - divulsion - dizygotic - DLCO - splenic parcytopenia - Dobell's solution - Dobie's layer - docimasia - docimology - dodecanoic acid - Döderlein's bacillus - Doege-Potter syndrome - dogmatism - finger - finger-to-nose test - finger phenomon - windswept fingers - dolichocephalic - dolichocephaly - dolichocolon - dolichocolon - dolichogastry - dolichomorphic - dolichosigmoid - dolichostenomelia - dolicho- - Dollinger's ring - Dollinger's ring - dol - domatophobia - dominance - dominant - Dominici's tube - domism - Donath-Landsteiner test - Donders' ring - Donnan's equilibrium - doping - dopaminergic - dope - dopaoxidase - Doppler velicometry - doraphobia - Dorendorf's sign - dormancy - pancreatic dornase - dorsal - dorsalgia - dorsalization - dorsal arthrosis - Dorset's culture medium - dorsiflexion - dorsolateral - dorsolumbar - dorsoventral - dosage - dosimeter - dosimetry - doublet - double - transition douche - Douglas' sign - Douglas fold - douglasitis - pains - Dowell hernia repair - Doyen's clamp - Doyen's needle - Doyen operation - Doyne's familial honeycombed choroiditis - DPN - Dracunculus - sugar-coated pill - Dragsted operation - drain - dramatism - drastic - drepanocytic - drepanocyte, sickle cell - Dresbach syndrome - Dressler disease - Dressler syndrome - drug - right-handed - dromograph - dromomania - dromotropic - dromotropism - drusen - dualism - Dubard's sign - Dubini's chorea - Dubin-Johnson disease - Du Bois formula - Du Bois-Reymond law - Dubovitz syndrome - Dubreuil-Chambardel syndrome - Duchenne's disease - Duchenne's sign - Duchenne's trocar - Duchenne-Erb syndrome - fractional uptake coefficient - duction - Dugas' sign - Bouveret's ulcer - Duhring-Brocq disease - Duke's bleeding time test - Dukes' disease - duodenal - duodenectomy - duodenocholecystostomy - duodenoenterostomy - hypotonic duodenography - duodenoileostomy - duodenojejunostomy - duodenopancreatectomy - duodenopylorectomy - duodenotomy - Duplay' operation - duplication - Dupuy-Dutemps operation - Dupuytren's hydrocele - Dupuytren's fractures - Dupuytren's disease - Dupuytren operation - Dupuytren's sign - dural - Duran-Raynals' factor - Durante's disease - dura sinus mater - Durham tube - Duroziez sign - Duroziez disease - Duroziez murmur - hard - Duval's nucleus - dye test - dynamics - dynamogenic - dynamograph - dynamometer - dynamo- - dysacousia - dysallilognathia - dysarthrosis - dysbasia - dysbiosis - dysbulia - dyscephaly - dyschesia - dyschondrosteosis - dyschromasia - dyschromatopsia - dyschromia - dyschronometria - dyschylia - callosal syndrome - dyscrinism - dysdipsia - dysectasia - dysembryoplasia - dysencephalia splanchnocystica - dysendocrinia - dysenteriform - dysergia - dyserythropoiesis - dysfibrinogenemia - dysfunction - dysgenesis - dysglandular - dysglobulinemia - dysgnosia - dysgravidity - dyshematopoiesis - dyshematosis - dyshidrosis - dyshormonal - dysimmunitary - dyskaliemia - dyskeratosis - orofacial dyskinesias - dyskinesia - dyslexic - dyslipemia - dyslipidosis - dysmelia - dysmetropsia - dysmimia - dysmnesia - dysmorphia - dysmorphophobia - dysmorphosis - dysodontiasis - dysontogenesis - dysopia - dysorexia - dysoric nodule - dysparathyroidism - dispareunia - dysperistalsis - dysspermia - dysphagia lusoria - dysphrenia - dyspituitarism - dysplasia - dyspneic - dysprosodia - dysproteinemia - dysrhaphia - dysrhythmia - dyssomnia - dystasia - dysthymia - dysthyroidism - dystocial - dystrophia - dyszoospermia - dys- - pleural apex - Döhle bodies - Dührsen incision - Eale's disease - brandy - aqua fortis - Eberthella - Ebner's liquid - Ebolavirus disease - Ebstein's disease - Ebstein's angle - ebullition - eburnation - squama - retractor - ecbolic - eccentrochondrodysplasia - ecchondroma - cadaveric ecchymosis - ecdemomania - ecgonine - notch - sample - escaping - sling - echidnovaccine - echoacousia - echokinesis - echomotism - echopathy - echopraxis - Echovirus - Eck's fistula - eclampsism - eclecticism - eclipse - ecmnesia - school - ecomania - economy - ecophobia - swab - ecphyma globulus - fluorescent screen - intensifying screen - creaming - automatic writing - ectasia - ecthymiform - hair-removing - ectocardia - ectochoroidea - ectodermosis - ectoenzyme - ectoglia - lysis of ectoplasm - ectomesoderm - -ectomy - ectomere - ectopagus - ectoparasite - ectophyte - ectopia - ectopia - ectoplacenta - ectoplasm - ectoplasmic - ectoretina - ectothrix - ectozoon - ecto- - ectrodactylia - ectrogeny - ectrogeny - ectromelus - ectrosyndactylia, ectrosyndactyly - ectrotic - eczematous - eczematid - eczematization - eczematogenic - eczematoid - Eddowes syndrome - Edebohls' position - Edebohls' operation - edentate - Edinger's law - Edinger-Westphall nucleus - edeocephalus - oral vaccine - EDTA - effector - effector - efferent - efferent - effervescence - effect - effleurage - efflorescence - PFT - egesta - egocentricity - egophony - Ehrlich's diazo reagent - Ehrlich's reagent - Ehrlich-Heinz granules - Eichstedt's disease - isocanoic acid - icosatetraene-oic acid - eidoptometry - eikonometer - einstenium - Einthoven's triangle - Eisenmenger's complex - ejaculatory - ekiri - elaboration - shooting pain - elastance - elastic - elastometer - elastoma - elastomucin - elastomer - elastopathy - elastorrhexis - elaidic acid - electivity - Electra complex - electrization - electro- - electroaffinity - electromagnet - electrobasograph - electrobiology - electrocardiograph - electrocardioscopy - electrocardiovectogram - electrokinetics - electrocontractility - electrocorticography - electrodermogram - electrodesiccation - electrode - electrodynamometer - electrogenesis - electrogustometry - electrohemostasis - electrohysterography - electrology - electrolyte - electromagnetism - electromassage - electrometer - electromyogram - سالب الشحنة الكهربائية, سالِب, سلبيelectronegative, negative - electronvolt - electron - electro-oculography - electro-osmosis - electropathology - electrophobia - electrophototherapy - electropositive - electropuncture - electroradiology - electroscope - electrostimulation - electrotaxis - electrotherapeutist - electrotherapeutist - electrothermia - electrotonus - electrotropism - electuary - eleidin - elemental - element - eleopten - elevator - elevation - bird-breeder's disease - ELISA assay - Elliot's position - Elliot operation - ellipsis - ellipsis - elliptocyte - elliptocytosis - Ellis' sign - elongation - eluate - eluate - elution - elution - elutriation - Ely's operation - Ely's sign - elytrocele - elytro- - emanation - emanotherapy - emasculation - Embadomonas - difficulty, trouble - dish-pan fracture - embolization - embolophrasia - corpulence, stoutness - embrocation - pinning - embryectomy - embryocardia - embryologist - embryoma - embryomorphous - embryoniform - embryonal - embryonate - embryopathia - embryopathology - embryophore - embryoplastic - embryotome - posterior embryotoxon - embryotrophy - embryoid - emergency - emetic - emetic - emetine intoxication - emetocathartic - emetology - emetophobia - EMG - eminence - eminentia arcuata - eminentia cruciformis - eminentia fossae triangularis auriculae - oliva - eminentia pyramidalis - emission - emmenagogue - Emmet's needle - Emmet's operation - emmetrope - emollient - emunctory - emotivity - span - pastiness - emperipolesis - emplastrum - impression - emprosthotonos - empyesis - empyocele - umbilical suppuration - empyreuma - emulsion - enadelphia - enanthema - enantiobiosis - enantiomer - enantiomorph - enantiopathia - enarthritis - enarthrosis - encanthis - encapsulated - صداع, وَجَع رأسcephalalgia, encephalalgia, head, headache, head ache - encephalization - encephalocystocele - encephalography - encephaloid - encephalolith - encephalomeningocele - encephalomere - encephalometer - encephaloma - encephalomyelopathy - encephalomyeloradiculitis - encephaloscopy - encephalotomy - encephalo- - blocked nose - enchondrosarcoma - enclavement - nailing - endarterium - endemicity - endemia - endemic - endemo-epidemic - endergonic - endermic - endermosis - endo- - Endo's agar - endotoxoid - endoanevrysmorrhaphy - andoantitoxin - endoappendicitis - endobacillary - endobiosis - endobiotic - endoblast - endoblastic - endocellular - endocervical - endocervicitis - endochondral - endochorion - endoceliac - endocolitis - endocorpuscular - endocranium - endocrine - endocrinium - endocrinologist - endocrinopathy - endocrinotherapy - endocyma - endocystitis - endocyte - endodiascopy - endoectothrix - endoenzyme - endogamy - endogastric - endogastritis - endogenic, endogenous - endogeny - endognathon - endointoxication - endolabyrinthitis - endolaryngeal - painful - intraluminal - endolysin - endometry - endometrioid - endomixis - Endomyces - endomyocarditis - endoperimyocarditis - endomysium - endonasal - endoneural - endoparasite - endopelvic - endoperiarteritis - endophasia - endophlebitis - endophyte - endoplasm - endoradiotherapy - falling asleep - falling asleep - endosalpingosis - endosalpingosis - endosecretory - endosmometer - endosmosis - endosmosis - endosperm - endosperm - endospore - endospore - endosteitis - endostitis - endothelial - endothelioblastoma - endotheliolysin - endothelioma - capillary endotheliosis - endothelioid - endothrix - endotoxicosis - endotoxin - intravenous - sebaceous coat - energetics - energid - enervation - childhood - cranial hollow - engagement - Engelmann's splint - Engel-Recklinghausen disease - chilblain - engorgement - obstruction - engram - engram - rabbeting - rabbeting - encystment - enophtalmus - enostosis - enoxidase - seeding - ensiform - ensomphalus - entero- - enteralgia - enterectasis - enterectomy - enteric - entericoid - enteroanastomosis - enterocentesis - enterocholecystostomy - enteroclysis - entero-abdominal - enterocolostomy - enteroconiosis - enterocystocele - enterocyte - enteroenterostomy - enteroepiplocele - enterogastrocele - enterogastrone - enterogenous - enterohepatitis - enterohepatocele - enterohydrocele - enterokinesis - enterocystoma - enterolith - enterolithiasis - enterolithiasis - enterology - enteromalacia - enteromegaly - enteromere - enteromerocele - enteromesenteritis - Enteromonas - enteromycosis - enteromyiasis - enteromyxorrhea - mucomembranous enterocolitis - enteropexy - enteroplasty - enteropneumatosis - enteroptosis - enterorectostomy - enterorrhagia - enterorraphy - enterorrhexis - enteroscopy - enterospasm - enterostasis - enterotome - enterotomy - enterotome - enterotropic - enterovaccine - enterovaginal - enterozoon - enteruria - enthalpy - morbid entity - entochondrostosis - entochoroida - entocornea - entomophobia - endophyte - entopic - entoptic - entoptoscopy - entoscopy - enostosis - entotic - entozoon - interrupted - enucleation - pack - envenomization - envenomization - naevus - enzooty - enzyme - enzymology - enzymolysis - enzymopathies - enzymuria - eosinopenia - eosinophil - epactal - extravasation - ependymitis - ependymoblast - ependymocyte - spur - androgenesis - ephebology - ephelis - ephemeral - ephippium - epiblepharon - epibulbar - epicanthus - epicardia - epicardiectomy - epicarditis - epicomus - epicolic - epicomus - epicondylalgia - epicondyle - epicondylitis - epicone - epichordal - epicrisis - epicritic - epicritic - epicranium - epidemicity - epidemicity - epidemiologist - epidermicula - epidermal - epidermization - epidermoid - epidermolysis - epidermoma - epidermomycosis - epidermophytide - epidermosis - epidermotropic - epidiascope - epididymal - epididymectomy - epididymo-orchitis - epididymotomy - epididymovasostomy - epidural - epidurography - epigastralgia - epigastrium - epigastrius - epigastrocele - epigastrorrhaphy - epigenesis - epiglottectomy - epignathus - epihyoid - supralaryngeal - epilatory - epileptiform - epileptic - epileptogenous - epileptoid - epimastigote - epimer - epimerization - epimorphosis - epimysium - spina - epinephroma - epipharynx - epiphenomenon - epiphysial - epiphysitis - epiplocele - epiploenterocele - epiploitis - epiplomerocele - epiplomphalocele - epiploon - epiplopexy - epiploplasty - epiplorraphy - epiploscheocele - epipygus - episclerotitis - episclera - episio- - episioelytrorrhaphy - episioperineorrhaphy - episioplasty - episiorrhaphy - episiostenosis - episode - epispastic - episplenitis - epistasis - epistasis - episternum - bronchial adenoma - epitarsus - epitendineum - epithalaxia - epitheliolysis - epitheliolysin - epitheliomatosis - epitheliosis desquamativa conjunctivae - epithelioid - epithelialization - epithem - epitrichium - epitrichium - epitrochanterial - epitrochlea - epitympanic - epivertebral - epizoonosis - epizoicide - epi- - sponge - sponge - eponychium - eponym - epoöphoron - epoophorectomy - delousing - tenesmus - test - testglass - Epsom salt - exhaustion - epuloid - purification - equator - equilibrium - equimolar - equine foot - equine - equivalent - gram equivalent - eradication - Erb's point - Erb's sign - Erb's dystrophy - Erben's reflex - erector - erectile - erection - eremophobia - erepsin - erethism - erythrophobia - ergo- - ergasiomania - ergasiophobia - ergasthenia - ergatoplasm - ergocryptine - ergogram - ergograph - ergometer - ergonometry - ergophore - ergotoxine - ergotropy - erg - Erichsen's sign - dissection hook - eriometry - erisiphake - Erlenmeyer's flask - erogenous - erosio interdigitalis blastomycetica - erosion - erotism - erotomaniac - erotomania - erotophobia - erratic - error - erubescence - to belch - eruptive - eruption - erythematous - erythemogenic - erythremoid - erythroidine - erythrism - erythroblastemia - erythroblast - erythroblastic - erythroblastoma - erythroblastosis - erythrochromia - erythroclasis - erythrocyanosis - erythrocytic - erythrocyte - erythrocytoblast - erythrocytolysis - erythrocytometer - erythrocytopoiesis - erythrocytorrhexis - erythrodextrin - erythrodontia - erythrogenesis - erythrogenous - reddish - erythrokeratoderma variabilis - erythroleukoblastosis - erythrolysis - erythrolysin - erythromania - erythrometer - erythroneocytosis - erythron - erythropenia - erythrophagia - erythrophil - erythrophobia - erythrophore - erythropsia - erythropsia - erythroprosopalgia - erythropsia - erythropsin - pigmental peribuccal erythrosis of Brocq - erythrosis - erythrosin - erythrotoxin - erythro- - erythruria - Er - Escamilla-Lisser syndrome - eschar - escharrification - escharotic - Escherich's reflex - Escherich's sign - Escherichia coli K 12 - calabarine - Esmarch operation - Esmarch tourniquet - Esmarch tube - dermatophylaxis - space - species - espundia - splinter - assay - essence - essential - ester - esterase - Estes' operation - esthesia - esthesiogen - esthesiology - esthesiomania - esthesiometer - esthiomene - estivoautomnal - Estlander operation - Estlander operation - estrane - estrogen therapy - condition, state - sneeze - ethene - ethereal - etherification - etherization - etherism - ethereal - ether addict - etheromania - ethynylestradial - ethmocephalus - ethmoidal - ethmoid - ethmoiditis - ethmoidofrontal - ethmoturbinal - ethmoidectomy - ethnic - ethylene - ethyl - ethylic - alcohol test - etiology - etiologic - etiologic - pathogeny - foreign - stove - eubolism - eucaine - eucalyptol - eucapnia - eukaryote - euchlorhydria - eucholia - euchromatopsy - eucrasia - eugenism - eugenicist - euglobulin - eumenorrheaangl. eumenorrhea - Eumycetes - eunuchoid - eunuchoid - eunuch - euosmia - euparenia - eupepsia - eupeptic - euphony - euphony - euploid - eupnea - eupraxia - eurycephalus - eurygnathic - euryon - euryopia - eustachian valve - strongyloidosis - Eustrongylus - eusystole - euthenics - euthymia - euthyroidism - eutocia - eutocic - eutopic - eutrichosis - eutrichosis - eutrophia - eutrophia - eu- - evacuation - evagination - Evans' syndrome - evaporation - fan sign - Eversbusch operation - eversion - school eviction - eviration - wound disruption - evocator - progressive - evolutionism - evulsion - Ewald's law - Ewart's sign - Ewing's sarcoma - Ewing's sign - exa- - exacerbation - exaggeration - exaltation - examination - exanthemogenic - exanthrope - excavator - excavation - eccentric - excerebration - excipient - excision - excitability - excitation - excitosecretory - exclusion - excoriation - excrement - excreta - excretion - excrescence - excursion - excyclophoria - exemia - exencephalic - exenteration - exeresis - exflagellation - exfoliation - Exner's plexus - exocardial - exocardia - exocervical - exocervitis - exochorion - exocoeloma - exocrine - exodontia - exoenzyme - exogamy - exogenic - exon - exopathy - exophthalmia - exophtalmometer - exorbitism - exoserosis - exosmose - exosporium - exoskeleton - multiple exostoses - exostosis bursata - exothelioma - exothermic - extropia - exo- - expansion, process - expectant - expectation - expectorant - expectoration - experience, experiment - experimental - experiment - medical appraisal - expiration - expiratory - explorator - exploration - outburst - expression - expressivity - expulsion - anemic - exsanguinotransfusion - exsiccosis - exstrophy - إفرازexudation, transudation - exudate - exsufflation - ext - ecstasy - punch biopsy - extensibility - extension - exhaustion - exteriorization - external - exteroceptor - extinction - extirpation - extorsion - extra- - extra-articular - extrabronchial - extrabulbar - extracapsular - extracardiac - extracellular - extracranial - extractor - extractive - extraction - extracystic - extradural - extraembryonic - extrahepatic - extract - extralobular - extrapelvic - extraperitoneal - extraplacental - extrapleural - extrapulmonary - extrapyramidal - extrasomatic - consecutive extrasystoles - extratubal - extratympanic - extra-uterine - extravaginal - extravasation - extravascular - extraventricular - extubation - exulceration - exulceration simplex - exuviation - fabella - bursa of Frabicius - facial - facilitation - factor - Rh factor - factorial - fagopyrism - Fahr's disease - degree Fahrenheit - Fahrenheit scale - Fairbanck's disease - bundle, tract - falciform - fallopian aqueduc - Fallot's pentalogy - Fanconi disease - fango therapy - dewlop, wattle - phantasm - phantasms of the origins - phantom - FAO - Farabeuf's amputation - Farabeuf's saw - Farabeuf's triangle - Farabeuf's operation - farad - faraday - faradism - Farber's disease - farcinoma - fasciagraphy - fascicular - fasciculated - fasciectomy - fasciodesis - gyrus fasciolaris - fasciolasis - Fasciolopsis buski - fasciorrhaphy - fasciotomy - false imputation - false passage - Fauvel's granulomas - favic - Fazio-Londe disease - Fe - febrile - febricula - febricide - febrile - fecal - fecaloid - fecaluria - Fechner's law - fecundation - fertile - fecula - starchy - Fede's disease - Fehling's solution - fellatio - Fell-O'Dwyer apparatus - Felton's serum - Felton's unity - feminizing - feminity - femoral - patellofemoral - femto- - fenestration - window - fenestrated - fenestra vestibuli - fenestra of cochlea - fissure - Fereol's nodes - Fergusson's incision - Fergusson's excision of maxilla - Fergusson's speculum - Fermi's vaccine - Fernandez reaction - Ferrein's pyramid - ferrous - ferric - ferropexy - ferroprotein - fertile - festination - fetid - fetuin - leaf - Feulgen reaction - horse bean - fibrate - fiber - dietary fibers - pseudotabes - fibriform - fibrillation - fibril - flutter-fibrillation - fibrillolysis - fibrinemia - fibrinocelullar - fibrin formation - fibrinogenemia - fibrinogenopenia - fibrinoid - fibrinolytic - fibrinoplastic - fibrinosis - fibrinuria - fibro- - fibroangioma - fibroblast - arachnoidal fibroblastoma - fibrochondritis - fibrochondroma - arterial fibrodysplasia - fibroelastic - fibroelastosis - fibroenchonroma - fibroglia - fibroglioma - fibrocystoma - fibrolipoma - fibromatous - fibromuscular - fibromyomectomy - fibromyositis - fibromyxosarcoma - fibroosteoma - fibropapilloma - fibroplasia - fibropsammoma - fibroscope - optic fiber endoscopy - fibroserous - fibrothorax - fibrotuberculoma - fibrous histiocytoma - criminal dossier - medical record - Fick's first law of diffusion - Fick's principle - Fiedler's disease - Fiessinger-Leroy-Reiter syndrome - LLQ - figurative - filaria - filament - Filaria - filaricidal - filariform - Filatov operation - Filatov's sign - Filatov-Dukes disease - Fildes enrichment - ramus - screw plate - filiform - filopod - filterable - filtrat (fr) - filter - filum - edge - fimbria - fimbriaes - Finckh's proverbs test - Finney's operation - Finochietto rib spreader - Finochietto stirrup - Finsen apparatus - Finsen lamp - Finsen rays - fission - fissurrenis - cracking - fissura - fictulectomy - fistulization - fistulography - fistulotomy - Fitz' syndrome - Fitz-Hugh-Curtis' syndrome - IVF - fixator - fixation - flaccidity - flagellation - flagellate - flagellospore - Flajani operation - fire sterilization - flapping tremor - flashback - flaccid - Flatau's law - Flatau's law - flavedo - flavicin - flavine - flavone - flexor - phlegm - Fleischmann's bursa - Fleischmann's hygroma - Fleischner's disease - Flemming's solution - flexible - fleximeter - flexion - Flexner's dysentery - flexile - Flint's murmur - flint glass - flocculus - fleecy - floculation reaction - Florence's reaction - silk gut, silk worm gut - florid - Schwartz' test - fluctuation - flowing - fluid - fluidity - fluocinoline - fluor - fluorization - fluorometer - fluoroscope - fluorosis - fluroxene - flux - fluxion - apinealism - focal - focimeter - fetal - fetalism - feticide - fetography - fetometry - fetoplacental - Fogarty's balloon - folate - insanity - folinic - folium vermis - follicular - follicle - vermiculate atrophoderma of the cheeks - folliculoma - folliculosis - valvule of Foltz - fomentation - functional - hepatic function tests - fundus - fungicide - fungiform - fungal - fungistatic - fungoid - fungosity - fungous - Fontana's markings - fontanel - forage - foramen - habenula perforaur - foramina palatina minora - Forbes amputation - Forbes-Albright syndrome - force - forcipressure - forclosure - Fordyce's disease - Forel's commissure - Forel's field - Forel's decussation - fields of Forel - formal - formation - form - formic acid - formol gel test - formyl - fornix - Forssell's sinus - Forssman's antigen - Förster's choroiditis - Förster operation - Förster-Penfield operation - nasal fossa - fossula - fossa - Fothergill's disease - Fothergill's nevralgie - Fothergill operation - posterior commissure of the labia - sternal indentation - fovea - foveola - Foville's syndrome - Fowler incision - Fowler's solution - Fowler operation - focus - split dose - fraction - fracture - fragility - Fab fragment - Fc fragment - abrasor - yaws - Franceschetti's syndrome - Francis disease - Franco's operation - François dyscephalic syndrome - fringe - Frank gastrostomy - Franke tabes operation - Fränkel's sign - franklin - franklinization - Fraunhofer's line - Frazier needle - Frazier-Spiller operation - Frédet-Rammstedt operation - Frei's antigen - Frei's disease - frenulum - fremitus, thrill - frenzy - Frenkel's syndrome - Frenkel's treatment - frenotomy - frequency - freudism - Freund's anomaly - Freund operation - Freyer operation - crumbliness - crumbly - Fricke operation - Friedländer's pneumonia - Friedländer's disease - Friedman's test - Friedmann's disease - Freidreich's sign - Friedrich operation - refrigerating - chill - Froin's syndrome - Froment's sign - Frommel operation - sling - frontal syndrome - frontal - frontonasal - fronto-occipital - frontoparietal - frontotemporal - rubbing - frotteurism - smear - congenital fructosemia - fructosuria - Frugoni's disease - frustrated - FSH - Fuchs coloboma - Fuchs dystrophy - Fuchs syndrome - fuchsinophil - -fuge - flight of ideas - Fukala operation - fulgurant - fulguration - fuliginen - fuliginen - Fülleborn's method - Fuller operation - fumaric acid - fundic - fundusectomy - fundus uteri - fundus ventriculi - funiculagia - funiculitis - funiculopexy - funiculus - Fürbringer's sign - furcula - furor - furfuraceous - furuncle - furuncular - furunculoid - fuscin - spindle - fusiform - fusion - fusocellular - fusospirillosis - fusospirochetosis - fustigation - F - gadoleic acid - sheath - Gaisböck's disease - galact-, galacto- - galactagogue - galactan - galactase - galactogenous - galactography - galactolipid - galactometer - galactophorous - galactophorous - galactophoritis - galactopoiesis - galactoscope - galactosemia - galactosidasis - galactoside - galactostasis - galactosuria - galactotherapy - galactotrophy - galacturia - Galbiati bilateral fetal ischiopubiotomy - Galeazzi's fracture - galenic - galenism - galeophobia - galeropsia - Galien's vein - ansa of Galen - great vein of Galien - gallamine - Gallavardin's phenomenon - gallein - Galli Mainini test - gallop rhythm - Galton's law - Galton's whistle - galvano - galvanocautery - galvanocauterization - galvanochemical - galvano-faradization - galvanometer - galvanopalpation - galvanoscope - galvanoscopy - galvanotherapy - galvanothermy - galvanotonus - gamasoidosis - gamete - gameticide - gametocyte - gametogony - gametophagia - gamma - gammacism - gammaglobulin - gammaglutamyl transpeptidase - gammagraphy - gammapathy - range - Gamna's disease - gamo- - gamobium - gamogenesis - gampsodactylia - Gamstorp's disease - Gandy-Gamna nodules - gangliectomy - ganglioform - ganglioblast - gangliocyte - ganglioid - ganglioma - ganglion - ganglial - ganglia intermedia - ganglioplegic - gangosa - Ganser's syndrome - Gant operation - Gant clamp - madder - Garcin's syndrome - Gardner's syndrome - Garel's sign - gargarism - gurgling - gargoylism - Garré's disease - tourniquet - tourniquet - Gartner's canal - gasserian syndrome - gasserectomy - gastr-, gastro- - gastralgia - gastralgia - gastrectasia - gastrinemia - gastric - gastrocele - musculus gastronemius - gastrocolitis - gastrocoloptosis - gastrocolostomy - gastrodiaphany - gastrodidymus - Gastrodiscoides hominis - gastroduodenal - gastroduodenectomy - gastroduodenitis - gastroduodenoscopy - gastroduodenostomy - gastroenteralgia - gastroenteroanastomosis - gastroenterocolitis - gastroenterologist - gastroenteropathy - gastroenteroplasty - gastroenteroptosis - gastroenterotomy - gastroepiploic - gastroanastomosis - gastrogenic - gastrograph - gastrohepatic - gastrohydrorrhea - gastrohysteropexy - gastrointestinal - gastrojejunoesophagostomy - gastrolith - gastrology - gastrolysis - gastromalacia - gastromegaly - gastromelus - gastromyotomy - gastromyxorrhea - gastrooesophagostomy - gastropancreatitis - gastroplegia - gastropathy - gastropexy - Gastrophilus - gastrophotography - gastrophrenic - gastroplication - gastroptosis - gastropylorectomy - gastrorrhagia - gastrorrhaphy - gastrorrhaphy - gastrorrhea - gastrorrhexis - gastroscope - gastrosis - gastrospasm - gastrospasm - gastrosplenic - gastrostenosis - gastrostenosis - gastrosuccorrhea - thoracogastropagus - gastrotomy - gastrotonometry - gastrotonometry - gastrotrachelotomy - gastrotrachelotomy - gastrotropic - gastrotropic - gastrocia - gatism - Gaucher's cell - sinistrality - left-handed - Grasset-Gaussel-Hoover sign - gauss - gavage - Gay-Lussac's law - gauze - gasometry - Ga - Gb - Gd - Gee's disease - Geigel's reflex - Geiger-Müller counter - Geissler's tube - gel - gelatinous - gelation - jelly - gelification - Gelle's test - gelose - capsule - frost-bites - Gely suture - gemellary - gemellipare - geminate - gemmation - gemmation - -gen - general - generation - genesis - genesis - genesic - geneticist - genial apophysis - genicular - geniculum - genion - genioplasty - genic - genital - genitals - genitofemoral - urogenital - stria of Gennari - genodermatosis - hereditary dysplasy - hereditary dystrophy - genyplasty - genotherapy - knee bandage - Gensoul's disease - gentamicin - gentisic acid - genucubital - genupectoral - geode - Gerdy's fontanel - Gerhardt's disease - Gerhardt's syndrome - Gerhardt's sign - Gerhardt's triangle - Gerlach's network - Gerlach's valve - Gerlier's disease - germ - germ cell - germicid - gerodermia - geromorphism - senilism - gerontoxon - Gerota's fascia - Gersuny operation - gestosis - Ge - cell of Gianuzzi - Gibbon's hernia - hunchback - anterior hunchbach - Gibbs theorem - Giemsa method - Gierke's cell - Gifford's reflex - Gifford operation - Gifford's sign - giga- - gigantoblast - gigantocyte - constitutional gigantism - Gigli pubiotomy - Gigli wire saw - gilbert - Gilbert's syndrome - Gilchrist's disease - Gilford's progeria - Gilles de la Tourette's disease - Gillepsie wrist excision - Gilliam uterine suspension - Gilmer splint - Gil Vernet operation - gingivoglossitis - gingivolabial - ginglymus - Giovannini's disease - organ of Giraldès - Girard's treatment - gyration - Girdlestone operation - gitalin - githagism - smooth - icy - glairy mucus - glans - accessory mammary glands - glandular - glandulous - glans - Glanzmann's thrombasthenia - Glatzel mirror - Glauber's salt - blue-green - socket - glenohumeral - glenoid cavity - glial - glioneuroma - gliosoma - Glisson's disease - Glisson's capsule - globus - globular - Morgagni's globules - globule - globulimeter - globulin - globulinuria - glomerulus - glomerulitis - glomerulopathy - glomus - gloss-, glosso- - glossocele - glossodynanometer - glossoepiglottic - glossogaph - hyoglossal - glossoid - glossolalia - glossology - glossomania - glossopalatinal - glossopathy - glossophytia - glossoplasty - glossoplegia - glossoptosis - glossorrhaphy - glossoscopy - glossospasm - glossotomy - glottitis - gluc-, gluco- - glucogonoma - glucid - glucinium - glucokinin - gluconic acid - glucosed - glucoside - glutamyl - glycemia - glyceride - glycerinated - glycerol phosphate - glyceryl - glycinosis - hereditary glycinuria - glycocholate - glycocoll - glycogenesis - glycogenic - glycogenic - glycogenopexy - glyconeogenesis - glycorrhachia - glycoregulation - glycuronuria - glycyl - gnath-, gnatho- - gnathalgia - gnathitis - gnathocephalus - gnathodynia - gnatology - gnathoplasty - gnathoschisis - gnathostomiasis - gnosia - gnotobiology - dimple - Goebell-Stoeckel operation - Goffe colporrhaphy - goitrous - goitrogenic - Goldberg-Maxwell syndrome - Goldblatt's clamp - Goldblatt phenomenon - Golden's sign - Goldenhar's syndrome - Golgi's apparatus - Golgi's neurone - Golgi body - Golgi's law - Gombault-Philippe triangle - gum - gomphosis - gonad - gonadotherapy - gonadotropic - gonadotrope - gonalgia - gonangiectomy - gonarthritis - gonarthrosis - gonarthrotomy - gonecystitis - gonia - Gonin operation - gonio- - goniocraniometry - gonioscope - gonitis - gono- - gonoblenorrhea - gonocele - gonococcemia - gonococcia - gonocyte - gamete - gonotome - Gooch's filter - Goodell's sign - Goodenough's test - Gordan-Overstreet syndrome - Gordon's reflex - Gorlin's formula - Gorlin-Goltz syndrome - fauces - Gosselin's fracture - Gosset retractor - Gottschalk operation - Gottstein's basal process - gouge - Gougerot's triad - Gouley's sound - goundou - strangles - drip feeding - thick blood smear - Flügge's droplets - gutter - Goyrand hernia - gradient - Graefe incision for cataract - fat - gram - Grancher's triad - Grancher's disease - Grancher's sign - childhood - major epilepsy - Granger's line - Granger's sign - Grant operation - granulation - granule - granule - granulocytic series - granulocyte - granulocytopoiesis - granulomatosis - granulopexy - granulosa - granulosis rubra nasi - grapho- - graphesthesia - -graphy - chart - graphomotor - graphorrhea - Grasset-Gaussel phenomenon - Gratiolet's fibers - Gratiolet's radiations - grave, low - uropsammus - gravid - gravidic - gravimetry - gray - gray syndrome of infants - gregariousness - Greig's syndrome - Griesinger's sign - cubital claw - grid - Grisel's disease - Gritti's amputation - Grocco's method - Groenblad-Strandberg syndrome - Groenouw corneal dystrophy - group - Gruber's speculum - Gruber's syndrome - Gruby's disease - Grynfelt's hernia - Grynfelt's triangle - gryposis - Guam syndrome - guanidase - guanylic acid - Guarnieri's corpuscules - gubernaculum - Gudden's law - wasp - Guerin's fracture - Guerin's sinus - Guerin valve - healing - gustometry - Guilland's sign - gulose - Gunn's sign - Günther's disease - Gussenbauer's clamp - Gussenbauer operation - gustation - gustometry - Guthrie's test - Guthrie's muscle - Guttmann's sign - gutturophony - Guyon's sign - Guyon amputation - Guyon operation - gymnobacterian - gymnophobia - gymnoplast - gymnospore - gymno- - gyn-, gyneco-, gyno- - gynandria - gynecium - gynecoid - gynecologist - gynecomania - gynecomasty - gynecopathy - gynephobia - gynogenesis - gyrencephalic - gyri insulae - gyrus - H - Habb's reflex - habenular trigonium - habit - usual - habitus - hashish addiction - Hacker operation - hadephobia - Haeckel's law - Haemadipsa - Haemagogus - Haemaphysalis - Haematobia - Haementeria - Haemogregarina - Haenel's sign - Haff disease - Hagedorn needle - Haglund's disease - Hagner operation - Hagner hemostatic bag - Hagner's disease - Hahn cannula - Hahn operation - Haldane's chamber - halitus - panting - Hall's sign - Hallé's point - Haller's ansa - venous ring of Haller - Haller's crescent - vas aberrans of Haller - Haller's cones - Hallermann-Streiff-François syndrome - Hallopeau's acrodermatitis - hallucination - hallucinogen - hallucinosis - halogen - halodermia - glaucomatous halo - haloid - halometer - Halpin's operation - Halsted operation - Halsted suture - halzoun - hamartophobia - hamartoplasia - enteritis necroticans - Hamburger phenomenon - Hamman's sign - Hamman-Rich disease - Hampson unity - hamster - Hancock operation - Hancock amputation - Handley's method - Handley's operation - Hand syndrome - Hand-Schüller-Christian disease - Hannover's canal - Hanot's disease - Hanot-Chauffard syndrome - Hansen's disease - hapalonychia - haphephobia - haplobacteria - haplodont - haplophase - haplopia - haploscope - haplotype - hapto- - hapten - haptephobia - haptephobia - Hare syndrome - Harkavi syndrome - Harris syndrome - Hartman solution - Hartmann incision - Hartmann operation - Hartmann's pouch - Hartnup syndrome - Harzer' sign - LE cell phenomenon - Hasner's valve - Hassal corpuscules - Hassin's syndrome - Haudek niche - haustrations - Haven syndrome - Haverhill fever - Havers canals - Haygarth nodes - Haynes operation - Hb - HDL - He - Head's zone - Heath operation - Heaton inguinal herniorrhaphy - hebephrenia - Heberden's nodes - Heberden's rhumatism - hebetude - hebephrenic - heboidophrenia - hebiotomy - Hebra's pytiriasis - Hebra's prurigo - hecto- - hectogram - hectoliter - hectometer - habromania - hedrocele - Heerfordt's syndrome - Hefke-Turner sign - Hegar's dilator - Hegar's perineorrhaphy - Hegar's sign - Heidenhain's law - Heim-Kreysig sign - Heine operation - Heineke colon resection - Heineke-Mikulicz pyloroplasty - Heine-Medin disease - Heisrath operation - helcology - Helcosoma tropicum - helianthin - helicine - helicoid - helicotrema - heliophobia - heliotaxis - helio- - helix - Hellat's sign - Heller cardiomyotomy - Heller-Döhle disease - Helmholtz resonator - Helmholtz theory - helminthemesis - helminth - helminthoid - helminthology - helminthophobia - helvellic acid - hemo- - hemagogue - hemangiectasis - hemangioendothelioblastoma - hemangiomatosis - hemaphein - hemapheism - hemapheresis - hematein - hematidrosis - erythrocyte, red blood cell - hemacytometer - hematimetry - hematinemia - hematic - hematoaerometer - hematoblast - hematocephalus - hematochromatosis - hematochyluria - hematokolpos - hematocyanin - hematocyst - hematogenous - hematogenesis - hematogone - hematoid - hematoidine - hematolith - hematologist - hematolymphangioma - hematomole - hematometer - hematometry - hematomphalocele - hematomycosis - hematomyelitis - hematophagous - hematophagia - hematophobia - hematorrhachis - hematorrhea - hematosalpinx - hematosarcoma - hematoscope - hematoscopy - hematosis - hematospectrophotometry - hemotoxic - hematozoon - hemeralope - hemi- - hemiacardius - hemiacephalus - hemiachromatopsia - hemiagenesia - hemiageusia - hemialgia - hemianalgesia - hemianesthesia - hemianosmia - hemiarthrosis - autosomatognosis - hemiasynergia - hemiataxia - hemiathetosis - hemiatrophy - hemibloc - hemicellulase - hemicephalia - hemichorea - hemichromosome - hemiclonus - hemicolectomy - hemicraniosis - hemidiaphragm - hemidrosis - hemidysesthesia - hemidystrophy - hemiencephalon - hemigastrectomy - hemiglossitis - hemihyperesthesia - hemihypertonia - hemihypertrophy - hemihypoesthesia - hemihypotonia - hemilaminectomy - hemilaryngectomy - hemilateral - hemimelus - hemimetabola - hemine - hemiopia - hemipagus - hemiparesthesia - hemiparkinsonism - hemisacralization - hemisection - hemispasm - hemisphere - hemisporosis - hemisyndrome - hemitetany - hemithermoanesthesia - hemithorax - hemithyroidectomy - hemizygogous - hemoalcalimeter - hemoblastosis - hemocholecyst - idiopathic hemochromatosis - hemochrome - hemochromogen - hemochromometer - hemochromoprotein - hemoconcentration - hemoconia - hemoconiosis - hemocrinia - hemoculture - hemocytoblast - hemocytolysis - hemocytozoa - hemodiagnosis - hemodromograph - hemodromometer - hemodynamometer - hemoendothelium - hemoflagellate - hemofuscin - hemoglobinemia - hemoglobiniferous - hemoglobinocholia - hemoglobinolysis - hemoglobinometer - hemoglobinopathy - hemoglobinorrhea - hemoglobin disease - hemogram - hemohistioblast - hemolymphangioma - hemolysin - hemolytic - hemomanometer - hemomediastinum - hemopathy - hemophagocytosis - hemophoric - hemophthalmia - hemopneumopericardium - hemopoiesis - hemopoietin - hemopoietic - hemoptoic - hemoptysic - hemopyelectasis - hemorrhoidectomy - hemosialemesis - hemosiderinuria - Hemosporidia - hemostatic - hemotherapy - hemothymia - hemotoxin - hemotoxic - hemotrope - hemotympanum - hemozoin - Hench-Rosenberg syndrom - Henderson-Jones disease - Henke triangle - Henle's layer - Henle's canal - Henoch's purpura - Henoch-Bergeron chorea - Henry - Hensen cell - heparinization - hepat- - hepatalgia - hepaticoduodenostomy - hepaticoliasis - hepaticostomy - hepaticotomy - hepatization - hepatism - hepatobiliairy - hepatocellular - hepatocholangiocystoduodenostomy - hepatocholangioenterostomy - hepatocholangioma - hepatocholangiostomy - hepatocirrhosis - hepatocolic - hepatocystic - hepatocyte - hepatodystrophy - hepatoenteric - hepatogenous - hepatogram - hepatography - hepatoid - hepatolenticular - hepatolith - hepatolysis - hepatomalacia - hepatomegalia - hepatonephritis - glycogenic hepatonephromegaly - hepatopathy - hepatopexy - hepatoptosis - hepatorenal - hepatorrhagia - hepatorrhaphy - hepatorrhea - hepatorrhexis - hepatoscopy - hepatosplenic - hepatosplenography - hepatosplenomegaly - hepatostomy - hepatothérapy - hepatotomy - hepatotoxemia - hepatotoxin - hepatotropic - hepta- - heptose - heptosuria - flea weed - Herbert operation - herb trade - herborist - hereditary - heredodegeneration - spinocerebellar heredogeneration - heredofamilial - heredoinfection - heredopathia - Hering's nerve - Hering's phenomenon - hermaphrodism - hermaphrodite - hermetic - hernial - herniated - hernioenterotomy - herniolaparatomy - hernioplasty - herniorrhaphy - herniotome - herniotomy - herpes - Herpes viridae - herpetiform - herpetism - Herrick's sickle cell anemia - Herring bodies - Herter's disease - hertz - Herxheimer's reaction - Heryng's sign - triad of Herz - Hess operation - Hesselbach's triangle - Hesselbach hernia - heteradelphus - heteradenoma - heteralius - hetero- - heterohemoagglutinin - heteroantibody - heteroantigen - heterocellular - heterocephalia - heterochromic - heterochromia - allosome - heterochronia - allochthonus - heterokinesia - heterocyclic - heterocytotoxin - Heterodera - heterodont - heteroerotism - heterogametic - heterogamy - heterogony - heterohemoagglutination - heteroimmune - heteroinfection - heterointoxication - contralateral - heterolysis - heterolysin - heteromeric - heterometaplasia - heterometropia - heteromorphosis - heteronomous - heteronomia - heteronymous - heteropagus - heteropathy - heterophonia - heterophoria - heterophthalmia - heteroplasia - heteroplasty - heteroploid - heteroploidy - heteropsia - heteroscope - heteroscopy - heterosmia - heterosome - heterospecific - heterotaxy - heterotherapy - heterotherm - heterotopia - heterotransplantation - heterotrichosis - heterotroph - heterotrophia - heterotype - heterovaccine - heteroxenous - heterozygosis - Herter-Heubner disease - hexacanth - hexadactylia - hexadecenoic acid - hexagon - hexamethylenamine - hexane - hexapoda - hexa- - hexosamine - hexose - hexylcaine - hexyl- - Hey amputation - Heyd syndrome - Hg - hiatal - hiatus - hibernomia - hidro- - hidroid - hidrorrhea - hidrosis - hibernal, hiemal - hierolisthesis - hieromania - hierophobia - antrum Highmori - body Higmore's - hilus - Hilton's law - Hines and Brown's test - hippanthropia - Hippobosca - Hippocrates - hippocratic maneuver - hippocratism - hippuricase - hippuria - hippuric acid - hippus - hircism - Hirschfeld's canals - Hirschprung's disease - hirudinization - hirudiniasis - Hirudo - His band - His tubercle - Hiss stain - hisian - histaminemia - histaminergy - histanoxia - histidiase - histio-, histo- - histioblast - histiocyte - histodiagnosis - histogenesis - histography - histoincompatibility - histologist - histolysis - histomorphology - histonuria - histopathology - histotherapy - histotomy - histotribe - histotripsy - histotropic - histotrophic - histrionism - Hochenegg operation - Hodara's disease - Hodge's plane - Hodgkin cell - Hodgson's disease - hodoneuromere - hodophobia - Hoehne's sign - Hofbauer's cell - Hoffa's disease - Hoffmann's atrophy - Hoffmann's ether spirit - Hoffmann's sign - Hoffmann's syndrome - holandric - holergasia - Hollander's test - Holmes ataxia - Holmgren skeins - holocardius - holoblastic - holocephalic - holocrine - holodiastolic - hologamy - hologenesis - hologynic - holomorphosis - holophytic - simple protein - holoside - holosystolic - Holothyrus - holotopy - holotrichous - holozoic - holo- - Holth operation - Holthouse hernia - Holt-Oram syndrome - Holzknecht chronoradiometer - Holzknecht space - homalocephalus - homalography - Homans' sign - homatropine - homeo- - homeomorphous - homeopathe - man - homocentric - procrypsis - homochronous - homocyclic - homodont - homogametic - homogeneization - homogenesis - homohemotherapy - homolateral - homology - homomorphism - homonomous - homonymous - homoplasty - homosexual - homosporous - homostimulant - homothermic - allotransplantation - homotype - homozygosis - homozygous - homozygosity - Hoover's sign - hospital - Hopmann's polyp - hormion - hormogenesis - hormonology - hormonopoiesis - hormonotherapy - Horner's muscle - Horner's teeth - horopter - horripilation - Horsley's bone wax - Horsley's operation - Hortega cells - hospitalism - Hotchkiss operation - host - Houssay's phenomenon - Houssay's animal - Houston's muscle - Hovius' membrane - Hovius' plexus - Howard's test - Howell's method - Ho - Hueter's sign - Hufnagel operation - Huguenin's edema - Huguier's sinus - Huhner's test - oil - humeroulnar - humeroradial - humeroscapular - absolute humidity - relative humidity - humoralist - Hunner's ulcer - Hunt's atrophy - Hunter's glossitis - Hunter's operation - Hunter's canal - Hurler-Pfaundler syndrome - Hürthle cell adenoma - vomerium cartilage of Huschke - Huschke's valve - Hutchinson's tooth - Hutchinson's pupil - Hutchinson's triad - Hutchinson's mask - Hutchinson's disease - summer prurigo of Hutchinson - hyalo- - hyalinosis - hyalitis - hyaloenchondroma - hyaloid - hyaloma - hyalomere - Hyalomma - hyalumucoid - hyalonyxis - hyaloplasm - hyaloserositis - hybridization - hybrid - hibridization - hydantoin - hydarthrosis - daughter hydatid cysts - hydatidocele - hydatiform - hydatism - hydatoid - Hyde's syndrome - hydro- - hydracid - hydragogue - hydramine - hydragyre - hydragyria - hydrargyrism - hydragyrosis - hydrase - hydration - hydrate - hydraulic - hydrazine - hydrazone - hydremia - hydrencephalocele - hydric - hydroaeric image - hydroa - hydroblepharon - hydrocarbon - hydrocarbonism - hydrocele - hydrocephalia - hydrocephalocele - hydrocephaloid - hydrocholecystis - hydrocolloid - immersion syncope - hydrocyst - hydrodynamics - hydroelectrolytic - hydrogenoid - hydrolabile - hydrolase - hydrolysate - hydrology - hydrolyte - hydromania - hydroma - hydromeningocele - hydrometry - hydromphalus - hydromyelia - hydromyelocele - hydromyoma - oxonium - hydroparasalpinx - hydropericardium - hydropericarditis - hydropexia - hydrophil - hydrophobic - hydrophobophobia - hydrophtalmos - hydropigenous - hydropic - hydroplasmia - hydropneumatocele - hydropneumatosis - hydropneumopericardium - hydropneumoperitonium - hydropyonephritis - hydrorachis - hydrorrhea - hydrosalpinx - hydrosol - hydrosphygmograph - hydrostatic - hydrotaxis - hydrothermotherapy - hydrotimetry - hydrotropism - hydrotympanum - hydroureter - hydroxyl - hydroxylase - hydroxyl - hydroxyprolin - hydruric - hydruria - hyenanchin - hygeiolatry - hygienic - hygienist - hygro- - hygrometry - hylo- - hylogenesis - hylology - hylotropy - hymenitis - hymenorraphy - hymenotomy - hyoepiglottic - hyoglossal - hyoid - hyothyroid - hypemia - hyper- - hypercanthosis - hyperacidity - hyperacidoaminuria - hyperactivity - hyperadenosis - hyperalbuminosis - hyperalkalinity - hyperalfablobulinemia - hyperazotemia - hyperazoturia - hyperbaric - hyperbetaglobulinemia - hyperbrachycephalic - hypercalcic - hypercarotenemia - hyperchloremia - hyperchlorhydria - hyperchloruration - hyperchloruria - hypercholemia - hypercholia - hyperchondroplasia - hyperchromatopsia - hyperchroma - hyperchromemia - hyperchromemia - hypercoagulobility - hypercortisolism - hypersecretion - hypercrisia - hypercupremia - hypercupruria - hypercythemia - hypercytosis - hyperdactylia - dermatolysia - hyperemesis - hyperencephalus - hyperendocrinia - hypereosinophilia - hyperephidrosis - congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma - hyperethism - hyperergasia - hyperergia - hyperesophoria - hyperoestrogenism - hyperexophoria - hyperextension - hyperfibrinogenemia - hyperflexion - hyperfunction - hypergalactia - hypergammaglobuli-linemia - hypergenesis - hypergenitalism - hyperglobulia - hyperglobulinemia - hyperglycemic - hyperglycinemia - hyperglycinuria - hyperglycistia - hyperglycorachia - hyperglycosuria - hypergeusia - hyperhemoglobinemia - hyperhemolysis - hyperhormonal - hyperhydropexis - hyperimmunization - hyperimmunity - hyperinvolution - hyperlordosis - hyperluteinization - hyperlysinemia - hypermagnesemia - hypermastia - hypermature - hypermetabolism - hypermetamorphosis - hypermethioninemia - hypermetrope - hypermimia - hypermnesia - hypermotility - hypernephroid - hypernoia - hypernormocytosis - hypernutrition - hyperonychosis - hypermetrope - hyperorchidism - hyperorexia - hyperosmia - hyperosmolality - hyperosmolarity - hyperosteolysis - hyperovaria - hyperoxalemia - hyperoxalaria - hyperoxemia - hyperparasite - hyperparasitism - hyperparotidism - hyperpathia - hyperpepsia - hyperperistaltism - hyperpexia - hyperphalangia - hyperphoria - hyperphrenia - hyperploidy - hyperpnea - hyperpolypeptidemia - hyperpresbyopia - hyperprolinemia - hyperprosessis - hyperprotidemia - hyperreticulocytis - hypersecretion - hypersensibilization - hyperserototinemia - ptyalism - hypersideronemia - hypersthenia - hypersthenuria - hypersympathicotonia - angiotensinase - hyperthelia - hyperthermic - hyperthrombocytemia - hyperthymia - hyperthymism - thyrocalcitonin excess syndrome - hypertonia - hypertoxic - hypertrichorphrydia - hyperphoria - hyperuricaciduria - hypervascular - hypervitaminosis - hypervolemia - hyphemia - Hyphomycetes - hypinosis - hypnagogic - hypnalgia - hypnoanalysis - hypnogram - hypnology - hypnonarcosis - hypnophobia - hypnopompic - hypnotherapy - hypnotic - hypnotism - hypno- - hypoacidity - hypoalgesia - hypoallergenic - male infantilism - hypoandrogenism - hypoazoturia - hypobaropathy - hypobulia - hypocalcemic - hypocalcipexy - hypocalciuria - hypochloremia - hypochloruria - hypocholemia - hypocholesterolemic - hypocholesterolemia - hypocholia - hypocholuria - hypochromasia - hypochromatic - hypochromia - hypochromia - hypochylia - hypocoagulability - hypochondrium - hypochondria - hypoconvertinemia - hypocrinia - hypocupremia - hypodactylia - hypoderma - hypoderm - hypodermic - hypodermic inflammation - hypodermoclysis - hypodipsia - hypoendocrinism - hypoergy - hypoesophoria - hypooestrogenism - hypoexophoria - hypofibrinogenemia - hypofunction - hypogastrium - hypogastrocele - hypogastrogastragus - hypogenesis - hypogenitalism - hypogigantosomia - low red cell count - hypoglobulinemia - hypoglossial nerve - hypoglositis - hypoglycemic - hypoglycorrhachia - hypognanthus - hypogranulocytosis - hypogueusia - female infantilism - hypoinsulinism - hypokaliemia - hypoleukocytosis - hypolipemia - hypolipidemic - hypolipidemia - hypoluteinemia - hypomagnesemia - hypomagnesuria - hypomania - hypomastia - hypometria - fulcrum - hypomyxia - hyponatruria - hyponoia - hyponychium - hyponychon - hypoorchidia - hypoosmolarity - sodium less - hypovarianism - hypopepsia - hypoperistalsis - hypophalangism - hypopharyngoscopy - hypophobia - hypophonia - hypophoria - hypophosphite - hypophosphite - hypophrenia - hypophrenic - hypophyseal - diaphragma sellae, tentorium of the hypophysis - hypophysitis - hypophysioprivic - hypopinealism - hypopyon - hypoplasia - hypoprosexia - hypoprothrombinemia - hypotyalism - hypoferremia - hyposmia - hyposomnia - hypostasis - hyposteatolysis - hypostenia - hyposthenuria - hypostypia - hyposystole - hypotensor - hypothenar - hypothesis - hypothrepsia - hypothymia - hypothyreosis - hypothyroxinemia - hypotonic - hypotoxicity - hypotrophy - hypotropia - hypovascular - hypovitaminosis - hypo- - hypsi- - hypsicephaly - hypsiconchous - hypsiloid - hipsophobia - hypsotherapy - Hyrtl's spincter - hyster-, hystero- - hysteralgia - hysteratresia - hysteresis - hystericism - hysteriform - hysteric - hysterocatalepsia - hysterocele - hysterocervicotomy - hysterocleisis - hysterocolpectomy - hysterocystocele - hysterocystopexia - hysterodynamometer - hysteroepilepsy - hysterogenic - hysterography - hysteroid - hysterolaparotomy - hysterolith - hysterolymphangitis - hysteromalacia - hysterometer - hysterometry - hysteromyoma - hysteromyoma - hystero-oophorectomy - hysteropathy - hysteropexy - pessary - hysteroptosis - hysterorrhagia - hysterorhaphy - hysterosalpingostomy - hysterostomatotomy - hysterotrachelectomy - hysterotrachelorrhaphy - hysterotrachelotomy - traumatic hysteria - hysterovaginoenterocele - iatraliptic - iatrochemistry - iatrogenic - ichtulin - ichthyoform - ichtyoid - ichthyol - ichthyophobia - ichthyosarcotoxism - ichthyism - ichthyootoxin - icosanoid - ICSH - icterogenic - icteric - icterohematuric - icterohemoglobinuric - icteroid - icterus index - ictometer - ictus - ego ideal - idealization - ideation - idea - corresponding, identical - ideophrenia - idiochromosome - idiogram - idiolysin - idiomuscular - idiomuscular - idioparasite - idioparasite - idiopathic - phagedena geometrica - idioplasm - idiosome - idiospasm - idiosyncrasy - idiotype - idiot - idioventricular - idioventricular - IDL - idose - CEI - ignipuncture - ikota - ikota - ileocolonic - ileocolorectoplasty - ileocolostomy - ileocecal - ileocecostomy - ileoileostomy - ileosigmoidostomy - ileotransversostomy - ileo- - iliadelphus - iliac - ilioabdominal - iliocapsular - iliococcygeal - iliocostal - iliofemoral - iliohypogastric - ilioinguinal - iliolumbar - iliopagus - iliopectineal - iliopelvic - iliopsoas - iliosciatic - iliosciatic - iliospinal - iliothoracopagus - iliotibial - iliotrochanteric - ilioxiphopagus - illuminism - illusion - islet - image - medical imaging - imago - IMAO - imbecile - imbecility - imbibition - Imerslund-Najmangräsbeck syndrome - imidazole - imide - imido-, imino- - Imlach's fat plug - immature - imminent - immobilisin - immune - immunocomplex - immunizing - immune - immunoadherence - immunoadsorption - immunoblast - immunoblastic lymphoma - immunocyte - immunodeficiency - immunodiffusion test - immunogenic - immunohematology - immunohemolysis - immune response modulator - immunopathology - immunoproliferative syndromes - immunoreaction - immunosuppressant - immunoblot - immune serum - impaction - impar, odd - impaludation - imparidigitate - imperforation - impermeable - impetiginization - implantation - implant - weightless - impregnation - impression - impression - impuberal - عجزimpotence, impotency - impulsive - impulse - IMVIC - in- - inactive - inactivation - inanition - inappetance - duability, incapacity - incarceration - incident - incisal - incisura radialis - incisura scapulae - incisura trochlearis - incisura tympanica - incisure - excitant - slope - inclinatio pelvis - cytomegalic inclusions - unrelenting - incoherent - fire-proof - incompatibility - incompetence, incompetency - incompressible - variable - incontinence - incorporation - incretion - calcareous incrustation - incubus - uncurable - incyclophoria - incyclotrofia - indentation - index - indicanemia - indicanhidrosis - indicanuria - indicator - indication - index - neutral - native - indigo - indigotin - indiguria - indirubin - indisposition - individual - indolent - indole - indolent - indoluria - indophenoloxidase - indoxyl - indoxylemia - indoxyluria - inducer - induction - induced - induline - induration - indusium griseum - unequal - inert - inertia - infantile - infantilism - infarcted - infarct - infecting agent - infected - infectiosity - infectiosity - inferiority feelings - infestation - infiltrate - infiltration - infirm - infirmary - nurse - infirmity - inflection - Influenzavirus - computer process - infraclinical - infraclusion - infradian - subduction - inframastitis - infrasonic vibration - infra- - infundibular - infundibulectomy - infundibuliform - infundibulum - infusible - infusion - infusodecoction - Infusidae - ingesta - ingredient - inguinal - inguinoabdominal - inguinocrural - inguinolabial - inguinoscrotal - inhaler - inhalorium - inherent - inhibitory - inhumation - iniencephalus - inion - iniopagus - iniops - initial - injectable - injected - injection - innervation - congenital, innate - innocuous - innominate - inoculable - inoculation - inoculum - inocytoma - odorless - intraventicular hemorrhage - inoperable - inopexia - inorganic - inoscopy - inosculation - inosituria - inotropic - ino- - air suwallouring - insalubrious - insectifuge - insensibilization - insensible - inserted - insertio, insertion - insidious - insight - insipidous - insolation - insoluble - inspirator - inspiration - inspirometer - agency - instillator - instillation - institute, institution - insufficiency - insufflator - therapeutic insufflation - insula - insular - insulinemia - insulin dependent - insulinization - intact - integration - intellect - intellectualization - intellectual - intemperance - intensity - inter- - interacinar - interaction - interalveolar - interannular - interapophyseal - interarticular - interarthenoidal - interauricular - extra pulse - intercanalicular - intercapillary - intercarotic - intercarpal - intercellular - intercillium - interkinesis - interclavicular - interclinoid - intercoccygeal - intercolumnar - intercondylar - intercostal - intercricothyrotomy - intercuneal - intercurrent - interdental - interdigital - interspinous - interepithelial - interference - intergluteal - interfibrus - interfibrillar - interganglionic - interlabial - interlobar - interlobitis - interlobular - intermalleolar - intermammary - intermaxillary - intermeningeal - intermenstrual - intermetacarpal - intermetatarsal - intermission - intermural - intermuscular - internalization - internasal - interneuron - resident intern - internist - internuclear - introceptor - interolivary - interorbital - interosseous - interpalpebral - interpapillary - interparietal - interpeduncular - interphalangeal - interpolation - interpretation - interpupillary - switch - intercapsular - intersection - intersegmental - intersexual - interstice - intertitial - intersystole - intertarsal - intertrochanteric - interureteral - interval - intervascular - interventricular - intervertebral - intervillous - interstinum - intestine - intima - intolerance - intra-, intro- - intraabdominal - intraarterial - intraarticular - intraauricular - intrabronchial - intrabuccal - intracapsular - intracardiac - intracavitary - intracellular - intracerebral - intracervical - intracorpuscular - intracranial - intracutaneous - intradermal - intradermoreaction - intradural - intragastric - intraglandular - intrahepatic - intraintestinal - intralobular - intramural - intramuscular - intranuclear - intraocular - intraorbitory - intraovarian - intraparenchymatous - intrapelvic - intraperitoneal - intraplacental - intrapleural - intrapsychic - intrarachidian, intraspinal - intrarectal - intracostal - intrasellar - intrasynovial - intrathecal - intrathoracic - intratubal - intrauterine - intravascular - intravenous - intraventricular - intravesical - introjection - introspection - intubator - intumescence - intumescentia cervicalis, lumbalis - inulase - invagination - handicaped person, invalid - handicaped - invasion - inversion - homosexual - involuntary - involucrum - involution - iod-basedow - iodinated - iodine tincture - iodemia - hydrogen iodide - iododermia - iodic acid - iodism - iodoform - iodo-iodide - iodometry - iodinophil - iodophilia - iodopsin - iodotherapy - iodothyrosine - iodoventriculography - iodide - iodide - ioduria - ionization - ionize - ion count - ionometer - ion therapy - iono- - ion - iophobia - ipecacuanhinc - ipsilateral - irid-, irido- - iridalgia - iridectome - iridectomesodialysis - iridectropium - iridemia - iridencleisis - iridentropium - iridescent - iridic - iridocele - iridochoroiditis - iridocoloboma - iridoconstrictor - iridocorneosclerectomy - iridocyclectomy - iridocyclochoroiditis - iridodiagnosis - iridodialysis - iridodiastasis - iridodilator - iridodonesis - iridokeratitis - iridokinesis - iridomalacia - iridomotor - iridoperiphakitis - iridoplegia - iridopsia - iridoptosis - iridopupillary - iridorhexis - iridoschisis - iridosclerotomy - iridotomy - irisation - irisin - MRI - irradiation - irradiated - irreductible - irregular - irresponsible - irreversible - irrigator - irritable - irritation - isadelphus - Isambert's disease - isch- - ischialgia - ischiatic - ischiobulbar - ischiocavernous - ischiocele - ischiococcyeal - ischiodidymus - ischiophagus - ischioperineal - ischioprostatic - ischiopubiotomy - ischiorectal - ischiotrochanteric - ischuria - isciconia - Ishihara's test - isoagglutination - isoagglutinin - isoagglutinogen - isoantibody - isobaric - isocellular - isochromatic - isochroneous, isochronic - isochronism - isocoagulability - isocoria - isocortex - isocyclic - isocytosis - isodactylism - isodontic - isodynamism - isoelectric - isoenzyme - isogamy - isogenesis - isograft - isohemolysin - isohydria - isoiconia - isoimmunization - isolate - isolation - isolated - isolation - isoleucocytosis - isolysis - isolysine - isomerase - isomer - isomeric - isometropia - isomorphous - ioniazid - isonormocytosis - isoosmotic - isopathy - isoplasty - isoprecipitin - isoprenalin - isopter - isoscope - isoserotherapy - Isospora - isospora - isosthenuria - isothermal - isothermia - isothermognosia - isotonicity - isotonia - isotonic - isotope - isotoxin - isotransplantation - isotropic - isotropy - isotype - isovaleric acid - isovolumic - iso- - isthmectomy - isthmus - isthmoid - isuria - Itard probe - Itard-Cholewa sign - iteration - Ivemarck's syndrome - ebriety - Ixodides - ixodin - ixodism - jaborandi - crop - Jaboulay operation - Jaboulay operation - Jaccoud's syndrome - Osler's disease - Jackson's law - Jackson's sign - Jackson's syndrome - jacksonian - Jacob's ulcer - Jacobaeus operation - Jacobson's nerve - Jacobson's retinitis - diaper dermatitis - jactation - Jadassohn's anetoderma - Jadassohn-Lewandowski syndrome - Jadassohn-Tieche blue nevus - Jaesche operation - Jaffe-Lichtenstein disease - Jahnke's syndrome - jalafe - Janeway's lesion - janiceps - Jansen's sign - Japanese flood fever - jargonaphasia - Jarjavay's muscle - popliteal fossa - popliteal fossa - Jarvis operation - yellow - Jeanselme's nodules - jejunal - jejunectomy - jejunitis - jejunocecostomy - jejunoileitis - jejunoileostomy - jejunotomy - Jelks operation - Jellineck's sign - Jendrassik's maneuvre - Jendrassik's maneuvre - jennerian - jennerian - Jensen's retinochoroiditis juxtapapillaris - Jensen's classification - anogenital elephantiasis - snuffles - Jobert de Lamballe operation - Jocasta complex - Johne's stain - junctural - pelviureteric junction syndrome - hypoplastic anemia - joule - Judd operation - jugal - jugomaxillary - jugular - jujube fruit - twin - Jung's muscle - Jung's theory - Juster reflex - Jutte tube - juxtaarticular - juxtaepiphyseal - juxtaliminal - juxtapyloric - Kader operation - Kaiserling fixation - kala-azar - infantile kala-azar - intracellular potassium - kaliemia - kaliopenia - kalism - kaliuresis - kaliuria - kallac - kallikrein - kallikreinogen - Kamp's index - Kanavel's sign - Kanter's sign - kaolinosis - Kaposi's varicelliform eruption - Kasabach-Merritt syndrome - Kashin-Beck disease - Katz's index - Kaulla's test - Kawasaki's disease - Kayser-Fleischer ring - Kearns-Sayre syndrome - Japanese flood fever - Keegan operation - Keen operation - Keen's sign - Keidel tube - Keith-Flack node - Keller operation - Kelly speculum - Kelly operation - Kelly tube - kelotomy - Kempner diet - Kennedy's syndrome - kenophobia - kephyr - Kérandel's sign - kerat-, kerato- - keratalgia - keratectasia - keratectomy - keratinization - keratinocyte - keratocele - keratocentesis - keratoderma - keratogenesis - keratoglobus - keratohyalin - keratoid - keratoiridocyclitis - keratoiritis - keratolysis - keratomalacia - keratometer - keratomycosis - keratonyxis - keratoprotein - keratoprothesis - keratorhexis - keratoscope - keratoscopy - keratotomy - keraunophobia - Kerkringe's center - Kerley's lines - Kernig's sign - Kerr's sign - ketanserine - Key operation - kg - Kienböck's atrophy - Kienböck's phenomenon - Kisselbach's area - Killian operation - Killian tube - Killian speculum - kilo- - kilobase - kilocalorie - kilogram - kiloliter - kilovolt - kilowatt - kimo - Kimpton-Brown tube - paradoxical kinesia - kinesimeter - kinesism - kinesitherapist - kinesitherapy - kinesodic - kinesophobia - kinesthesiometer - kinetoscopy - King operation - King units - kinin - Kirk amputation - Kirk amputation - Kirmisson operation - Kirschner wire - Kirschner traction apparatus - Kirschner operation - Kirstein's method - kissing ulcer - Kitahara syndrome - Kitasato broth - Kitasato's filter - Kjeldahl method - Kleihauer's test - Klein's theory - kleptophobia - Kline's reaction - Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome - Knapp operation - Knapp forceps - Kobelt's tubules - Köbner phenomenon - Köbner's disease - Koch's phenomenon - Koch's law - Kocher's forceps - Kocher incision - Kocher maneuver - Kocher's operation - Kocher's sign - Kock's operation - Koeberlé operation - Koenig's syndrome - Koeppe's nodules - Köhler's bone disease - Kohlrausch folds - coilonychia - Koller's test - Kondoleon operation - copiopia - Koplick's sign - Korff fibers - Korovnikoff's disease - Korsakoff's psychosis - Kortzeborn operation - Kostman's syndrome - Kraepelin's classification - Kraske operation - Kraske position - kraurosis - Krause's bulb - Krause's corpuscule - Krause's membrane - Krause operation - Krimer operation - Krönlein's hernia - Kromayer's lamps - Kronecker's center - Kronecker's solution - Kronecker's center - Kronecker's solution - Krölein operation - Kr - kubisagari - Kuhn's mask - Kuhn's tube - Kühne's phenomenon - Kühne's stain - Kuhnt-Szymanowsky operation - Kulchitsky's cell - Kulenkampff anesthesia - Kundrat's lymphosarcomatosis - Kunitz's inhibitor - Kupressoff's center - Küss' chancre - Kussmaul's disease - Kussmaul respiration - Kussmaul's sign - Küster's hernia - cymograph - cymoscopy - Kyrle's disease - cystic - cystic - cystitoma - cystitomy - cysto-anastomosis - cystography - K - Labarraque's solution - Labbé's triangle - Labbé's vein - Labbé's operation - labile - lability - labioalveolar - labiomental - labionasal - Laborde forceps - labrocyte - labyrinthectomy - labyrinthic - lacus - Lacan's theory - laceration - tourniquet test - loose - lacrimal - lacrimatory - lacrimonasal - lacrimotome - lacrimotomy - lacrimo- - umbilical tape - lact- - lactacidemia - lactaciduria - lactarium - lactatemia - lactic - lactescent - lactiferous - lactic - lactivorous - lactoburyrometer - lactogenic - lactoglobulin - lactometer - lactone - lactoprotein - lactoscope - lactosemia - lactosuria - milky diet - lacunar - lacuna - lacunes - Laennec's cirrhosis - Laennec's hemoptoic infarctus - Laennec's sign - Lafora's disease - lageniform - lagena - lagophthalmos - Laimer-Hackermann area - Lain's syndrome - dairy product - roe - lalopathy - lalophobia - laloplegia - Lalouette's pyramid - Lamarck's theory - lambdacism - lambdoid - flap - lamina - lamella - lamelliform - laminated - slit lamp - quartz lamp - Lancaster's test - Lancaster's test - Lancefield classification - lanceolate - lancet - Lancisi's nerve - Landolfi's sign - Landolt operation - Landouzy-Déjerine syndrome - Landry's palsy - Lane operation - Lang's solution - Langenbeck incision - Langenbeck amputation - Langer's lines - Langer's axillary arch - Langerhan's cells - Langerhan's islets - Langhan's cells - Langhan's layer - laniary - Lannelongue operation - Lanz' point - lapar-, laparo- - laparectomy - laparocele - laparocholecystotomy - laparocolostomy - laparocolpohysterotomy - laparocystectomy - laparocystotomy - laparoenterostomy - laparoenterotomy - laparogastrostomy - laparohysterotomy - laparoplasty - laparorrhaphy - laparoschisis - laparosplenectomy - laparostat - La Peyronie's disease - lapsus - lac - lardaceous - tear - Laroyenne operation - Larrey amputation - Larrey operation - Larsen-Johansson's disease - cutaneous larva migrans creeping eruption - visceral larva migrans - larvate - laryng-, laryngo- - laryngalgia - laryngeal - laryngocele - laryngofissure - laryngograph - laryngography - laryngology - laryngologist - laryngomalacia - laryngonecrosis - laryngopathy - laryngopharyngitis - laryngophony - laryngoplasty - laryngoplegia - laryngoptosis - laryngeal puncture - laryngorrhagia - laryngorrhea - laryngoscleroma - laryngoscope - laryngostat - laryngostomy - laryngostroboscope - laryngotome - laryngotomy - laryngotracheal - laryngotracheitis - laryngotracheobronchoscopy - laryngotracheotomy - Lasègue's disease - Lasègue's sign - laser - factitious anaemia - latah - latency - latent - lateral - lateroabdominal - laterodeviation - lateroflexion - lateroposition - lateropulsion - laterotorsion - lateroversion - lathyrin - latrodectism - latrodectus - laudanum - Laugier's hernia - Laugier's signs - Launois-Bensaude disease - Launois-Cleret syndrome - Laurens operation - cherry-laurel - Lauth's violet - Laverania - Lawford's syndrome - Lawrence's syndrome - laxative disease - laxative - laxity - CSF - Leber's congenital amaurosis - Leboyer's technique - lecithinemia - lectin - Le Dentu suture - Lederer-Brill disease - Le Fort amputation - Le Fort fracture - Le Fort operation - Le Fort suture - legal - Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease - Legionnellaceae - forensic medicine specialist - legumin - Leiner's disease - leio- - leiodermia - Leiter's tube - Leitner's syndrome - Lembert's suture - lemmoblast - lemmocyte - lemniscus - Lempert operation - Lenègre's disease - lenitive - Lennander operation - Lennox-Gastaut syndrome - lenticonus - lenticular - lenticulostriate - lenticulothalamic - lentiform - lens - leontiasis - lepidic eruption - leprechaunism - leprous - leprid - leprology - leprologist - leproma - leprosarium - lepto- - leptocephaly - target cell - leptodactyly - Leptodera - leptoderma - pia-arachnoid - leptomeningioma - leptomeningitis - Leptomitus - leptophonia - leptoprosopia - leptorhinia - leptosome - leptospirosis icterohemorrhagica - leptotrichosis - Leptus - Leriche operations - Lermoyez's syndrome - lesbian - Leschke's syndrome - Leser-Trelat sign - lesion - lesional - lethality - mortigenous - leuk-, leuko- - leukanemia - leukemid - leukemic - leucinosis - leucinuria - leukoagglutinin - leukoblast - leukoblastic - leukoblastosis - leukocoria - leukocythemia - anakmesis - leukocyte - leukocytogenesis - leukocytolysis - leukocytolysin - white cell counter - leukocytopoiesis - leukocytotherapy - leukocyturia - leukoderma - leukodystrophy - leukoencephalitis - leukoerythroblastosis - leukogram - leukomain - leukomelanoderma - leucoma - leukomyelitis - leukonecrosis - leukonychia - leukopathy - leukopedesis - leukoplasia - leukoplast - leukorragia - leukosarcomatosis - leukosarcoma - leukoscope - leukosis - leukotaxin - leukotherapy - leukotome - leukotoxin - leukotrichia - leucotriene - Le Veen valve - levigation - Levin's tube - levocardiogram - levoduction - levogyral - levophoria - levo- - Levret's forceps - levulosemia - yeast - levurid - yeast-like - Lewis factor - lewisite - Lewy's body - Leyden-Moebius atrophy - Leyden-Moebius dystrophy - Lhermitte's sign - leiasthenia - Libman-Sacks syndrome - lichenification - lichenin - lichenoid - Lichtheim's plaques - Liddle's syndrome - Lieberkühn's glands - Liebermeister's rule - lien-, lieno- - lientery - Liesegang's phenomenon - Lieutaud's sinus - face lifting - ligamentopexy - ligand - ligase - line - ligroin - ligula - lilac ring - limbus - limbic - limen insulae - liminal - limiting membrane - outer limiting membrane - inner limiting membrane - audibility limit - Limnatis - limnology - limo- - citrin, limonene - limonine - limonite - limonite - fast - limo- - linalol - Lindbergh pump - Lindemann canula - Linguatula - linguatuliasis - lingula - linguodental - liniment - linitis - linkage - linolein - Linton operation - Linton's tube - lipacidemia - lipaciduria - liparocele - lipasemia - lipasuria - lipid - lipidogram - lipiododiagnosis - lipoarthritis - lipoatrophy - lipoblastome - lipocaic hormone - lipocele - lipochrome - lipocyte - lipedemia - lipofibroma - lipogranulomatosis - lipogranuloma - lipoid - lipoidic - dyslipidosis - lipoic acid - lipolytic - lipomicron - lipopexia - lipophagia - lipophanerosis - lipophilia - liposoluble - liposome - lipothymia - lipotrophic - lipotrophy - lipovaccine - lipoxanthine - lipoxenia - Lipschütz bodies - Lipschütz disease - lipuria - liquefacient - liquefaction - liquefiable - liquor - fluid - liquid - Lisfranc tubercle - Lisfranc joint - Lisfranc amputation - Lissauer's marginal zone - listeriosis - Listing's law - Listing's plane - Liston knife - Liston operation - Liston forceps - lith-, litho- - lithagogue - litharge - lithectasy - lithectomy - lithemia - lithin - lithic - lithocenosis - lithogenesis - litholabe - lithology - lithomalacia - lithometer - Fetal Tissue, Fetus, Fetuses, lithopedion, Mummified Fetus, Retained Fetus - lithoscope - lithotomy - lithotresis - lithotriptor - liter - Littre's hernia - Littre's glands - littritis - Litzmann's obliquity - livedo - livedoid - livetin - Livi's index - livid - lividity - lixiviation - Lizar operation - Lloyd's syndrome - Lloyd's sign - lobe - lobectomy - lobitis - Lobo's disease - lobule - lobulization - lobulitis - local - localizer - localization - lochia - lochiometrIa - Locke's solution - looked-in syndrome - Lockhart-Mummery operation - Loewenberg forceps - Löffler's endocarditis - Löffler's methylene blue - Löffler's coagulated serum medium - Löffler's syndrome - Löfgren's syndrome - logetron - logoclonia - orthophony - logophobia - logorrhea - lumbar - lumbarization - loin - lombosacral - lumbago-sciatica - orthopedic lumbar corset - lombotomy - roundworm - lumbrical - lumbricoid - lumbricosis - long - longilineal - longitudinal - Longmire operation - Longuet operation - Looser's transformation zone - Looser-Milkman syndrome - liphodont - liphotrichous - loquacity - Lorain-Lewis dwarfism - Lorenz operation - Loreta operation - loretin - lotion - Louis' law - Loven reflex - Löwe's ring - Lowe's syndrome - Löwenstein culture medium - Lower's tubercule - Lowsley operation - Lu - Lubarsch-Pick syndrome - Lubenau's medium - Luc forceps - Lucas-Championnière method - Lucatello's sign - Luciani's triad - lucid - luciferin - lucifugal - Lucilia - lucitis - Ludloff's sign - Ludloff osteotomy - Ludwig's plane - Luer syringe - lues - Lugol solution - lumen - lunula - lupanin - Lupin - lupic - lupoid - lupoma - lupus - foramen of Luschka - rectouterine muscle - Lust's sign - luteal - luteinic - lutidin - dislocation - luxuriant - Luys' body syndrome - Luys' body - lyase - lycaconitin - lycanthropy - lycotonin - lycopene - lycopenemia - lycopodin - Lyell syndrome - Lyme's disease - lymphadenia - lymphadenoid - lymphagogue - lymphogiectomy - lymphangiofibroma - lymphangiology - lymphangiophlebitis - lymphangioplasty - lymphatic - lymphoblast - lymphoblastoma - lymphoblastosarcoma - lymphoblastosis - lymphocyte - lymphocythemia - lymphocytopoiesis - acute infectious lymphocytis - lymphocytotoxin - lymphodermia - lymphoepithelioma - lymphogenesis - lymphogenesis - lymphogranulomatosis - benign lymphogranuloma - venereal lymphogranuloma - lymphoid - lymphokine - lymphology - lymphomatosis - mediterranean lymphoma - lymphopathy - lymphophilic - lymphoproliferative - lymphoreticulosis - lymphorrhea - lymphosarcomatosis - lymphostasis - lymphuria - Lynch's syndrome - lyophil - lyophobia - lyotropic - lyra - lysate - lysate vaccine - lysis - -lysis - lysidin - lysogenic - lysis - lysogenization - lysolecithin - lytic - Lytta vesicatoria - macalin - Mac Arthur's incision - Mac Arthur's operation - Mac Burney incision - Mac Burney's point - Mac Burney's sign - Mac Burney operation - Mac Carthy's reflex - Mac Clintock's sign - Mac Conkey's agar - Mac Conkey's broth - Mac Cormac's reflex - Mac Dougal's rule - maceration - Mac Ewen's operations - Mac Ewen's sign - Mac Ewen's triangle - Mac Gill operation - Mach's syndrome - munching - Mac Intyre's electrode - Mackenrodt operation - Mackenrodt incision - Mackenzie amputation - macro- - macrobacteria - macrobial - macrobiosis - macroblast - macrobrachia - macrocephaly - macrocheilia - macrocheiria - macrocolon - macrocosm - macrocytic - macrocyte - macrocytosis - macrodactylia - macrodontia - macroesthesia - macrogamete - macrogametocyte - macrogamy - gastromegaly - macrogenitosomia precox - macroglobulin - macrognathe - macrography - macrolymphocyte - macromania - macromastia - macromelia - macromere - macronychia - macrophagocyte - macrophthalmia - macroplasia - macropodia - macroprosopia - macrorhinia - macroscopy - macroscelia - macrosome - macrosomia - macrosplanchnic - macrospore - macrostereognosia - macrothrombocyte - macrotia - macula - macula - maculopapule - madarosis - Maddock's syndrome - Maddock's rod - Maddock's prism - Madelung's deformity - Madlener sterilization - Mafucci's syndrome - Magendie's foramen - magenta - magistral - Magitot's disease - magma - Magnan's sign - magnesemia - magnesite - magnesuria - magnetism - Mahler's sign - Maier's sinus - male ý mid-wife ý - Maisonneuve's sign - Maisonneuve uretrotome - Maissiat band, tract - Majocchi's disease - Makka operation - Malacarne's pyramid - malacia - malacia - malacic - malaco- - ailing - malar - malaise - malaise - malaria therapy - malarian - Malassez's rests - malate - Malecot catheter - malformation - Malgaigne hook - Malgaigne fracture - Malgaigne operation - Malherbe's epithelioma - malignancy - mali-mali - malignant - malic acid - Mall's equation - mallear - mallein - malleinization - malleolar - malleolus - Malleomyces - malleotomy - malleus hammer - malonic acid - malonyl - barbituric acid - Malpighi's capsula - malpighian layer - malposition - maltase - maltoside - maltosuria - mal - nipple - mamilloplasty - mammary - mammalia - Manchester colporrhaphy, Manchester operation - mandelic acid - mandibular - Mandl's solution - mandragorin - guide wire - manducation - manganism - maniac - mannerism - manipulation - gene manipulation - Mann's sign - Mann-Bollman fistula - manna - lichen-manna - Mannkopf's sign - maneuver - manometer - Manson's schistosomiasis - Manson's pyosis - Manson's solution - Mansonia - mantle - Mantoux test - manubrium mallei - manual - Manz's disease - marasmic - Maraýon's sign - Marburg's hemorrhagic fever - Marchesani's disease - Marchi's balls - Marchi's method - Marchiafava-Bignani syndrome - Marechal's test - Marey's laws - Marfan's method - Marfan's syndromes - Marfan's malignant syndrome - Margaropus annulatus - anal margin - margination - Mariano operation - Marion's disease - Mariotte's experiment - Mariotte-Boyle law - marisca - Marjolin's ulcer - marmoreal - tumour markers - tracer - marsupialization - ear's hammer - area martegiani - hammering - Martin's speculum - Martin-Petit serodiagnostic test - Martinotti cells - Martorell's syndrome - Marwedel gastrostomy, Marwedel operation - masculinity - maser - mask - mass - masseter - masseteric - massotherapy - mast-, masto- - mastalgia - Master's two-step exercise test - Masters-Allen syndrome - mastic - masticatory - masticatory - mastigont - mast cell, mastocyte - mastodynia - mastography - mastoidectomy - mastoidal - mastoidotomy - mastopathy - mastopexy - mastoplasia - mastoptosis - mastorrhagia - mastosis - Matas operation - maté - water bed - Lembert's suture - materialism - modified - matter - dullness - matrass - matrix - Mattei's method - maturation - mature - maturity - Maurier's dots - Mauriac's syndrome - Mauriceau's maneuver - Mauthner's membrane - mauvein - endemic typhus - maxillary rami - maxillitis - maxillodental - maxillolabial - maxillopalatine - May's sign - Maydl operations - Mayer's speculum - May-Grünwald-Giemsa stain - Mayo's scissors - Mayo operations - ground itch - primary peripartum cardiomyopathy - meatus - meatoscopy - meatotomy - mechanism - mechanism - mechanogram - mechanotherapy - wick - Meckel's cartilage - Meckel's cavity - Meckel's plane - meconate - meconidin - meconic acid - meconism - physician - media - medial - median - medial necrosis - mediastinotomy - chemical mediator - mediate - medical - drug - medication - medicinal - forensic - medius middle finger - medroxy progesterone acetate - medullary - medullization - medulloblast - marrow culture - spinifugal - spinipetal - medulloadrenal - medulloadrenal - medullosuprarenaloma - medusa - Mees' lines - بادِئَه بِمَعْنى: عَظيمmegal- - congenital dilatation of renal pelvis - megacalycosis - megakaryoblast - megakaryocite - megacaryocytosis - megalocephalic - megacurie - megadolichocolon - megaelectronvolt - megalogastria - megalencephaly - megalocornea - megalocyte - megalocytosis - megalodactylia - megalomaniac - megalomania - megalomelia - megalophtalnos - megalopodia - megaloplanchnia - megalosplenia - megalosyndactyly - megaloprosopous - megaseme - megasigmoid - megaloureter - megavolt - mega- - meibomitis - Meige's syndrome - Meissner's corpuscles - melalgia - melanemia - Melania - melanidrosis - melaniferous - melanic - melanoblast - neurocutaneous melanoma - melanocyte - melanoderma - melanodermatitis - melanoepithelioma - melanogen - melanoglossia - melanoid - melanomatosis - melanonychia - melanogenic disease - melanophorous - melanoplakia - melanosarcomatosis - melanosarcoma - melanotrichia - melan-, melano- - melanuria - Meleda's disease - meli- - meliceric - melicera - melissophobia - melitin - melituria - Meller operation - melomelus - melitridymus - Meltzer's sign - Meltzer's anesthesia - membrana suprapleuralis - membranelle - limb - menadiol - Shenton's lines - Mendel's laws - Mendelson's syndrome - Ménétrier's syndrome - Ménétrier's disease - Menge operation - Menge's pessary - recurrent aural vertigo - recurrent aural vertigo - mening-, meningo- - meningoblastoma - meningococcemia - meningocortical - meningocortical - meningoencephalocele - meningoencephalomyelitis - meningomalacia - meningomyelitis - meningopathy - meningoradiculitis - meningeal typhus - meninguria - meniscal - meningectomy - menisitis - meniscography - meniscopexia - meno- - menometrorrhagia - menorrhea - menostasis - temperature curve - menstrual - menses - menstruum - mensuration - mentagre - mentality - menthene - mentism - mentolabial - mephitic - mepivacain - meprobanate - meralgia - mercaptan - mercapto- - Mercier operation, Mercier prostatectomy - Mercier catheter - mercurous - mercurialism - mercurial - mercuric - merergasia - -mere - meridian - meristic - Merkel's corpuscle - Merkel's disk - mero- - meroblastic - merocrine - merocept - merodiastolic - merogony - merosystolic - merotomy - merozoite - mero- - merycism - Merzbacher-Pelizaeus' disease - mesangial - mesangium - mesarteritis - mesaticephalic - mescal - mesoectoblast - mesoectoderm - mesencephalitis - mesenterectomy - mesenteritis - mesenterium commune - mesentoderm - mesial - mesioclusion - mesio- - meso- - mesoappendix - mesocardium - mesocarpal - Varolius' bridge - mesochondrium - mesocolopexy - mesocyst - mesodermal disease - mesodiastolic - mesoduodenum - mesoepididymis - mesogastrium - mesognathic - Mesogonimus - mesology - mesomelic - mesomere - mesometrium - mesomorphic - mesoneuritis - meson - mesotipellic - mesophilic - mesophlebitis - mesopic - mesoporphyrin - mesoproscopic - mesorchium - mesorectum - mesorhine - mesosalpinx - mesoseme - mesosternum - mesosystolic - mesotendineum - mesovarium - messenger - meta- - metanalysis - metabiosis - metabolimeter - metabolite - metachromatic - metachromatism - metakinesia - metacresol - meta-critical - metagenesis - metal - metalloid - metallophobia - metalloprotein - metamere - metamerism - metameric - metamorphosis - metamphetamine - metamyelocyte - metanephros - metaphyseal - metaphysis - metaplasm - metapneumonic - metapophysis - metapsychology - metarteriol - metaspermatogenis - metastable - metastatic - Metastrongylus - metatarsectomy - metatarsophalangeal - metatopia - metatrophic - metatypical - metaxenic - metazoon - meta- - meteorization - meteorism - meteorosensitive - meteoropathy - meteorotropic - metahemoglobin reductase - metahemoglobin - metahemoglobinuria - methenamine sulfosalicylate - metacarbamol - method - methodism - methodology - methylamine - methylarsonic acid - methyl - methylene - methylhydantoin - methylidyne - methylic - methylmercaptan - Methylcoccus - methylsergide - half-breed, half-caste - metopagus - metopion - metr- - metreurynter - metritis - metrocele - metrology - metromania - metronoscope - metropathy - metroperitonitis - metrorrhea - metrorrhexis - metrosalpingitis - Metzenbaum's scissors - Meyer's test - Meyer's sinus - Meyer's theory - Meyer-Betz disease - Meyerhof pathway - Meyers-Kouwenaar syndrome - Meynert's cell - Meynert's tractus - Meynet's nodes - miasma - Mibelli's porokeratosis - micella - Michaelis' rhomboid - Michel's forceps - microadenopathy - microaerophilic - microalbuminuria - microanalysis - microangiopathy - microbacterium - Microbacterium - microbe - microbiocidal - microbial - microbiophobia - microblast - microblepharion - microbranchia - microcardia - microcaulia - microcephalous - microcephalia - microchelia - microcinematography - microclimatology - microcolon - microcoria - microcornea - microcosm - microcurie - microcyte - microcytemia - microcytosis - microdactylia - microdontia - microdose - microfarad - microflora - microgamete - microgametocyte - microgamy - microgastria - microgenesis - microgenia - microgenitalism - micrognathia - microgonioscope - microgram - micrograph - micrography - microgyria - microscopic hematuria - microcyst - microlithiasis - microliter - micromania - micromastia - micromelia - micromere - micromethod - micrometer - micrometry - micromole - microphage - microphakia - microphobia - microphonia - microphotograph - microphtalmia - microphysics - microphyte - micropia - micropipet - micropodia - micropolyadenopathy - microprecipitation - microprosopus - micropyle - microchidia - microrefractometer - microrhinia - microscope - microsmatic - microsome - microsomia - microspectroscope - microspherocyte - microspherocytosis - microsphygmia - microsporidan eruption - microsporia - microsthesia - microstomy - microthelia - microtome - microtonometer - microtrauma - microvillus - microviscosimeter - microvolt - microzoon - micro- - related to urination - micturation - milium - Millar's asthma - Millard-Gubler paralysis - Miller-Abott's tube - milli- - milliamperemeter - milliampere - millicurie - milliequivalent - milligram - Millikan-Siekert syndrome - milliliter - millimicron - millimole - milliosmole - Millon's reagent - mimic - mineralization - mineralocorticoid - neck brace - Mingazzini-Förster operation - auditory theshold - minio - Minkowski-Chauffard syndrome - Minot's disease - miracidium - mirage - nitrobenzene - mirror - misanthropia - miscible - misoandria - misogamy - misogyny - misoneism - Mitchell's disease - mithridatism - mitogen - mito- - mitral - mitral valvular inflammation - mixed - mixture - MMPI test - mnemic - متنقل, منتقل, مُتَحَرِّك، مُتَنَقِّل, نقّالmobile - mobilization - تحركية, حَرَكِيَّه، قابِلِيَّة الحَرَكهَmobility, motility - modifier - modiolus - modulation - MODY syndrome - Möbius sign - Möbius syndromes - Moeller's glossitis - Moeller-Barlow disease - mogilalia - mogiphasia - stump - mold, mould - molality - molarity - خلدgram molecule, mol, mole - mole - molecule - Mollaret's meningitis - calf - molluscum - molysmophobia - mummy - mummification - monad - Monadidetes - Monakow's syndrome - monaural - Mönckeberg's degeneration - Mönckeberg's arteriosclerosis - Mondor's disease - monera - Monge's disease - mongolian - monilethrix - moniliform - monism - monitor - monitoring - Monneret's pulse - Monnina - mono- - monoacid - monoamine oxydase - monoamine - monarthritis - monoatomic - monoaxial - monobasic - monoblast - monoblepsia - monocephalus - monochorea - monochorionic - monochromasy - monochromatic - monochromophilic - monocle, single eyeglass - monoclonal - monococcus - monocytic - monocytopenia - monocytosis - monodactilia - monogamia - monogastric - monogenesis - monohybrid - monomania - monomelic - monomeric - monomorphous - monomphalus - mononevritis - mononuclear - mononucleosis - mononucleoside - mononucleosis syndromes - mononucleotide - monoovarian - monoparesthesia - monophasia - monophasic - monophyodont - monophobia - monophthalmic - monophthalmus - monopodia - monopsia - monorchia, monorchidism - monorrhinic - monosome - monosomic - monosymptomatic - monosynaptic - single drug treatment - monotrichus - monotropic - monovalent - monoxenic - monoxyde - monozygotic, monozygous - monster - monstruosity - Monteggia's dislocation - Montgomery's glands - monticulus cerebelli - Moon's molar - Moore's fracture - Moore-Corradi operation - Mooren's ulcer - MOPP - Morand's spur - Morax-Axenfeld diplococcus - morbid - morbilleus - morbilliform - morbus coxae senilis - mordant - pricking, tingling - Morestin operation - Morgagni's tubercul - Morgagni's valves - Morgagni-Morel syndrome - morphinomania - morpho- - morphogeny - morphography - morphology - morphometry - morphoplasm - morphopsychology - morphosis - morphotype - Morguio's disease - morrhuate - bite, morsus - mortar - mortification - fetal death rate - stillborn - Morton's disease - morulation - analgesic panaris - mosaic - Moschcowitz operations - Moschowitz's sign - Motais operation - motor - motoneuron - motoricity - soft - floaters - fly - bruit de moulin - moss - mosquito - moxa - STD - muavin - mucopolysaccharidase - mucedin - Much's granules - acute lichenoid pityriasis - Mucha's disease - Mucha-Haberman's disease - mucicarmine - mucidin - muciform - mucilage - mucilaginous - mucinase - mucinoid - mucinuria - muciparous - mucic acid - Mückle and Wells syndrome - mucocartilage - mucoclasis - mucocutaneous - mucography - mucoid - mucosulfuric acid - mucolysine - Munro's point - mucous - respiratory murmur - Murphy's sign - musk - Musca - musculine - musculocutaneous - musculomembranous - musculotendinous - vaginal part of the cervix - musicomania - musicotherapy - Musset's sign - mussitation - Mussy's point - my-, myo- - myalgia - myatonia - myatrophy - mycelian - mycete - myceto- - mycobacteriosis - Mycoderma - mycodermotherapy - mycosis - mycotic - mycosis - mycostatic - mycotoxin - myco- - mydaleine - mydriatic - myectomy - myectopia - myelo- - myelemia - myelencephalitis - myelinization - myelinogenesis - myelolysis - myeloblastemia - myeloblastosis - myelocystocele - myelocystomeningocele - myelocytic - myelocyte - myelocythemia - myeloblastoma - myelocytosis - myelogenic, myelogenous - myelopathia - myeloplax - myeloplaxoma - myeloradiculitis - myelorrhaphy - myelosarcoma - myelosclerosis - myelosis - myelotome - myelotomy - myelotoxic - myoalbumin - myoblast - myoendocarditis - myoepithelial - myofibril - myofibrosis - myofilament - myogenic - myringotomy - mytacism - mythomaniac - mythophobia - mytilotoxism - mytilotoxin - myx-, myxo- - myxadenitis - myxadenoma - myxoblastoma - myxocystoma - myxodermia - myxofibrosarcoma - myxomatous - myxomatosis - myxomyoma - myxopoiesis - myxorrhea - NA - Na - Naboth's cysts - Naegele's pelvis - Naegeli's syndrome - Naffziger operation - Naga's ulcer - Nageotte's cell - nanocormia - nanogram - nanomelia - nanometer - nano- - naphthalene - naphtha - naphtolate - naphthol - napiform - Narath omentopexy, Narath operation - narceine - narco- - narcoanalysis - narcohypnosis - narcomania - naris, nostril - nasal - nasion - naso-antral - naso-antritis - naso-oral - nasofrontal - nasograph - nasolabial - nasolacrymal - nasomanometer - nasopalatine - naso- - Nasse's law - natality - natal - native - clunial - natremia - natrium - natriuretic - natriuria - sodium deficiency - naturalism - naturalist - nauseant - nauseous - navicular - nebulization - nebulizer - necro- - necrocytosis - necrocytotoxin - necrogenous - necrology - necrolysis - necromania - necromimesis - necrophagous - necrophilous - necrophilia - necrophobia - necrotic - necrotomy - neencephalon - negative - negativism - negatron - negatoscope - Negri's bodies - Negro's phenomenon - neisserian - Neisser-Wechsberg's phenomenon - Nélaton's fibers - Nélaton's tumor - Nélaton's probe - Nélaton operations - Nelson's syndrome - Nelson's test - Nementhelminthes - Nementocera - nematocide - Nementoda - nematospermia - neoarthrosis - neocerebellum - neodarwinism - neodiathermy - neofetus - neoformative - neoformation - neoformed - neogenesis - neohippocratrism - neologism - neomathusianism - neomembrane - neomorphism - neonatal - neophilia - neophobia - neophrenia - neoplasia - neoplastic - neoplasm - neoplasty - Neosporideae - neostomy - neoteny - neothalamus - neo- - nephel-, nephelo- - nebula - nephelometer - nephelopia - nephr-, nephro- - nephralgia - nephrectasia - nephritic - nephritic - nephroangiosclerosis - nephroblastoma - renal adenocarcinoma - nephrocele - nephrocolopexy - nephrocoloptosis - nephrocystanastomosis - adenocarcinoma of renal tubes - nephrogram - nephrography - nephrolith - nephrolithotomy - nephrologist - nephrolysis - nephrolysine - nephromalacia - nephroma - nephromegaly - nephron - nephropexy - nephrophthisis - nephroptosis - nephropyelolithotomy - nephropyeloplasty - nephropyosis - nephrorrhagia - nephrorrhaphy - nephrostoma - nephrostomy - nephrotome - nephrotomy - nephrotomography - nephro-ureterectomy - nerve - Nernst's potential - nerol - neroli, orange flower oil - nervous - nervimotor - nervimotility - nervimotion - nervi nervorum - nervone - Netherton's syndrome - Neuber operation - Neufeld's reaction - Neufeld's phenomenon - Neumann's disease - Neumann's cell - Neumann's sheath - neur-, neuro- - neural - neurapophysis - neurapraxia - neurectomy - neurine - neuroanastomosis - neuro-anemic syndrome - neuroblast - neurocardiac - neurosurgeon - neurocranium - neurocrinia - neuroendocrine - neuroepithelial - neuroepithelium - neurofibrilla - neurogenesis - neurogenic - neurogliosis - neurohistology - neurohormone - neuroid - neurokeratin - neurokeratin - neurolobyrinthitis - neuroleptic - neurologist - peripheral neurolymphomatosis - neurolysis - neurilysin - neurolytic - neuromalacia - neuromatosis - neuromelitococcisis - neuromere - neuromimesis - neuromuscular - neuromyelitis - neuromyositis - neuron - neuronophage - neuronophagia - neuro-ophthalmology - neuro-otology - neuropathy - neurophysin - neuroplasm - neuroplasty - neuroprobasia - neuropsychiatrist - neuropsychiatry - neuropsychopharmacology - neuroradiology - neurorrhaphy - neurosclerosis - neurosome - neurospongium - central nervous system stimulant - neurotabes - neurotmesis - neurotome - neurotomy - neurotony - neurotoxin - neurotoxic - neurotransmission - neurotripsy - neurotropic - neurotrophy - neurotropism - neurovascular - neurovegetative - neurula - neutralization - neutrality - neutral - neutrocyte - neutron - neutrophilic - neutrophilia - neutrotaxis - neurascis - neuroglial - neurosis - neurotic - Newcastle's disease - newton - niche - nickel-chromium - Nicol's prism - Nicolas-Favre disease - nicotianin - nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide phosphate - nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide - nicotinic - nicotinism - nictitation - nictitating - Nielsen's syndrome - Niemann-Pick cell - Nievergelt's syndrome - nigrities - nigrosin - nihilism - Nikolsky's sign - niphablepsia - Nissls bodies - Nissls degeneration - nitr-, nitro- - nitrate - nitre - nitrous - nitrifying - nitrification - nitrite - Nitrobacteriaceae - nitrobacterium - nitrobenzene - nitroblue tetrazolium test - nitromersol - nitrosamine - nitrobacterium - Nitrosococcus - nitrosourea - isoelectric level - NNN medium - nocardiosis - nociceptor - nociceptive - noxius - nodal - nodosity - nodular - nodule - nodule - noetic - knot, node - Noguchi's reagent - black - diploid number - haploid number - nomography - non-disjonction - Nonne's syndrome - Nonne-Apelt reaction - Nonne-Marie syndrome - Nonne-Milroy-Meige syndrome - non-occlusion - nonviable - nootropic - Noonan's syndrome - noradrenergic - normalization - normal - norm - normergic - normoblast - normocapnia - normochromic - normochromia - normocrinic - normocyte - normocytosis - normodronic - normoglycemic - lipid lowering drug - normosthenuria - normotensive - normotopic - normotopia - normal blood volume - nosencephalus - nosocomial - nosoconiasis - nosogeography - nosology - nosometry - nosophilia - nosophobia - nosophyte - Nosopsyllus - nosotaxy - nosotherapy - nosotoxicosis - nosotoxin - noso- - not-, noto- - notancephalia - notencephalocele - Nothnagel's syndromes - Nothnagel's sign - notomelus - nodule - nucleus - nubecula - nubile - nuchal - Nück canal - nuclear - nuclease - nuclide - nucléiform - nuclein - nucleic acid - nucleoid - nucleolar - nucleolus - nucleolin - nucleolonema - nucleon - nucleonics - nucleoplasm - nucleosidase - nucleoside - nucleotidase - nucleotide - abducens nucleus - nucleus pulposus - nudophobia - nucleophagocytosis - nulligravida - nullipara - count - atomic number - nummular - Bennett's cupuscle - nape of the neck - Nussbaum's cell - nutation - nutrient - electric feeding pump - nutritious - nutritionist - nutrition - nyctalgia - nyctalope - nyctaphonia - nyctohemera - nyctophobia - Nyctotherus - Nygaard's disease - nymphectomy - nympha - nymphitis - nympholepsy - nymphomania - nymphotomy - Nyssorhynchus - nystagmiform - nystagmograph - nystagmography - nystagmus - Nysten's law - nevocarcinoma - nevoid - nevic - nevolipoma - O'Beirne's tube - obelion - Ober operation - obese - obex - objective - test-object - obligate - oblique - obliquity - obliteration - oblong - Obrinsky's syndrome - obsession - obstetrical - obstructive - obstruction - obturator - obturation - obtusion - occipitalization - occipital - occipito-atloid - occipitobasilar - occipitobregmatic - occipitocervical - occipitofrontal - occipitomastoid - occipitomental - occipitoparietal - occipitotemporal - occipitothalamic - occiput - occlusal - occlusive - occlusion - ocellus, simple eye, stemma - ochlophobia - ochrodermatosis - ochrodermia - ochrometer - octane - octavalent - ocul-, oculo- - ocularist - ophthalmologist - oculistics - oculocephalogyric - oculofacial - oculogyric - oculometroscope - oculomotor - oculonasal - oculopalpebral - oculoreaction - oxytocic - odaxesmus - odditis - odor - odont-, odonto- - odontiasis - odontitis - odontoblast - odontocia - odontogenous - odontogeny - odontogram - odontoid - odontolith - odontology - odontonecrosis - odontopathy - odontorrhagia - odontoscope - odontotechny - odontotherapy - odontotomy - odontoid - odoriferous - odoriferous - O'Dwyer tube - odynophagia - edematous - edematized - enomania - esocardiogram - fiberscope oesophagoscopy - esophagism - esophagoduodenostomy - esophagoenterostomy - esophagogastrostomy - esophagojejunogastrostomy - esophagomalacia - esophagopathy - esophagorrhaphy - esophagotomy - OEstrideae - officinal - dispensary - Ogino-Knaus law - Ogino-Knauss method - Ogston operation - Ogston-Luc operation - Oguchi's disease - Ohara's disease - oikophobia - oidiomycosis - ole-, oleo- - oleaginous - olecranon - olefin - olein - oleoma - oleometer - elaiopathy - oleoresin - oleosachrum - oleovitamin - olfactie - olfactory - olfactometry - olfactometer - oligoarthritis - oligoasthenospermia - oligocholia - oligochromemia - oligocythemia - oligodactylia - oligodendrocyte - oligodipsia - oligodynamic - trace element - oligohidrosis - oligolecithal - oligometallic - oligomorphic - oligophrenia - oligoplasmia - oligopnea - oligoposia - oligosaccharide - oligosaccharidosis - oligosideremia - oligotrophia - oligo- - olivary - olive - Olliers raspatory - Ollier-Thierschs graft - Olmer's disease - Olshausen operations - Olshevsky's tube - omacephalus - omarthritis - umbilical - umbilication - umbilicate - Ombrédanne operation - Ombrédanne's syndrome - ombrophobia - omental - omentectomy - omentitis - omentopexy - omentoplasty - omentorrhaphy - omentosplenopexy - omentotomy - general practitioner - omnivorous - omo- - omoclavicular - Omodei-Zorini's disease - omophagia - omosternal - omotocia - omphal-, omphalo- - omphalectomy - omphalitis - omphaloma - omphalomesenteric - omphalopagus - omphalophlebitis - omphalorrhagia - omphalorrhea - omphalorrhexis - omphalosite - omphalotomy - omphalotribe - omphalotripsy - ounce - oncocyte - oncogenic - oncology - oncological - oncologist - oncolysis - oncometry - oncosis - oncosphere - oncostatic - oncotic - oncotomy - oncotropic - onco- - wave - herzian waves - Ondine's curse - undulation - undulatory - fingertip numbness - xanthomychia - nail - ointment - oniomania - oneiric - oneirism - oniro-analysis - oneirodynia - oneirology - oneiroscopy - onomatology - onomatomania - onomatophobia - onomatopoiesis - ontogeny - onyalai - onych-, onycho- - onychalgia - onychatrophia - onychauxis - onychia - onychoclasis - onychocryptosis - onychograph - onychogryphosis - onychogenic - onychomadesis - onychomalacia - onychoma - osteo-onychodysplasy - onychopathy - onychophagy - onychophyma - onychoptosis - onychorrhexis - onychoschizia - onychosis - onychotomy - onychotrophy - onychoid - onyxis - oo- - oocinete - oocyesis - oocyst - oogamy - oolith - oophorohysterectomy - oophoroma - oophororrhaphy - oophorosalpingectomy - ooplasma - oosperm - oospore - opacification - opalescent - opaline - opaque - opeidoscope - operable - operant - operator - operation - opercular - operculum - ophiasis - ophidiophobia - ophidism - ophiotoxemia - ophiotoxin - ophryon - ophtalm-, ophtalmo- - ophthalmalgia - ophthalmic - ophthalmoblennorrhea - ophthalmocopia - ophthalmodesmitis - ophthalmodiagnosis - ophthalmodiaphanoscope - ophthalmodiastimeter - ophthalmodonesis - ophthalmodynamometer - ophthalmodynia - ophthalmophantom - ophthalmography - ophthalmoleukoscope - ophthalmologic - ophthalmologist - ophthalmomalacia - ophthalmometer - ophthalmometry - ophthalmometroscope - ophthalmomycosis - ophthalmomyiasis - ophthalmomyitis - ophthalmomyotomy - ophthalmopathy - ophthalmophacometer - ophthalmoplasty - ophthalmoreaction - ophthalmorrhagia - ophthalmorrhexis - ophthalmoscope - ophthalmostat - ophthalmotomy - ophthalmotonometry - ophthalmotoxin - ophthalmotrope - ophthalmotropometry - ophthalmotropometer - opiate - opiomaniac - opiomania - opisthion - opisthogenia - opisthognathism - opisthotonos - opocephalus - opodidymus - opotherapy - Oppenheim dermatitis - Oppenheim's sign - opposition - oppression - opsigenes - opsiometer - opsiuria - opsoclonia - opsomania - opsonine - opsonization - opsonophilia - opsonophoric - opt-, opto- - optometrist - optician - optic - optogram - optometer - optomyometer - optometer - optophone - optotype - oral - orange - ora serrata - Orbeli's phenomenon - orbicular - orbiculus ciliaris - orbitonasal - orbitopagus - orbitostat - orbitotemporal - orbitotomy - Obivirus - orcein - orchi-, orchido- - orchialgia - orchichorea - orchidoepididymectomy - orchidopexy - orchidoplasty - orchidoptosis - orchidorrhaphy - orchidotherapy - orchidotomy - orchiepididymitis - orchiocele - Orchis - orcin - computer - prescription - ordinate - order - atrium - orexigenic - external genital organs - organ - organicism - organic - organizer - organization - organized - organism - organelle - organogen - organogenetic - organography - organoid - organology - organometallic - organonomy - organopathy - organopexy - organophilic - organoplasty - organoscopy - organotaxis - organotropic - organotropy - sty - orifice - ENT ear-nose-throat - oro- - orolingual - toe - Orth's solution - normal hearing - orthergasia - orthesis - orthobiosis - orthocephalic - orthochromatic - orthochromia - orthochromophil - orthodactylous - orthodiagram - orthodiagraphy - orthodiascopy - orthodontist - orthogenesis - orthognanthic - orthognathism - orthograde - orthometer - orthopedic surgeon - orthopercussion - orthophony - speech therapist - orthophoria - orthophrenia - orthopia - orthopnea - orthoptic - orthoptist - orthoptoscope - orthoscope - orthoscopy - orthoskiagraphy - orthostatic - orthostatism - orthotrophy - ortho- - orthuria - Ortner's syndrome - Ortolani's sign - osamine - osazone - oscheitis - oscheo- - oscheocele - oscheolith - oscheoma - oscheoplasty - oscillator - oscillation - oscillatory - oscillogram - oscillograph - oscillometer - oscillopsia - oscilloscope - oscitating - ose - Osgood-Schlatter's disease - oside - Osler's node - Osler's phenomenon - Osler's disease - osmatic - osmesthesia - osmodysphoria - osmole - osmology - osmometer - osmonocivity - osmophobia - osmoreceptor - osmotaxis - osmotic - osmo - osphresiolagnia - osphresio- - ossein - osseomucin - bony, osseous - ossiculectomy - ossiculotomy - ossification - ossified - ossifluent - ossiform - osteoclastic - oste-, osteo- - ostalgia - osteal - infectious osteoarthritis - osteoarthropathy - osteoarticular - osteoblast - osteocampsia - osteochondral - osteocele - osteochondrodysplasia - osteochondrodystrophy - osteochondrolysis - osteochondrophyte - osteochondrosarcoma - osteoclasis - osteoclastoma - osteocranium - osteocyte - osteodentin - osteodesmosis - osteodysplasia - osteodystrophia - osteofibroma - osteogenetic, osteogenic - osteography - osteoid - osteolipochondroma - osteolipoma - osteology - osteolytic - osteomatosis - osteometry - osteopath - osteopathy - osteophone - osteophony - osteophytosis - osteoplasia - osteoplast - osteoplasty - osteoplastic - osteoporosis with osteomalacia - osteorrhagia - osteosis - osteosteatoma - osteosynthesis - osteotome - osteotribe - ostial - ostium - ot-, oto- - othematoma - oticodinia - otic - otitic - otoantritis - Otobius - otocephalus - otocephaly - otocleisis - otocyst - otography - otogenic - otolith - otologist - otomassage - otomastoiditis - otomyasthenia - otomycosis - otopathy - otopharyngeal - otophone - otoplasty - otorhinolaryngologist - otorrhagia - otorrhea - ototoxicity - Otto's disease - Otto's pelvis - ouabaio - Oudin's resonator - open - gag - ovalocyte - ovalocytosis - oophoralgia - ovarian - ovariocele - ovariocentesis - oophoropexy - ovariostomy - ovariotherapy - ovariotomy - ovaritis - oviduct - oviform - ovigerous - ovisac - ovocenter - embryonate egg culture - ovocyte - ovoflavin - ovogenesis - ovoglobulin - ovogonium - ovology - ovotestis - ovovitellin - ovoviparous - ovoid - ovular - ovulatory - ovule - ovulogenous - oxacid - oxalate - oxalated - oxalemia - oxalism - oxalosis - oxaluric acid - oxazolidine - Oxford unit - oxime - oxycalorimeter - oxycarboxyhemia - oxychromatin - oxidase - oxidase test - oxidation - oxidation-fermentation test - oxide - oxidized - oxygenase - oxygenation - oxygenated - oxygen therapy - oxyhemoglobinometer - oxymetry - oxyphonia - oxyplasm - oxyrhine - oxytocic - oxytropism - oxyurid, pinworm - oxy- - ozonization - ozonizer - ozonized - ozonometer - ozonoscope - Oidium - Paas' disease - pacchionian foramen - granulations, pacchionian bodies - pacemaker - pachy- - pachyacria - pachyblepharon - pachycephalia - pachycheilia - pachycholia - pachychoroiditis - pachydactylia - pachyderma - pachyglossia - pachygnathous - pachyhemia - pachylosis - pachymenia - pachymeter - pachyotia - pachyperiostitis - pachyperiostosis - pachypleuritis - pachypodous - pachysalpingitis - pachysalpingo-ovaritis - pachyvaginalitis - pachyvaginitis - Paci-Lorenz operation - Pacini's corpuscles - Pacini's solution - Padgett's dermatome - PAF - Pagenstecher operation - Paget's disease - Paget's disease - pagetoid - Pajot's law - palat-, palato- - palatal - palatine - palatodental - palatoglossal - palatography - palatopharyngitis - palatoplasty - palatoplegia - palatorrhaphy - palatoschisis - palatostaphyline - palatostaphyline muscle - paleo- - paleoanthropology - paleocerebellum - paleocortex - paleoencephalon - paleogenesis - paleothalamus - paleness - paleness - pali-, palin- - palicinesia - palingraphia - palilalia - palindromia - palindromic - palingenetic - palinopsia - palinphrasia - palirrhea - pallanesthesia - pallesthesia - palliative - pallidal - pallidum - pallium - palmar - palmitin - palmitoleic acid - palmature - palpable - palp - palpebral - Pinard's maneuver - palpitation - paludide - malariology - malariologist - malariatherapy - palustral - pamaquine - pampiniform - بادِئَة بِمَعنى: كُل، جَميع، شامِلpan- - Panacea - panagglutinin - panangiitis - panaortitis - felon, whitlow - panarteritis - panarthritis - Panas' operation - pancarditis - Pancoast tumor - Pancoast operation - pancreatalgia - pancreaticoduodenal - pancreaticoduodenostomy - pancreaticoenterostomy - pancreatotomy - pancreatocholangiography - pancreatogenic - pancreatography - pancreatolith - pancreatolithectomy - pancreatolysis - pancreatopathy - pancreatoprivic - pancreatostomy - pancreatotomy - pancreatotropic - pancurium - pandemia - pandiculation - Pandy's reaction - panencephalitis - Paneth's cells - pangenesis - panhypercorticism - panhysterosalpingo-oophorectomy - panighao - Panizza's plexus - panmixia - panmyelopathy - panmyelophthisis - Panner's disease - pannous - panniculus adiposus - pannus - panophthalmia - panophtalmitis - panoptic - panosteitis - panotitis - dressing - pansinusitis - panspermy - pantograph - pantomorphic - pantophobia - panoptosis - polystat - panto- - pantropic - Papanicolaou's stain - papaw - papayotin - litmus paper - filter paper - papillary - papillectomy - papilla - papilliferous - papilliform - papillitis - papillomatous - Papillomavirus - papilloretinitis - papillotomy - Papovaviridae - pappataci, sandfly - papulation - papule - papular - papulo-erythematous - papulopustular - papulosquamous - papulovesicular - papyraceous - pack-year - paraaminobenzoic acid - paraaminohippuric acid - paraaminosalicylic acid - parabanic acid - parabion - parabulia - paracardiac - paracentral - paracephalus - paracholera - paracholia - parachromatism - parachromatosis - parachromia - paracme - paracolitis - paracolpitis - paracone - paracoxalgia - paracresol - paracystitis - paradenitis - paradental - paradiabetes - paradidymis - paradiphtherial - paradox - paradysentery - parafango - paraffinoma - paraflagellum - parafunctional - paraformaldehyde - parafuscin - paraganglion - paragglutination - paragnathus - paragnosia - paragrammatism - paragraphia - parahepatic - parahepatitis - parahidrosis - parahypnosis - parainfectious - parainfection - paracinesia - paralexia - parallax - parallelokinesia - parallergia - parallergin - paralogia - paralytic - paramagnetism - paramania - paramastigote - paramastitis - paramastoiditis - paramedian - paramedical - paramethadione - parameter, parametrium - paramimia - paramnesia - Paramoecium - paramolar - paramusia - paramyoclonus - paramyoclonus multiplex - congenital paramyotonia - paranephritis - parangi - paranoiac - paranoid - paranomia - paranormal - paraomphalic - paraosteoorthropathy - paraovarian - parapareunia - paraperitoneal - paraphasia - paraphemia - paraphenylenediamine - paraphilia - paraphobia - paraphonia - paraphrenia - paraphrenitis - paraphyte - paraplasm - paraplegic - pleurodynia - parapophysis - parapraxia - paraproctitis - paraprotein - paraproteinemia - parareaction - pararectal - parareflexia - pararenal - parasacral - parasagittal - parasalpingitis - parascarlatina - parasite - parasiticide - parasitifer - parasitism - parasitoid - parasitologist - parasitophobia - parasitosis - parasitotropic - parasomnia - paraspadias - paraspecific - parasplenic - parasprue - parasternal - parastruma - parasympatholytic - parasympathomimetic - parasympathetic - parasynovitis - parasyphilis - parasystolia - paratereseomania - parathymia - parathyroprival - parathyrotropic - parathyroid - parathyroidal - parathyroidoma - paratonia - paratopia - paratrichosis - paratrophy - paratyphoid - paratyphlitis - paraurethritis - parauterine - paravaginal - paravaginitis - paravenous - paravertebral - perivesical - paraxial - Pardee type T wave - parectasia - parectropia - pareidolia - parencephalia - parenchymatous - parenchyma - parental - parergasia - paretic - parietal - parietitis - Parinaud's oculoglandular syndrome - Park's anevrysm - Parker's incision - parkinsonian - parodontitis - periodontoclasia, periodontolysis - wall - paromphalocele - paroophoron - parablepsia, paropsis - parorchidium - parorexia - parosmia - parosteitis - parosteosis - parotidectomy - parotid - parovariotomy - parovaritis - paroxysmal - paroxysm - paroxysmal - parricide, patricide - Parrot's node - Parrot's law - Parrot's atrophy - Parrot's pseudoparalysis - Parry's disease - neurologic amyotrophy - pars plana - parthenology - parthenoplasty - particle - hapten, partial antigen - parturient - partus - parulis - parvicellular - parvobacteria - PAS - Pascal's law - Pascheff's conjunctivitis - corpuscules, Paschen's bodies - glycogenic degeneration - Pasini's syndrome - Pasini-Pierni syndrome - Pasqualini syndrome - passive - Passow's syndrome - Pasteur's effect - Pasteur's method - pasteurization - Pastia's lines - pastille - trisomy 13 syndrome - patch - paste - patellectomy - patellitis - patelloplasty - paternity testing - molluscum bodies - pathergasis - pathergy - pathocrinia - pathogenesis - pathognomony - pathognomonic - pathognostic - pathological - pathologist - pathomania - pathomeiosis - pathometry - pathomimesis - pathomorphism - pathonomy - pathophilia - pathophobia - pathopleiosis - pathopoiesis - pathotropism - patho- - patient - inner hamstring - Pauchet's needle - paucibacillary - paucisymptomatic - Paul's test - Paul-Bunnell-Davidsohn's test - Paul-Mixer's tube - palm - eyelid - sinus pause - compensatory pause - dermatopathic lymphadenopathy - pavillon of the oviduct - auricle - Pavlov's method - Pavlov's pouch - pavlovian - Pavy's disease - Pawlick's triangle - Payr's clamp - Payr's disease - Payr's sign - Pb - PBE - PBI - Pd - Péan's incision - Péan hysterectomy - pebrine - pectin - pectinate - pectinization - pectoral - pectoriloquy - ped-, pedi-, pedio-, pedo- - pedagogy - pédal (fr) - pederasty - pederosis - pediatrician - pedicular - pedicle - pedicled - pediculicide - Pediculidae - Pyemotes ventricosus - pediculophobia - pedicure - pediluvium - pedometer - pediometry - pedogamy - pedology - pedomorphism - peduncle - childhood disease - pedophobia - Pel's crisis - pelade - peladoid - peladophobia - pelagism - Pel-Ebstein fever - Pelger's nuclear anomaly - Pelger-Huët nuclear anomaly - pelioma - pellagragenic - pellagra-like - Pellegrini-Stieda disease - pellet - dandruff, pellicle - pellucid - peloid - pelotherapy - pelvi- - pelvicellulitis - pelvicephalography - pelvicephalometry - pelvicliseometer - pelvic - pelvigraph - pelvigraphy - pelvimeter - pelvioplasty - pelviperitonitis - pelvitomy - pelyco- - hanging - Pendred's syndrome - penetrating - penetrometer - penial - penicilliary - penicillinotherapy - penicilliosis - penischisis - penitis - penniform - Penrose drain - thought - pent-, penta- - pentachromic - pentalogy - pentamere - pentane - pentasomy - pentatomic - pentose - pentosuria - peonin - peotillomania - peotomy - Pepper's syndrome - pepsinuria - peptic - peptidase - peptide - peptide - peptogenic - peptolytic - peptonemia - peptonic - peptonization - peptolysis - peptonuria - Peptostreptococcaceae - per- - peracephalus - peracid - bandicoot - perborate - perceptivity - perchlorate - perchloride - percolator - percolation - percutaneous - percussor - Percy retractor - Perenyi's solution - perfectionism - perforans - perforating - perforation - peri- - periadenitis - periadenoiditis - periadventitia - periamygdaline - periamygdalitis - perianal - periangiitis - periangiocholitis - periaortic - periaortitis - periapical - periappendicitis - periappendicular - periarterial - periarteritis - periarticular - periblast - periblepsis - peribronchial - peribronchitis - pericardiolysis - pericardiorrhaphy - pericaryon - pericellular - pericementum - pericholangitis - pericholecystitis - perichondrium - perichondritis - perichondroma - perichrome cell - pericolic - pericolitis - pericorneal - pericoxitis - pericystitis - pericyte - periderm - perididymis - perididymitis - peridiverticulitis - periduodenitis - peridural - periencephalitis - perienteritis - periependymal - perifocal - perifollicular - perifolliculitis - superficial pustular perifolliculitis - periganglionic - perigastric - perigastritis - periglandular - periglossitis - perihepatic - perihepatitis - perihepatic - perihernial - perijejunitis - pericystitis - perilabyrinthitis - perilaryngeal - perilaryngitis - perilobar - perilobulitis - perilymphadenitis - perilymphangitis - perilymphatic - perimastitis - perimaxillitis - perimeter - perimetritis - perimetrium - perimetrosalpingitis - perimyositis - perimysium - perinatal period - perinatal - perineal - perineoanal - perineocele - perineoplasty - perineorrhaphy - perineoscrotal - perineostomy - perineotomy - perineovaginal - perineovaginorectal - perineovulvar - perinephric - perineural - perineuritis - perinuclear - periocular - period - periodic - paraodontolysis - periesophageal - periesophagitis - periumbilical - perionychium - perionyxis - perioophorosalpingitis - periophthalmic - periophthalmitis - perioptometry - perioral - periorchitis - periorificial - periosteogenesis - periosteoma - periosteophyte - periosteoplasty - السمحاق غشاء من النسيج الضام, غشاء العظمperiost, periosteum - periosteal - periostosis - periotitic - periovaritis - peripancreatic - peripancreatitis - peripapillary - peripartum - periphacitis - peripharyngeal - periphery - periphoria - periphrasis - periphrenitis - peripleural - peripleuritis - periplocin - peripolar - peripolar - periproctitis - periprostatic - periprostatitis - peripylephlebitis - peripyloric - periradicular - perirectal - perirenal - perisalpingitis - periscopic - perisigmoiditis - perisinusitis - perisplenic - perisplenitis - perispondylitis - peristaltine - peristaltic - peristaphyline - peristaphylitis - peristasis - peristole - peristoma - peristrumitis - perisynovial - perisynovitis - perisystole - peritectomy - peritendinitis - perithecium - perithelium - perithoracic - perithyreoiditis - peritomy - peritomist - peritoneal - peritonealgia - peritoneocentesis - peritoneoclysis - peritoneography - peritoneoscopy - peritonization - peritonism - peritrichous - peritrochanteric - perityphlitis - periungual - periureteritis - periurethritis - periuterine - perivaginal - perivaginitis - perivascular - perivasculitis - perivenous - perivertebral - perivesical - perivesiculitis - perivisceral - perivisceritis - angular cheilitis, perlèche - troche - perlingual - Perls' test - permanganate - permeable - permeation - permittivity - pernicious - pernio - perniosis - perobrachius - perocephalus - perochirus - perodactyly - peromelus - peronarthrosis - fibular, peroneal - peroperative - peroral - perosomus - balsam of Peru - peroxide - peroxisome - pero- - perplexity disorder - per anum - perseveration - perspiration - persulfate - Perthes' test - Perthes' incision - Pertik's diverticulum - perverse - perversion - perversity - areometer - baby scales - pessary - plague-stricken - pestilential - petechial - petechia - Petersen bag - Petersen lithotomy - Petit hernia - Petit's lumbar triangle - Petit's canal, spatia zonularia - minor epilepsy, petit mal - petrous - Petri dish - petrolization - petrooccipital - petrositis - Pettenkofer's test - pexis - peyotl - Peyrot's thorax - Pezzer catheter - Pfannenstiel incision - Pfeiffer's phenomenon - Pfeifferella - Pflüger's law - Pfuhl's sign - phacocele - phacocystectomy - phacocystitis - phacoplanesis - phacoerysis - phacohymenitis - phacoid - phacolysis - phacolysin - phacomalacia - phacometachoresis - phacometer - phacoma - phacosclerosis - phacoscope - phaco- - phagedenic - phagedena - phagedenoma - phago- - phagocaryosis - phagocytal - phagocyte - phagocytolysis - phagodynamometer - phagomania - phagosome - phalacrosis - phalangectomy - phalangette - phalanx - middle phalanx - phalangization - phalangophalangeal - phallin - phallitis - phallocampsis - phalliforme - phalloplasty - phallus - phanere - phanerogam - phanerogenetic - phaneromania - phaneroscope - phaneroscopy - phanerosis - pharmaceutic - chemist, pharmacist - pharmaco- - pharmacochemistry - pharmacodiagnosis - pharmacodynamics - pharmacologist - pharmacomania - pharmacopeia - pharmacophobia - drug monitory - pharyngalgia - pharyngeal - pharyngism - pharyngo- - pharyngoamygdalitis - pharyngocele - pharyngoepiglottic - pharyngokeratosis - pharyngolaryngeal - pharyngolaryngitis - pharingolith - pharyngology - pharyngomycosis - pharyngonasal - pharyngo-oral - pharyngoplasty - pharyngoplegia - pharyngorrhagia - pharyngosalpingitis - pharyngoscleroma - pharyngoscopy - pharyngospasm - palato-pharyngeus - pharyngostenosis - pharyngotome - pharyngotomy - pharyngoxerosis - phase - phaseolin - phellandrene - Phemister's operation - phen-, pheno- - phenacaine - phenanthrene - phenate - pheneticillin - phenetidin - phenetidinuria - phenetol - phengophobia - phenocopy - phenodianisyl - phenolase - phenolate - phenolemia - phenolated - phenology - phenolsteroids - phenothiazine - فينيلphenyl - phenylglucosazone - phenylhydrazine - phenylpyruvic acid - pheochromoblast - pheochromocyte - pherormone - Philippson's reflex - Philipps' catheter - phleb-, phlebo- - phlebalgia - phlebangioma - phlebarteriectasia - phlebectasia - phlebectomy - venous pain - phlebogenous - phlebogram - phlebolith - phlebolithiasis - phlebology - phlebomyomatosis - phlebonarcosis - phlebopiezometry - phleboplasty - phleborrhagia - phleborrhaphy - phleborrhexis - phlebosclerosis - phlebostasis - phlebostenosis - phlebotonic - phlegmasia caerulea dolens - phlobaphene - phlogistic inflammation - phlogocyte - phlogogen, phlogogenic - phlogosin - phloroglucine - phlorose - phlyctena - phlyctenoid - phlyctenula - phobia - phobophobia - phocomelus - pholcodine - phon-, phono- - phonasthenia - phonautograph - phon - phonendoscope - phoniatrics - phonism - phonocardiogram - phonogram - phonomania - phosphorated - phosphoric acid - phosphorism - phosphorolysis - phosphoroscope - phosphorylase - phosphotungstinic acid - phosphide - photism - photocatalysis - photocolorimeter - photogenesis - photokinetic - photology - photoluminescence - photolyte - photomagnetism - photomania - photometer - photomorphosis - photon - photopathy - photoperiodism - photophilic - photophore - photophthalmia - photopia - photopsia - photoptometer - photoptometry - photoradiometer - photoreaction - photoreceptor - photostethoscope - phototaxis - phototropia - photo- - photuria - phot - phren-, phreno- - phrenalgia - phrenasthenia - phrenicectomy - phrenicotripsy - phrenic - phrenitis - phrenocardia - phrenoclonus - costophrenic - phrenoglottic - phrenograph - phrenopathy - phrenoplegia - phrenoptosis - phrenosin - phrenospasm - phrenosplenic - phrenosplenic - phrenotomy - phrynoderma - phrynolysine - phthalein - phthalic acid - phthiriasis - Phtirius - phthisiology - phthisiologist - phthisiotherapy - Phycomecetes - phyllode - phylloerythrin - physiognosis - physiologist - physiopsychic - physiotherapy - phytobezoar - phytochemistry - phytogenous - phytogenesis - phytohemagglutinin - phytohormone - phytoid - phytology - phytoparasite - phytopathology - phytophagous - phytophotodermatitis - phytoplasm - phytoprecipitin - phytosterol - phytotoxin - phytovitellin - phyto- - pian, yaws - yaw-like - piblokto - erythromelia - erythromelia - Pick's pseudo-cirrhosis - Pick's vision - Pickwick's syndrome - pico- - picofarad - picogram - methylpyridine - picolinic acid - piezocardiogram - piezography - piezometer - pigment - pigmentary - pigmentolysis - pigmentophage - pigmentophore - Pignet index - pili torti - pilomotor - pilonidal - pilosebaceous - pilosity - Piltz's reflex - pilular - pill - pill box - pine - pinacyanol chloride - clamp - scissor clamp - clamp forceps - joint space narrowing - pinealectomy - pineal - pinguecula - follicular mucinosis - pinocyte - pituitarism - Pityrosporum orbiculaire - pK - LP - placebo - Placentalia - placentoid - placentitis - placentography - placentotherapy - Placido's disk - placode - plagiocephaly - sore, wound - plastid - skin plasty - plastic - plastocyte - platyonychia - plaster - platy- - platycephalia - platycnemia - platyhieric - platymeria - platyopia - platypellic - platypodia - platyrrhine - platyspondylia - platystencephalia - plegaphonia - Plehn's granules - Plehn's granules - pleiochloruria - plerocercoid - plesiomorphism - pleximeter - plessimetry - plethora - plethoric - plethysmogram - plethysmograph - plethysmometry - pleural - pleuralgia - pleuralization - pleurapophysis - pleurectomy - pleuritic - pleurocele - pleurocentesis - pleurodynia - pleurogenous - pleurography - pleurolith - pleurolysis - pleuromelus - pleuromelus - pleuroparietopexy - pleuropathy - pleuropericardial - pleuropericarditis - pleuroperitoneal - pleuropneumonolysis - pleuropulmonary - pleurorrhage - pleuroscope - pleuroscopy - pleurosomus - pleurothotonos - pleurotomy - pleurotyphoid - plexalgia - plexiform - plexitis - plexus - plication - plicotomy - plica polonica - plicae palmatae - fold - filling - leaden - Plummer's syndrome - pluricellular - plurigravida - pluriglandular - plurilobular - multipara, pluripara - pluri- - plutomania - Pm - PNA - PNA - pneum-, pneumo- - airborne allergen - pneumarthrosis - pneumatic - pneumatization - pneumatism - pneumatocele - pneumatology - pneumatoscope - pneumatosis - pneumaturia - pneumoalveolography - pneumoarthrography - pneumobacillemia - pneumobacillus - pneumobronchotomy - pneumobulbar - pneumocardial - pneumocele - pneumocentesis - pneumocholecystis - air cisternography - pneumococcemia - pneumococcosis - pneumococcic - pneumococcus - pneumocystography - pneumocyte - pneumoempyema - pneumoencephalogram - pneumoencephalomyelography - pneumogalactocele - pneumogastric - pneumogastrography - pneumogram - pneumon-, pneumono- - pneumonosis - pneumopathy - pneumoperitonitis - pneumopexy - pneumophtisiology - pneumopleuroparietopexy - pneumopyelography - pneumorachis - perirenal insufflation - pneumorrhagia - pneumotachygraph - pneumotomy - pneumotoxin - pneumotropic - pneumotympanum - pneumoventriculography - pnigophobia - amniotic sac - pocular - pod-, podo- - podagra - podalgia - podalic - podarthritis - podencephalus - podobromidrosis - podocyte - pododynamometer - pododynia - podogram - podography - podology - podiatrist - podopathy - podopompholyx - podoscope - weight - poikilergasia - poikilo- - poikiloblast - poikilocyte - poikilocytosis - poikiloderma - poikilotherm - poikilotherm - poikilothermia - poikilothrombocyte - poikilothymia - auditory hairs - point - spike - pointillage - corresponding points - identical points - poison - pepper - polar - polarimeter - polarization - polariscope - polarizer - polaristrobometer - polarity - polarogram - policlinic - polioencephalitis - polioencephalitis - hidradenitis suppuration - Pollock's amputation - pollution - poltophagy - poltophagy - polyadenitis - polyadenomatosis - polyadenoma - polyadenopathy - polyalcohol - polyalgesia - idiopathic diffuse polyalgia syndrome - polyarterial - polyarteritis - multiple arthralgies - polyarticular - polyatomic - polyauxotrophic - polyavitaminosis - polyblennia - polycheiria - polychemotherapy - polycholia - polychondritis - polychromatic - polychromatocyte - polychromatophil - polychromatophilia - polychromatosis - polygenic - polycytemia - polygnathus - polygnathus - polygram - polygraph - polygyria - polycystic disease - polyleptic - polymastia - Polymavirus - polymelus - polymelia - polymer - polymerism - polymerization - polymeria - polymicrolipomatosis - polymorphous - polymorphism - polymorphocellular - polymyalgia - polyneuropathy - polyoma - polynuclear - polynuclear, polynucleated - polynucleosis - polynucleotidase - polyodontia - polyonychia - polyopia - polyorchidism - polysaccharide - polyosteochondritis - polyotia - double monster - polypapilloma tropicum - polypathia - polypectomy - polypeptidase - polypeptide - polypeptidemia - polypeptide - polypeptide intoxication - polyp - polyphagia - polyphalangia - polyphasic - polyphasic - polyphobia - polyphrasia - polyphyodont - polypiform - polypnea - polypodia - polypoid - Polyporus - polyposis - polypotome - polyradiotherapy - polysome - polysarcia - polyscelus - polyscelia - polyserositis - polysinusitis - polysomia - hypnogram - polyspermia - polysplenia - polystichia - polysynovitis - polytendinitis - polythelia - Polytrichum - polytropic - polytrophy - polyvalent - Pomeroy operation - pomade - pump - pomphus - Poncet's disease - Poncet operations - puncture - needle biopsy - ponderable - ponderal - pondostatural - boring - pono- - ponophobia - ponos - pono- - pons and medulla oblongata - ponticulus - pontocerebellar - bridge - pont (fr) - Pool's phenomenon - pool - popliteal - Poppeulreuter test - poradenitis - poradenitis - poradenolymphitis - poradenolymphitis - Porak-Durante syndrome - porphyrinemia - porphyrinuria - porphyrization - porraceous - porropsia - porropsia - porrigo - porrigo - Porro operation - portal - acutenaculum - portcaustic - portal - portligature - porte meche - portocaval - portomanometry - California disease, desert fever - positive - position - positron - Posner-Schlossman syndrome - posologic - postero- - postganglionic - posthitis - postholith - neurohypophyseal - after-image - postmaturity - postmaxillary - postmenopausal - postmenstrual - postvoiding - postnatal - postoperative - postpneumonic - postprandial - postsphenoid - post-traumatic - postulate - postural - postural - Potain's aspirator - Potain's pipette - Potain's sign - potamophobia - potash - potentialization - draft, draught - potomania - Pott's fracture - Pott's aneurysm - Pottenger's sign - Potter's syndrome - Potts anastomosis - powder - pulleytherapy - Pourfour du Petit syndrome - resolving power - rotating power - Power operation - Pozzi operation - PPSB - Pr - male pseudohermaphrodism - pragmatamnesia - pragmatamnesia - pragmatic - pragmatagnosia - pralidoxime - Prana apparatus - practitioner - practice - praxis - praxis - praxiology - preaction - preanesthetic - precancerous - precancer - metarteriole - precartilage - precipitable - precipitant - precipitate - precipitin - precipitinogen - preclinical - early, precocious - precocity - precoma - preconscious - precordial - precordialgia - precordium - precritical - precuneus - precursor - predentin - prediastole - predigestion - predisposition - preeruptive - preexcitation - preformation - prefrontal - preganglionic - pregenital - pregnane - pregnene - prehallux - prehensile - prehension - Prehn's sign - prehypophysis - Preiser's disease - preleukemic - premature - premaxillary - premenstrual - premonitory - premunition - premycotic - antenatal - antenatal - preoperative - preparation - preperitoneal - preplacental - ventricular preponderance - preprandial - prepsychosis - prepsychotic - prepubertal - prepuce - preputial - presbyope - presclerosis - prescription - antesellar - presenile - presenility - presentation - before seroconversion - contraceptive - presphenoid - pressoreceptor - pressure therapy - presternum - presylvian - presynaptic - presystole - prethyroideal - pretibial - pretracheal - Prevel's sign - prevention - preventorium - prevertebral - prevesical - Prevost's sign - prezone phenomena - Price-Jones curve - prick test - Priestley's mass - primary - primigravid - primipara - primitive - primary infection - primordium - principle - Pringle's disease - prion - adamantine prisms - proamnion - proatlas - procedure - process - process - procidentia - anteflexio - procreation - proct-, procto- - proctalgia - proctectomy - proctoclysis - proctococcypexy - proctocolpoplasty - proctocystoplasty - proctocystotomy - proctodeum - proctoperineoplasty - proctoperineorrhaphy - proctopexy - proctophobia - proctoplasty - proctoptosis - proctorrhaphy - proctorrhaphy - proctorrhea - proctorrhea - proctosigmoidectomy - proctostenosis, rectal stricture - proctostomy, rectostomy - proctotomy, rectotomy - prone - prodrug - productive - product - proencephalus - proencephalus - proenzyme - proerythroblast - proerythrocyte - Proetz's treatment - Profichet's syndrome - profuse - progamous - progenia - progestational - progestin - proglottis - progonoma - prohormone - prolapsed - prolactinemia - prolamin - prolan - prolanuria - proleptic - proliferative - proliferation - prolific - proligerous - promegaloblast - promonocyte - promontory - promyelocyte - pronator - pronephros - pronograde - prognostic - pronucleus - propagation - propanocain - premorbid - propedeutics - properitoneal - prophylaxis - Propriobacterium - prosoplasia - prosoposchisis - prosoposcopy - prosoposternodymia - prostaglandin - prostatalgia - بروستاتprostate, prostatic - prostatocystitis - prostatocystotomy - prostatography - prostatolith - prostatomegaly - prostatorrhea - prostatotomy - proteinotherapy - proteinic - proteolysate - proteolysis - proteolytic - proteopexy - proteose - proteosotherapy - prosthetist - prosthetic - prothrombinemia - protide - proteinic - proteinogram - protista - protistology - protium - proto- - protobios - protodiastolic - protogala - protogyny - Protomonadina - proton - protoneuron - proton radiation therapy - protopathy - protopathic - protophyte - protoplast - protoporphyrin - protosystolic - prototrophic - prototype - protovirus - protozoology - protozoophage - protozoosis - protraction - protrusion - protuberance - pontine - Proust's law of definite proportions - provitamin - Prowazek's bodies, tracoma bodies - proximal - pro- - Pr-P protein - pruritogenic - pruriginous - prussic acid - Pr - psalterium - psammoma - psammotherapy - psellism - pseudacousis - pseudencephalus - pseudesthesia - pseudoactinomycosis - pseudoalbuminuria - pseudoanaphylaxis - pseudoanemia - pseudoangioma - pseudoankylosis - pseudoasthma - pseudoataxia - pseudoathetosis - pseudocartilage - pseudochalazion - pseudochorea - pseudochromesthesia - pseudo-chromhidrosi - pseudocoarctation of the aorta - pseudocolloid - pseudoseizure - pseudocoxalgia - pseudodiphtheria - pseudoenarthrosis - pseudoexophoria - pseudoglioma - pseudoglobulin - pseudographia - pseudoicterus - pseudoisochromatic - pseudocyst - Robles' disease - infantile visceral leichmaniasis - pseudolipoma - pseudologia - pseudoluxation - pseudomania - pseudomelanosis - pseudomembrane - pseudovertigo - pseudoneuralgia - false neurona - pseudonystagmus - pseudosmia - pseudoparalysis - pseudo-paraphrasia - pseudoparasitism - pseudophlegmon - pseudopod - Certonciny's syndrome - pseudoporencephaly - pseudopsia - pseudoptosis - pseudorickets - pseudoreaction - pseudorheumatism - pseudoscarlatina - pseudosclerema - colloidal-like solution - pseudotabes - pseudotetanus - pseudotrichinosis - pseudotuberculosis - pseudotumor - psilosis - psittacism - psoas - psodymus - psoitis - psomophagia - psoriasiform - psych-, psycho- - psychalgia - psychoanalyst - psychanopsia - psychasthenia - psyche - psychedelic - psychiatrist - psychic - psyche - psychoanaleptic - psychobiology - psychodiagnosis - psychodometry - psychotic - psychotonic - psychotropic - psychrometer - psychrophilic - psychrophobia - psychrotherapy - psychro- - pteridine - pterion - pterygium colli - pterygoid - pterygoid - pterygomandibular - ptyalin - ptyalogenic - ptyalism - ptyalocele - ptyalogenic - ptyalolith - ptyalolithiasis - pubis - pubococcygeal - pubofemoral - flea - cheilitis glandularis - pediatric nurse - puerile - puerilism - puerperal - Pulex - flea bite - Pulicidae - pulicosis - pullulation - pulmonary - pulpal - pulp - pulpiforme - pulsatile - pulsation - pulsatile - pultaceous - atomizer - pulverization - pulvinate - bedbug - punctiform - near point - far point - purgative - purgation - purge - puriform - purine - purinemia - purinometer - puric - Purkinje's fibers - Purkinje's phenomenon - germinal vesicle - Purkinje's cells - subendocardial terminal network - Purkinje-Sanson's mirror images - purpurin - purpurinuria - purpuric - puru - angiopathic retinopathy - purulence - purulent - pustulation - pustule - pustular - pustuliform - pustulosis - putrefaction - putrescent - putrid - Puussepp operation - pyarthrosis - pycn-, pycno- - pyknic - pyknomorphous - pyknometer - pyknomorphic - pyknosis - pyel-, pyelo- - pyelectasis - pyelic - pyelocaliceal - pyelostomy - pyelotomy - pygomelus - pygopagus - Pyle's disease - pylephlebitis - pylethrombophlebitis - pylethrombosis - pyloralgia - pylorospasm - pylorostenosis - pylorostomy - pyo- - pyocephalus - purulent cholecystitis - pyocolpos - pyococcus - Ra - rabic - racemose - racemiform - racemic - racemization - rachialgia - rachianalgesia - rachicentesis - rachidial, rachidian, spinal - rachipagus - rachitogenic - rachitic - rachitome - rachiotomy, rachitomy - premenstrual sialorrhea - root - radial - radian - radiant - radical - radicular - radiculalgia - radiculectomy - posterior cord syndrome - radiculography - radiate - radiferous - radioactive - radioactinium - radiobicipital - radiocalcium - radiocarbon - radiocarpal - radiocinematography - radioulnar - radiodiagnosis - radiodosimetry - radioelement - radioepidermitis - radiogenic - radiogram - radioimmunochemistry - radioisotope - radioisotope - radiokymography - radiolabile - radiolesion - radio-induced leukemia - radioluminescence - radiomanometry - radiometer - radiomicrometer - radiomimetic - radioepithelitis - radionecrosis - radionuclide - radiopaque - radiopalmar - radiopathology - radiopelvimetry - radiophosphorus - radiophotography - radioprotector - radioresistance - radioscopy - radiosensitive - radiotellurium - radiothorium - radiotomy - radiodermitits - radium therapy - rad - paratrigeminal syndrome - refining - raffinase - RA cell, ragocyte - Raimiste's sign - rale - Raman's effect - collateral branch - communicating branch - softening - Ramond's point - scala - geniculate neuralgia - rancid - Ranke's angle - Ranke's stages - Ranke's complex - Rankin's forceps - Ranking operation - Ransohoff operation - Ranvier's node - Ranvier's segment - Raoult's law - xyster - raphnia - raphe - raphidiospore - booster dose - raptus - rarefaction - Rasmussen's aneurism - raspatory - RAST - accessory spleens - Rathke's cyst - Rathke's pouch - raticide - ration - hoarse - processus anterior mallei - Rayer's disease - Raymond-Cestan's syndrome - Raynaud's phenomenon - rays - rays - Rb - Re - ré-, re- - reagent - reactional - reaction, test - reactivity - allergen - reagin - intensive care physician - recalcification - Recamier operation - receptaculum chyli - cholinergic receptor - serotonin receptor - receptor - receptiveness - recessive - recessivity - recessus - recipient - recurrence rate - recipe - Recklinghausen's disease - recombination - recombinant - recompression - recon - recruitment - rect-, recto- - rectal - rectification - rectococcygeal - proctorrhagia - rectoscopy - rectosigmoid - rectosigmoid - rectotomy - rectourethral - rectouterine - rectovaginal - rectovesical - recurrent - redia - Redlich-Fischer miliary plaques - suction drain - redressment - reductase - reducible - reentry - Reese dermatome - reflected - reflector - reflection - reflection - reflexogenic - reflex timing - reflexograph - reflux - refractory - refracted - refraction - refractionist - refrangible - refrigerant - refringent - Regaud's method - lower back - precordium - liquorice - kingdom - Regnoli operation - overflow - regressive - regulatory - regular - Rehfuss' tube - Rehn-Delorme operation - rehydration - Jacobson's nerve neuralgia - Reichert's cartilage - Reil's sulcus - reinfection - reinoculation - reinsertion - Reisseisen's muscles - Reiter's treponem - releasing factor - rem - gray fibers - Remak's symptom - remanence - change - remedy - Remijia - remineralization - remission - remittent - Remlinger's sign - remnography - desynchronized sleep, paradoxical sleep, rapid eye movement, rapid eye movement sleep, REM, REM sleep - ren-, reno- - renal - hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, Rendu-Osler-Weber disease - reniform - plasma renin activity - renitence - renninogen - pituitary giantism - renovascular - Reovirus - reparation - test meal - repletion - replication - repolarization - compensatory pause - reposition - representation - repressor - reproductive - repellent - repulsion - network - resectable - resection - resectoscope - alkaline reserve - fetoplacental respiratory reserve - reservoir of virus - reservoir of infection - residue - resin - capillary fragility test, capillary resistance test - resistance - resolvent - resolution - resonance - absorbable - resorcinolphthalein - resorcinol - resorption - respirable - respirator - respirometer - Ortolani's click - chinese restaurant syndrome - restenosis - day's residues - restiform - restiform - restitutio ad integrum - restitutio ad integrum - reticular - reticular - reticulated - reticulated - reticulitis - reticulocyte - reticulocytopenia - reticuloendothelioma - reticuloma - reticulopathy - reticulo plasmocytoma - retiform - retinene - retinal - retinochoroiditis - retinochoroiditis - retinocytoma - retinodialysis - retinography - retinoid - retinol - retinomalacia - retinomalacia - retinopapillitis - retinopapillitis - retinosis - retothelium - retractor - retractile - retractility - retraction - retroauricular - retrobuccal - retrobulbar - retrocardiac - retrocatheterism - retrocervical - retrocession - retroclavicular - retroclavicular - retrocolic - retrocollis - retrocondylar - feed-back - retrocecal - retrocecal - retrodeviation - retroflexion - retrogasserian - retrognathia - retroinsular - retroiridian - retrolingual - retrolisthesis - retromalleolar - retromammary - retromandibular - retromastoid - retromaxillary - retronasal - retroocular - retroesophageal - retro-umbilical - retroperitoneal - retroperitoneal - retroperitonitis - retroperitonitis - retropharyngeal - retropharyngitis - retroposition - overrhead projector - retropubic - retropulsion - retrorectal - retrosellar - retrospection - retrostalsis - retrosternal - retrosymphysial - retrouterine - retroverted - retroversion - retro- - Retzius' bodies - Retzius' fibers - incremental lines - Retzius' veins - Reusner's sign - Reusner's sign - revaccination - revascularization - dream - Reverdin's needle - Reverdin's graft - Reverdin's needle - reversion - dream - Revilliod's sign - Revilliod's sign - reviviscence - cardiac cycle - revulsive - revulsion - Re - GER - Rh - rheometer - rheoscope - rheostat - rheotachygraphy - rheotaxis - rheotome - rheotropism - rheo- - rhin-, rhino- - rhodogenesis - rhombencephalitis - rhomboid - snoring disease - rhotacism - rheumatalgia - rheumatic - rheumatoid - rheumatologist - rheumatologist - ribonucleotide - Ricard amputation - Richter's syndrome - Richter's hernia - rugosity - rugous - induction coil - rumination - geroderma - rupia - IQ - RQ - qs - quadrant - quadri-, quadru- - quadriceps - quadricuspid - quadrigemellary - quadrigeminal - quadrilateral - quadrilobate - quadrilocular - quadripara - tetraparesis - quadripartite - quadripolar - Quaglino operation - Quant's sign - quarantinable disease - quaternary - Quatrefages' parietal angle - Dukes' disease, fourth disease - quebrachine - Queckenstedt's test - querulousness - Quick's method - quiescence - quinamine - Quincke's pulse - quinidine-like action - quinidinemia - quininization - quininism - quinic - quinisocaine - quinoline - quinolone - quinovin - folliculitis decalvans - quinquina - quintan - coughing fit - quotient - Sabanejeff amputation - Sabin-Feldman dye-test - SAB, Sabouraud dextrose - Sabouraud-Langeron agar - sacchar-, saccharo- - saccharate - saccharide - saccharification - saccharimeter - saccharimetry - saccharic acid - saccharolytic - saccharomycosis - saccharosuria - sacciform - conjunctival sac - saccular - sacculus - sacculiform - hernial sac - lacrimal sac - sacralgia - sacralization - sacrectomy - sacrococcygeal - sacrocoxalgia - sacroilitis - sacroiliac - sacrolisthesis - sacrolumbar - sacroperineal - sacrosciatic - sacrovertebral - sadomasochism - Saenger operation - safranina - safranophil - sagittal - Sagnac rays - sago - blood letting - Saint's triad - St. Vitus' dance - healthy - salamanderin - salep - salicin - salicylaldehyde - salicylamide - salicylate - salicyl - salicylism - salicyltherapy - saluretic - salt-bearing - salifiable - saline - salinometer - salivary - salivant - Salkowski's test - salmin - salol - salpeter - salping-, salpingo- - salpingectomy - salpingolysis - salpingo-oophorectomy - salpingo-oophoritis - salpingo-oophorocele - salpingo-ovariopexy - salpingopexy - salpingopharyngeal - salpingoplasty - salpingorrhaphy - salpingoscope - salpingotomy - saltatory - salubrious - salubrity - salutary - salvatella vein - Salzmann's distrophy - samandaridine - samandarine - Sämisch operation - Sanarelli's phenomenon - sanatorium - Sander's disease - Sandwith's bald tongue - sob - عَلَق, مستنزفbloodsucker, hirudinean, leech - sanguicolous - sanguineous - sanguinolent - sanious - sanitary - San Joaquin fever - Santorini's plexus - Santorini's concha - Santorini's fissure - Santorini's muscle - Santorini's tubercule - Sýo Paulo typhus - saphena - saphenectomy - sapphism - sapid - sapogenin - saponaceous - saponifiable - saponification - Sappey's fibers - Sappey's veins - sapr-, sapro- - sapremia - saprodontia - saprogenic - saprophagous - saprophilous - saprophyte - saprozoite - sarco- - sarcoblast - sarcocarcinoma - sarcocele - sarcomelanine - sarcomere - sarcomphalocele - sarcomycin - Sarcophaga - sarcoplasm - Sarcopsylla - sarcopsyllosis - itch mite - Sarcoptes - sarmentocymarin - satellite - Sattler's layer - saturation - saturnine - saturnism - saturnotherapy - satyriasis - Sauerbruch's prosthesis - sauriasis - Savill's disease - soap - Sayre's jacket - Sayre's apparatus - Sb - Sc - scabicide - scabetic - scabiophobia - scalariform - anterior scalene syndrome - scalene - scalenotomy - scalpel - scanner - scanograph - scanning, scansion - ScanzonI's maneuver - scaphocephaly - scaphoid - scaphoiditis - scapula alata - scapular - scapulalgia - scapulectomy - scapuloclavicular - scapulohumeral - scapulopexy - scapulothoracic - scarificator - scarification - scarlatiniform - Scarpa operations - Scarpa's staphyloma - femoral triangle - scato- - scatol - scatophilia - SCC - Schafer's method - Schäffer's syndrome - Schäffer's reflex - Schamberg's dermatosis - Schanz's disease - Schauta operation - Schede sequestrectomy - schema - schema - Schick's test - Schiefferdecker's theory - Schiermer's test - Schiff's biliary cycle - Schilder's encephalitis - Schiller's test - Schilling's test - Schimmelbusch's disease - schindylesis - Schinzel syndromes - Schiötz's tonometer - schistocyte - schistoglossia - schistomelia - schistoprosopia - schistosis - schistosomia - schisto- - schizo- - schizocephalus - schizogony - schizogyria - schizoid - schizoidia - Schizomycetes - schizont - schizonticide - schizophasia - schizosis - schizothorax - schizotrichia - schizotrypanosomiasis - Schlatter operation - Schlemm's canal - Schmidt's syndromes - Schmincke's tumor - Schmorl's disease - Schmorl's node - Schönbein operation - Schottmüller's disease - Schramm's phenomenon - Schreger's bands - Schröder operation - Schröder's disease - Schroeder vander Kolk's law - Schrötter catheter - Schüffner's granules - Schüller's disease - Schultz-Charton's reaction - Schultz-Dale reaction - Schultze's sign - Schwabach's test - Schwann's cell - Schwartze operation - Schweigger-Seidel sheath - Schweninger-Buzzi anetodermia - scialyscope - sciatic - chain saw - scillain - squill - scillin - scintigram - scintillation - schizogenesis, scissiparity - scissura - scler-, sclero- - scleradenitis - scleral - sclerectasia - sclerectoiridectomy - sclerectomy - sclerema - sclerosal, sclerous - sclériasis - scleroblastema - sclerochoroiditis - scleroconjunctival - scleroconjunctivitis - sclerocorneal - sclerodactyly - scleroderma with dermatomyositis - scleroderma - sclerodermic - scleredema - sclerogenic - scleroiritis - sclerokeratitis - sclerolipomatosis - scleromalacia - scleromere - scleronychia - sclerophthalmia - scleroprotein - sclerosant - sclerotendinitis - scleroticonyxis - sclerotome - sclerotomy - sclerotrichia - scolex - scoliosometer - scoliosometry - scolopendra - scombrine - scombroid poisoning - scopometry - scopophilia - scopophobia - scopulariopsoris - Scopulariopsis - scorpion - scotometer - scotophobia - scotopic - scotopia - Scrofularia - scrotal - scrupule - scutiform - scybalum - Sc - Seabright-Bantam syndromes - sebaceous - sebiferous - sebocystomatosis - sebolith - seborrhea capitis - seborrheid - seborrheal, seborrheic - divisible - secalin - Seckel's bird-headed dwarf syndrome - seclusio pupillae - secundipara - secretatogue - post-traumatic syndrome - secreta - secretor - secretion - medical secret - secretory - secretomotor - section - sedative - sedation - Sédillot operations - sediment - sedimentation - Seeligmüller's sign - pocket, Seessel's pouch - segment - segmentation - Seitz's sign - Seldinger's method - selection - selenodont - semi- - semicretinism - semilunar - seminal - seminiferous - symptomatology - semiotic - semipermeable - Semon's sign - Semon's law - Semple's treatment - Semple's vaccine - senna - Senear-Usher syndrome - geriatric care - senile - senilism - senility - sennoside - mastology - sense - sensitivization - sensitized - sensible - sensitive - sensorial - sensorimotor - sensualism - feeling - separator - septenary - septicity - septicopyemia - septiferous - septic - septometer - septotomy - septum - MS - sequel, sequela - sequence - sequestrum - sequestrectomy - sequestrum - serous - Sergent's white adrenal line - Sergent-Bernard's syndrome - series - syringe - seriograph - seriography - Hippocratic ath - seroflocculation - seroanaphylaxis - seroanatoxitherapy - seroconversion - seroculture - serofibrinous - serological - seromucous - seronegative - seropositive - seroprevention - seroprophylaxis - seropurulent - seroreaction - serosanguineous - serosity - serotoninaemia - serotoninergic - serovaccination - serpentine - sesamoid - sesamoiditis - sessile - setaceous - seton - threshold - calcaneous apophysitis - Sever operation - maltreatment - sexdigitated - hexadactylism - sextipara - sextuplets - sexed, sexuate - sexual - Sézary's syndrome - Sharp's syndrome - Sharpey's fibers - bauxite pneumoconiosis - Shelley's test - Shepherd's fracture - Shrapnell's membrane - Shulman's syndrome - shunt - Shwartzman's reaction - sial-, sialo- - sialagogic, sialagogue - sialectasia - sialemesis - sialoadenectomy - sialocèle - sialodochitis - sialogenous - sialolith - sialolithotomy - sialoma - sialophagia - sialosemeiology - sibilant rale - sibilant - Sibson's notch - AIDS - AIDS patient - sider-, sidero- - stunning - sideration - siderinemia - sideroblast - siderocyte - sideroderma - siderofibrosis - sideropenia - sideropexy - Siegle's otoscope - pigmented choroidal vessels - anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, Christ-Siemens-Touraine syndrome - sievert - sigmatism - sigma - sigmoidectomy - sigmoiditis - sigmoidopexy - sinistrality - sinistrocardia - sinistrosis - Sinkler's phenomenon - sinoatrial - aortic sinus syndrome - carotid sinus syndrome - sinuous - sinus - sick sinus disease - sirenomelus - syrup - sismotherapy - antibody site - antigen site - sitologia - Somagyi's reflex - somatalgia - somatic - somatization - somatoblast - somatogenesis - somatogenic - somatognosia - somatotropic - somatotrophin - somatotype - somesthesia - somite - summation - Sömmerring's grey substance - somniferous - somniloquism - somnolence - somnolent - Somogyi unit - Sonne's disentry - Sonnenberg operation - sonograph - sonometry - sophistication - sophrology - soporous - Soresi cannula - Soret's band - Soret's effect - periostitis deformans - soroche - cerebral gigantism, Sotos' syndrome - Pitre's sign - مغايرform, strain, var., variant - soudan - soda - murmur - sulphur - Souques' sign - Souques' triad - superciliary - eyebrow - Sourdille operation - deaf - subacromial - subalimentation - overshoot - subarachnoid - subareolar - subcapital - subchondral - subcoracoid - subcostal - crackling rale - subcrusted - submammillary - submammary - submaxillary - submaxillaritis - submental - submucosa - submucosal - subnitrate - suboccipital - subumbilical - suborbital - subperiosteal - subperitoneal - subpubic - subscapular - substernal - subtentorial - spaniomenorrhea - spanopnea - sparadrap, strap - spasmodermia - spasmodism - spasmodic - spasmogenic - spasmolytic - spasmotoxin - spasticity - spatula - specialist - patent medicine - specialty - spectrum - spectrocolorimeter - spectrograph - spectrography - spectrometer - spectrometry - spectropolarimeter - spectroscope - specular - Spee's curvature - speleotomy - speleotomy - Spencer's disease - Rocky Mountain spotted fever vaccine - spermaceti - spermagglutinin - spermatid - spermatism - spermatitis - spermaticide - spermatocystectomy - spermatocystitis - spermatocyte - spermatogenic - spermatogonium - spermatolysis - spermatopathy - spermatorrhea - spermaturia - spermaticide, spermicide - spermiduct - spermoculture - semen analysis - spermolith - spermotoxin - sphacelus - sphenion - sphenocephalus - sphenoidal - sphenoiditis - sphenomalar - sphenomaxillary - sphenometer - sphenoorbital - sphenopalatine - sphenoparietal - sphenopetrosal - sphenotemporal - spheno- - attraction sphere - spherocyte - spherocytosis - spheroid - spherometer - spherule - sphincteralgia - sphincterectomy - sphincteric - sphincterometry - sphincteroplasty - sphincteroscope - sphincterospasm - sphincterotomy - sphincter - sphingolipid - sphygmic - sphygmobologram - sphygmobolometer - sphygmobolometry - sphygmocardiograph - sphygmocardiography - sphygmodynamometer - sphygmogram - sphygmograph - sphygmography - sphygmology - sphygmomanometer - sphygmomanometry - sphygmooscillometer - sphygmophone - sphygmoplethysmograph - sphygmoscope - sphygmotonograph - sphygmo- - spica - spicule - Spiegel's hernia - Spiegelberg's sign - Spiegler's tumors - sarcoid of Spiegler-Fendt - Vogt-Spielmeyer's disease - caudate lobe of liver - spike - spin - spinal - spinalgia - spina ventosa - Spinelli' operation - spinous - spinocellular - spinocerebellar - spintherism - spiradenoma - spiral - spiral - spirilla - spirillicide - spirillosis - spiritous - spirochetocidal - spirochetogenous - spirochetosis - spirogram - spirography - spiroid - spirometer - spiroscope - Spiruroides - juvenile melanoma - Spivack cystostomy - splanchnicectomy - splanchnicotomy - splanchnic - splanchno- - splanchnocele - splanchnocranium - splanchnodynia - splanchnography - splanchnology - splanchnomegaly - splanchnomicria - splanchnopathy - splanchnopleura - splanchnoscopy - splanchnotomy - splen-, spleno- - splenalgia - splenatrophy - splenectopia - spleniform - splenic - splenization - splenitis - splenius - splenocele - splenocolic - splenocontraction - splenocyte - splenogenous - splenogram - splenogranulomatosis siderotica - splenography - splenohepatomegaly - splenology - splenolysis - splenomalacia - splenomanometry - splenoma - splenomedullary - splenonephroptosis - splenopancreatic - splenopathy - splenopexy - splenophrenic - splenopneumonia - splenorrhagia - splenosclerosis - splenotherapy - splenotomy - spodogenous - spondylalgia - spondylodidymus - spondylodidymia - spondylomalacia - spondylopathy - spondyloptosis - spondyloschisis - spondylotherapy - spondylotomy - spongiform - spongioblast - spongiocyte - spongiosis - spongioid - spontaneous - sporadic - sporangium - spore - sporicide - sporidium - sporidiosis - sporiferous - sporiparous - sporozoite - sporozoosis - sporulation - sporule - sporulated - Sprengel's deformity - sprue - foamy - foam - Spurway's syndrome - sputation - squamous - squama - skeletal - skeletization - skeletology - Stader splint - stage - Stafne's cavity - Stahl's ear - stalagmometer - Stamm gastrostomy - standard - stannosis - stapedectomy - stapedial - staphyl-, staphylo- - staphylectomy - staphylhematoma ematoma - uvular - staphylion - staphylococcemia - staphylococcia - staphylococcal - staphyloderma - staphylolysin - staphyloma - staphylopharyngorrhaphy - staphyloplasty - staphyloptosis - staphylorrhaphy - staphyloschisis - staphylotomy - staphylotoxin - Stargardt's macular degeneration - stasis - stasibasophobia - stasiphobia - statin - stationary - statics - statometer - stature - pondostatural - status - Staub-Traugott effect - stearate - stearin - stearic acid - stearopten - steato- - steatocele - steatolysis - steatomery - steatoma - steatopygia - steatosis - steatotrochanteria - steatozoon - Steele-Richardson-Olszewski syndrome - Stegomyia - Steindler operation - Steiner's tumor - Steinmann's nail extension - stellectomy - stenion - steno- - stenochoria - stenocrotaphia - stenopeic - stenostomia - stenothermal - stenothorax - Stent's mass - stephanion - steppage gait - stercobilin - stercobilinogen - stercolith - stercoraceous - stercoral - stereometry - stereoophthalmoscope - stereoradiography - stereoscope - stereotaxy - stereotyped - stereotypy - sterid - sternoclavicular - sternocostal - sternohyoid - sternomastoid - sternopagus - sternopagia - sternoscapular - sternoschisis - sternothyroid - sternotomy - sternutation - sternutatory - steroid - steroidal - steroidogenesis - sterolytic - sterol - stertor - stethacoustic - stethometer - stethophonometer - stethoscope - stethoscopy - stetho- - Stewart-Holmes test - Stewart-Treves syndrome - sthenia - sthenic - stibiation - stibiated - stibophen - stichochrome - Stieda's disease - Stieda's fracture - Stierlin's sign - follicular stigma - stigma - stigmatic - stigmatism - Still's disease - Stiller's disease - Stiller's rib - raphe of medulla oblongata - raphe of medulla oblongata - Stilling-Türk-Duane syndrome - stimulant - stimulation - stimulin - stimulus - stochastic - Stockholm syndrome - stoichiometry - Stokes' amputation - Stokes' law - Stokes' amputation - Stokvis-Talma's syndrome - stomachic - stomat-, stomato- - stomatalgia - stomatolalia - stomatologist - stomatoplasty - stomatorrhagia - stomatoscope - stomy - stomised - stomocephalus - stomodeum - Stomoxys - Stookey's reflex - Storm van Leeuwen's chamber - strabismic - strabology - strabometer - strabotome - strabotomy - Strachan's syndrome - strangulation - stranguria - strapping - stratigraphy - stratum - Strauss' sign - Strauss' needle - streptococcemia - streptococcal - streptoderma - streptomycete - streptomycosis - Streptothrix - stressfull - striation - stricture - stricturotomy - stridulous - stria - stripping - strobile - stroboscope - Stroganov's treatment - stromatolysis - stroma - Stromeyer's splint - eustrongylus gigans - hook worm - strongyloidosis - Strophantus - strophocephalus - strophulus - structuralism - struma - strumectomy - strumiprivous - strumite - Strümpell's reflex - Strümpell's sign - Strümpell-Leichtenstern encephalitis - familial spastic paralysis - Strümpell-Marie disease - Strunsky's sign - styloid dysphagia - style - styliform - styloglossal - stylohyoid - styloid - styloid - styloiditis - stylomandibular - stylomastoid - stylopharyngeal - stylo-radial - styptic - styrolene - subacute - subbrachycephalic - subclinical - subdelirium - suberosis - subfebrile - subicterus - subicteric - subinflammation - subintrant - subinvolution - subjective - sublethal - sublimated - sublingual - sublinguitis - subluxation - prenarcosis - subnormal - substance - substitute - substitution - substrate - substrate - subtotal - subtropical - sub- - juice - succedaneum - succulent - succussion - sudamina - sudorification (fr) - point of Sudeck - Sudeck's atrophy - sudoral - sudorific - sudorific - sudoriparous - miliary fever - suffocating - suffusion - suggestibility - suggilation - subject - Suker's sign - sulciform - sulcus - sulf-, sulfo- - thioacid - sulfonamidemia - sulfonamide - sulfonamidotherapy - sulfonamiduria - sulfanilamide - sulfanilic acid - sulfatase - sulfated - sulfathiazole - sulfatide - sulfhydrate - sulfhydryl - sulfite - sulfuric acid conjugation - sulfogel - sulfonmethane - sulfone - sulfonylurea - sulfoparaldehyde - sulfosol - sulfide - overdosage - superexcitation - contact surface - respiratory surface - surfactant - surfusion - super-ego - suprarenalectomy - adrenalangl. suprarenal - suprarenalitis - supradrenaloma - adrenoprival - sursaturation - startling - supra-apical - suspension - suspensory - sighing - suprapubic - suprasternal - sustentaculum - sustentation - susurrus - Sutton's disease - Svedberg unit - Swan's syndrome - Swan-Ganz catheter - Swenson operation - sycephalus - sycosiform - Sydenham's chorea - sylvian - Sylvius' scissura - aqueduc of Sylvius - symbiote - symbiotic - symblepharon - symbol - symbolization - symbolophobia - symbrachydactylia - Syme amputation - Syme uretrotomy - symelus - symelia - symmetry - sympatheticalgia - sympathicolytic - sympathicomimetic - sympathicopathy - sympathicotonia - sympathicotripsy - sympathicotrope - sympathology - sympathoma - sympathosis - sympexion - symphalangia - symphyseorhaphy - symphysis - symphysiectomy - symposium - symptomatic - symptomatology - symptom - sympus - sym-, syn- - synadelphus - synalgia - synaptic - synarthrodial - synarthrosis - syncanthus - synkaryon - synchilia - synchondrosis - synchronous - synchronism - synchrotron - synchesis, synchysis - synkinesia - synclitism - syncopal - syncitial - syncytioma - syncytiotrophoblast - syndectomy - syndesmectomy - syndesmitis - syndesmo- - syndesmology - syndesmoma - syndesmopexy - syndesmophyte - syndesmoplasty - syndesmorrhaphy - syndesmosis - syndesmotome - syndesmotomy - synechia - synechotomy - synecology - synencephalocele - syneresis - synergy - synergist - synoviorthose - synthesis - synthetic - synthetism - syntonia - syntrophy - syntropy - syntropic - syphilid - syphilization - syphilogenous - syphilology - syphiloid - syphiloma - syphilopathy - syphilophobia - syphilotherapy - syphilotropic - syring-, syringo- - syringectomy - syringoadenoma - sysomus - systaltic - systematic - system - systemic - systolic - Szymanowski operation - AP - tabacosis - Tabanidae - tabardillo - anatomical snuffbox - tabes - tabescent - tabetiform - tabetic - tablet - table - lower part of the greater omentum - tacamahac - tachistoscope - tachykinesia - tachygenesis - tachography - tachymeter - tachyphagia - tachyphemia - tachypnea - tachypsychia - tachysystole - tachy- - tactile - tactometer - nebula - size, stature - Taillefer's valve - Takata-Ara test - Takayashu's arteritis - tal-, talo- - talalgia - talcoma - talcosis - Tallerman's treatment - Tallqvist's scale - Talma operation - Talma's disease - hill-to-knee test - hill-knee - talose - tamarind - tamponade - buffering - packing, tamponage - pad, tampon - tanacetin - Tangier's disease - tannase - tannate - Tansini breast amputation - warblefly - tapeinocephaly - tapetoretinal - tapetum - taphophobia - Tapia syndrome - screw-tap - Tardieu's spots - defect - tarantism - tarantula - target cell - Tarnier's forceps - Tarnier's dilator - Tarnier's sign - tarsalgia - tarsal - tarsal sinus - tarsectomy - tarsal - tarsitis - tarsoclasis - tarsometatarsal - Tarsonemideae - tarsoplasty - tarsoptosis - tarsotrophy - tarsotomy - tart cell - tartrate - tartar - tartaric acid - TAT - armadillo - taurocholemia - partial transposition of great vessels, Taussig-Bing syndrome - tautomerism - tautomeric - rate - taxis - taxine - taxis - Tay's choroiditis - Tay's spot - Taylor's apparatus - taylorism - Ta - Tb - aPTT - PTT - MCH - TCT - Tc - CAT - Teale amputation - tectorial - tectology - tectonic - tectorium - tectospinal - tectum - tegmen tympani - tegument - tegumental - Teichmann's crystal test - tincture - tel-, tele- - telangiectatic - telecardiogram - telecardiograph - telecardiography - telecardiophone - telecesium therapy - telecobalt therapy - telecurietherapy - telediagnostic - telediastolic - telegammatherapy - teleirradiation - telekinesis - teleopsia - teleroentgenography - telefluoroscopy - teleroentgentherapy - teleceptor - telestethoscope - telesystolic - teletherapy - Tellais' sign - telluric - tellurism - Tellyesniczky's mixture - telogen - telolecithal - Telosporidia - temple - temporal - temporofacial - temporomalar - temporomandibular - temporomaxillary - temporoparietal - temporopontile - temporospatial - arm-to-tongue circulation time - arm-to-lung circulation time - coagulation time - ten-, teno- - tenaculum - tenalgia - tendinous - tendon - tenectomy - tenesmus - teniacide, tenicide - tenifugal, tenifuge - tenontology - tendolysis - tenomyoplasty - tenomyotomy - orbital aponeurosis - Tenon's capsule - tenonitis - tenopathy - tenopexy - tenophyte - tenoplasty - tenorrhaphy - tenosynovectomy - tenotome - tenotomy - tensor - tensioactive - tensiometer - tension - tensional - tensiophone - tentacle - diaphragma sellae - tentorium cerebelli - olfactory groove - oxygen tent - tentorial - tenuous - PET - tephromalacia - tephromyelitis - ter- - tera- - terat-, terato- - teratism - teratoblastoma - teratogenesis - teratogen - teratoid - teratophobia - teratospermia - terpentine - terebinth - terebrant, terebrating - tergal - tergolateral - term - end-to-side - end-to-end - ternary - ternek - terpenic - terpenism - terpin - terpinol - ground - rare elements - earthy - marginal degeneration - tertiary - tertiarism - tesla - test - testicular - battery of tests - tetanic - tetanization - tetanoid - tetanospasmin - tetanotoxin - tetrabasic - tetrablastic - tetrabrachius - tetrachirus - tetradactylous - tetrad - tetrahydroaldosterone - tetrahydrocorticosterone - tetraiodothyronine - tetralogy - tetramastigote - tetrameric - tetranopsia - tetraploidy - tetraploid - tetrasomy - tetrasomic - tetraster - tetrastichiasis - tetratomic - tetrazepam - tetra- - tetrophthalmos - tetrose - tetryl - Te - Te - MCH - TG - Th - thalamencephalon - thalamic - thalamocortical - thalamotomy - thalassophobia - thalassotherapy - thalleioquinine - thallus - Thallophytes - thallotoxicosis - thanatognomonic - thanatomania - thanatophobia - thanatopraxy - thanato- - Thayer unit - thebaic - thebesian veins - thecal - Theile's canal - theine - theism - thelalgia - thelarche - thelium - thelitis - thelorrhagia - theleretism, thelotism - thelyblast - thelytocia, thelytoky - thenar eminence - thenar - Theobroma - theomania - theophobia - theorem - theoretical - theotherapy - theca - therapist - therapia sterilisans magna - therapy - theriaca - therm-, thermo- - thermalgesia - thermal - thermesthesia - thermesthesiometer - thermal, thermic - thermoanalgesia - thermobiosis - thermocautery - thermocauterization - thermochemistry - thermochrosis - thermocoagulation - thermocouple - thermoelectricity - thermoelectric - thermogram - thermograph - thermogenic - thermolabile - thermolaryngoscope - thermolysis - thermomassage - thermometer - thermometry - thermometric - thermometer - thermopalpation - thermophilic - thermophobia - thermopile - thermoradiotherapy - thermoregulator - thermoresistant - thermoscope - thermostability - thermostabile - thermostat - thermosystaltism - thermotaxis - thermotherapy - thermotonometer - thermotropism - Thevenard's syndrome - thi-, thia-, thio- - thiazide diuretic - Thibierge-Weissenbach syndrome - thiemia - Thiersch operations - thigmesthesia - thioacid - thioalcohol - thiochrome - thiocyanate - thiogenic - thiol - thionin - thionyl - thiopexy - thiophen - thiophilic - thiosinamine - thiosulphate - thiosulfuric acid - thioxanthene - Thiry's fistula - thixotropy - thlipsencephalus - Thoma's liquid - Thomas' splint - Thomas' sign - thoracalgia - thoracic - thoracoabdominal - thoracobronchotomy - thoracocentesis - thoracoceloschisis - thoracodelphus, thoradelphus - thoracogastrodidymus - thoracograph - thoracolaparotomy - thoracolumbar - thoracolysis - thoracomelus - thoracometer - thoracometry - thoracomyodynia - thoracopagus - thoracoparacephalus - thoracopathy - thoracolaparotomy - thoracophrenotomy - thoracopneumoplasty - thoracoschisis - thoracoscope - thoracostenosis - Thorek operation - Thorn's test - salt losing syndrome - Thorn's maneuver - Thornton sign - Thornwalt syndrome - thoron - thremmatology - thrill - thromb-, thrombo- - Chigger's dermatitis - thrombinoformation - thrombo-agglutination - thromboangiitis - thromboarteritis - thrombocytic - trombocythemia - thrombocytocrit - thrombocytolysis - thromboelastogram - thromboelastograph - thromboembolia - thrombogenesis - thrombogen - thrombolymphangitis - thrombolysis - thrombolytic - thrombopathy - thromboplastinoformation - thromboplastic - thrombostasis - thrombosthenin - Owen's thrombotest - thrombotic - thromboid - thrombo-agglutinin - thymoleptic - thymolysis - thymolysin - thymopathy - thymoprivic, thymoprivous - thymotoxic - thyreo-, thyro- - thyrotome - thyrotomy - thyroxinemia - Th - Tinel's sign - tick - tirebal - tisane - Tiselius' apparatus - tissue - tissular - titillomania - titer - TNF - TNM system - Tournay's sign - litmus - paonychia, runaround - tourniquet - gid - Touton's giant cells - tox-, toxi-, toxico, toxo- - toxalbumin - tracheofistulization - tracheolaryngotomy - tracheomalacia - tracheophony - tracheoplasty - tracheorrhagia - tracheorrhaphy - tracheostenosis - triacid - triad - triamine - triangle - triatomic - tribade - ubiquitous - Uhl's anomaly - IU - ulatrophy - ulcerative - ulceration - ulcerous - ulcerocancer - ulceromembranous - ulcus - ulectomy - ulerythema - uliginous - ulnar - ulotomy - ulotrichous - ulo- - ultramicron - ultramicroscope - ultramicroscopic - ultrasonotherapy - ultrasound - ultrastructure - ultravirus - ultra- - ululation - uncarthrosis - unciform - Uncinaria - uncinariasis - uncodiscarthrosis - coronoid - undecylenate - undecylenic acid - ungual - lacrymal bone - uni- - unicellular - unigueness - unicornous - unicuspidate - uniflagellate - unilateral - unilobar - unilocular - uniovular - uniparous - unipolar - unipolarity - unipotential - unisexual - unit - universal - univitelline - Unna's boot - Unna's cell - Unna's disease - parakeratosis scutularis of Unna - ulerythrema ophryogenes - Unverricht's disease - UHT sterilization - uragogue - uranic - uraniscolalia - uranism - uranist - urano- - uranostaphyloplasty - uranostaphylorrhaphy - uranostaphyloschisis - uratemia - urate - uratic - uratolysis - uratolytic - uratosis - uraturia - urazole - urceiform - uremide - uremigenic - uremic - ureogenesis - ureogenic - ureometer - ureometry - ureotelic - ureteral - ureteralgia - ureterectasia - ureterectomy - ureteritis - uretero - typhloureterostomy - ureterocervical - ureterocolostomy - ureterocystoneostomy - ureterocystoscope - ureteroenterostomy - ureterography - ureterohydronephrosis - hydroureter - ureterolith - ureterolithotomy - ureterolysis - ureteronephrectomy - ureteroplasty - ureteropyelitis - ureteropyelography - ureteropyeloneostomy - ureteropyelonephritis - ureteropyeloplasty - ureteropyosis - ureterorectostomy - ureterorrhagia - ureterorrhaphy - ureterosigmoidostomy - ureterotomy - ureterotrigonosigmoidostomy - ureteroureterostomy - uretero-uterine - ureterovaginal - ureterovesical - ureterovesicostomy - urethral - urethralgia - urethratresia - urethrectomy - urethroblennorrhea - urethrobulbar - urethrocele - urethrocystitis - urethrocystogram - urethrocystography - urethrograph - urethrography - urethrometer - urethropenile - urethroperineal - urethrophraxis - urethroplasty - urethrorrhagia - urethrorrhaphy - urethrorrhea - urethroscope - urethroscopy - urethroscrotal - urethrostenosis - urethrostomy - urethrotome - urethrotomy - urethrovaginal - urethrovesical - uricemia - uricocholia - urocosuric - uricolysis - uricopexy - uricopoiesis - uricosuric - uricosuria - uridinic acid - uridrosis - urinary - urinal - urinous - uriniferous - uritis - urobilinemia - urobilinogenemia - urobilinogenuria - urobilinuria - urocele - urochrome - urochromogen - urine culture - urocyanosis - urodialysis - urodynia - uroerythrin - urogenous - urogram - urohematonephrosis - urolith - urologist - uromelus - urometer - uromucoid - uronic acid - uropathy - uroplania - uropoiesis - uropoietic - uroporphyrin - uroporphyrinuria - uropyonephrosis - urorrhagia - uroschesis - uroscopy - urostalagmometry - urostealith - urotherapy - uro- - Urtica - urticant - urticarial - urtication - Usher's syndrome - pillars of Uskow - ustilaginism - uta - uterine - uteroabdominal - uteroovarian - uteroplacental - uterotubal - uterovaginal - utricular - utriculitis - utriculosaccular - uveal - uveomeningitis - uveoplasty - uveoscleritis - uviform - uvulectomy - uvulitis - uvuloptosis - uvulotomy - UV - vaccinable - vaccinid - vaccinogen - vacciniform - vaccinogenous - vaccinoid - vaccination prophylaxis - vaccinostyle - vaccinotherapy - vaccine - vacuole - vacuolation - vacuoma - vacuum extractor - vagal - tunica vaginalistestis - vaginalectomy - vaginalitis - vaginal - vaginectomy - vaginate - vaginodynia - vaginoperineorrhaphy - vaginoperineotomy - vagitus - vagitus - vagogram - vagolytic - vagomimetic - vagosympathetic - vagotonia - vagotonic - vagotropic - vagotropism - vagus - wall-eyed - vessel - valence - Valentine's position - valerate - valeric acid - globular value - valgoid - valgus - cellary valleys - Valleix's points - Valsalva's sinus - valve - valviform - valvula - valvulectomy - valvulitis - valvular disease - valvuloplasty - valvulotomy - vampire - vampirism - van Bogaert's sclerosing leukoencephalitis - Van Buren's disease - Van Buren operation - van der Hoeve syndrome - cell of Van Gehuchten - Vanghatti's prosthesis - vanillin - vanillism - Van Slyke and Cullen method - vanylmandelic acid - vapor - vaporisation - varec - variable - variance - variable - variation - varicotomy - varicelliform - varicellation - varicography - variety - variolous - varioliform - variolic - variceal, varicose - varus - vasa - vascular - vascularization - vascularized - vasculonervous - vasalinoderma verrucosum - vasiform - vasoconstrictor - vasodilator - vasoepididymostomy - vaso-inhibitor - vasomotor - vasomotoricity - vaso-orchidostomy - vasomotor paralysis - vasopressor - vasopuncture - vasorhaphy - vasostimulant - vasotomy - vasotonia - vasotonic - vasotrophic - vasovagal syndrome - vasovesiculectomy - vastus la steralis muscle - vastus medialis muscle - vas - VDRL - vector - vectorcardiogram - vectorial - Vedder's sign - vegetalian - vegetalism - vegetative - vegetarian - vegetative - vegetations - Veillon's tube - vein - venitis - venosity - phlebotonic - vein-vein anastomosis - venula - velar - velamentous - Velpeau's hernia - velum - velvety - FEV1 - venenous - veneniferous - venenific - venenosity - venereophobia - venereal - venosity - ventouse - ventral - belly - ventricular - ventricle - ventriculo-atriostomy - ventriculo cordectomy - ventriculogram - Cerebral Ventriculography, ventriculography, Ventriculography, Cerebral - ventriculometry - ventriculoplasty - ventriculoscopy - ventrocystorrhaphy - ventrofixation - ventrohysteropexy - Venus' necklace - mons Veneris - worm - veratroidine - veratrol - Vercos' sign - vergence - striae atrophicae, vergetures - Verhoeff operation - truth serum - vermicide - vermicular - vermian - vermiform - vermifuge - verminous - verminosis - vermis - common name - vernal - Vernet's rideau phenomenon - Verneuil's disease - pox - small pox - verruciform - verrucosis - verrucosis - verruga peruviana - verrucose, warty - versicolor - version - verdigris - vertebrate - vertebrectomy - spondylotherapy - vertex - vertiginous - green - veru montanum - foramen Vesalii - vesalian bone - vesania - vesical - vesicant - vesicatory - vesicocele - vesicocervical - vesicofixation - vesicoperineal - vesicoprostatic - vesicopustule - vesicorectal - vesicoureteral - vesicourethral - vesicouterine - vesicovaginal - vesicular - vesiculation - vesicle ; blister - vesiculectomy - vesiculated - vesiculiform - vesiculitis - vesiculodeferentography - vesiculogram - vesiculography - vesiculo-pustular - vesiculotomy - vestibular - vestibulocclusion - vestibulotomy - vestige - veterinarian - VF - MCV - viability - viable - vibices - pericardial sound - vibrating - vibrator - vibratile - vocal vibrations - vibrion - vibromassage - vibromasseur - vibrometer - vibrophone - vibrotherapeutics - vicarious - vice - Vicq d'Azyr operation - Vicq d'Azyr's stripe - Vidaloperation - vidiani - animal life - lifetime - virginal - Vieussens' annulus - pores of Vieussens - vegetative life - vigilance - vigil - Vigouroux's sign - Villard button operation - Villard's button - Villaret's syndrome - villous - villiferous - villi, villosities - villus - Vim-Silverman needle - Vincent's angina - Vineberg operation - vinyl - viosterol - VIP - vipemia - Vipera - viperine - viraginity - viral - Virchow's cell - Virchow's crystal - Virchow's law - Virchow's angle - Virchow-Robin spaces - bacillus coma - virilizing - masculinity ; virility - viricide - viroid - viropexia, viropexis - virosis - virustatic - viruria - virus - vis a tergo - visceral - visceralgia - visceroceptor - visceroinhibitory - visceromotor - viscerosensory - viscerotropic - viscometry - viscous - visualization - visual - vitamin B12 - vitamin F - bioflavonoid - vitamin - vitaminogenic - vitaminoid - vitaminology - vitaminotherapy - vitelline - vitellus, yolk - velocity - vitiligoid - vitreous - vitreous - vitriol attack - vitriol - vitropression - vividiffusion - viviparous - vivisectionist - VL - Vladimiroff-Mikulicz's amputation - VLDL - VMA - vocal - Voges-Proskauer reaction - Vogt's angle - Vogt's point - Vogt-Koyanagi syndrome - Vogt-Spielmeyer syndrome - pathway, tract - veil, velum - Voillemier's point - Volhard's test - volitional - Volkmann's splint - Volkmann's canal - Volkmann's deformity - Volkmann's syndrome - Vollmer's test - volume receptor - volt - voltaic pile - voltage - voltaic - voltampere - voltmeter - Voltolini's disease - Voltolini's tube - volumetry - volumetric - volume - vomerine - vomeronasal - vomica - vomiturition - von Economo's disease - von Graefe's sign - vault - VR - ESR - vulcanization - vulnerary - Vulpian's atrophy - bloated - vulvar - vulvectomy - vulvoperineal - vulvovaginal - Waaler-Rose's test - Waardenburg-Jonkers disease - Wackenheim-Reder sign - Wada's test - Wagner operation - Wagner's disease - Wagstaffe fracture - von Wahl's sign - Waldenström's disease - Waldenström's hyperglobulinemic purpura - Waldeyer's tonsillar ring - Waldeyer's fluid - Waller's law - Walthard's cysts - Walther's ducts - wandering pacemaker - Wangensteen drainage - Wangensteen operations - Wangensteen's tube - Warren operations - Warren incision - Wartenberg's symptom - Wartenberg's signs - Warthin's sign - Warthin's tumor - Water's cesarian section - Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome - Watkins-Wertheim operation - Watsonius watsoni - watt - Weber's test - Weber's law - Weber's syndrome - Weber-Christian panniculitis - Weber-Fechner's law - Wechsler-Bellevue's test - Wedensky's phenomenon - Weichbrodt's reaction - Weigert's stain - Weigert's law - Weil-Felix test - Weill's disease - Weill's sign - Weingarten's syndrome - Mitchell's disease - Weisbach's angle - Weismann's theory - Weismann's bundle - Weitbrecht's foramen - Weltmann's serum coagulation test - Wenckebach's phenomenon - Werdnig-Hoffmann muscular spinal atrophy - Werner's test - Wernicke's hemioptic pupillary reaction - Wernicke's aphasia - Wernicke's area - Wernicke-Mann hemiplegia - Wertheim operation - Wertheim's clamp - Wertheim-Schauta operation - West's syndrome - Westberg's disease - Westergren's method - Westphal's sign - Westphal's disease - Westphal-Plitz reflex - Westphal-Strümpell pseudosclerosis - Warton's duct - whartonitis - Wheelhouse operation - Whipple operation ou Whipple's pancreaticoduodenectomy - Whipple's triad - Whitaker's syndrome - White operation - White's syndrome - Whitehead operations - Whitman operation - Wickham's striae - Wickmann's asthma - Widal's reaction - Widal's syndrome - Widmark's conjunctivitis - Widowitz's sign - Wigand's maneuver - witigo - cone of light - Wilde's incision - Wilder's law of initial value - Wildermuth's ear - Wilkin's disease - achrestic anemia - Wilks' disease - Willan's lepra - Willebrand's disease - Willet's clamp - Willet's forceps - William's sign - William's syndrome - Willis polygon - Willis' cords - Willis' accessory nerve - Willis' paracusis - Wilms operation - Wilson's muscle - exfoliative dermatitis - Winckel's disease - Winiwarter' cholecystoenterostomy - Winslow's pancreas - Winslow's foramen - wintergreeen - Wintrobe's hematocrit - wirsungography - Wirsungo-jejunostomy - WISC - Wissler-Fanconi's syndrome - Witzel operation - Wohlfahrtia - Wolff's law - corpus Wolffi - wolffian - Wölfler's suture - Wölfler's adenoma - Wölfler gastroenterostomy - Wolfram's syndrome - Wollaston doublet - Wood light filter - Wood light - Wood operation - wormian bones - cephalic tetanus - Wreden's sign - Wright operation - nervus intermedius, Wrisberg's nerve - Wuetzer operation - Wunderlich's curve - Wundt's tetanus - Wylie operation - W - xanthelasma - xanthemia - xanthinuria - xanthic - xanthochroia - xanthochromatic - xanthochromia - xanthocyanopsia - xanthodermal - xanthodermia - xanthodontous - xanthofibroma - xanthogen - xanthogranuloma - xanthomatous - xanthonychia - xanthophore - xanthophose - xanthophyll - xanthoprotein - xanthoproteic - xanthopsia - xanthosis - xantho- - Xe - xeno- - xenobiotic - xenogenous - xenoparasitism - xenophobia - xenophthalmia - xenopsyllia cheopis - xerasia - xerogel - xerography - xerophagy - xerosis - xerotripsis - xero- - xiphisternum - xiphodynia - xiphisternal - xiphopagus - xyl-, xylo- - xylotherapy - Yankauer operation - Yb - Yersin's serum - Yersina - yersiniosis - Young operation - Young's syndrome - Young-Helmholtz theory - blistering agent, dichloroethyl sulfide, mustard agent, mustard gas, sulfur mustard, yperite - yttrium - Zahorsky's disease - Zander's apparatus - Zander's cell - Zaufal's sign - Zeis' glands - Zenker's degeneration - Zenker's fixative - lisping - Ziegler iridectomy - Ziehen-Oppenheim disease - Ziehl-Neelsen stain - Zieve syndrome - Zimmerlin's atrophy - Zimmermann's reaction - zinc deficiency - Zinn's zonule - Zinn's ring - Zinn's tendon - Zn - zoanthropy - zoic - zone - zonular - zonulitis - zonulolysis - zoobiology - zooblast - zoogeography - zoomania - zooparasite - zoophagous - zoophilism - zoophobia - zoophyte - zooplasty - zooprophylaxis - zoopsia - zoospore - zootechnics - zootomy - zootoxin - zoo- - zosteriform - Zr - Zuckerkandl's body - Zuckerkandl's dehiscences - zygapophysis - zygion - zygomatic - zygoneuro - zygosis - zymogen - zymogram - zymology - zymolysis - Zimonema - zymonematiasis - toxophorous - zymosimeter - zymosthenic - fermentation technology - zymotic[Domaine]
