
dicionario analógico

hrabrost; trdnost; srčnost; neustrašnost; korajža; pogumfearlessness; spirit; pluck; valiance; valour; valor; valiancy; courage; courageousness; bravery; braveness; fortitude; gallantry; grit; guts; heart; intrepidity; nerve; pluckiness; spunk; daring; backbone; moxie; sand; gumption[Classe]

stress; emphasis[Classe]

persistence; perseverance; drive; assiduity; assiduousness; concentration[Classe]

boldness, daring - pozitivnostdecisiveness, definiteness, determination, firmness, positiveness, resolve, thoroughness - imenitnost, plemenitost, plemstvo, velikodušnostgrandeur, magnanimity, magnanimousness, nobility, nobleness - empire sur soi (fr) - heroizem, herojstvo, hrabrost, junaštvo, pogum, smelost, srčnostgallantry, heroism, valiance, valiancy, valor, valorousness, valour - strength of character - trempe (fr) - flegma, mirnodušnost, ravnodušnost, stoicizem, topoststoicism, stolidity, stolidness - lojalnostadherence, allegiance, fealty, steadfastness - prepričanost, samozaupanje, samozavest, sigurnostassertiveness, assurance, authority, certainty, confidence, poise, self-assurance, self-confidence, sureness - odločnost, trdnostfortitude, moral strength, strength of mind - beylisme (fr) - dash, decisiveness, energy - moč volje, nadzor, samoobvladovanje, voljaaplomb, composure, force of will, poise, possession, self-command, self control, self-control, self-possession, self-will, strength of will, willpower, will power - consistance (fr) - korajža, odločnost, pogum, vnemaheart, mettle, nerve, spunk - hrbtenica, korajža, odločnost, pogumbackbone, daring, grit, gumption, guts, moxie, nerve, sand, spine, spunk - hauteur (fr) - pomembna osebnost, vplivna osebnostimportant person, influential person, personage - triomphalisme (fr)[Classe]
