
dicionario analógico

crushing, devastating, overwhelming压倒的, 壓倒的 - bureaucratic官僚+的, 官僚主义的 - monstrueux (fr) - déréglé (fr) - abusive滥用+的 - superhuman超人的 - carabiné (fr) - overabundant, plethoric, rife流行的 - excess, extra, redundant, spare, supererogatory, superfluous, supernumerary, surplus, waste多余的, 多餘的, 額外的 - immoderate - abundant, extravagant, prodigal, profligate, spendthrift, unsparing奢侈+的, 挥霍+的, 放荡+的, 浪费+的, 過分大方的 - surchargé (fr) - effréné (fr) - accablant (fr) - intolerable, unbearable, unendurable不能忍受+的, 不能忍受的, 受不了+的, 无法忍受+的, 难耐+的 - exclusive除外的 - inordinate - outré (fr) - outrancier (fr) - disproportionate, incommensurate, out of proportion - surérogatoire (fr) - enlarged - excessive, extravagant, exuberant, overweening不抑制感情+的, 兴高采烈的, 夸大了+的, 放肆+的, 过分+的, 过度+的, 过度的, 過度的 - baffling, dazzling, elusive, knotty, problematic, problematical, startling, tough令人迷惑的 - farfetched, implausible牵强附会的 - invasive - titanic - unbridled, unrestrained - fearful, frightful極壞的 - énorme (fr) - exaggerated, hyperbolic, inflated - crippling, disabling, incapacitating - beside oneself, delirious, excited, frantic, mad, out of one's mind, unrestrained放纵+的, 疯狂+的, 發狂的 - prohibitive, prohibitory - soigné (fr) - surfait (fr) - express (fr) - fort de café (fr) - grandiloquent, overblown, pompous, pontifical, portentous自負的,誇大的,華而不實的, 自负的,夸大的,华而不实的 - d'enfer (fr) - hypertendu (fr) - extremist, radical, ultra, ultra-根本的, 过激的, (前缀)表示`超`、`过` - administratif (fr) - superlatif (fr) - steep - undersize, undersized - opprimente (it)[ClasseParExt...]

lengthy过长 - overreaching, vaulting[Spéc.]
